

@ (at sign), 165

[ (bracket), 124

+ (plus sign), 19, 124

/ (slash), 46


absolute cell addressing, 172–173

Accounting Style formatting, 151

Active Cells dialog box

Alignment tab, 130–132

Border tab, 149

Cell Font tab, 151

Fill/Pattern tab, 145

Numeric Format tab, 134

Row/Column tab, 65, 136–137

active notebooks, 33

Active Sheet dialog box

Conditional Color tab, 148

Display tab, 150

addresses (cell), 13

absolute cell addressing, 172–173

calculations, 15

alignment, 129–130

Alignment tab (Active Cells dialog box), 130–132

amortization schedules, creating, 226–228

Analysis Expert, 84, 225–228

Application Bar toolbar, 11

Application settings (Options dialog box), 254

arranging windows, 32–33

arrow keys, 42

arrows (auditing)

drawing, 228–230

removing, 230

at sign (@), 165

Auditing command (Tools menu), 228

Auditing menu commands

Remove All Arrows, 230

Trace Precedents, 228

auditing spreadsheet formulas, 228–230


background color (cells), 145–146

Background Color button, 145

bar charts, 178–179

bin values, 233

Border tab (Active Cells dialog box), 149


adding to cells, 148–150

printing, 96–97

Budget Expert, 84


adding to/removing from toolbars, 241–243

window control buttons, 28–29


calculations, 157–158

cell addresses, 15

cell references, 159–160

copying formulas/functions, 171–173


Formula Composer button, 171

Function button, 169–171

manually, 162–163

Quick Math, 164–169

formulas, 14

functions, 16

Mathematical Formula Entry option, 254–255

mathematical operators, 15

numbers, 158

operators, 158

order of operations, 160–162

Cascade command (Window menu), 33

cascading windows, 33

Cell Font tab (Active Cells dialog box), 151

Cell Names dialog box, 77–78

cells. See also calculations

addresses, 13

absolute addressing, 172–173

calculations, 15

background color, 145–146

borders, 148–150

conditional color, 147–148

copying cell formatting, 152–153

editing contents of, 51

joining, 131–133

printing contents of, 103–104


filling, 46–51, 72–76

naming, 76–79

selecting, 40–41, 72

references, 159–160

selecting, 13, 40–43

centering printouts on page, 98–99

Chart button (Notebook toolbar), 185

Chart command (Insert menu), 84, 181

Chart Expert, 84, 181–184

Chart Type Gallery dialog box, 187

charts, 177–178

bar charts, 178–179

Chart Type Gallery, 187

creating, 16–17, 181–184

drawing, 185

editing, 189

formatting, 186–188

pie charts, 179–180

printing, 188–189

titles, 188

checking spelling, 82–83

Close command (File menu), 110

closing notebooks, 110

CMYK color model, 146


cell backgrounds, 145–146

color models, 146

conditional color, 147–148

text, 144


borders, 96–97

deleting, 61–62

hiding/showing, 63–67

inserting, 61–62

locking, 67–68

selecting, 41

transposing rows/columns, 137–139, 213–214

unlocking, 68

width, 136

commands, 10. See also individual command names

adding to menus, 245

deleting from menus, 245

renaming, 245

shortkey keys, 245–247

Compatibility settings (Options dialog box), 254

conditional color (cells), 147–148

Conditional Color tab (Active Sheet dialog box), 148

Consolidate command (Tools menu), 219

Consolidate Expert, 84, 219–221

consolidating data, 219–221

contents of cells, printing, 103–104

Contents tab (Help system), 18–19

Copy button (Notebook toolbar), 60


cell formatting, 152–153

formulas/functions, 171–173

spreadsheet information, 60

Corel Knowledge Base, 21

Corel website, 24

CorelTUTOR, 22

correcting mistakes, 51

Criteria Table Range Picker button, 201

criteria tables (queries), 199

CrossTab command (Data Tools menu), 205

CrossTab Options dialog box, 206

CrossTab Report dialog box, 205–207

CrossTab reports, creating, 204–207

Ctrl+left arrow key combination, 42

Ctrl+right arrow key combination, 42

Currency formatting, 135

Customize command (Tools menu), 240

customizing Quattro Pro, 249

application behavior, 254

folder locations, 255–256

mathematical formula entry, 254–255


adding commands, 245

deleting commands, 245

renaming commands, 245

shortkey keys, 245–247


adding/removing buttons, 241–243

changing appearance of, 240–241

creating, 243–244

hiding/showing, 238–240

workspaces, 250

creating, 252–253

restoring to default settings, 253

switching between predefined workspaces, 251

Cut button (Notebook toolbar), 58


data, graphing. See charts

data forms, adding records with, 195–196

Data Sort window, 210–211

Data Tools menu commands

CrossTab, 205

Form, 196

Database Cells Range Picker button, 201

Database Form dialog box, 196

databases (spreadsheet), 191–194

consolidating data, 219–221

CrossTab reports, creating, 204–207

fields, 192

filtering information, 212

navigating, 197

queries, 198

creating, 200–204

criteria tables, 199

search output ranges, 200


adding manually, 194

adding with data forms, 195–196

defined, 192

editing, 197

rules, 194

searching with Data Form window, 197

size of, 193–194

sorting data, 210–211

transposing rows/columns, 137–139, 213–214

what-if tables, creating, 215–218

dates, 255

Define/Modify Group dialog box, 122

Delete Cells command (Edit menu), 119

Delete dialog box, 119–121


columns, 61–62

menu commands, 245

rows, 61–62

spreadsheets, 119–121

toolbar buttons, 241–243

dialog boxes, 11

Active Cells

Alignment tab, 130–132

Border tab, 149

Cell Font tab, 151

Fill/Pattern tab, 145

Numeric Format tab, 134

Row/Column tab, 65, 136–137

Active Sheet

Conditional Color tab, 148

Display tab, 150

Cell Names, 77–78

Chart Type Gallery, 187

CrossTab Options, 206

CrossTab Report, 205–207

Database Form, 196

Define/Modify Group, 122

Delete, 119–121

Fill Series, 72–76

Frequency Tables, 233

Modify a Project, 112

Move Sheets, 117

New Workspace, 252

Open, 114–115

Options, 240–243, 246, 254

Page Setup

Header/Footer tab, 92

Named Settings tab, 106

Options tab, 94, 98, 103–105

Paper Type tab, 90

Print Margins tab, 96

Print Scaling tab, 101

Quick Math, 164–169

QuickFill, 48, 51

Save File, 53

Select Color, 146

Solve For, 231–232

Source Data Type, 205

SpeedFormat, 128

Transpose Cells, 138, 213–214

Dictionary command (Tools menu), 83

Dictionary tab (Spell Checker), 83

Display settings (Options dialog box), 254

Display tab (Active Sheet dialog box), 150


gridlines, 150

toolbars, 238–240

docking toolbars, 238

down arrow key, 42

Draft view, 35

drawing charts, 185


Edit menu commands

Delete Cells, 119

Fill, 72

Find and Replace, 79

Move Sheets, 117


cell contents, 51

charts, 189

records, 197

shortkey keys, 245–247


Analysis Expert, 84

Budget Expert, 84

Chart Expert, 84

Consolidate Expert, 84

copying information, 60

deleting rows/columns, 61–62

finding and replacing information, 79–81

hiding rows/columns, 63–67

inserting rows/columns, 61–62

locking rows/columns, 67–68

Map Expert, 84

moving information, 58–59

PerfectExpert, 84

QuickCorrect, 83–84

redisplaying rows/columns, 63–67

Scenario Expert, 84

spell checking, 82–83

What-If Expert, 84

End+arrow key combination, 42

End+Home key combination, 42

Enter key, 45

entering information

correcting mistakes, 51

filling ranges, 46–51

formulas, 45–46

text and numbers, 44–45

errors, correcting, 51

Excel files

opening, 115–116

saving, 116–117

Exit command (File menu), 24

exiting Quattro Pro, 24


Analysis Expert, 84, 225–228

Budget Expert, 84

Chart Expert, 84, 181–184

Consolidate Expert, 84, 219–221

Map Expert, 84

PerfectExpert, 84

Scenario Expert, 84

What-If Expert, 84

Experts and Numeric Tools toolbar, 84


Favorites tab (Help system), 21

fields, 192

File menu commands

Close, 110

Exit, 24

New, 112

New Folder, 256

Open, 114

Page Setup, 90

Save As, 53, 116

File Options settings (Options dialog box), 254


Excel files

opening, 115–116

saving, 116–117

Lotus 1–2-3 files

opening, 115–116

saving, 116–117

minimizing, 30

Fill command (Edit menu), 72

Fill Series dialog box, 72–76

Fill/Pattern tab (Active Cells dialog box), 145

filling ranges, 46–51, 72–76

filtering information, 212

Find and Replace command (Edit menu), 79

Find and Replace window, 79–81

First Record button, 197

floating toolbars, 238


creating, 256

locations, setting, 255–256

fonts, formatting, 142

footers, printing, 91–93

Form command (Data Tools menu), 196

Format menu commands

Selection Properties, 11, 144–145

Sheet Properties, 148

SpeedFormat, 128

formatting, 127

Accounting Style formatting, 151

alignment, 129–130

borders, 148–150

cell background color, 145–146

charts, 186–188

column width, 136

conditional color, 147–148

copying cell formatting, 152–153

fonts, 142

gridlines, 150

joining cells, 131–133

numeric formatting, 134–135

row height, 136

SpeedFormatting, 128

text color, 144

transposing rows/columns, 137–139, 213–214

forms, adding records with, 195–196

Formula Composer button (Notebook toolbar), 171

formulas, 14–15. See also functions

auditing, 228–230

copying, 171–173


Formula Composer button, 171

Function button, 169–171

manually, 162–163

Quick Math, 164–169

entering into spreadsheets, 45–46

Mathematical Formula Entry option, 254–255

numbers, 158

operators, 158

solving for variables, 230–232

viewing, 15

Formulas command (View menu), 15

Frequency command (Numeric Tools menu), 233

frequency distribution, creating, 232–234

Frequency Tables dialog box, 233

Function button (Notebook toolbar), 169–171

functions, 16. See also formulas

copying, 171–173

defined, 165


Formula Composer button, 171

Function button, 169–171

Quick Math, 165–169

PAYMT, 216–217


General settings (Options dialog box), 254

graphing data. See charts

grid lines

hiding/displaying, 150

printing, 103–105

Group Mode command (View menu), 123

grouping spreadsheets, 121–123


Header/Footer tab (Page Setup dialog box), 92

headers, printing, 91–93

headings, printing, 93–96

height of rows, 136

Help system

Corel website, 24

CorelTUTOR, 22

PerfectExpert, 23–24, 84


Contents tab, 18–19

Corel Knowledge Base tab, 21

Favorites tab, 21

Help Topic window, 19

Index tab, 20

Search tab, 20–21

Help Topic window (Help system), 19


columns, 63–67

gridlines, 150

rows, 63–67

toolbars, 238–240

HLS color model, 146

Home key, 42


Index tab (Help system), 20

Insert Column command (Insert menu), 62

Insert menu commands

Chart, 84, 181

Insert Column, 62

Insert Row, 62

Name, 77

Name, Name Group of Sheets, 122

Insert Row command (Insert menu), 62


columns, 61–62

rows, 61–62

spreadsheets, 119–121

International settings (Options dialog box), 254


joining cells, 131–133


keyboard shortcuts, 42–43


landscape orientation, 91

Last Record button, 197

left arrow key, 42

linking notebooks, 123–125

loan amortization schedules, creating, 226–228

Locked Titles command (View menu), 68

locking rows/columns, 67–68

Lotus 1–2-3 files

opening, 115–116

saving, 116–117

Lotus 1–2-3 mode, 8–10


Macro settings (Options dialog box), 254

manually adding records, 194

Map Expert, 84

margins, 37, 96–98

mathematical calculations. See calculations

Mathematical Formula Entry option, 254–255

mathematical operators, 15

Maximize button (windows), 28

maximizing windows, 28–30

menus, 10–11

adding commands, 245

deleting commands, 245

renaming commands, 245

shortkey keys, 245–247

Microsoft Excel mode, 8

Minimize button (windows), 30

minimized windows, 28

minimizing files, 30

minimizing windows, 30

mistakes, correcting, 51


Lotus 1–2-3, 8–10

Microsoft Excel, 8

Quattro Pro, 9

selecting, 10

Modify a Project dialog box, 112

mortgage amortization schedules, creating, 226–228

Move Sheets command (Edit menu), 117

Move Sheets dialog box, 117

moving data

to different spreadsheets, 43

page breaks, 102

within a spreadsheet, 41–43, 58–59


Name command (Insert menu), 77

Name Group of Sheets command (Insert menu), 122

Named Settings tab (Page Setup dialog box), 106


ranges, 76–79

spreadsheets, 56

navigating notebooks, 39

moving around in spreadsheets, 41–43, 197

moving to different spreadsheets, 43

selecting cells, 40–41

New command (File menu), 112

New Folder command (File menu), 256

New View command (View menu), 37

New Workspace dialog box, 252

newsgroups, 24

Notebook Data Query window, 200–204

Notebook toolbar, 11

Chart button, 185

Copy button, 60

Cut button, 58

Formula Composer button, 171

Function button, 169–171

Paste button, 58

QuickFormat button, 153

Save button, 52

notebooks. See also spreadsheets

active notebooks, 33

closing, 110

correcting mistakes, 51

creating, 110

from scratch, 111

from templates, 111–114

entering information into

correcting mistakes, 51

filling ranges, 46–51

formulas, 45–46

text and numbers, 44–45

formatting, 127

Accounting Style formatting, 151

alignment, 129–130

borders, 148–150

cell background color, 145–146

column width, 136

conditional color, 147–148

copying cell formatting, 152–153

fonts, 142

gridlines, 150

joining cells, 131–133

numeric formatting, 134–135

row height, 136

SpeedFormatting, 128

swapping rows and columns, 137–139

text color, 144

linking, 123–125


Excel files, 115–116

Lotus 1–2-3 files, 115–116

Quattro Pro files, 114

printing, 107

rearranging spreadsheets in, 117–118

saving, 52–53

Excel files, 116–117

Lotus 1–2-3 files, 116–117

structure of, 14

numbers, 158

alignment, 129–130

entering into spreadsheets, 44–45

formatting, 134–135

Numeric Format tab (Active Cells dialog box), 134

Numeric Tools menu commands

Frequency, 233

Solve For, 231

Transpose, 138, 213

What-If Tables, 217


one-variable What-If tables, 218

open bracket ([), 124

Open command (File menu), 114

Open File dialog box, 114–115



Excel files, 115–116

Lotus 1–2-3 files, 115–116

Quattro Pro files, 114

Quattro Pro, 8

operators, 15, 158

Options dialog box, 240–243, 246, 254. See also customizing Quattro Pro

Options tab (Page Setup dialog box), 94, 98, 103–105


landscape, 91

portrait, 90

selecting, 90

Output Cells Range Picker button, 201


Page Break command (View menu), 102

page breaks, moving, 102

Page Breaks view, 35–36

Page Down key, 42

Page Setup command (File menu), 90

Page Setup dialog box

Header/Footer tab, 92

Named Settings tab, 106

Options tab, 94, 98, 103–105

Paper Type tab, 90

Print Margins tab, 96

Print Scaling tab, 101

Page Up key, 42

Page view, 35–36

paper type, selecting, 90

Paper Type tab (Page Setup dialog box), 90

Paste button (Notebook toolbar), 58

PAYMT function, 216–217

Perfect Expert Tutor, 8

PerfectExpert, 23–24, 84

pie charts, 179–180

plus sign (+), 19, 124

portrait orientation, 90

Print Margins tab (Page Setup dialog box), 96

Print Scaling tab (Page Setup dialog box), 101

print settings, saving, 105–106

printing, 89

cell contents, 103–104

charts, 188–189

entire notebooks, 107

grid lines, 103–105

headers/footers, 91–93

headings, 93–96

landscape orientation, 91

page breaks, moving, 102

paper type, selecting, 90

portrait orientation, 90

print margins, 96–98

print settings, saving, 105–106


centering on page, 98–99

scaling, 99–102

row/column borders, 96–97


centering on page, 98–99

scaling, 99–102

Property Bar toolbar, 11


Quattro Pro mode, 9

queries, 198

creating, 200–204

criteria tables, 199

search output ranges, 200

Quick Math, 164–169

QuickCorrect, 83–84

QuickFill, 46–51

QuickFilter command (Tools menu), 212

QuickFormat button (Notebook toolbar), 153



filling, 46–51, 72–76

naming, 76–79

selecting, 40–41, 72

rearranging spreadsheets, 117–118

Record Back button, 197

Record Forward button, 197


adding manually, 194

adding with data forms, 195–196

defined, 192

editing, 197

fields, 192

navigating, 197

searching with Data Form window, 197

redisplaying rows/columns, 63–67

references (cell), 159–160

Remove All Arrows command (Auditing menu), 230


menu commands, 245

spreadsheets, 56

reports, CrossTab, 204–207

resizing windows, 32

Restore button (windows), 28

Restore Down button (windows), 28, 32

restoring windows, 30

RGB color model, 146

right arrow key, 42

Row/Column tab (Active Cells dialog box), 136–137


borders, printing, 96–97

deleting, 61–62

height, 136

hiding/showing, 63–67

inserting, 61–62

locking, 67–68

swapping rows and columns, 137–139

transposing rows/columns, 213–214

unlocking, 68


Save As command (File menu), 53, 116

Save button (Notebook toolbar), 52

Save File dialog box, 53


Excel files, 116–117

Lotus 1–2-3 files, 116–117

notebooks, 52–53

print settings, 105–106

scaling printouts, 99–102

Scenario Expert, 84

search output ranges (queries), 200

Search Output sheet, 200

Search tab (Help system), 20–21



Data Form window, 197

queries, 198–204

Help system

Contents tab, 18–19

Corel Knowledge Base tab, 21

Favorites tab, 21

Help Topic window, 19

Index tab, 20

Search tab, 20–21

Select Color dialog box, 146


cells, 40–41

columns, 41

ranges, 40, 72

rows, 41

Selection Properties command (Format menu), 11, 144–145

Sheet Properties command (Format menu), 148

sheets. See spreadsheets

Shift+Tab key combination, 43

shortkey keys, 245–247

size of databases, 193–194

sizing windows, 32

slash (/), 46

Solve For command (Numeric Tools menu), 231

Solve For dialog box, 231–232

solving for variables, 230–232

Sort command (Tools menu), 210

sorting data, 210–211

Source Data Type dialog box, 205

SpeedFormat command (Format menu), 128

SpeedFormat dialog box, 128

SpeedFormatting, 128

Spell Checker, 82–83

spell checking, 82–83

spreadsheet databases. See databases

spreadsheets. See also databases; notebooks

auditing, 228, 230


addresses, 13–15, 172–173

background color, 145–146

borders, 148–150

conditional color, 147–148

copying cell formatting, 152–153

editing contents of, 51

joining, 131–133

printing contents of, 103–104

ranges, 40–41, 46–51, 72–76, 79

references, 159–160

selecting, 13, 40–43


borders, 96–97

deleting, 61–62

hiding/showing, 63–67

inserting, 61–62

locking, 67–68

selecting, 41

swapping rows and columns, 137–139

unlocking, 68

width, 136

consolidating data, 219–221

correcting mistakes, 51

deleting, 119–121


Analysis Expert, 84

Budget Expert, 84

Chart Expert, 84

Consolidate Expert, 84

copying information, 60

deleting rows/columns, 61–62

finding and replacing information, 79–81

hiding rows/columns, 63–67

inserting rows/columns, 61–62

locking rows/columns, 67–68

Map Expert, 84

moving information, 58–59

PerfectExpert, 84

QuickCorrect, 83–84

redisplaying rows/columns, 63–67

Scenario Expert, 84

spell checking, 82–83

What-If Expert, 84

entering information into

correcting mistakes, 51

filling ranges, 46–51

formulas, 45–46

text and numbers, 44–45

filtering information, 212

finding and replacing information, 79–81

formatting, 127

Accounting Style formatting, 151

alignment, 129–130

borders, 148–150

cell background color, 145–146

column width, 136

conditional color, 147–148

copying cell formatting, 152–153

fonts, 142

gridlines, 150

joining cells, 131–133

numeric formatting, 134–135

row height, 136

SpeedFormatting, 128

swapping rows and columns, 137–139

text color, 144

frequency distribution, creating, 232–234

grouping, 121–123

inserting, 119–121

margins, 96–98

mathematical operators, 15

moving around in, 41–43

moving to different spreadsheets, 43

printing, 89

cell contents, 103–104

entire notebook, 107

grid lines, 103–105

headers/footers, 91–93

headings, 93–96

landscape orientation, 91

page breaks, moving, 102

paper type, selecting, 90

portrait orientation, 90

print margins, 96–98

print settings, saving, 105–106

printouts, centering on page, 98–99

printouts, scaling, 99–102

row/column borders, 96–97

QuickCorrect, 83–84


filling, 46–51, 72–76

naming, 76–79

selecting, 40–41, 72

rearranging, 117–118

renaming, 56


borders, 96–97

deleting, 61–62

height, 136

hiding/showing, 63–67

inserting, 61–62

locking, 67–68

transposing rows/columns, 137–139, 213–214

unlocking, 68

sorting data, 210–211

spell checking, 82–83

structure of, 13–14

what-if tables, creating, 215–218

swapping rows and columns, 137–139, 213–214

switching between predefined workspaces, 251


Tab key, 43


criteria tables (queries), 199

what-if tables, 215–218

templates, creating notebooks from, 111–114


alignment, 129–130

color, 144

entering into spreadsheets, 44–45

fonts, 142

Thesaurus command (Tools menu), 83

Thesaurus tab (Spell Checker), 82

Tile Side to Side command (Window menu), 33

Tile Top to Bottom command (Window menu), 33

tiling windows, 33


charts, 188

locking, 67–68

unlocking, 68


adding/removing buttons, 241–243

Application Bar, 11

changing appearance of, 240–241

creating, 243–244

docking, 238

Experts and Numeric Tools, 84

floating, 238

hiding/showing, 238–240


Chart button, 185

Copy button, 60

Cut button, 58

Formula Composer button, 171

Function button, 169–171

Paste button, 58

QuickFormat button, 153

Save button, 52

Property Bar, 11

Tools menu commands

Auditing, 228

Consolidate, 219

Customize, 240

Dictionary, 83

QuickFilter, 212

Sort, 210

Spell Checker, 82

Thesaurus, 83

totals, underlining, 151

Trace Precedents command (Auditing menu), 228

Transpose Cells dialog box, 138, 213–214

Transpose command (Numeric Tools menu), 138, 213

transposing rows and columns, 137–139, 213–214


CorelTUTOR, 22

PerfectExpert, 23–24


underlining totals, 151

unlocking rows/columns, 68

up arrow key, 42


variables, solving for, 230–232

View menu commands

Formulas, 15

Group Mode, 123

Locked Titles, 68

New View, 37

Page Break, 102

views, 35–37

creating, 36

Draft, 35

Page, 35–36

Page Breaks, 35–36


What-If Expert, 84

What-If Tables command (Numeric Tools menu), 217

what-if tables, creating, 215–218

What-If window, 217–218

width of columns, 136

Window menu commands

Cascade, 33

Tile Side to Side, 33

Tile Top to Bottom, 33

windows, 27–28

arranging, 32–33

cascading, 33

maximizing, 28–30

minimizing, 28–30

resizing, 32

restoring, 30

tiling, 33

window control buttons, 28–29

workbooks. See notebooks

worksheets. See spreadsheets

Workspace Manager

creating workspaces, 252–253

switching between predefined workspaces, 251

workspaces, 250

creating, 252–253

restoring to default settings, 253

switching between predefined workspaces, 251

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