Chapter 12. Big(ger) Data

While computers keep getting faster and have more memory, the size of the data has grown as well. In fact, data has grown faster than computational speed, and this means that it has grown faster than our ability to process it.

It is not easy to say what is big data and what is not, so we will adopt an operational definition: when data is so large that it becomes too cumbersome to work with, we refer to it as big data. In some areas, this might mean petabytes of data or trillions of transactions; data that will not fit into a single hard drive. In other cases, it may be one hundred times smaller, but just difficult to work with.

We will first build upon some of the experience of the previous chapters and work with what we can call the medium data setting (not quite big data, but not small either). For this we will use a package called jug, which allows us to do the following:

  • Break up your pipeline into tasks
  • Cache (memoize) intermediate results
  • Make use of multiple cores, including multiple computers on a grid

The next step is to move to true "big data", and we will see how to use the cloud (in particular, the Amazon Web Services infrastructure). We will now use another Python package, starcluster, to manage clusters.

Learning about big data

The expression "big data" does not mean a specific amount of data, neither in the number of examples nor in the number of gigabytes, terabytes, or petabytes taken up by the data. It means the following:

  • We have had data growing faster than the processing power
  • Some of the methods and techniques that worked well in the past now need to be redone, as they do not scale well
  • Your algorithms cannot assume that the entire data is in RAM
  • Managing data becomes a major task in itself
  • Using computer clusters or multicore machines becomes a necessity and not a luxury

This chapter will focus on this last piece of the puzzle: how to use multiple cores (either on the same machine or on separate machines) to speed up and organize your computations. This will also be useful in other medium-sized data tasks.

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