About the Reviewers

Matthieu Brucher holds an Engineering degree from the Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (Information, Signals, Measures), France, and has a PhD in Unsupervised Manifold Learning from the Universite de Strasbourg, France. He currently holds an HPC Software Developer position in an oil company and works on next generation reservoir simulation.

Mike Driscoll has been programming in Python since Spring 2006. He enjoys writing about Python on his blog at http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/. Mike also occasionally writes for the Python Software Foundation, i-Programmer, and Developer Zone. He enjoys photography and reading a good book. Mike has also been a technical reviewer for the following Packt Publishing books: Python 3 Object Oriented Programming, Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook, and Python Web Development Beginner's Guide.

Maurice HT Ling completed his PhD. in Bioinformatics and BSc (Hons) in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Melbourne. He is currently a research fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and an honorary fellow at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He co-edits the Python papers and has co-founded the Python User Group (Singapore), where he has served as vice president since 2010. His research interests lie in life—biological life, artificial life, and artificial intelligence—using computer science and statistics as tools to understand life and its numerous aspects. You can find his website at: http://maurice.vodien.com

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