

1-Point Gray Balance tool, 364–365

2-Point Gray Balance tool, 366

2D filters, 304

3-Point Color Balance button, 364

3-Point Color Balance tool, 364

3-Point Gray Balance tool, 367

3D filters, 304

5.1 surround sound

creating pan, 250

equipment, 247

synching with video, 247

Timeline and Audio Editor setup, 248–249


A/B roll method, 252

Absolute links, 409

AC3 Filters Web site, 99

Active tracks, 177

Add Dissolve button, 218

Add Dissolve dialog, 261

Add Dissolve/Cross Fade with Options button, 261

Add Dissolve/Cross Fade with Options dialog, 255

Add Edit button, 172

Add Ellipse command (Layer menu), 351

Add Rectangle command (Layer menu), 351

Add SmartSound Music Library dialog, 230

Add Timewarp dialog, 318

Adita Web site, 372

Adobe Premiere Pro

Bins (Racks), 44

translations, xii, 5

creating a batch list, 50

filters, 294


default transitions, 262

text, 342

alpha channels, 339


digitizing, 59–60, 74–76

output choice, 221

recording Timeline to tape, 413

video format, 50–51

Anchored links, 409


DVD authoring

adding on menu, 404–405

buttons, 406–407

importing sequences, 98

titles, 347

audio, 197

5.1 surround sound

creating pan, 250

equipment, 247

synching with video, 247

Timeline and Audio Editor setup, 248–249

activating, 234

adding markers, 192–193

Audio Editor, 20

adding markers, 192–193

Cross Fade, 216–218

editing audio, 198

mapping tracks, 191

monitor output, 207

opening, 204–205

panning, 239

voice-over audio, 237–238

volume, 206, 208, 212–215

Cross Fade

adding, 218

one-click, 216–217

deactivating, 234


keyframes, 210

video clips, 235

editing, 198

embedded, 163, 201–202


editing, 243–244

special effects, 240–242

grouped, 163, 201–202

locking sliders, 215

mapping tracks, 191

markers, 223

monitor output, 207

muting on Timeline, 234

panning, 239


Source Viewer, 219

Timeline, 220


basics, 224

creating clip, 225–227

editing, 229

library, 230–233

trimming in Timeline, 228

sync issues, 171

synched with video, 245–246

trimming clips

Source Viewer, 221

Timeline, 222

turning off unwanted, 187

Undo/Redo commands, 211

voice-over, 237–238


adjusting during play, 212–213

adjusting with keyframes, 208

global adjustment, 214–215

showing levels, 206

Audio Editor, 20

adding markers, 192–193

Cross Fade

adding, 218

one-click, 216–217

editing audio, 198

mapping tracks, 191

monitor output, 207

opening, 204–205

panning, 239

voice-over audio, 237–238


adjusting during play, 212–213

adjusting with keyframes, 208

global adjustment, 214–215

showing levels, 206

Audio Playback tool, Clip Viewer, 142

Audio tab, Logging tool, 64

Audio Tool icon, 207

Auto Color Correct CPU, 355

Auto Color Corrector, 359


Picon updates, 176

saving, 27

AV button, Logging tool, 65

AVI, 50–51

Avid Liquid

demo Sequence, xiii

icon, 6

installation, 3–5

new features, xvi–xix

Film Style buttons, 162

full-screen mod on second monitor, 299

multipage animated menus/buttons, 406

Muxed Audio import, 88

new colors, 358

Realtime filter safe area markers, 293

Realtime Linear Timewarp, 189

SmartSound, 200

Studio view, 88, 152

VGA second head output, 466–467

workflow, 209

opening and closing, 6–7

upgrading from earlier version, 3

variations, xiv–xv

Avid Liquid Chrome HD, xv

Avid Liquid Reference Manual, xviii

Avid Liquid User Group of North Carolina Web site, 478


Back up project command (File menu), 35

backgrounds, DVD authoring, 396

Backup burn dialog, 36


creating for export, 35–36

restoring from copy, 37

Base Color Correction CPU, 355

Base Color Correction tool, Clip Viewer, 142

Batch Digitize options, 81

Bin icon, 148

Bins (Racks), 44

Black and White CPU filter, 356

blue screen filters, Chroma Key, 456

Brightness and Contrast CPU, 355

Browse Typefaces button, 340

Burn to Disc command (File menu), 385


adding to Source Viewer, 180

animating, 406–407

DVD authoring, 397

adding additional, 400

colors, 399

size change, 398

style change, 398

editing, 397

main interface, 13, 39–40

overlapping, 401


calibrating monitors, 354

Capacity bar, Export dialog, 389–390

Capture from a Video Device icon, 55

capturing, xii, 5, 49. See also digitizing

analog, 74–76

control, 66

EZ Capture tool, 54

analog source, 59–60

DV, 57–58

opening, 55–56

format options, 50–52

keyboard shortcuts, 72

logged clips, 79–81

Logging tool, 17

Device Control buttons, 62

Edit Media Format button, 66

Edit Player box, 63

information boxes, 62

Main inlay, 62

Media Management screen, 65

opening, 61

Properties button, 63

tabs, 64

video/audio enabling buttons, 62

whole or part of tape, 67–71

Multicam Capture, 82–86

scene detection, 72–73

single clip, 50

suitability tests, 468

versus logging, 53

CDs, SmartSound library, 230–231

Centered at Cut alignment, 262

Change Reel button, 70

Chroma Keying, 454, 459

applying filters, 455, 457

blue or green screen filters, 456

Chromakeyer YUV filter, 458

Chromakeyer YUV filters, 458

Class Transition FX folder, 257

Classic filters

defaults, 304

full-screen mode, 314

keyframe interpolation, 315

Classic interface

Control Panel access, 103

opening and closing Liquid, 6–7

wizards, 93

Classic transitions, 277

Full-Screen mode, 280

Keyframe Interpolation, 278–279

versus realtime, 259

Cleanup command (Project menu), 127

Clip FX, 291

adding, 295–296

Project Browser, 300–301

Timeline, 302


editing, 243–244

special effects, 240–242

basics, 292


full-screen mode, 314

keyframe interpolation, 315

Commotion FX, 330–331


Classic, 304

Realtime, 303

editing, 305–307

HFX (Hollywood Effects), 332–333


adding, 308

applying parameter, 309–310

copy and paste, 308

creating PIP effect, 312

deactivating, 309

deactivating/activating, 313

deleting, 308

moving, 308

RT FX Commotion plug-in, xviii

saving custom, 316

stacking, 297–298

storyboard uses, 146–147

timewarps, 317

Dynamic, 321–329

Linear, 317–320

Undo command, 294

Clip FX command (Paste menu), 296

Clip FX Prop window, 148

Clip In setting, clip synchronization, 435

Clip Link button, 66

Clip Out setting, clip synchronization, 435

Clip tab, Logging tool, 64

Clip Viewer, 23, 141

advanced features, 142

set mark-in and mark-out points, 143–144

clip-in points versus mark-in point, 112

clip-out points versus mark-out point, 112

clips, 134

creating, 107

color clips, 108–109

signal clip, 110

cutting, 177

defined, 11

deleting, 121

digitizing logged clips, 79–81

editing SmartSound, 229

filters, 291

adding, 295–296, 300–302

audio, 240–244

basics, 292

Classic, 314–315

Commotion FX, 330–331

defaults, 303–304

editing, 305–307

HFX (Hollywood Effects), 332–333

keyframes, 308–313

RT FX Commotion plug-in, xviii

saving custom, 316

stacking, 297–298

storyboard uses, 146–147

timewarps, 317–329

Undo command, 294

importing, 87

animated sequences, 98

dealing with problems, 100–101

Import Media window, 88–91

Input wizard, 92–95

manual, 96–97

resizing images, 102–104

inserting, 151

Multicam, 86

removing effects, 148

restoring, 122–123

scene detection, 72–73

synchronizing Multicam tools, 432–433


audio, 221–222

clips separately, 174

directly in Timeline, 169–171

element trim, 145

Multicam, 439

set mark-in and mark-out points, 143–144

Slip Trim, 175

Source Viewer, 180–181

storyboard, 141–145

Trim Editor, 173

verifying lost, 124

closing Liquid, 7

codecs, benefits of, 60

Collision Detection button, 401

Color Clip command (Create menu), 108

Color Correction Editor, 355, 360

Color Correction filters, 353, 355

Color Correction for Digital Video, 372

Color Editor, 355


background text, 344

clips, creating, 108–109

correction, 353

3-Point Color Balance tool, 364

adjusting correctors, 358

applying, 357

Auto Color Corrector, 359

Color Correction Editor, 360

filters, 355

Gray Balance tools, 365–367

saving reference set, 372

selective correction, 369–371

special effect filters, 356

vector scope, 368

legalizing, 361

matching, 362–363


Container menu, Step Into Container, 449

Copy menu, Selected Clips, 164

Create menu

Color Clip, 108

Signal Clip, 110

Edit menu

Control Panel, 41, 102

Make Subclip, 441

File menu

Burn to Disc, 385

Exit Avid Liquid 7, 7

Export, 469

Export to File, 416

EZ Capture, 55

Import, 89

Input Wizard, 55, 92

Logging Tool, 69

Manage Projects, 30

New, 8, 29, 135

Output Wizard, 386

Recent Projects, 32

Record to Tape, 414

Input menu

EZ Capture, 55

Import, 96

Layer menu

Add Ellipse, 351

Add Rectangle, 351

Make Full Screen, 346

Output menu, DVD, 386

Paste menu, Clip FX, 296

Picon View menu, Mark In/Out Large, 137

Player menu, Play In to Out, 144

Project menu

Cleanup, 127

Open/Create Project, 31

Send To menu, Timeline, 149, 349

Timeline menu

Insert Grouped, 202

Save Timeline As Template, 46

Commotion FX filters, 330–331

composite video baseband signal (CVBS), 413

computation methods, timewarps, 321

Condense, Media Management system, 446

Consolidate dialog, 445

Consolidate Media Management system, 445

Container menu commands, Step Into Container, 449


building, 447–448

editing, 449

Control Panel command (Edit menu), 41, 102

Copy Keyframe button, 285

Copy menu commands, Selected Clips, 164

copying, moving clips around Timeline, 164–165

copyrights, 199

correcting colors, 353

3-Point Color Balance tool, 364

adjusting correctors, 358

applying, 357

Auto Color Corrector, 359

Color Correction Editor, 360

filters, 355

Gray Balance tools, 365–367

saving reference set, 372

selective correction, 369–371

special effect filters, 356

vector scope, 368

crashes, restarting with empty sequence, 27

Crawl filter, 347

Create menu commands

Color Clip, 108

Signal Clip, 110

Create Rack button, 69

creating a batch list, Premiere Pro translation, 50

Creative Commons Web site, 199

Creative Cow Web site, 478

Create Folder option, 43

Cross Fade button, 218

Cross Fades

adding, 218

one-click, 216–217


interfaces, 38

buttons, 39–40

keyboard shortcuts, 41–42

saving filters, 316

Timeline, 45–46

Customize Keyboard icon, 42

Cut Fields computation methods, 321

Cut Frames computation methods, 321

cutting, moving clips around Timeline, 164–165

CVBS (composite video baseband signal), 413


Dark Red slices, 26


filters, 303–304

Liquid settings, retaining, 28

title duration, 350

transitions, 260–261, 262–265

defragmentation, Windows XP optimization, 473

Delete Avid Liquid 7 project option, 36

Delete dialog, 121

Delete Keyframe button, 210, 308

Delete Marker button, Source Viewer, 180



filters, 244

video clips, 235

filter keyframes, 308

keyframes, 210

media, 121

media drives, 118

projects, 36

unwanted render files, 127–128

Device Control buttons, Logging tool, 62


Add Dissolve, 261

Add Dissolve/Cross Fade with Options, 255

Add SmartSound Music Library, 230

Add Timewarp, 318

Backup burn, 36

Consolidate, 445

Delete, 121

Export, 385–386

Capacity bar, 389–390

destination, 389

drop-down menu, 387

Edit Preset window, 390

preset selections area, 388

settings and descriptions, 388

source, 388

Extend, 207, 369

Import Media, 96

Look edit, 343

New Sequence, 136, 426

Performance Options, 473

Properties, 301

Render View, 25

Set Background, 344


digitizing video

entire tape, 69–70

EZ Capture tool, 57

formats, 57

part of tape, 71

output choice, 221

recording Timeline, 414–415

versus HDV images, 52

Digitize button, 66

Digitize Start button, 57

digitizing, xii, 5, 49

analog, 74–76

control, 66

EZ Capture tool, 54

analog source, 59–60

DV, 57–58

opening, 55–56

format options, 50–52

keyboard shortcuts, 72

logged clips, 79–81

Logging tool, 17

Device Control buttons, 62

Edit Media Format button, 66

Edit Player box, 63

information boxes, 62

Main inlay, 62

Media Management screen, 65

opening, 61

Properties button, 63

tabs, 64

video/audio enabling buttons, 62

whole or part of tape, 67–71

Multicam Capture, 82–86

scene detection, 72–73

versus logging, 53

disbanding audio, 202

Dismantle Container command (Container menu), 449

displays, calibrating monitors, 354

Dissolve transitions, 260–261

changing, 262–265

DivX Export interface, 419

Do not use Keyframes radio button, 276

Dream Glow CPU filter, 356

dual-screen display, 132–133

sending clip to Clip Viewer, 144

Duo Chrome CPU filter, 356

duration boxes, Logging tool, 62

DV images


entire tape, 69–70

EZ Capture tool, 57

formats, 57

part of tape, 71

versus HDV images, 52

DV tapes, recording Timeline, 414–415

DVD command, 385–386

DVD Editor, 21

DVD Editor button, 392, 404

DVD Menu Template Editor, 392

DVD wizard, 378–380


authoring, 373–374

adding new page, 401–402

animation, 404–407

background changes, 396

building menu, 378

buttons, 397–400

changing thumbnails, 383

creating Text button, 400

DVD wizard, 378–380

editing menu, 393–395

Export dialog, 385–390

exporting to Timeline, 410

links, 381–383

markers, 377

Navigation View button, 403

nested menus, 408–409

preparing Timeline, 375

previewing menu, 384

sequences, 376

Template Editor, 391–392

creating, 250

troubleshooting, 470

Dynamic Timewarp Editor, 322

Dynamic Timewarps, xviii, 317

adding, 321–322

adding speed changes, 327

anchor speed, 327

correct shortened clip, 328

editing, 323–324

linear keyframes, 325

linear segment, 328

returning speed to normal, 329

slow-down/speed-up effect, 326


Edit Current Look button, 343, 351

edit decision list (EDL), 113

Edit Media Format button, Logging tool, 66

Edit menu commands, 338

Control Panel, 41, 102

Make Subclip, 441

Edit Player box, Logging tool, 63

Edit Preset window, Export dialog, 390

Edit Styles button, 162

editing, 151

adding markers, 192–193

audio, 198

filters, 243–244

SmartSound, 229

buttons, 397

containers, 449

correcting colors, 353

3-Point Color Balance tool, 364

adjusting correctors, 358

applying, 357

Auto Color Corrector, 359

Color Correction Editor, 360

filters, 355

Gray Balance tools, 365–367

saving reference set, 372

selective correction, 369–371

special effect filters, 356

vector scope, 368

cutting clips, 177

Dynamic Timewarps, 323–324

filters, 305–307

four-point edits, 188–189

HFX (Hollywood Effect), 289–290

inserting clips, 151

Linear Timewarps, 320

Logging tool, 17

Device Control buttons, 62

digitizing, 67, 69–76

Edit Media Format button, 66

Edit Player box, 63

information boxes, 62

Main inlay, 62

Media Management screen, 65

opening, 61

Properties button, 63

tabs, 64

video/audio enabling buttons, 62

Multicam, 431

configuring display, 437

cutting to differing camera, 439

Multicam tool, 434–436

switch clip to differing camera, 438

sync clips together, 432–433

trimming clip, 439

playback sequence, 195

Replace Edit function, 184

Source Viewer

sending clip to, 178

sending clips to Timeline, 182–183

trimming clip, 180–181

Zoom tool, 179

styles, 159

film, 161

overwrite, 160

three-point edits, 185–187

Timeline, 152

mapping, 191

moving clips around, 163–168

navigation, 155–157

opening, 154

slices, 194

Studio view, 153

titles, 350


altering parameters, 272–273

keyframes, 270–271

trimming clips

clips separately, 174

directly in Timeline, 169–171

Slip Trim, 175

Trim Editor, 173

Undo/Redo commands, 158

using storyboard, 134

EDL (edit decision list), 113


filters, 291

adding, 295–296, 300–302

audio, 240–244

basics, 292

Classic, 314–315

color, 291

Commotion FX, 330–331

defaults, 303–304

editing, 305–307

HFX (Hollywood Effects), 332–333

keyframes, 308–313

RT FX Commotion plug-in, xviii

saving custom, 316

stacking, 297–298

storyboard uses, 146–147

timewarps, 317–329

Undo command, 294

removing from clip, 148

Effects Editor menu commands, 357

Effects Editors, 19

embedded audio, 163, 201–202

End at Cut alignment, 262

Exit Avid Liquid 7 command (File menu), 7

Exiting Application window, 7

Export command (File menu), 469

Export dialog, 385–386

Capacity bar, 389–390

destination, 389

drop-down menu, 387

Edit Preset window, 390

preset selections area, 388

settings and descriptions, 388

source, 388

Export to File command (File menu), 416


methods, 418

Timeline, 411

fusing sequences, 416–417

Output Wizard, 412

recording to tape, 413–415

sequence to specific file format, 418–419

single frames, 420–421

XSend To, 422–423

Extend dialog, 207, 369

Eye icon, 122

EZ Capture command, 55

EZ Capture tool, xvii, 18, 54

capturing single clip, 50


analog source, 59–60

DV, 57–58

interface, 56

media management, 113

opening, 55–56


FAT32 (File Allocation Table 32 bit), 472

File Allocation Table 32 bit (FAT32), 472

File menu commands

Burn to Disc, 385

Exit Avid Liquid 7, 7

Export, 469

Export to File, 416

EZ Capture, 55

Import, 89

Input Wizard, 55, 92

Logging Tool, 69

Manage Projects, 30

New, 8, 29, 135

Output Wizard, 386

Recent Projects, 32

Record to Tape, 414

filenames, Media Management system, 113


importing problems, 105

Media Management system, 111

Condense, 446

Consolidate, 445

deleting media, 121

filenames, 113

locating media, 112–113

media drive, 114–118

physically moving media file location, 119–120

render files, 125–128

restoring media, 122–123

verifying lost media clips, 124

Film Style button, 161–162, 268

film styles, editing, 161

Filter Editor, 305–307. See also filters

filters, 291

adding, 295–296

Project Browser, 300–301

Timeline, 302

animating titles, 347


editing, 243–244

special effects, 240–242

basics, 292

Chroma Keying

applying, 4545

blue or green screen, 456

Chromakeyer YUV, 458


full-screen mode, 314

keyframe interpolation, 315

Color Correction, 353, 355

Commotion FX, 330–331


Classic, 304

Realtime, 303

editing, 305–307

HFX (Hollywood Effects), 332–333


adding, 308

applying parameter, 309–310

copy and paste, 308

creating PIP effect, 312

deactivating, 309

deactivating/activating, 313

deleting, 308

moving, 308

RT FX Commotion plug-in, xviii

saving custom, 316

stacking, 297–298

storyboard uses, 146–147

timewarps, 317

Dynamic, 321–329

Linear, 317–320

Undo command, 294

fine-tuning edits, 151

adding markers, 192–193

cutting clips, 177

four-point edits, 188–189

inserting clips, 151

playback sequence, 195

Replace Edit function, 184

Source Viewer

sending clip to, 178

sending clips to Timeline, 182–183

trimming clip, 180–181

Zoom tool, 179

styles, 159

film, 161

overwrite, 160

three-point edits, 185–187

Timeline, 152

mapping, 191

moving clips around, 163–168

navigation, 155–157

opening, 154

slices, 194

Studio view, 153

trimming clips

clips separately, 174

directly in Timeline, 169–171

Slip Trim, 175

Trim Editor, 173

Undo/Redo commands, 158

FireWire cards, 51

first assemblies, storyboarding, 129

edit using, 134

element, 134

opening Storyboard interface, 130–131

sending to Timeline, 149–150

sequence, 134–140

trimming clips, 141–145

uses, 146–147

First Marker setting, clip synchronization, 435

First-Play messages, creating, 376

Fit Both option, 106

Fit Keyframe Viewers button, 324

Fit largest - Keep Aspect option, 106

Fit to Fill check box, 320

Fit X option, 106

Fit Y option, 106

Folder Open button, 57


adding new, 114–115

creating, 43

fonts, text properties, 340

formats, video, 50–52

four-point edits, 188–189

Fowler, Jaime, Color Correction for Digital Video, 372


exporting, 420–421

showing first and last, 137

Fraser, Bruce, Real World Color Management, 372

Full-Screen Display button, Source Viewer, 180

Full-Screen mode

Classic filters, 314

Classic transitions, 280

Full-Screen Mode button, 280, 314

Full-Screen parameter, Classic effects, 259

Fuse command (File menu), 416

Fuse Sequence interface, 416

fusing sequences, 416–417


global volume adjustment, 214–215

Go to Next Event buttons, 193

Go to Next Keyframe button, 308

Go to Next/Previous Event button, Source Viewer, 180

gradient wipes, transitions, 287

Gray Balance tools, 365–367

1-Point Gray Balance tool, 365

2-Point Gray Balance tool, 366

3-Point Gray Balance tool, 367

Gray slices, 26

green screen filters, Chroma Key, 456

Green slices, 26

grouping audio, 163, 201–202


handles, transitions

restriction disabling, 256

visualizing, 254–255

hard changes, 60

hard drives

configuration, 476

reliable NLE computer system, xxi

Windows XP optimization, 472

hardware optimization, 476–477

HDV (high definition video)

editing, system specifications, xxi

preview via BOB, xviii

versus DV images, 52

video format, 50–51

Heads and Tail display, 137

help, 461, 478

DVDs, 470

finding help, 478

hardware optimization, 476–477

inlay errors, 465

optimizing for NLE, 471

suitability tests

capture, 468

output, 469–470

playback, 463–464, 466

Windows XP optimization, 472–475

defragmentation, 473

hard drives, 472

reducing interface overhead, 475

Service Pack 2, 472

swap file locations, 473–474

updates, 472

HFX See Hollywood Effects

high definition video. See HDV

Hollywood Effects (HFX)

adding presets, 289

editing, 289–290

filters, 332–333

transitions, 288

Hullfish, Steve, Color Correction for Digital Video, 372


Image command (File menu), 420

Image Import icon (Control Panel), 102

Image Import Properties dialog, 102


adding markers, 192–193

alpha channels, 339

dimensions, 345


during import, 102–103

options, 106

Project Browser, 104

Timeline, 104

Import command

File menu, 89

Input menu, 96

Import Media window, 88

elements, 90–91

opening, 89

Import Volume column, 117


media clips, 87

animated sequences, 98

dealing with problems, 100–101

Import Media window, 88–91

Input wizard, 92–95

manual, 96–97

resizing images, 102–104

Muxed Audio, 88

problem files, 105

Studio 10 projects, 91

Inactive tracks, 177


defined, 11

Logging tool, 62

troubleshooting errors, 465

input analog, 413

Input menu commands

EZ Capture, 55

Import, 96

Input wizard, 55, 92–93

importing media clips, 92–93

Search Media option, 94–95

Input Wizard command (File menu), 55, 92

Insert Grouped command (Timeline menu), 202

Insert Picture button, 345

Insert Source into Master button, 159, 182

inserting clips, 151


general tips, 2

Liquid software, 3–5

Installation wizard, 3


Audio Editor, 20

Classic. See Classic interface

Clip Viewer, 23

customizing, 38

buttons, 39–40

keyboard shortcuts, 41–42

DivX Export, 419

DVD Editor, 21

Effects Editors, 19

EZ Capture tool, 18

Fuse Sequence, 416

Image Export, 420

Keyboard Properties, 42

Logging tool, 17

main, 12

buttons, 13

keyboard shortcuts, 14

Project backup, 35

Project Browser, 24

Record To Tape, 414–415

resetting, xiii

SmartSound, 226

Storyboard, 15, 130–131

Studio, 16

System Settings, 126

Timeline. See Timeline

Title Deko, 337

Trim window, 22

two options, 9

Internet, adding tracks to SmartSound library, 232–233

Interrupt Digitizing button, 66


Jump links, 409

Justify button, 342

Justify Horizontal button, 342

Justify Vertical button, 342


Keyboard button, 14

Keyboard Properties button, 42

Keyboard Properties interface, 42

keyboard shortcuts

customizing, 41–42

digitizing, 72

logging, 72

main interface, 14

templates, 14

Keyframe button, 308

Keyframe Interpolation

Classic effects, 259

Classic transitions, 278–279

keyframes, 211

adjusting volume, 208

deleting, 210

Dynamic Timewarps, 325


activating, 313

adding, 308

applying parameter, 309–310

basics, 311

copy and paste, 308

creating PIP effect, 312

deactivating, 309

deleting, 308

interpolation, 315

moving, 308

reversing, 272


basics, 271

disabling, 276

editing, 270–271


laptops, Liquid support, xxii

Layer menu commands

Add Ellipse, 351

Add Rectangle, 351

Make Full Screen, 346

Lens Flare effect, 313

letters, colored edges, 344

Linear Adjustment button, 325

Linear Timewarps, xviii, 317

adding filters, 318–319

editing, 320

Linearize Segment button, 328

linking objects, 246

links, DVD authoring

adding, 381

applying, 383

filtering, 382

selecting, 382

Liquid Chrome HD, xv

Liquid taskbar, 25

Liquid Start button, 7

locking sliders, 215

Log Clip button, 66, 77

logging, 49–50. See also Logging tool

keyboard shortcuts, 72

tape, 77–78

versus digitizing, 53

Logging tool, 17. See also logging

Device Control buttons, 62

digitizing, 67

analog, 74–76

entire DV tape, 69–70

part of DV tape, 71

Edit Media Format button, 66

Edit Player box, 63

information boxes, 62

Main inlay, 62

Media Management screen, 65

opening, 61

Properties button, 63

tabs, 64

video/audio enabling buttons, 62

Logging Tool button, 61

Logging Tool command (File menu), 69

Look edit dialog, 343


magnets, moving clips around Timeline, 166–168

main interface, 12

buttons, 13

keyboard shortcuts, 14

Make Full Screen command (Layer menu), 346

Make Subclip button, 441

Make Subclip command (Edit menu), 441

Manage Projects command (File menu), 30

manual importing, media clips, 96–97

mapping tracks, 191

Mark In setting, clip synchronization, 435

Mark In/Out Large command (Picon View menu), 137

Mark Out setting, clip synchronization, 435

Mark-In Point button, 71, 143

Mark-In Point icon, 143

mark-in points, 145

adding using Timeline slices, 196

Logging tool, 62

trimming clips, 143

versus clip-in point, 112

Mark-Out Point button, 71, 143

Mark-Out Point icon, 143

mark-out points, 145

adding using Timeline slices, 196

Logging tool, 62

trimming clips, 143

versus clip-out point, 112


adding, 192–193

audio, 223

authoring DVD, 377

Master tab, Logging tool, 64

Master viewer, 12

Master/Source toggle switch, 16

masters, 134

Matte Tracks

creating, 451

using, 452–453

media clips, 134

creating, 107

color clips, 108–109

signal clip, 110

defined, 11

deleting, 121

importing, 87

animated sequences, 98

dealing with problems, 100–101

Import Media window, 88–91

Input wizard, 92–95

manual, 96–97

resizing images, 102–104

Multicam, 86

restoring, 122–123

scene detection, 72–73

verifying lost, 124

Media command (File menu), 89

media drives

adding new, 114–115

deleting, 118


alter access rights, 118

creating alias, 116

default capture drive, 117

default import drive, 117

Media File Action menu, Import Media window, 90

Media Management screen, Logging tool, 65

Media Management system, 111

Condense, 446

Consolidate, 445

deleting media, 121

filenames, 113

locating media, 112–113

media drive

adding new, 114–115

organizing, 116–118

physically moving media file location, 119–120

render files

deleting unwanted, 127–128

move drives, 125–126

restoring media, 122–123

verifying lost media clips, 124

Media tab, Logging tool, 64

memory, optimization, 476

menus, DVD authoring, 379–380

adding music, 408–409

animation, 404–405

building, 378

editing, 393–395

nested, 408–409

previewing, 384

metadata, 444

Microphone button, 237–238

Mini DV clips, video format, 50–51, 67

Mix Fields computation methods, 321

Mix Frames computation methods, 321

Monitor icon, 413


calibration, 354

output, 207

Mono audio mode, 203

Mono button, 69

More Gradient Wipes parameter, Classic effects, 259

Movement menu commands, 347

MovieBox Deluxe, xiv, 5, 51

MPEGs, 50–51


capture, 82–86

editing, 431

configuring display, 437

cutting to differing camera, 439

Multicam tool, 434–436

switch clip to differing camera, 438

sync clips together, 432–433

trimming clip, 439

Multicam Display button, 431

Multicam Gang buttons, 431

Multicam tool, 434–436

music, adding to menus, 408–409

muting, audio on Timeline, 234

Muxed Audio import, 88


National Television System Committee (NTSC), standards, 101

navigation, Timeline

scrubbing, 155–156

Zoom tool, 157

Navigation View button, 403

negotiating down, 476

nested menus, DVD authoring, 408–409

New button, 31

New command (File menu), 8, 29, 135

new features, xvi–xix

Film Style button, 162

full-screen mode on second monitor, 299

multipage animated menus/buttons, 406

Muxed Audio import, 88

new colors, 358

Overwrite button, 162

Realtime filter safe area markers, 293

Realtime Linear Timewarp, 189

SmartSound, 200

Studio view, 130, 152

VGA second head output, 466–467

workflow, 209

New Sequence button, 8, 45, 135, 426

New Sequence dialog, 136, 426

New Technologies File System (NTFS), 472

Next Keyframe button, 285


See nonlinear editing

nonlinear editing (NLE), 1

function, 10–11

optimizing for NLE, 471

troubleshooting, 461

DVDs, 470

inlay errors, 465

suitability tests, 463–470

NTFS (New Technologies File System), 472

NTSC (National Television System Committee), standards, 101


objects, linking, 246

Old Film CPU filter, 356

one-click Cross Fades, 216–217

Open Audio Editor button, 204

Open Base Color corrector button, 357

Open Folder button, 60

Open Marker List button, 180, 193

Open Project Browser in Timeline button, 257

Open Project command (File menu), 34

Open/Create Project command (Project menu), 31

opening Liquid, 6


hardware, 476–477

Windows XP

defragmentation, 473

hard drives, 472

reducing interface overhead, 475

Service Pack 2, 472

swap file location, 473–474

updates, 472

organization, media drives

alter access rights, 118

creating alias, 116

default capture drive, 117

default import drive, 117


analog, 221, 413

digital, 221

suitability tests, 469–470

Output menu commands, DVD, 386

Output Wizard, 386, 412

overlapping buttons, 401

Overwrite Style button, 162

overwrite styles, editing, 160

Overwrite/Film Style toggle button, 159


PAL (Phase Alternating Line), standards, 101

Pan and Scan parameter, Classic effects, 259


adjusting curves, 274–275

editing transitions, 272–273

filter keyframes, 309–310

Paste Keyframe button, 285, 308

Paste menu commands, Clip FX, 296

pasting, moving clips around Timeline, 164–165

PBN (Pinnacle Broadcast Network), 372

Peachpit Web site, 103

Performance Options dialog, 473

performing rights, 199

Phase Alternating Line (PAL), standards, 101

Picon View menu commands, Mark In/Out Large, 137

Picons, 134

automatic updates, 176

trimming clip inside, 145

picture backgrounds, text, 345–346

Picture button, 397

Pinnacle Broadcast Network (PBN), 372

Pinnacle Studio, USB DV/analog converter, xiv

PIP effect, creating, 312

Plant Liquid Web site, 478

Play In to Out button, 144

Play In to Out command (Player menu), 144

Play preview button, 174


native, xix

sequences, 195

storyboard sequences, 138–140

suitability tests, 463–464, 466

Player menu commands, Play In to Out, 144


Hollywood Effect (HFX), 288

adding presets, 289

editing, 289–290

transitions, 288

XSend To, 422–423

point sizes, text properties, 341

Posterize filter, 356

power supplies, optimization, 477

Premiere Pro

Bins (Racks), 44

translations, xii, 5

creating a batch list, 50

filters, 294


Template menus, 379

Title Deko, 348

Primary Volume column, 117

Priority parameter, Classic effects, 259


Classic Interface, creating project, 31

clips, 134

creating, 107–110

cutting, 177

defined, 11

deleting, 121

digitizing logged clips, 79–81

editing SmartSound, 229

filters, 291. See also filters

importing, 87–101

inserting, 151

Multicam, 86

removing effects, 148

restoring, 122–123

scene detection, 72–73

synchronizing Multicam tools, 432–433

trimming. See trimming, clips

verifying lost, 124

digitizing, xii, 5, 49

analog, 74–76

control, 66

EZ Capture tool, 54–60

format options, 50–52

keyboard shortcuts, 72

logged clips, 79–81

Logging tool. See Logging tool

Multicam Capture, 82–86

scene detection, 72–73

versus logging, 53


creating, 28–29

deleting, 36

saving, 30

switching to between, 32

templates, 33–34

storyboarding, 129

edit using, 134

element, 134

opening Storyboard interface, 130–131

sending to Timeline, 149–150

sequence, 134–140

trimming clips, 141–145

uses, 146–147

Progressive computation methods, 321

Project backup interface, 35

Project Browser, 24

alternate settings, 44

creating Racks and Folders, 43

filters, adding, 300–301

resizing images, 104

switching between projects, 32

Project Browser button, 24

Project command (File menu), 29

Project menu commands

Cleanup, 127

Open/Create Project, 31



creating for export, 35–36

restoring from copy, 37

Classic Interface, creating, 31

creating, 28–29

deleting, 36

saving, 30

switching to between, 32

templates, 47

opening, 34

saving, 33

Properties button, 63, 73

Properties dialog, 301

Protected tracks, 177


Quick Access menu, xviii, 9


Rack Window button, 89, 108


creating, 43

digitizing clips, 79–81

RAM, optimization, 476

Razor button, 177

Real World Color Management, 372

Realtime 2D transitions, 282–285

Realtime effects, rendering, 25

Realtime filters, defaults, 303

Realtime Linear Timewarps, xviii, 317

Liquid new feature, 189

Realtime PIP effect, creating, 312

Realtime Transition FX folder, 257

Realtime transitions versus Classic, 259

Recent Projects command (File menu), 32

Record Audio Mix button, 212

Record button, 415

Record to Tape command (File menu), 414

Record To Tape interface, 414–415

recording to tape, exporting Timeline, 413–415

Red slices, 26

Redo command

audio, 211

editing, 158

reference clips, color matching, 363

reference sets, saving, 372

renaming tracks, 45

render files

deleting unwanted, 127–128

move drives, 125–126

sizes, 127

Render icon, 105, 413

Render View window, 25


background, 25

nonlinear editing, 10–11

Realtime effect, 25

Replace Background button, 344

Replace Edit function, 184

resizing images

during import, 102–103

options, 106

Project Browser, 104

Timeline, 104

resolutions, media clip import problems, 101

resources, 478

Restore project command (File menu), 37

Restore screen, 37

restoring media, 122–123

Revert Direction of Effect button, 272, 308

Roll filter, 347

RT FX Commotion plug-in filter, xviii

Running Man button, 74


Safe Area button, 293

safe area markers, 341

Save A Copy command (File menu), 30

Save As Template command (File menu), 33

Save Timeline As Template command

Sequence menu, 46

Timeline menu, 46


continuous, 27

custom filters, 316

custom transitions, 281

projects, 30

templates, 33

title, 348

Scene Detection

creating subclips, 442–443

digitizing, 72–73

Scene Detection tool, Clip Viewer, 142

screen resolutions, media clip import problems, 101

scrubbing, 143–144


Source Viewer, 219

Timeline, 220

Timeline navigation, 155–156

SD-DV editing, system specifications, xx

SDI (Serial Digital Interface), xv

Search Media option, Input wizard, 94–95

Select Audio button, 66

Selected Clips command (Copy menu), 164

Selective Color wheel, 370

Self-help Web board, 478

Send captured clips to the Timeline button, 66

Send To menu commands, Timeline, 149, 349

Sepia filter, 356

Sequence command (File menu), 8, 135

Sequence Menu icon, 46

Sequence pop-up menu, 27


animated, importing, 98

authoring DVD, 376

combining onto Timeline, 430

creating, 8, 426–428

demo, xiii

finding after software crash, 428

fusing, 416–417

playback, 195


creating, 135–136

playback, 138–140

switching between, 429

Serial Digital Interface (SDI), xv

Service Pack 2, Windows XP optimization, 472

Set Background dialog, 344

Set Keyframe button, 308

Set Marker button, 223

Set split size button, 363

Settings button, 59

setup.exe shortcut, 3

shadows, text enhancements, 343

Shaw, Mike Web site, 289

Sigma icon, 25

Signal Clip command (Create menu), 110

signal clips, creating, 110

single-track edit system, 253

Six Vector Color wheel, 371

slices, Timeline, 26, 194

sliders, locking, 215

Slip Key button, 175

Slip Trim, trimming clips, 175


basics, 224

creating clip, 225–227

editing clips, 229

integration, xvi

interface, 226


adding CDs, 230–231

Internet tracks, 232–233

Liquid new feature, 200


adding clip, 227

trimming clip, 228

SmartSound Clip command (File menu), 225

Snapshot button, 420

software crashes, finding sequences, 428

Solarize filter, 356

Sony High Definition camera, 51

Sony Mini DV camera, 51

sound, 197

5.1 surround sound

creating pan, 250

equipment, 247

synching with video, 247

Timeline and Audio Editor setup, 248–249

activating, 234

adding markers, 192–193

Audio Editor, 20

adding markers, 192–193

Cross Fade, 216–218

editing audio, 198

mapping tracks, 191

monitor output, 207

opening, 204–205

panning, 239

voice-over audio, 237–238

volume, 206, 208, 212–215

Cross Fade

adding, 218

one-click, 216–217

deactivating, 234


keyframes, 210

video clips, 235

editing, 198

embedded, 163, 201–202


editing, 243–244

special effects, 240–242

grouped, 163, 201–202

locking sliders, 215

mapping tracks, 191

markers, 223

monitor output, 207

muting on Timeline, 234

panning, 239


Source Viewer, 219

Timeline, 220


basics, 224

creating clip, 225–227

editing, 229

library, 230–233

trimming in Timeline, 228


issues, 171

with video, 245–246

trimming clips

Source Viewer, 221

Timeline, 222

turning off unwanted, 187

Undo/Redo commands, 211

voice-over, 237–238


adjusting during play, 212–213

adjusting with keyframes, 208

global adjustment, 214–215

showing levels, 206

Sound Effects catalog, 233

Source Viewer, 12

adding tool buttons, 180

audio scrubbing, 219

sending clip to, 178

sending clips to Timeline, 182–183

trimming clip, 180–181

Zoom tool, 179

special effects

filters, 291

adding, 295–296, 300–302

audio, 240–244

basics, 292

Classic, 314–315

color, 291

Commotion FX, 330–331

defaults, 303–304

editing, 305–307

HFX (Hollywood Effects), 332–333

keyframes, 308–313

RT FX Commotion plug-in, xviii

saving custom, 316

stacking, 297–298

storyboard uses, 146–147

timewarps, 317–329

Undo command, 294

removing from clip, 148

speed, Dynamic Timewarps

adding changes, 327

anchoring, 326

linear segment, 328

returning to normal, 329

slow-down/speed-up effect, 326

stacking filters, 297–298

Start at Cut alignment, 262

Step Into Container command (Container menu), 449

Stereo audio mode, 203

Storyboard icon, 122, 130

Storyboard interface, opening, 130–131

Storyboard over Timeline view, 137

Storyboard view, 15

storyboarding, 129

edit using, 134

element, 134

opening Storyboard interface, 130–131

sending to Timeline, 149–150

sequence, 134

creating, 135–136

playback, 138–140

trimming clips, 141

element trim, 145

opening Clip Viewer, 142

set mark-in and mark-out points, 143–144

uses, 146–147

Strobe computation methods, 321

Studio 10, importing projects, 91

Studio Editor, surround sound, 248–249

Studio interface, 16

Studio view, xviii

fine tuning edits, 153

Liquid new feature, 130, 152

Studio View icon, 153

styles, editing, 159

film, 161

overwrite, 160

Sub Tracks, 450

subclips, 134

creating, 440–441

Scene Detection, 442–443

subwoofers, 247

suitability tests

capture, 468

output, 469–470

playback, 463–464, 466

super video CD (SVCD), 99, 374

surround sound

creating pan, 250

equipment, 247

synching with video, 247

Timeline and Audio Editor setup, 248–249

SVCD (super video CD), 99, 374

swap files, Windows XP optimization, 473–474


audio with video, 245–246


Multicam tools, 432–433

options, 435

surround sound with video, 247

System Settings button, 126

System Settings interface, 126

system specifications, xix

HDV editing, xxi

power user additional equipment, xxii

SD-DV editing, xx


tabs, Logging tool, 64

tapes, digitizing, xii, 5, 49

analog, 74–76

control, 66

EZ Capture tool, 54–60

format options, 50–52

keyboard shortcuts, 72

logged clips, 79–81

Logging tool, 61–66, 77–78

Multicam Capture, 82–86

scene detection, 72–73

versus logging, 53

Template Editor, 391–392


keyboard shortcuts, 14

opening, 34

saving, 33

Title Deko, 348

uses, 47

testing suitability

capture, 468

output, 469–470

playback, 463–464, 466



alignment, 342

font and point size, 340–341

Title Deko, 335

adding movement, 347

basics, 336

creating title, 338

default title durations, 350

editing title, 350

enhancements, 343–346, 351

interface, 337

opening, 337–338

placing title on Timeline, 349

presets, 348

Pro advantages, 352

saving title, 348

text properties, 340–342

Text button, creating, 400

three-point edits, 185–187

thumbnails, 113

Timecode Display button, 39


problems, 68

synchronization options, 435

Timeline, 12

adding filters, 302

audio scrubbing, 220

authoring DVD, exporting to, 410


building, 447–448

editing, 449

control buttons, 13, 38

customizing, 45–46

editing, 152

navigation, 155–157

opening, 154

Studio view, 153

exporting, 411

fusing sequences, 416–417

Output Wizard, 412

recording to tape, 413–415

sequence to specific file format, 418–419

single frames, 420–421

XSend To, 422–423

mapping tracks, 191

moving clips around, 163

copy/cut and paste, 164–165

magnets, 166–168

muting audio, 234

preparing for next task, 172

resizing images, 104

sending clips from Source Viewer, 182–183

sending storyboard to, 149–150

slices, 26, 194

SmartSound clips

adding, 227

trimming, 228

Storyboard over Timeline view, 137

surround sound, 248–249

templates, 47

title placement, 349

transitions, applying, 257–258

trimming clips, 169–171

audio, 222

Timeline command (Send To menu), 149, 349

Timeline menu commands

Insert Grouped, 202

Save Timeline As Template, 46

timewarps, filters, 317

Dynamic, 321–329

Linear, 317–320

Title Deko, 335

adding movement, 347

basics, 336

creating title, 338

default title durations, 350

editing title, 350

enhancements, 351

colored background, 344

picture background, 345–346

shadows, 343

interface, 337

opening, 337–338

placing title on Timeline, 349

presets, 348

Pro advantages, 352

saving title, 348

text properties

alignment, 342

font and point size, 340–341

titles. See Title Deko

TMPGEnc Web site, 105

Toggle Full Size Monitor button, 13


changing heights, 45

deleting audio from video clip, 235

mapping, 191

renaming, 45

Trailing computation methods, 321

Transition Editor

altering parameters, 272–273

keyframes, 270–271

Realtime 2D, 282–285

transitions, 251

A/B roll method, 252

applying to Timeline, 257–258

Classic, 277

Full-Screen mode, 280

Keyframe Interpolation, 278–279

clip trimming, 267–269

disabling keyframes, 276

Dissolve default, 260–265


altering parameters, 272–273

keyframes, 270–271

gradient wipes, 287


restriction disabling, 256

visualizing, 254–255

Hollywood Effect (HFX), 288

adding presets, 289

editing, 289–290

parameter curves, 274–275

Realtime 2D, 282–285

Realtime versus Classic, 259

saving custom, 281

single-track edit system, 253

trimming, 266

translations, Premiere Pro to Liquid, xii, 5

creating a batch list, 50

filters, 294

Trash Can

cleanup, 128

icon, 123

Trim Editor, 172

trimming clips, 173

trimming one clip, 174

Trim Editor button, 173, 175

Trim window, 22


audio clips

Source Viewer, 221

Timeline, 222


clips separately, 174

directly in Timeline, 169–171

element trim, 145

Multicam, 439

set mark-in and mark-out points, 143–144

Slip Trim, 175

Source Viewer, 180–181

storyboard, 141–145

Trim Editor, 173

transitions, 266

troubleshooting, 461

DVDs, 470

finding help, 478

hardware optimization, 476–477

inlay errors, 465

optimizing for NLE, 471

suitability tests

capture, 468

output, 469–470

playback, 463–464, 466

Windows XP optimization, 472–475

defragmentation, 473

hard drives, 472

reducing interface overhead, 475

Service Pack 2, 472

swap file locations, 473–474

updates, 472

type, Title Deko, 335

adding movement, 347

basics, 336

creating title, 338

default title durations, 350

editing title, 350

enhancements, 343–346, 351

interface, 337

opening, 337–338

placing title on Timeline, 349

presets, 348

Pro advantages, 352

saving title, 348

text properties, 340–342

typing, changing direction, 339


UI, single monitor, xviii

Undo button, 158

Undo command

audio, 211

editing, 158

filters, 294

information, 27

updates, Windows XP optimization, 472

upgrades, Liquid from earlier versions, 3

USB DV/analog converter, Pro BOB, xiv

User Groups of the U.S. Web site, 478

user templates, 47


VCD (video CD), 374

Vector button, 368

Vector scope, color correction, 368


new features, xx

upgrading from earlier, 3

VGA, Second Head output, xviii


adding markers, 192–193

content, 444

deleting audio track, 235

digitizing, xii, 5, 49

analog, 74–76

control, 66

EZ Capture tool, 54–60

format options, 50–52

keyboard shortcuts, 72

logged clips, 79–81

Logging tool, 61–66, 77–78

Multicam Capture, 82–86

scene detection, 72–73

versus logging, 53

formats, 50–52

mapping tracks, 191

synched with audio, 245–246

transitions, 251

A/B roll method, 252

applying to Timeline, 257–258

Classic, 277–280

clip trimming, 267–269

disabling keyframes, 276

Dissolve default, 260–265

editing, 270–273

gradient wipes, 287

handles, 254–256

Hollywood Effect (HFX), 288–290

parameter curves, 274–275

Realtime 2D, 282–285

Realtime versus Classic, 259

saving custom, 281

single-track edit system, 253

trimming, 266

video CD (VCD), 374

VOB files, importing, 99

voice-over audio, 237–238


adjusting during play, 212–213

adjusting with keyframes, 208

global adjustment, 214–215

showing levels, 206


WarpTime CPU Editor window, 147

WAV files, 198

Web sites

AC3 Filters, 99

Adita, 372

Avid, 2

Avid Liquid User Group of North Carolina, 478

book companion site, xii

Creative Commons, 199

Creative Cow, 478

Peachpit, 103

Pinnacle Broadcast Network, 372

Plant Liquid, 478

Shaw, Mike, 289

TMPGEnc, 105

User Groups of the U.S., 478

Welcome screen, 3

Windows Media 9, native editing, xix

Windows XP

Display properties, 354


defragmentation, 473

hard drives, 472

reducing interface overhead, 475

Service Pack 2, 472

swap file location, 473–474

updates, 472


Classic interface, 93

DVD, 378–380

Input, 55, 92–95

importing media clips, 92–93

Search Media option, 94–95

Installation, 3

Output, 386, 412

workflow, Liquid new feature, 209


XSend To, exporting Timeline, 422–423


Yellow slices, 26


Zoom tool, 143

navigating Timeline, 157

Source Viewer, 179

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