See also

If you're interested in diving into GDB more in depth, I recommend Pentester Academy's GDB course because it does a great job teaching the inner workings of GDB. You can find this course at the following URL:

When I took the SLAE and SLAE64 courses and certification attempt, the GDB course content was included, so if you're interested in Intel assembly on Linux, the extra GDB content makes it worth the cost of both training courses. The following URL will get you started in the right direction for each of these training courses as well:

GNU Debugger also has an online manual that is more complete than the man page. It is worth the time studying this manual as you may find commands that fit nicely with your own workflow. The GDB manual can be found at the following URL:

But wait, there's still more! There are more than a few ways to spruce up GDB's interface. One such way is by using plugins or extensions. GDB allows us to extend its functionality using Python. One of my favorite ways to spruce up GDB is to use a Python extension called PWNDBG. You can find download and installation instructions for PWNDBG at the following GitHub repository:

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