There's more...

For 32-bit systems, there's another handy tool that offers a graphical output of a disassembled binary. The libemu library and associated sctest tool are extremely handy, but, as far as I can tell, are only available on 32-bit systems. This tool emulates a running binary, and has options to output the disassembled binary graphically into a .dot file. The .dot file can be converted to a PNG or JPG, using the DOT converter tool. The emulator does have some requirements though. Binaries following the ELF format are not really ideal since ELF contains information at the beginning of the file. So, in order to get our ELF binary into a raw binary format, we'll need to use the objcopy tool. If we wanted to work on our example binary, the process would look like the following in a Terminal session running on a 32-bit system:

$ objcopy -O binary ch04-example ch04-example.bin
$ sctest -S -s 100000 -g -G < ch04-example.bin
$ dot -T png > ch04-example.png

Now for the unfortunate part. Despite my best efforts, and many different nights reading various blogs, I have yet to get sctest and libemu working on Ubuntu. At the time of writing though, Kali Linux comes with it installed and working on the 32-bit version. If you want to see the output from this great tool, I would recommend giving it a try on a 32-bit Kali Linux virtual machine. You can download Kali from the following URL:

If you don't want try it out, and just want to see its output, you can reference a blog post I wrote when going through the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert 32-bit course at Whichever path you take is entirely up to you. I would, however, recommend either giving it a try in Kali Linux or reading the blog as this tool is well worth the little time it takes to understand.

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