

  1. abstract nouns, 480481
  2. acceptance criteria (scope statement), 284
  3. Account setting (LinkedIn Settings & Privacy page), 376
  4. accountability (financial reporting), 98
  5. accounting
    1. balance sheet
      1. accounting equation, 56
      2. book values, 7778
      3. capital, 7476
      4. current and quick ratios, 6364
      5. current assets and liabilities, 6263
      6. debt, 7476
      7. liquidity, 6164
      8. market values, 7778
      9. overview, 5556
      10. presenting, 5761
      11. relative sizes of assets and liabilities, 6874
      12. solvency, 6164
      13. transactions, 6467
    2. financial reporting
      1. acid-test ratio, 113114
      2. auditor’s report, 118121
      3. book value, 110
      4. book value per share, 111112
      5. cash flow ratios, 116
      6. current ratio, 112113
      7. dividend yield ratio, 109110
      8. earnings per share, 106108
      9. footnotes, 117
      10. gross margin ratio, 105106
      11. investment options, 99101
      12. market value, 110
      13. overview, 9798
      14. P/E ratio, 108109
      15. private companies, 101
      16. profit ratio, 106
      17. public companies, 101102
      18. ratios, 102117
      19. ROA ratio, 114115
      20. ROE ratio, 112
      21. rules for, 9899
    3. financial statements
      1. accounting and financial reporting standards, 2429
      2. accuracy of, 2223
      3. balance sheet, 1317
      4. cash distributions from profit, 24
      5. cash flow, 2122
      6. evaluating profit performance, 2021
      7. income statement, 1013
      8. overview, 710
      9. statement of cash flows, 1719
      10. statement of changes in shareowners’ equity, 20
    4. income statement
      1. active reader of, 3840
      2. assets, 4547
      3. deconstructing profit, 4045
      4. expenses, 4751
      5. gross margin, 37
      6. investment business, 3536
      7. liabilities, 45, 4751
      8. minus signs, 36
      9. misconceptions, 53
      10. misleading reports, 54
      11. net income, 3637
      12. operating costs, 3738
      13. overview, 3132
      14. product-oriented business, 3234
      15. revenue, 4547
      16. sales revenue, 37
      17. service-oriented business, 3435
      18. unusual gains and losses, 5153
    5. statement of cash flows
      1. active reader of, 9394
      2. direct method of reporting, 8182
      3. financing activities, 9293
      4. free cash flow, 9495
      5. indirect method of reporting, 8384
      6. investing activities, 91
      7. limitations of, 9596
      8. overview, 7981
      9. variance between cash flow and net income, 8490
  6. accounting (fiscal) year, 64
  7. accounting and financial reporting standards
    1. cooking the books, 29
    2. defined, 8
    3. FASB, 25
    4. GAAP, 2629
    5. IASB, 25
    6. income smoothing, 29
    7. massaging the numbers, 29
    8. overview, 2425
    9. private companies, 2728
    10. public companies, 2728
    11. SEC, 25
  8. accounting equation, 1415, 56. See also assets; liabilities
  9. accounts payable, 42, 50
  10. accounts receivable, 46, 69, 8586
  11. accrual basis accounting, 46, 81
  12. accrued expenses payable account, 50
  13. accumulated depreciation, 48, 70
  14. accumulated depreciation account (contra account), 88
  15. achieved power, 281
  16. acid-test (quick; pounce) ratio, 64, 113114
  17. action verbs, 482483, 505507
  18. active job seekers, 444
  19. Active Jobs screen (LinkedIn), 439440
  20. active listening, 338339
  21. active readers
    1. of income statement, 3840
    2. of statement of cash flows, 9394
  22. activities. See also financing activities; investing activities; operating activities
    1. defined, 318
    2. titling, 315316
  23. ad creative, defined, 565
  24. ad hoc team meetings, 352
  25. adjectives, proper use of, 510512
  26. Advanced Search (LinkedIn), 444
  27. adverbs, proper use of, 510512
  28. adverse opinion (auditor’s report), 119
  29. advertising, 436439, 568
  30. affinity diagrams, 163
  31. After state (digital marketing), 567
  32. after-action (after-project) review, 174
  33. aggregate plans
    1. capacity plan, 146
    2. demand forecast, 146
    3. master schedule, 147148
    4. overview, 143145
    5. production plan, 147
  34. allowable payback period, 254
  35. Alumni window (LinkedIn), 399400
  36. Amazon, 596
  37. amortization expense, 73, 89
  38. anecdotes, using in business writing, 460
  39. annual promotional plan (email marketing), 647648
  40. ascension offers
    1. content marketing, 616
    2. email marketing, 654
  41. ascension stage (customer journey), 573574
  42. ascribed power, 281
  43. assessments
    1. benefit-cost analysis, 253254
    2. digital marketing, 587
  44. asset turnover ratio, 67
  45. assets
    1. balance sheet, 14, 15
    2. current, 6263, 8687
    3. fixed
      1. defined, 15
      2. depreciation, 48, 70
      3. salvage value, 91
    4. income statement, 4547
    5. intangible, 71
    6. inventory, 9
    7. net operating, 115
    8. receivables, 9
    9. relative sizes of, 6874
    10. revenue and expense effects on, 4144
    11. turning over, 67
    12. writing off, 52
  46. assumptions
    1. decision-making, 200201
    2. financial accounting, 29
    3. project management, 252, 305306
    4. scope statement, 284
    5. WBS and, 314315
  47. audience (reader profiling), 450, 452457
  48. audience analysis (email), 544546
  49. audience list
    1. audience list template, 272274
    2. categorizing groups, 265266
    3. displaying, 278279
    4. end users, 267268
    5. maintaining up-to-date, 268270
    6. overview, 264265
    7. purpose of, 266
    8. support groups, 267
  50. audit judgment failure, 121
  51. auditing blog posts
    1. categorizing topics, 639640
    2. conclusion, 638639
    3. delivering on promise, 640
    4. easy-to-consume content, 636637
    5. exceptional headlines, 634635
    6. goals, 637638
    7. introduction, 635636
    8. professional consistency, 640
    9. quality media, 638
    10. SEO, 639
  52. auditor’s report
    1. adverse opinion, 119
    2. clean opinion, 119120
    3. fraud, 120121
    4. modified opinion, 120
    5. overview, 118119
  53. authentic tone (business writing), 463
  54. authority
    1. leadership versus, 235237
    2. project audience, 279281
  55. average labor utilization metric, 131
  56. awareness, generating, 568569
  57. awareness stage (marketing funnel), 602. See also TOFU content marketing


  1. B2B (business to business), 577
  2. B2C (business to consumer), 577
  3. baby boomers, 451
  4. balance sheet
    1. accounting equation, 1415, 56
    2. acid-test ratio, 64
    3. assets, 14, 15, 6263, 6874
    4. book values, 7778
    5. capital, 7476
    6. current ratio, 64
    7. debt, 7476
    8. external, 61
    9. initial reading of, 5960
    10. internal, 61
    11. liabilities, 14, 15, 6263, 6874
    12. liquidity, 6164
    13. market values, 7778
    14. overview, 13, 5556
    15. presenting, 5761
    16. solvency, 6164
    17. tips for, 1517
    18. transactions, 6467
  5. bankruptcy, 61, 76
  6. basic EPS, 107
  7. Before state (digital marketing), 567
  8. benchmarking (DMAIC process), 162
  9. beneficiaries (project), 289290
  10. benefit subject lines (email), 659
  11. benefit-cost analysis, 253254
  12. benefits, highlighting in business writing, 459
  13. Berkshire Hathaway, 113
  14. bias, decision-making and, 212
  15. big data, defined, 198
  16. big-picture review (business writing), 495496, 529530
  17. bill of materials (BOM), 148
  18. Bing, 617
  19. black belts (Six Sigma), 160
  20. Blink (Gladwell), 179
  21. blogging
    1. auditing blog posts
      1. categorizing topics, 639640
      2. conclusion, 638639
      3. delivering on promise, 640
      4. easy-to-consume content, 636637
      5. exceptional headlines, 634635
      6. goals, 637638
      7. introduction, 635636
      8. professional consistency, 640
      9. quality media, 638
      10. SEO, 639
    2. blog-publishing process
      1. brainstorming, 622625
      2. content creators, 626630
      3. content segments, 625626
      4. copyediting, 631
      5. editing first draft, 630
    3. content marketing versus, 600
    4. headlines, 631633
    5. overview, 621622
    6. TOFU content marketing, 604
  22. Blue Apron company, 598
  23. Body Language For Dummies, 3rd Edition (Kuhnke), 450
  24. BOFU (bottom of funnel) content marketing
    1. comparisons, 609
    2. customer stories, 609
    3. demos, 609
    4. mini-classes, 609
    5. overview, 608
    6. Salesforce, 610
    7. spec sheets, 609
    8. webinars, 609
  25. bold type, 486, 555
  26. BOM (bill of materials), 148
  27. book value, 16, 49, 7778, 110
  28. book value per share, 111112
  29. books, for deep-discount offers, 591
  30. bottlenecks
    1. increasing process capacity, 139140
    2. overproduction, 138139
    3. overview, 137138
  31. bottom line. See net income
  32. bottom of funnel content marketing. See BOFU content marketing
  33. bounce rate (email), 665
  34. boxes, choosing for readability, 488489
  35. brainstorming
    1. blog-publishing process, 622625
    2. blogs, 622625
    3. for business writing, 454455
    4. content marketing, 615
    5. DMAIC process, 163
    6. WBS, 324325
  36. brand (LinkedIn), 363364
  37. brand advocates, 574
  38. brand promoters, 574
  39. break points (WBS), 320321
  40. BriteVerify company, 665
  41. broadcast emails, 645
  42. Brousseau, Kenneth, 179
  43. bubble-chart format (WBS), 329330
  44. Buffett, Warren, 10, 113, 455
  45. bulleted lists, 519521, 554
  46. bullying, 241
  47. bundles (monetization offers), 597
  48. business requirements document, 285
  49. business to business (B2B), 577
  50. business to consumer (B2C), 577
  51. business writing
    1. editing
      1. action verbs, 505507
      2. avoiding common mistakes, 521522
      3. big-picture review, 495496, 529530
      4. clichés, 510
      5. inflection, 498
      6. jargon, 508510
      7. language, 496498
      8. marking printouts, 492493
      9. modifiers, 510512
      10. non-contributing words, 502504
      11. objectivity, 494
      12. on-screen, 493
      13. organizing document, 513521
      14. overused suffixes, 499502
      15. overview, 491492
      16. passive verbs, 507
      17. prepositions, 502
      18. proofreading, 530533
      19. read-aloud method, 497498
      20. tracking changes, 493494
    2. email
      1. audience analysis, 544546
      2. closing, 550551
      3. conciseness, 552553
      4. deciding on content, 546
      5. graphic techniques, 553555
      6. leads, 541542
      7. length, 552
      8. limitations of, 551
      9. overview, 535537
      10. salutations/greetings, 540541
      11. signature block, 555
      12. structuring content, 548549
      13. subject lines, 538540
      14. tone, 546548, 552
      15. writing with purpose, 543544
    3. grammar pitfalls, 527
    4. graphic techniques, 485489
    5. matching nouns and pronouns, 524525
    6. organizing document
      1. lists, 518521
      2. overview, 513514
      3. paragraphing, 514515
      4. subheads, 515516
      5. transitions, 516518
    7. overview, 521522
    8. planning messages
      1. audience, 450, 452457
      2. brainstorming, 454455
      3. connecting with reader, 457458
      4. defining goal of, 448450
      5. for groups, 455
      6. highlighting benefits, 459
      7. limiting hyperbole, 460
      8. plan-draft-edit principle, 447448
      9. providing proof, 461
      10. relationship-building techniques, 465468
      11. tone, 461465
      12. using examples, 460
      13. using stories and anecdotes, 460
      14. using visuals, 460
      15. visualizing readers, 455456
      16. WIIFM and, 458459
    9. prepositions, 528
    10. use of and or but, 528
    11. use of commas, 522523
    12. use of however, 523524
    13. vocabulary guidelines
      1. abstract nouns, 480481
      2. action verbs, 482483
      3. concrete nouns, 480481
      4. everyday words and phrasing, 478479
      5. reader-friendly words, 479480
      6. use of comparisons, 483484
    14. which versus that, 525526
    15. who versus that, 526527
    16. who versus whom, 526527
    17. writing style
      1. clarity and simplicity, 470471
      2. conversational tone, 476478
      3. overview, 469470
      4. readability, 471474
      5. rhythm, 474476
  52. buyer persona. See customer avatar
  53. Buzan, Tony, 211
  54. Buzzfeed, 625
  55. BuzzSumo, 623


  1. call to action (CTA), 637638
  2. campaign plan (content marketing)
    1. ascension offers, 616
    2. brainstorming, 615
    3. channels, 616
    4. customer avatars, 614, 615
    5. overview, 614615
    6. vehicle of content, 616
  3. canned invitations (LinkedIn), 407408
  4. cap (capitalization), defined, 107
  5. capacity plan (aggregate plans), 146
  6. capital, defined, 7476
  7. capital accounts, 110
  8. capital expenditures, 65, 91
  9. capital intensive, 57
  10. capital utilization test, 115
  11. capitalization (cap), defined, 107
  12. cash balances, 72
  13. cash distributions from profit, 24
  14. cash dividends, 74
  15. cash flow, 2122, 116. See also statement of cash flows
  16. catch-all solutions (Six Sigma), 173
  17. categorizing topics (blog posts), 639640
  18. categorizing work (WBS), 325326
  19. cause and effect, determining
    1. correlation, 167
    2. DOE methodology, 168169
    3. fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram, 165166
    4. FMEA, 166167
    5. Pareto chart, 164165
  20. Center for Plain Language, 511
  21. challenges and pain points component (customer avatar), 565566
  22. channels (content marketing), 616
  23. character, displaying through decision-making, 231235
  24. cheat sheets (digital marketing), 586
  25. checklist
    1. deep-discount offers, 593594
    2. gated offers, 587590
  26. chief accounting officer (controller), 57
  27. chunking (email), 659660
  28. Churchill, Winston, 481
  29. clarity of writing
    1. overview, 470471
    2. paragraphing, 514515
  30. classified balance sheet, 57, 61
  31. classmates, finding on LinkedIn, 399401
  32. clean opinion (auditor’s report), 119120
  33. clichés, minimizing use in writing, 510
  34. clients/customers (project management), 265
  35. closing processes (project management), 250, 257
  36. clusters (run chart), 171
  37. collaborators (project management), 265
  38. color, readability and, 487
  39. columns, readability and, 487
  40. command-and-control management style, 238
  41. commas, proper use of, 522523
  42. commitment (project management), 251
  43. common stock, 108
  44. communication
    1. communicating decisions, 212213
    2. communications management plan, 353354
    3. decoded messages, 337
    4. encoded messages, 337
    5. formal, 277, 340
    6. generational differences, 451
    7. informal, 277, 340
    8. listening, 338339
    9. mediums, 337
    10. meetings, 342345, 351353
    11. messages, 337
    12. noise, 337
    13. one-way communication, 337
    14. overview, 335336
    15. project dashboard, 349350
    16. project management, 251
    17. project-progress report, 345348
    18. receiver, 337
    19. senders, 337
    20. two-way communication, 338
    21. written reports, 340342
  45. communications management plan
    1. content, 353
    2. data collection, 353
    3. information needs, 353
    4. information-sharing activity, 353
    5. target audience, 353
  46. Communications setting (LinkedIn Settings & Privacy page), 376
  47. Comparative category (decision-making criteria), 202
  48. comparative financial statements, 63
  49. comparisons
    1. BOFU content marketing, 609
    2. use in business writing, 483484
  50. complex capital structure (public companies), 108
  51. conciseness
    1. editing for, 495
    2. email, 552553
  52. conclusions
    1. blog posts, 638639
    2. email, 550551
  53. concrete nouns, 480481
  54. conditional work, 319
  55. conditionally repeating work (WBS), 319320
  56. connection requests (LinkedIn)
    1. canned invitations, 407408
    2. to existing members, 405407
    3. to nonmembers, 408409
    4. pitching LinkedIn to nonmembers, 409410
    5. removing contact from network, 410412
  57. connections (LinkedIn)
    1. degrees of separation, 361362
    2. first-degree, 360, 416417, 423
    3. second-degree, 360
    4. third-degree, 361
  58. constraints (scope statement), 284
  59. contact management (LinkedIn), 358360
  60. contacts
    1. importing into LinkedIn, 395405
    2. removing from network, 410412
  61. content creators (blogs)
    1. acquiring, 628629
    2. ensuring success with, 629630
    3. finding, 626628
  62. content marketing
    1. blogging versus, 600
    2. campaign plan, 614616
    3. customizing content, 614
    4. distributing content, 616619
    5. marketing funnel, 602610
    6. overview, 599601
    7. providing easy-to-follow path, 611612
    8. publishing content, 613
    9. retargeting, 613
    10. segmenting, 612613
    11. understanding prospect’s intent, 610611
  63. content segments (blogs), 625626
  64. continuity offers (recurring billing offers), 597598
  65. contra account (accumulated depreciation account), 88
  66. contract, defined, 285
  67. contract for services (WBS), 321322
  68. contractors (project management), 265
  69. control benchmarks, 67
  70. controller (chief accounting officer), 57
  71. controlling processes (project management), 250, 257
  72. conversational tone (business writing), 476478
  73. conversion stage (marketing funnel), 602. See also BOFU content marketing
  74. conversions, customer, 571
  75. cooking the books, 29, 118
  76. copy, defined, 565
  77. copyediting (blogs), 631
  78. copywriting (email), 659660
  79. core offer (digital marketing), 594595
  80. corporate strategy (strategic planning), 142143
  81. correlating variables, 167
  82. cost of goods sold expense, 37, 4647, 69
  83. cost of sales, 47
  84. coupon clubs, 587
  85. cover letters, 449
  86. CR (critical ratio) method, 151
  87. Craigslist, 628
  88. crisis management, 233234
  89. criteria (decision-making)
    1. overview, 201202
    2. Pugh Matrix, 203204
    3. scoring, 202203
    4. weighing, 202204
  90. critical ratio (CR) method, 151
  91. critical thinking, 199200, 242
  92. cross-sell offers, 596597
  93. crowdfunding, 99
  94. CTA (call to action), 637638
  95. cuing the click (email), 660
  96. cultural considerations (business writing), 463, 466
  97. curiosity headlines (blog), 632
  98. curiosity subject lines (email), 658659
  99. current (short-term) assets, 6263, 8687
  100. current (short-term) liabilities, 6263
  101. current ratio, 64, 112113
  102. customer avatar
    1. blog-publishing process and, 622623
    2. challenges and pain points, 565566
    3. components of, 561
    4. content marketing, 614, 615
    5. demographics, 564565
    6. example, 562
    7. goals and values, 563
    8. information sources, 564
    9. objections, 566
    10. overview, 560561
  103. customer flow time, 131132
  104. customer journey
    1. ascension stage, 573574
    2. brand advocates, 574
    3. brand promoters, 574
    4. building subscribers, 570571
    5. customer avatar, 560566
    6. customer onboarding, 572
    7. driving engagement, 569570
    8. generating awareness, 568569
    9. increasing conversions, 571
    10. overview, 559
    11. road map for, 575
    12. understanding value your company provides, 566568
  105. customer onboarding, 572
  106. customer stories (content marketing), 609
  107. cycle time (service industries), 153


  1. DadsDivorce microsite, 605
  2. data analysis (decision-making)
    1. assumptions, 200201
    2. avoiding analysis paralysis, 204205
    3. critical thinking, 199200
    4. establishing criteria, 201204
    5. overview, 198199
  3. data collection (communications management plan), 353
  4. debt
    1. financing activities, 9293
    2. financing business and, 7476
    3. interest expense and, 73
  5. decentralized decision-making, 231
  6. decision-making
    1. approaches to, 193
    2. becoming effective decision-maker, 188190
    3. clarifying purpose of decision, 192193
    4. communicating decisions, 212213
    5. data analysis, 198205
      1. assumptions, 200201
      2. avoiding analysis paralysis, 204205
      3. critical thinking, 199200
      4. establishing criteria, 201204
      5. overview, 198199
    6. decisive decision-makers, 179
    7. displaying character through, 231235
    8. effective decisions, characteristics of, 212213
    9. flexible decision-makers, 180
    10. frontline decisions, 179
    11. generating options, 205208
    12. hierarchic decision-makers, 180
    13. implementing decisions, 214218
    14. informed decision-making, 193198
    15. integrative decision-makers, 180
    16. intuitive decision-making, 218221
    17. leadership and, 235237
    18. mapping consequences of, 211212
    19. micromanaging, 227230
    20. operational decisions, 179
    21. overview, 177178
    22. risks, 209211
    23. shifting away from specialized decision-making, 230231
    24. strategic decisions, 224227
    25. tactical decisions, 178179
    26. workplace environment and
      1. handling interpersonal issues, 241242
      2. health of workplace, 188
      3. improving quality of, 239241
      4. innovation, 181183
      5. management style, 238239
      6. organizational structure, 183187
      7. overview, 180181, 238
  7. decision matrix (Pugh matrix), 169170, 203204
  8. decisive decision-makers, 179
  9. decoded messages, 337
  10. decomposition process (project management), 310311
  11. deep-discount offers
    1. books, 591
    2. checklist, 593594
    3. core offer, 594595
    4. little victories, 593
    5. overview, 590
    6. physical premiums, 590591
    7. software, 592
    8. splintering services, 592
    9. via webinars, 591
  12. deferred revenue
    1. accounts receivable and, 46
    2. defined, 42
  13. define, measure, analyze, design, and verify (DMADV) process, 162
  14. define-measure-analyze-improve-control (DMAIC) process. See DMAIC process
  15. deliverability (email)
    1. overview, 663664
    2. reputation and, 664
    3. subscriber engagement and, 664665
  16. deliverable/activity hierarchy (WBS), 318319
  17. deliverables (objectives), 284, 297302, 310, 315, 318
  18. delivering on promise (blog posts), 640
  19. demand forecast (aggregate plans), 146
  20. Deming, Edwards, 242
  21. demographic considerations
    1. business writing, 452
    2. customer avatar, 564565
  22. demos (content marketing), 609
  23. dependent demand, 148
  24. depreciation
    1. accumulated, 48, 70
    2. amortization expense compared to, 89
    3. cash flow and, 8788
    4. defined, 48
    5. special character of, 49
  25. design of experiments (DOE) methodology, 168169
  26. designing processes. See processes
  27. detectability (DET) dimension (FMEA), 166
  28. Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty (Mackay), 444
  29. digital marketing
    1. blogging
      1. auditing blog posts, 634640
      2. blog-publishing process, 622631
      3. headlines, 631633
      4. overview, 621622
    2. content marketing
      1. campaign plan, 614616
      2. customizing content, 614
      3. distributing content, 616619
      4. marketing funnel, 602–-610
      5. overview, 599601
      6. providing easy-to-follow path, 611612
      7. publishing content, 613
      8. retargeting, 613
      9. segmenting, 612613
      10. understanding prospect’s intent, 610611
    3. customer journey
      1. customer avatar, 560566
      2. overview, 559
      3. road map for, 575
      4. stages of, 568574
      5. understanding value your company provides, 566568
    4. email marketing
      1. ascension campaigns, 654
      2. broadcast emails, 645
      3. cuing the click, 660
      4. engagement campaigns, 653654
      5. ensuring deliverability, 663665
      6. indoctrination campaigns, 652653
      7. making emails stand out, 660663
      8. overview, 641
      9. promotional calendar, 646651
      10. promotional emails, 642
      11. reengagement campaigns, 655656
      12. relational emails, 643
      13. segmentation campaigns, 654655
      14. transactional emails, 643644
      15. triggered emails, 645
      16. writing and designing effective emails, 656660
    5. lead with value, 578
    6. offers
      1. deep-discount offers, 590595
      2. EPOs, 578595
      3. gated offers, 580590
      4. monetization offers, 595598
      5. overview, 577578
      6. ungated offers, 579580
  30. DigitalMarketer, 562, 566, 572, 606, 613
  31. DigitalMarketer Lab, 572
  32. diluted EPS, 107
  33. direct method of reporting (statement of cash flows), 8182
  34. disclosure
    1. adequate disclosure, 35
    2. GAAP requirements, 27
  35. discontinuities, 5253
  36. discount clubs, 587
  37. discount rate, defined, 254
  38. disruptive technologies, 181
  39. distributing content
    1. with email, 617
    2. overview, 616617
    3. paid traffic, 618619
    4. search marketing, 617
    5. with social media, 617618
  40. distribution list (project management), 264
  41. dividend yield ratio, 109110
  42. dividends, 24
  43. divine passive structure, 482483
  44. DMAIC process
    1. analyzing problem, 163169
    2. benchmarking, 162
    3. controlling process, 170171
    4. defining problem, 162
    5. implementing solution, 169170
    6. measuring, 163
    7. objective statement, 162
    8. overview, 161162
  45. DOE (design of experiments) methodology, 168169
  46. dot voting, 207
  47. doubt, decision-making and, 212
  48. downsizing, 51
  49. drivers, 68, 272277
  50. dropped (reversed-out) type, 487
  51. Dunbar, Robin, 184
  52. dynamics, defined, 198


  1. earliest due date (EDD) first, 151, 152
  2. early adopters (innovation), 182
  3. early majority (innovation), 182
  4. earnings before interest and income tax. See EBIT
  5. earnings per share (EPS), 34, 106108
  6. earnings statement. See income statement
  7. easy-to-consume content (blog posts), 636637
  8. EBIT (earnings before interest and income tax)
    1. product-oriented business income statement, 33
    2. ROA ratio and, 115
  9. EDD (earliest due date) first, 151, 152
  10. editing
    1. business writing
      1. action verbs, 505507
      2. avoiding common mistakes, 521522
      3. big-picture review, 495496, 529530
      4. clichés, 510
      5. inflection, 498
      6. jargon, 508510
      7. language, 496498
      8. marking printouts, 492493
      9. modifiers, 510512
      10. non-contributing words, 502504
      11. objectivity, 494
      12. on-screen, 493
      13. organizing document, 513521
      14. overused suffixes, 499502
      15. overview, 491492
      16. passive verbs, 507
      17. prepositions, 502
      18. proofreading, 530533
      19. read-aloud method, 497498
      20. tracking changes, 493494
    2. first draft of blog post, 630
    3. grammar pitfalls, 527
    4. lists, 518521
    5. matching nouns and pronouns, 524525
    6. paragraphing, 514515
    7. prepositions, 528
    8. recommendations (LinkedIn), 426427, 429430
    9. subheads, 515516
    10. transitions, 516518
    11. use of and or but, 528
    12. use of commas, 522523
    13. use of however, 523524
    14. which versus that, 525526
    15. who versus that, 526527
    16. who versus whom, 526527
  11. educational gated offers
    1. free reports, 584
    2. overview, 583584
    3. primary research, 584
    4. sales material, 585
    5. webinar training, 584
    6. white papers, 584
  12. educational value (digital marketing), 579
  13. effective decisions, characteristics of, 212213
  14. email
    1. audience analysis, 544546
    2. best time to send, 542
    3. conciseness, 552553
    4. conclusion, 550551
    5. content marketing with, 617
    6. deciding on content, 546
    7. generational differences in writing styles, 545
    8. graphic techniques, 553555
    9. hard bounce, 665
    10. importing contacts into LinkedIn from, 395398
    11. leads, 541542
    12. limitations of, 551
    13. overview, 535537
    14. profiling readers, 545546
    15. salutations/greetings, 540541
    16. signature block, 555
    17. structuring content, 548549
    18. subject lines, 538540
    19. tone, 546548, 552
    20. writing with purpose, 543544
  15. email marketing
    1. ascension campaigns, 654
    2. broadcast emails, 645
    3. cuing the click, 660
    4. engagement campaigns, 653654
    5. ensuring deliverability, 663665
    6. indoctrination campaigns, 652653
    7. making emails stand out, 660663
    8. overview, 641
    9. promotional calendar
      1. annual promotional plan, 647648
      2. cataloging products and services, 646647
      3. marketing plan, 648649
      4. 90-day rolling calendar, 651
      5. 30-day calendar, 650
    10. promotional emails, 642
    11. reengagement campaigns, 655656
    12. relational emails, 643
    13. segmentation campaigns, 654655
    14. subject lines, 658659
    15. transactional emails, 643644
    16. triggered emails, 645
    17. writing and designing effective emails, 656660
  16. emotional environment (informed decision-making), 196197
  17. empathy, 231, 242
  18. employees
    1. emotional environment in workplace, 196197
    2. finding via LinkedIn
      1. active job seekers, 444
      2. job listings, 432442
      3. overview, 431432
      4. passive job seekers, 444
      5. screening candidates, 442443
    3. Six Sigma quality and, 173
  19. empty business-speak, 509
  20. encoded messages, 337
  21. end users (project management), 265, 267268
  22. engagement campaigns
    1. customer journey, 569570
    2. email marketing, 653654
  23. English Grammar For Dummies (Woods), 521
  24. English Grammar Workbook For Dummies (Woods), 521
  25. enterprise resource planning (ERP), 154155
  26. entertainment value (digital marketing), 579
  27. EPOs (entry point offers)
    1. deep-discount offers
      1. books, 591
      2. checklist, 593594
      3. core offer, 594595
      4. little victories, 593
      5. overview, 590
      6. physical premiums, 590591
      7. software, 592
      8. splintering services, 592
      9. via webinars, 591
    2. gated offers
      1. answering questions, 583
      2. checklist, 587590
      3. delivering discount, 583
      4. educational, 583585
      5. giving example, 582583
      6. making promise, 582
      7. offering shortcut, 583
      8. overview, 580581
      9. tools, 586587
    3. ungated offers, 579580
  28. EPS (earnings per share), 34, 106108
  29. ERP (enterprise resource planning), 154155
  30. estimates (financial accounting), 29
  31. ethics/ethical issues
    1. decision-making, 188
    2. displaying character through decision-making, 231235
    3. profit-making, 23
  32. ETS (exchange traded securities), 35
  33. evaluation stage (marketing funnel), 602. See also MOFU content marketing
  34. exactitude misconception, 53
  35. examples, using in business writing, 460
  36. exceptional headlines (blog posts), 634635
  37. exchange traded securities (ETS), 35
  38. executing processes (project management)
    1. defined, 250
    2. performing, 256
    3. preparing, 255256
  39. executive-level decisions. See strategic decisions
  40. expectations gap, 120
  41. expected on-hand inventory, 149
  42. expenses
    1. accounts payable account, 50
    2. accrued expenses payable account, 50
    3. amortization, 73, 89
    4. cost of goods sold, 37, 4647, 69
    5. depreciation, 48
    6. income statement, 1112, 4751
    7. income tax, 7374
    8. income tax payable account, 5051
    9. interest, 73
    10. operating, 1213, 4748, 71
    11. prepaid, 4748, 71, 87
    12. reducing process expenses, 136137
    13. rent, 48
    14. revenue and expense effects on assets and liabilities, 4144
    15. SG&A, 12, 3739, 71
  43. external balance sheet, 61
  44. external groups (audience list), 265266
  45. external income statement, 10
  46. external profit report. See income statement


  1. facility level planning
    1. capacity plan, 146
    2. demand forecast, 146
    3. master schedule, 147148
    4. overview, 143145
    5. production plan, 147
  2. failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), 166167
  3. FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board), 25
  4. FCFS (first-come, first-served), 151152
  5. fearful thinking (decision-making), 206
  6. feasibility of project, confirming, 292293
  7. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 25
  8. financial leverage, 76
  9. financial leverage gain, 114115
  10. financial reporting
    1. accountability, 98
    2. accounting and financial reporting standards, 2429
    3. acid-test ratio, 113114
    4. auditor’s report, 118121
    5. book value, 110
    6. book value per share, 111112
    7. cash flow ratios, 116
    8. current ratio, 112113
    9. dividend yield ratio, 109110
    10. earnings per share, 106108
    11. footnotes, 117
    12. gross margin ratio, 105106
    13. investment options, 99101
    14. market value, 110
    15. overview, 9798
    16. P/E ratio, 108109
    17. private companies, 101
    18. profit ratio, 106
    19. public companies, 101102
    20. ratios
      1. acid-test, 113114
      2. book value, 110
      3. book value per share, 111112
      4. cash flow, 116
      5. current, 112113
      6. dividend yield, 109110
      7. earnings per share, 106108
      8. gross margin, 105106
      9. market value, 110
      10. overview, 102104
      11. P/E, 108109
      12. profit, 106
      13. ROA, 114115
      14. ROE, 112
    21. rules for, 9899
  11. financial statements (financials)
    1. accounting and financial reporting standards, 2429
    2. accuracy of, 2223
    3. balance sheet, 1317
    4. cash distributions from profit, 24
    5. cash flow, 2122
    6. evaluating profit performance, 2021
    7. income statement, 1013
    8. overview, 710
    9. statement of cash flows, 1719
    10. statement of changes in shareowners’ equity, 20
  12. financing activities, 17, 1819, 6567, 9293
  13. first-come, first-served (FCFS), 151152
  14. first-degree connections (LinkedIn), 360, 416417, 423
  15. fiscal (accounting) year, 64
  16. fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram, 165166
  17. The Five Temptations of a CEO (Lencioni), 190
  18. Fiverr company, 592
  19. fixed assets
    1. defined, 15
    2. depreciation, 48, 70
    3. salvage value, 91
  20. Flesch, Rudolph, 473
  21. Flesch Readability Index, 471, 473
  22. flexible decision-makers, 180
  23. flexible resources, 135136
  24. flow unit (serial processes), 127
  25. FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis), 166167
  26. Fog Index, 473
  27. Followerwonk app, 627
  28. fonts, choosing for readability, 486
  29. formal communication (projects), 277, 340
  30. formality (business writing), 466
  31. Franklin, Benjamin, 141
  32. fraud
    1. discovering, 120121
    2. financial reporting, 54
  33. free account (LinkedIn), 367
  34. free cash flow, 9495
  35. free reports (guides), 584
  36. FreshBooks company, 601, 610612
  37. frontline decisions, 179
  38. fully justified copy, 487


  1. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles), 2629
  2. GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board), 27
  3. gated offers
    1. answering questions, 583
    2. assessments, 587
    3. cheat sheets, 586
    4. checklist, 587590
    5. coupon clubs, 587
    6. discount clubs, 587
    7. discounts, 583
    8. educational, 583585
    9. giving example, 582583
    10. handouts, 586
    11. making promise, 582
    12. MOFU content marketing, 606608
    13. offering shortcut, 583
    14. overview, 580581
    15. quizzes, 587
    16. resource list, 586
    17. software, 587
    18. surveys, 587
    19. templates, 586
  4. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 2629
  5. generation gaps, leveraging, 451
  6. Generation X, 451
  7. Generation Y, 451
  8. GIFs (graphics interchange format), 565, 664
  9. Giphy, 662
  10. Gladwell, Malcolm, 181
  11. goals
    1. blog posts, 637638
    2. defining for business writing, 448450
    3. designing processes to meet
      1. increasing system capacity, 132134
      2. line balancing, 134135
      3. overview, 129131
      4. reducing customer flow time, 131132
      5. reducing process expenses, 136137
      6. utilizing flexible resources, 135136
  12. goals and values component (customer avatar), 563
  13. GoDaddy, 571572
  14. going-concern assumption, 29, 120
  15. good faith, 29
  16. goodwill, 72
  17. Google, 617
  18. Google Analytics, 624
  19. Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), 27
  20. grammar pitfalls (business writing), 527
  21. graphic techniques (business writing)
    1. adding graphics, 487488
    2. boxes, 488489
    3. color, 487
    4. email, 553555
    5. lists, 488489
    6. sidebars, 488489
    7. type, 485487
    8. white space, 485
  22. graphical view (WBS), 328
  23. graphics interchange format (GIFs), 565, 664
  24. green belts (Six Sigma), 160
  25. gross margin (gross profit), 33, 37
  26. gross margin ratio, 105106
  27. gross requirements (inventory record), 149
  28. group meetings, 277
  29. groups, planning messages for, 455
  30. Groups section (LinkedIn), 444
  31. groupthink, 237
  32. guides (free reports), 584
  33. Gunning, Robert, 473


  1. H2H (human to human), 577
  2. handouts, 586
  3. hard bounce (email), 665
  4. Hay Group, 238
  5. headlines (blog)
    1. curiosity, 632
    2. news, 633
    3. self-interest, 631
    4. social proof, 633
    5. urgency and scarcity, 632
    6. warning, 633
  6. hierarchic decision-makers, 180
  7. hierarchical method. See top-down strategy
  8. hierarchy diagram (WBS), 328
  9. histogram, 171
  10. Home option (LinkedIn top navigation bar), 374
  11. home page (LinkedIn), 373
  12. human to human (H2H), 577
  13. hyperbole, using in business writing, 460


  1. IASB (International Accounting Standards Board), 25
  2. IKEA
    1. email marketing, 571
    2. gated offers, 585
  3. implementing decisions
    1. action plan, 214215
    2. adapting to changing realities, 217218
    3. metrics, 215216
    4. reflecting on results, 218
    5. setting priorities, 217
  4. implicit knowledge, 219
  5. income smoothing, 29
  6. income statement
    1. active reader of, 3840
    2. assets, 4547
    3. deconstructing profit, 4045
    4. expenses, 1112, 4751
    5. gross margin, 37
    6. investment business, 3536
    7. liabilities, 45, 4751
    8. minus signs, 36
    9. misconceptions, 53
    10. misleading reports, 54
    11. net income, 11, 3637
    12. operating costs, 3738
    13. overview, 1011, 3132
    14. product-oriented business, 3234
    15. revenue, 4547
    16. sales revenue, 11, 13, 37
    17. service-oriented business, 3435
    18. tips for, 1213
    19. unusual gains and losses, 5153
  7. income tax expense, 7374
  8. income tax payable account, 5051, 7374
  9. indented-outline format (WBS), 328329
  10. indirect method of reporting (statement of cash flows), 8384
  11. indoctrination campaigns (email marketing), 652653
  12. inferences, checking, 339
  13. inflation, 254
  14. inflection, in business writing, 498
  15. influencers, 626
  16. infographics (TOFU content marketing), 604
  17. informal communication, 277, 340
  18. information resource, LinkedIn as, 366
  19. information sources component (customer avatar), 564
  20. information-sharing activity (communications management plan), 353
  21. informed decision-making
    1. determining how much information is enough, 197198
    2. emotional environment, 196197
    3. objectivity, 194195
    4. perspective, 195196
    5. research, 194
    6. separating fact from speculation, 196
  22. initiating processes (project management), 250252
  23. initiators, project, 286, 288289
  24. InMail messaging service (LinkedIn), 368
  25. innovation
    1. building culture that values, 182183
    2. early adopters, 182
    3. early majority, 182
    4. laggards, 182
    5. late majority, 182
    6. overview, 181182
  26. innovators, 181
  27. inputs (MRP), 148149
  28. inspirational value (digital marketing), 579
  29. instant messaging, 503
  30. intangible assets, 71
  31. integrative decision-makers, 180
  32. interest expense, 73
  33. internal balance sheet, 61
  34. internal groups (audience list), 265
  35. internal rate of return, 254
  36. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), 25
  37. interpersonal issues, handling, 241242
  38. introductions
    1. blog posts, 635636
    2. LinkedIn, 392
  39. intuitive decision-making, 218221
  40. inventory
    1. assets, 9
    2. cash flow and, 8687
    3. cost of goods sold, 4647
    4. cost of goods sold expense and, 69
    5. MRP, 149
  41. investing activities, 17, 18, 6567, 91, 99101
  42. Investing For Dummies (Tyson), 99
  43. invitations (LinkedIn)
    1. canned invitations, 407408
    2. defined, 392
    3. to existing members, 405407
    4. to nonmembers, 408409
    5. responding to, 412413
  44. involuntary bankruptcy, 61, 76
  45. Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram, 165166


  1. jargon, minimizing use in writing, 508510
  2. J.Crew, 604
  3. job listings (LinkedIn)
    1. advertising to network, 436439
    2. overview, 432433
    3. posting, 433436
    4. reviewing applicants, 439442
  4. job search (LinkedIn), 364366
  5. Jobs option (LinkedIn top navigation bar), 374
  6. Jobs page (LinkedIn), 436
  7. justification (scope statement), 283
  8. justifying project
    1. beneficiaries, 289290
    2. confirming feasibility, 292293
    3. identifying initiator, 286, 288289
    4. identifying real users, 290291
    5. identifying related projects, 293
    6. objectives, 297302
    7. for organization, 294295
    8. project champion, 290
    9. project requirements, 291292
    10. project title, 286287
    11. research, 295296
    12. scope of work, 296297


  9. kits (monetization offers), 597
  10. Klein, Gary, 219
  11. Know Me game, 242
  12. known unknown, 333
  13. Kuhnke, Elizabeth, 450


  1. labeling entries (WBS), 326327
  2. laggards (innovation), 182
  3. language, editing, 496498
  4. late majority (innovation), 182
  5. lateral scroll rate (email), 665
  6. lawsuits/legal issues, 51
  7. lead with value (digital marketing), 578. See also offers (digital marketing)
  8. leadership
    1. decision-making and, 235237
    2. improving leadership style, 229230
  9. leads (email), 541542
  10. Learning option (LinkedIn top navigation bar), 375
  11. left-justified text, 487
  12. Lego Club Magazine, 605
  13. Lencioni, Patrick, 190
  14. liabilities
    1. balance sheet, 14, 15
    2. cash flow and, 8990
    3. current, 6263
    4. income statement, 45, 4751
    5. relative sizes of, 6874
    6. revenue and expense effects on, 4144
    7. spontaneous, 75
  15. liaisons (project management), 267
  16. like operations (parallel processes), 128129
  17. line balancing (operations management), 134135
  18. LinkedIn
    1. building brand and profile, 363364
    2. building network, 388390
    3. contact management, 358360
    4. expanding network, 366367
    5. finding employees, 431444
    6. free account, 367
    7. home page, 373
    8. importing contacts
      1. browsing connections’ networks, 402405
      2. checking for members, 399
      3. from email, 395398
      4. finding classmates, 399401
      5. People You May Know feature, 401402
    9. as information resource, 366
    10. invitations
      1. canned, 407408
      2. defined, 392
      3. responding to, 412413
    11. job search, 364366
    12. joining, 377388
      1. with invitation, 378379
      2. overview, 377378
      3. sign-up process, 380388
      4. without invitation, 379380
    13. LIONs, 362, 392
    14. navigating, 373376
    15. network connections, 360362
    16. overview, 357358
    17. paid accounts, 368373
    18. recommendations
      1. declining, 425426
      2. managing, 426430
      3. overview, 415416
      4. quality versus quantity, 418
      5. reciprocated, 417
      6. requested, 417
      7. requesting, 422425
      8. unsolicited, 416
      9. writing, 418422
    19. sending connection requests
      1. canned invitations, 407408
      2. to existing members, 405407
      3. to nonmembers, 408409
      4. pitching LinkedIn to nonmembers, 409410
      5. removing contact from network, 410412
    20. Settings & Privacy page, 375376
    21. top navigation bar, 374375
    22. types of networks, 392395
  19. LIONs (LinkedIn open networkers), 362, 392
  20. liquidity, evaluating, 6164
  21. listening skills, 338339
  22. lists
    1. bulleted, 519521
    2. choosing for readability, 488489
    3. numbered, 518519
  23. little victories (deep-discount offers), 593
  24. long-term direction, balancing short-term actions with, 225
  25. long-term notes payable, 62
  26. long-term project (WBS), 321
  27. lost return on investment, 254
  28. Lowe’s, 618


  1. machines category (fishbone diagram), 165
  2. Mackay, Harvey, 444
  3. Mail Monitor app, 664
  4. Manage Candidates screen (LinkedIn), 441442
  5. management category (fishbone diagram), 165
  6. management discussion and analysis (MD&A) section (financial report), 105
  7. management styles, 238239
  8. manpower category (fishbone diagram), 165
  9. margin, defined, 105
  10. margins, choosing for readability, 487
  11. market cap, 107
  12. market requirements document, 285
  13. market values, 7778, 110
  14. marketing funnel
    1. awareness stage, 602
    2. BOFU content, 608610
    3. conversion stage, 602
    4. evaluation stage, 602
    5. MOFU content, 606608
    6. overview, 602603
    7. TOFU content, 603606
  15. marketing persona. See customer avatar
  16. marketing plan (email), 648649. See also email marketing
  17. MarketingProfs, 628
  18. marking printouts, 492493
  19. massaging the numbers, 29, 118119
  20. master production schedule (MRP), 148
  21. master schedule (MS), aggregate plans, 147148
  22. material requirements planning. See MRP
  23. materials category (fishbone diagram), 165
  24. McDonald’s, 596
  25. MD&A (management discussion and analysis) section (financial report), 105
  26. Me option (LinkedIn top navigation bar), 374
  27. mean shift (run chart), 171
  28. measurement category (fishbone diagram), 166
  29. Medicare-Glaser, 226
  30. mediums, 337
  31. meetings
    1. ad hoc team meetings, 352
    2. conducting efficient meetings, 344
    3. group, 277
    4. one-on-one, 277
    5. overview, 342343
    6. post-meeting tasks, 344345
    7. pre-meeting planning, 343
    8. regularly scheduled team meetings, 351
    9. upper-management progress review, 352353
  32. Mehrabian, Albert, 461
  33. messages, planning
    1. audience, 452457
    2. brainstorming, 454455
    3. connecting with reader, 457458
    4. defining goal of, 448450
    5. for groups, 455
    6. highlighting benefits, 459
    7. limiting hyperbole, 460
    8. plan-draft-edit principle, 447448
    9. providing proof, 461
    10. relationship-building techniques, 465468
    11. tone, 461465
    12. using examples, 460
    13. using stories and anecdotes, 460
    14. using visuals, 460
    15. visualizing readers, 455456
    16. WIIFM and, 458459
  34. Messaging option (LinkedIn top navigation bar), 374
  35. methods category (fishbone diagram), 166
  36. micromanaging, 227230
  37. microsites, 605
  38. Microsoft Word
    1. grammar-check, 533
    2. Readability Index, 472
  39. middle of funnel content marketing. See MOFU content marketing
  40. mind maps, 211212
  41. mini-classes, 609
  42. minus signs (income statement), 36
  43. modified opinion (auditor’s report), 120
  44. modifiers, minimizing use of, 510512
  45. MOFU (middle of funnel) content marketing
    1. gated offers, 606608
    2. goal of, 608
    3. overview, 606
  46. monetization offers (digital marketing)
    1. bundles, 597
    2. cross-sell offers, 596597
    3. kits, 597
    4. overview, 595
    5. recurring billing offers, 597598
    6. slack adjusters, 597
    7. upsells, 596
  47. Morning Star company, 185, 186
  48. Moz company, 625
  49. MRP (material requirements planning), 148152
    1. bill of materials, 148
    2. inputs, 148149
    3. inventory record, 149
    4. master production schedule, 148
    5. output and, 149151
    6. prioritizing jobs, 151152
    7. product structure diagram, 148
  50. MS (master schedule), aggregate plans, 147148
  51. Must Haves category (decision-making criteria), 202
  52. mutual funds, 35
  53. My Network option (LinkedIn top navigation bar), 374


  1. narrow thinking (decision-making), 206
  2. negativity, critical thinking versus, 242
  3. net income
    1. cash dividends and, 74
    2. income statement, 11, 3637
    3. product-oriented business income statement, 33
    4. variance between cash flow and, 8490
  4. net operating assets, 115
  5. net present value (NPV), 254
  6. net requirements (inventory record), 149
  7. network (LinkedIn)
    1. building, 388390
    2. importing contacts, 395405
    3. invitations, 392
    4. responding to invitations, 412413
    5. sending connection requests, 405412
    6. types of networks, 392395
  8. news headlines (blog), 633
  9. newsletters, 645
  10. NFP (not-for-profit) entities, 7, 27
  11. 90-day rolling calendar (email marketing), 651
  12. noise (communication), 337
  13. non-contributing words, 502504
  14. Nordstrom, 644
  15. notes payable, 62
  16. not-for-profit (NFP) entities, 7, 27
  17. Notifications option (LinkedIn top navigation bar), 374
  18. nouns
    1. abstract, 480481
    2. concrete, 480481
    3. matching pronouns and, 524525
  19. NPV (net present value), 254
  20. numbered lists, 518519, 554


  1. objections component (customer avatar), 566
  2. objective statement (DMAIC process), 162
  3. objectives (deliverables), 284, 297302, 310, 315, 318
  4. objectivity
    1. informed decision-making, 194195
    2. self-editing, 494
  5. observers (project management), 272274, 276277
  6. occurrence (OCC) dimension (FMEA), 166
  7. offers (digital marketing)
    1. EPOs
      1. deep-discount offers, 590595
      2. gated offers, 580590
      3. ungated offers, 579580
    2. monetization offers, 595598
    3. overview, 577578
  8. OfficeVibe company, 659
  9. one-on-one meetings, 277
  10. one-option-only trap (decision-making), 206
  11. one-way communication, 337
  12. online media
    1. readability level, 473
    2. spontaneous-style copy, 478
  13. on-screen editing, 493
  14. open networking (LinkedIn), 362
  15. Open Profile program (LinkedIn), 362
  16. open rate (email), 665
  17. operating (profit-making) activities
    1. defined, 6567, 81
    2. statement of cash flows, 1718
  18. operating cycle, 62
  19. operating earnings
    1. defined, 35
    2. product-oriented business income statement, 33
  20. operating expenses, 1213, 3738, 4748, 71
  21. operating statement. See income statement
  22. operational decisions, 179
  23. operations management
    1. designing processes
      1. bottlenecks, 137140
      2. goals and, 129137
      3. overview, 125
      4. parallel processes, 127129
      5. process improvement projects, 126
      6. serial processes, 127
    2. planning operations
      1. aggregate plans, 145148
      2. enterprise resource planning, 154155
      3. hierarchical method, 142145
      4. material requirements planning, 148152
      5. overview, 141
      6. service industries, 152154
    3. Six Sigma quality
      1. DMAIC process, 161171
      2. obstacles to, 172174
      3. overview, 157158
      4. skill levels, 160161
      5. specification limits, 158159
      6. values, 160
  24. organization, justifying project for, 294295
  25. organization-chart format (WBS), 328
  26. organizing documents
    1. lists, 518521
    2. overview, 513514
    3. paragraphing, 514515
    4. subheads, 515516
    5. transitions, 516518
  27. oscillations (run chart), 171
  28. out-of-control process, handling, 173174
  29. output (MRP), 149151
  30. outstanding shares, 107
  31. overproduction, 138139
  32. owners’ equity, 14, 74, 76. See also debt


  1. P&L (profit and loss) report, 13, 32
  2. paid accounts (LinkedIn)
    1. overview, 368369
    2. Premium Business, 369370
    3. Premium Career, 369
    4. Premium Hiring (Recruiter Lite), 370
    5. Premium Sales (Sales Navigator Professional), 370
    6. upgrading to premiums accounts, 370373
  3. paid traffic (content marketing), 618619
  4. paragraphing, 514515
  5. parallel processes
    1. defined, 127
    2. like operations, 128129
    3. unlike operations, 127128
  6. paraphrasing technique (active listening), 339
  7. Pareto chart, 164165
  8. passive job seekers, 365, 444
  9. passive verbs, 482483, 506507
  10. pass-through tax entity, 51
  11. password (LinkedIn), 379
  12. payout ratio, 93, 109
  13. PCC (Private Company Council), 28
  14. P/E (price/earnings) ratio, 108109
  15. People You May Know feature (LinkedIn), 401402
  16. periodic profit, 16
  17. personalizing business message, 466
  18. perspective (informed decision-making), 195196
  19. persuasive writing, 470
  20. photographs (TOFU content marketing), 604
  21. physical premiums (deep-discount offers), 590591
  22. Plain Language Association International (PLAIN), 511
  23. plain language movements, 511
  24. Plain Writing Act of 2010, 511
  25. Plain Writing Association, 511
  26. plan-draft-edit principle (business writing), 447448
  27. planned receipts (inventory record), 149
  28. planned releases (inventory record), 149
  29. planning messages
    1. for audience
      1. brainstorming content, 454455
      2. demographic considerations, 452
      3. factors affecting perception of message, 452453
      4. groups, 455
      5. overview, 450
      6. psychographic considerations, 452
      7. visualizing, 455456
    2. brainstorming, 454455
    3. connecting with reader, 457458
    4. defining goal of, 448450
    5. for groups, 455
    6. highlighting benefits, 459
    7. limiting hyperbole, 460
    8. plan-draft-edit principle, 447448
    9. providing proof, 461
    10. relationship-building techniques, 465468
    11. tone
      1. appropriate to culture, 463
      2. appropriate to occasion, 462
      3. appropriate to relationship, 462
      4. authentic, 463
      5. controlling, 464465
      6. overview, 461462
      7. respectful, 463464
    12. using examples, 460
    13. using stories and anecdotes, 460
    14. using visuals, 460
    15. visualizing readers, 455456
    16. WIIFM and, 458459
  30. planning operations, 141155
    1. aggregate plans
      1. capacity plan, 146
      2. demand forecast, 146
      3. master schedule, 147148
      4. overview, 145
      5. production plan, 147
    2. enterprise resource planning, 154155
    3. hierarchical method, 142145
    4. material requirements planning
      1. bill of materials, 148
      2. inputs, 148149
      3. inventory record, 149
      4. master production schedule, 148
      5. output and, 149151
      6. prioritizing jobs, 151152
      7. product structure diagram, 148
    5. overview, 141
    6. service industries, 152154
  31. planning processes (project management), 250, 252, 254255
  32. plowing back earnings, 45
  33. plural possessive pronouns, 523524
  34. PMBOK Guide 6th Edition (PMBOK 6), 247
  35. podcasts (TOFU content marketing), 605
  36. point size, choosing for readability, 487
  37. Post a Job option (LinkedIn top navigation bar), 375
  38. posting job listings (LinkedIn), 433436
  39. post-meeting tasks, 344345
  40. pounce (acid-test) ratio, 64, 113114
  41. power of context, 181
  42. power-interest grid, 282
  43. prejudice, decision-making and, 212
  44. pre-meeting planning, 343
  45. premiums accounts (LinkedIn)
    1. Premium Business, 369370
    2. Premium Career, 369
    3. Premium Hiring (Recruiter Lite), 370
    4. Premium Sales (Sales Navigator Professional), 370
    5. upgrading to, 370373
  46. prepaid expenses, 4748, 71, 87
  47. prepositions, 502, 528
  48. price/earnings (P/E) ratio, 108109
  49. primary capital market, 99
  50. primary research
    1. gated offers, 584
    2. TOFU content marketing, 605
  51. print media
    1. readability level, 472
    2. TOFU content marketing, 605
  52. printer’s proofs, 492
  53. prioritizing jobs, 172173
  54. privacy (LinkedIn), 376, 390
  55. private companies
    1. financial reporting, 101
    2. GAAP and, 2728
  56. Private Company Council (PCC), 28
  57. ProBlogger Job Board, 628
  58. process capacity, increasing, 139140
  59. process control chart, 170
  60. processes
    1. bottlenecks
      1. increasing process capacity, 139140
      2. overproduction, 138139
      3. overview, 137138
    2. goals
      1. balancing the line, 134135
      2. increasing system capacity, 132134
      3. overview, 129131
      4. reducing customer flow time, 131132
      5. reducing process expenses, 136137
      6. utilizing flexible resources, 135136
    3. overview, 125
    4. parallel
      1. defined, 127
      2. like operations, 128129
      3. unlike operations, 127128
    5. process improvement projects, 126
    6. projects versus, 248
    7. serial processes, 127
  61. product (projects), 246, 247
  62. product requirements document, 285
  63. product scope description (scope statement), 283
  64. product structure diagram (MRP), 148
  65. production plan (aggregate plans), 147
  66. product-oriented business’ income statement
    1. earnings before income tax, 33
    2. earnings per share, 34
    3. gross margin, 33
    4. net income, 33
    5. operating earnings, 33
    6. overview, 3233
  67. professional consistency (blog posts), 640
  68. professional societies (project management), 265
  69. profile (LinkedIn)
    1. building, 363364
    2. profile photo, 385386
  70. Profile Strength box (LinkedIn), 387
  71. profit. See also net income
    1. defined, 4041
    2. evaluating profit performance, 2021
    3. folding into retained earnings, 4445
    4. revenue and expense effects on assets and liabilities, 4144
  72. profit and loss (P&L) report, 13, 32
  73. profit ratio, 106
  74. profit-making activities. See operating activities
  75. programs, projects versus, 248
  76. project abstract (project profile), 285
  77. project audience
    1. assessing power and interest, 281282
    2. audience list
      1. audience list template, 272274
      2. categorizing, 265266
      3. displaying, 278279
      4. end users, 267268
      5. maintaining up-to-date, 268270
      6. overview, 264265
      7. support groups, 267
    3. authority and, 279281
    4. drivers, 272275, 276277
    5. keeping involved, 277
    6. maximizing involvement, 278
    7. observers, 272274, 276277
    8. overview, 263264
    9. supporters, 272277
    10. what’s in it for me (WIIFM), 278
  78. project champion, 273, 290
  79. project charter, 285
  80. project constraints, 302305
  81. project dashboard, 349350
  82. project exclusions (scope statement), 284
  83. project management
    1. assumptions, 305306
    2. benefit-cost analysis, 253254
    3. closing processes, 257
    4. communication
      1. communications management plan, 353354
      2. decoded messages, 337
      3. encoded messages, 337
      4. formal, 277, 340
      5. informal, 277, 340
      6. listening, 338339
      7. mediums, 337
      8. meetings, 342345, 351353
      9. messages, 337
      10. noise, 337
      11. one-way communication, 337
      12. overview, 335336
      13. project dashboard, 349350
      14. project-progress report, 345348
      15. receiver, 337
      16. senders, 337
      17. two-way, 338
      18. written reports, 340342
    5. controlling processes, 257
    6. executing processes, 255256
    7. initiating processes, 251252
    8. justifying project
      1. beneficiaries, 289290
      2. confirming feasibility, 292293
      3. identifying initiator, 286, 288289
      4. identifying real users, 290291
      5. identifying related projects, 293
      6. objectives, 297302
      7. for organization, 294295
      8. project champion, 290
      9. project requirements, 291292
      10. project title, 286287
      11. research, 295296
      12. scope of work, 296297
    9. overview, 250251
    10. planning processes, 252, 254255
    11. project audience
      1. assessing power and interest, 281282
      2. audience list, 264272, 278279
      3. authority and, 279281
      4. drivers, 272275, 276277
      5. keeping involved, 277
      6. maximizing involvement, 278
      7. observers, 272274, 276277
      8. overview, 263264
      9. supporters, 272277
    12. project constraints, 302305
    13. project managers
      1. avoiding shortcuts, 259260
      2. challenges, 260261
      3. handling resistance to project-management, 258259
      4. improving effectiveness, 261262
      5. overview, 257258
      6. tasks, 258
    14. projects
      1. components of, 246247
      2. defined, 245
      3. diversity of, 247248
      4. stages of, 248249
    15. scope statement, 283285, 306307
    16. thinking in detail, 310311
    17. WBS
      1. assumptions and, 314315
      2. break points, 320321
      3. bubble-chart format, 329330
      4. categorizing work, 325326
      5. conducting survey using, 316317
      6. contract for services, 321322
      7. deliverable/activity hierarchy, 318319
      8. determining detail needed, 313314
      9. developing, 323325
      10. identifying risks, 332334
      11. improving quality of, 330
      12. indented-outline format, 328329
      13. labeling entries, 326327
      14. long-term project, 321
      15. naming objectives, 315
      16. organization-chart format, 328
      17. overview, 311313
      18. representing conditionally repeating work, 319320
      19. schemes, 322323
      20. templates, 331332
      21. titling activities, 315316
      22. WBS dictionary, 334
  84. project management software, 215
  85. project managers
    1. avoiding shortcuts, 259260
    2. challenges, 260261
    3. defined, 265
    4. handling resistance to project-management, 258259
    5. improving effectiveness, 261262
    6. overview, 257258
    7. tasks, 258
  86. project profile (project summary; project abstract), 285
  87. project request, 285
  88. project summary (project profile), 285
  89. project title, 286287
  90. promotional calendar (email), 646651
    1. annual promotional plan, 647648
    2. cataloging products and services, 646647
    3. marketing plan, 648649
    4. 90-day rolling calendar, 651
    5. 30-day calendar, 650
  91. promotional emails, 642, 645
  92. pronouns, 524525
  93. proof, providing in business writing, 461
  94. proofreading, 492, 530533
  95. property, plant, and equipment, 48. See also fixed assets
  96. proxy statement, 102
  97. psychographic considerations (business writing), 452
  98. public companies
    1. complex capital structure, 108
    2. financial reporting, 101102
    3. GAAP and, 2728
  99. publishing content, 613
  100. Pugh, Stuart, 203
  101. Pugh Matrix (decision matrix), 169170, 203204


  1. qualified leads, 585
  2. quality management. See Six Sigma quality
  3. quality media (blog posts), 638
  4. quick (acid-test) ratio, 64, 113114
  5. quizzes (digital marketing), 587


  1. Radicati Group, Inc., 536
  2. ratios (financial reporting)
    1. acid-test ratio, 64, 113114
    2. book value, 110
    3. book value per share, 111112
    4. cash flow ratios, 116
    5. current ratio, 112113
    6. dividend yield ratio, 109110
    7. earnings per share, 106108
    8. gross margin ratio, 105106
    9. market value, 110
    10. overview, 102104
    11. P/E, 108109
    12. profit ratio, 106
    13. ROA ratio, 114115
    14. ROE ratio, 112
  3. readability indexes, 471, 473, 496
  4. readability of business writing
    1. assessing, 472474
    2. Flesch Readability Index, 473
    3. Fog Index, 473
    4. matching reading level to audience, 472
    5. overview, 471
    6. reader-friendly words, 479480
  5. read-aloud method (business writing), 497498, 523
  6. readers (business writing)
    1. connecting with, 457458
    2. profiling, 545546
    3. reader profiling, 450, 452457
    4. visualizing, 455456
  7. real users, identifying, 290291
  8. receivables, 9
  9. receivers of information, 337
  10. reciprocated recommendations (LinkedIn), 417
  11. recommendations (LinkedIn)
    1. changing visibility of, 427, 428, 430
    2. declining, 425426
    3. deleting, 427, 429430
    4. editing, 426427, 429430
    5. new, 427429
    6. overview, 415416
    7. personal versus business, 418
    8. quality versus quantity, 418
    9. reciprocated, 417
    10. requested, 417
    11. requesting
      1. choosing whom to ask, 422423
      2. quality versus quantity, 425
      3. writing request, 423424
    12. unsolicited, 416
    13. writing
      1. choosing who to recommend, 418419
      2. conciseness, 420
      3. creating recommendation, 420422
      4. details, 419
      5. specificity, 419
  12. Recruiter functions (LinkedIn), 371
  13. recurring billing offers (continuity offers), 597598
  14. reengagement campaigns (email marketing), 655656
  15. regulators (project management), 265
  16. relational emails, 643
  17. relationship-building techniques (business writing)
    1. overview, 465466
    2. personalizing message, 466
    3. “you-not-I” concept, 466468
  18. Remember icon, 2
  19. rent expense, 48
  20. repeat customers, 595
  21. reports (gated offers), 584
  22. requested recommendations (LinkedIn), 417
  23. requesters (project management), 265
  24. requesting recommendations (LinkedIn)
    1. choosing whom to ask, 422423
    2. quality versus quantity, 425
    3. writing request, 423424
  25. requirements, project, 291292
  26. research
    1. blog-publishing process, 623
    2. gated offers, 584
    3. informed decision-making, 194
    4. justifying project, 295296
    5. readability of business writing, 473
  27. resource list (digital marketing), 586
  28. resources (projects), 246, 247
  29. respectful tone (business writing), 463464
  30. retained earnings
    1. defined, 45
    2. folding profit into, 4445
  31. retained earnings account, 110
  32. retargeting (content marketing), 613
  33. return on assets (ROA) ratio, 114115
  34. return on equity (ROE) ratio, 112
  35. return on investment (ROI), 172
  36. Return Path app, 664
  37. revenue
    1. deferred, 42, 46
    2. income statement, 4547
    3. revenue and expense effects on assets and liabilities, 4144
  38. reversed-out (dropped) type, 487
  39. rhythm of writing
    1. long and complicated, 475476
    2. overview, 474
    3. short and choppy, 475
  40. right-justified text, 487
  41. risk priority number (RPN) (FMEA), 166
  42. risks
    1. decision-making, 209211
    2. WBS, 332334
  43. ROA (return on assets) ratio, 114115
  44. ROE (return on equity) ratio, 112
  45. ROI (return on investment), 172
  46. rolling over debt, 76
  47. rolling-wave approach, to long-term project, 321
  48. RPN (risk priority number) (FMEA), 166
  49. Rumsey, Deborah J., 168
  50. run chart, 171


  1. sales, general, and administrative (SG&A) expenses, 12, 3739, 71
  2. sales material (gated offers), 585
  3. sales revenue, 11, 13, 37, 69
  4. Salesforce, 610
  5. salutations/greetings (email), 540541
  6. salvage value (fixed assets), 91
  7. sans-serif fonts, 486
  8. scarcity subject lines (email), 659
  9. scenario forecasting (decision-making), 208
  10. schedule (projects), 246
  11. scheduled receipts (inventory record), 149
  12. schemes (WBS), 322323
  13. scope (projects), 246, 296297
  14. scope statement
    1. documents related to, 285
    2. overview, 283284
    3. presenting, 306307
  15. screening job candidates, 442443
  16. search engine optimization (SEO), 639
  17. search marketing, 569, 617
  18. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)
    1. overview, 25
    2. proxy statement requirements, 102
  19. segmentation campaigns (email), 645, 654655
  20. segmenting (content marketing), 612613
  21. self-esteem, decision-making and, 232
  22. self-interest headlines (blog), 631
  23. senders, 337
  24. SEO (search engine optimization), 639
  25. serial processes (flow unit), 127
  26. serif fonts, 486
  27. service-oriented business
    1. cycle time, 153
    2. income statement, 3435
    3. planning operations, 152154
  28. Settings & Privacy page (LinkedIn)
    1. Account setting, 376
    2. Communications setting, 376
    3. overview, 375
    4. Privacy setting, 376
  29. severity (SEV) dimension (FMEA), 166
  30. SG&A (sales, general, and administrative) expenses, 12, 3739, 71
  31. shortest operating time (SOT), 151, 152
  32. short-term (current) assets, 6263, 8687
  33. short-term (current) liabilities, 6263
  34. short-term actions, balancing with long-term direction, 225
  35. short-term notes payable, 62
  36. short-term solvency, current ratio and, 112
  37. sidebars, choosing for readability, 488489
  38. signature block (email), 555
  39. sign-up process (LinkedIn), 380388
  40. simple capital structure (public companies), 108
  41. simplicity of writing, 470471
  42. singular pronouns, 523524
  43. Six Sigma quality
    1. DMAIC process
      1. analyzing, 163169
      2. controlling process, 170171
      3. defining problem, 162
      4. improving, 169170
      5. measuring, 163
      6. overview, 161162
    2. obstacles to
      1. catch-all solutions, 173
      2. failure to focus, 172
      3. giving up, 174
      4. handling out-of-control process, 173174
      5. lack of integration, 174
      6. lacking employee involvement, 173
      7. not learning from experience, 174
      8. prioritizing into paralysis, 172173
    3. overview, 157158
    4. skill levels, 160161
    5. specification limits, 158159
    6. values, 160
  44. skepticism, critical thinking versus, 200
  45. skill levels (Six Sigma), 160161
  46. Skype, 225
  47. slack adjusters (digital marketing), 597
  48. small businesses, defined, 39
  49. social media
    1. content marketing with, 617618
    2. networking, 357
    3. social media marketing, 569, 570571
    4. TOFU content marketing, 604
  50. social proof headlines (blog), 633
  51. social validation, 415416
  52. soft bounce (email), 665
  53. software
    1. deep-discount offers, 592
    2. digital marketing, 587
  54. solvency
    1. evaluating, 6164
    2. short-term, 112
  55. SOT (shortest operating time), 151, 152
  56. Spamhaus, 664
  57. SPC (statistical process control), 158
  58. spec sheets (BOFU content marketing), 609
  59. specialized decision-making, 230231
  60. specification limits (Six Sigma quality), 158159
  61. speculation, separating fact from, 196
  62. splintering services, 592
  63. spontaneous liabilities, 75
  64. spontaneous-style copy, 478
  65. stakeholder list (project management), 264
  66. Starbucks, 597
  67. statement of cash flows
    1. active reader of, 9394
    2. direct method of reporting, 8182
    3. financing activities, 9293
    4. financing transactions, 17, 1819
    5. free cash flow, 9495
    6. indirect method of reporting, 8384
    7. investing activities, 91
    8. investing transactions, 17, 18
    9. limitations of, 9596
    10. operating activities, 1718
    11. overview, 17, 7981
    12. tips for, 19
    13. variance between cash flow and net income, 8490
  68. statement of changes in shareowners’ equity, 20
  69. statement of earnings. See income statement
  70. statement of financial condition. See balance sheet
  71. statement of financial position. See balance sheet
  72. statement of operating results. See income statement
  73. statement of work, 285
  74. statistical process control (SPC), 158
  75. Statistics For Dummies, 2nd Edition (Rumsey), 168
  76. Steinbaum, Harlan, 226
  77. stories
    1. use in content marketing, 609
    2. using in business writing, 460
  78. strategic (executive-level) decisions
    1. balancing short-term actions with long-term direction, 225
    2. defined, 178
    3. developing strategic thinking, 226227
    4. overview, 193, 224225
    5. thinking conceptually, 225226
  79. strategic planning (corporate strategy), 142143
  80. Streetlights and Shadows (Klein), 219
  81. subheads, 515516, 553554
  82. subject lines (email)
    1. benefit subject lines, 659
    2. curiosity subject lines, 658659
    3. overview, 538540
    4. scarcity subject lines, 659
  83. subscribers
    1. digital marketing, 570571
    2. email, 664665
  84. suffixes, overused
    1. -ent words, 501
    2. -ing words, 499
    3. -ion words, 500501
    4. -ize words, 501
    5. -ly words, 501
    6. -ous words, 501
  85. suppliers (project management), 265
  86. supporters (project management), 267, 272277
  87. Surowiecki, James, 186
  88. surveys
    1. conducting with WBS, 316317
    2. digital marketing, 587
  89. Sustainable Food Lab, 197
  90. Swanson, Bill, 232
  91. Sync Contacts screen (LinkedIn), 395396
  92. system capacity, increasing, 132134


  1. tactical decisions, 178179, 193
  2. tags (blog posts), 639640
  3. Talent Solutions page (LinkedIn), 432
  4. target audience, 353. See also customer avatar
  5. team meetings
    1. ad hoc, 352
    2. regularly scheduled team meetings, 351
  6. team members (project management), 264, 265
  7. technical requirements, specifications document, 285
  8. Technical Stuff icon, 2
  9. templates
    1. digital marketing, 586
    2. WBS, 331332
  10. texting writing style, 503
  11. thinking conceptually, 225226
  12. thinking in detail, 310311
  13. 30-day calendar (email marketing), 650
  14. Tip icon, 2
  15. TOFU (top of funnel) content marketing
    1. blog posts, 604
    2. digital magazines and books, 605
    3. goal of, 606
    4. infographics, 604
    5. microsites, 605
    6. overview, 603604
    7. photographs, 604
    8. podcasts, 605
    9. primary research, 605
    10. print media, 605
    11. social media, 604
  16. tone
    1. appropriate to culture, 463
    2. appropriate to occasion, 462
    3. appropriate to relationship, 462
    4. authentic, 463
    5. controlling, 464465
    6. email, 546548
    7. overview, 461462
    8. respectful, 463464
  17. top navigation bar (LinkedIn)
    1. Home option, 374
    2. Jobs option, 374
    3. Learning option, 375
    4. Me option, 374
    5. Messaging option, 374
    6. My Network option, 374
    7. Notifications option, 374
    8. Post a Job option, 375
    9. Work option, 375
  18. top of funnel content marketing. See TOFU content marketing
  19. top-down strategy
    1. aggregate plans, 143145
    2. corporate strategy, 142143
    3. implementation of plan, 145
    4. WBS, 324
  20. total quality management (TQM), 158
  21. Toyoda, Akio, 235
  22. Toyota, 235
  23. TQM (total quality management), 158
  24. tracking stocks, 108
  25. transactional emails, 643644
  26. transactions (balance sheet), 55, 6467
  27. transitions, in writing
    1. overview, 516518
    2. use in blog posts, 636
  28. trauma, in workplace, 238
  29. treasury stock, 108
  30. trend analysis, 63
  31. trends
    1. defined, 198
    2. run chart, 171
  32. triggered emails, 645
  33. TRUSTe Privacy Program (LinkedIn), 390
  34. Twain, Mark, 510
  35. Twitter
    1. finding content creators on, 627
    2. posting job listings on, 436
  36. two-way communication, 338
  37. type
    1. columns, 487
    2. fonts, 486
    3. margins, 487
    4. overview, 485
    5. point size, 487
  38. Tyson, Eric, 99


  1. unintended consequences (decision-making), 210
  2. unknown information, 332333
  3. unlike operations (parallel processes), 127128
  4. unmodified opinion (auditor’s report), 119120
  5. unsolicited recommendations (LinkedIn), 416
  6. unusual gains and losses (income statement), 5153
  7. unwritten rules, 241
  8. upper management (projects), 265
  9. upsells, 596
  10. urgency and scarcity headlines (blog), 632


  1. value investors, 111
  2. values (Six Sigma quality), 160
  3. vehicle of content (content marketing), 616
  4. vendors (project management), 265
  5. visualizing technique
    1. active listening, 338339
    2. planning messages, 455456
  6. visuals, using in business writing, 460
  7. vocabulary guidelines (business writing)
    1. abstract nouns, 480481
    2. action verbs, 482483
    3. concrete nouns, 480481
    4. everyday words and phrasing, 478479
    5. and or but, 528
    6. reader-friendly words, 479480
    7. use of comparisons, 483484
    8. use of however, 523524
    9. which versus that, 525526
    10. who versus that, 526527
    11. who versus whom, 526527


  8. waiting period (WIP), processes, 130, 139
  9. warning headlines (blog), 633
  10. Warning icon, 2
  11. WBS (work breakdown structure)
    1. assumptions and, 314315
    2. break points, 320321
    3. categorizing work, 325326
    4. conducting survey using, 316317
    5. contract for services, 321322
    6. deliverable/activity hierarchy, 318319
    7. determining detail needed, 313314
    8. developing, 323325
    9. formats, 328330
    10. identifying risks, 332334
    11. improving quality of, 330
    12. labeling entries, 326327
    13. long-term project, 321
    14. naming objectives, 315
    15. overview, 311313
    16. representing conditionally repeating work, 319320
    17. schemes, 322323
    18. templates, 331332
    19. titling activities, 315316
  12. WBS dictionary, 334
  13. webinars
    1. BOFU content marketing, 609
    2. deep-discount offers via, 591
    3. gated offers via, 584
  14. what’s in it for me (WIIFM), 278, 458459
  15. white papers, 584
  16. white space, choosing for readability, 485
  17. Whiteboard Friday blog, 625
  18. Whole Foods, 569, 606
  19. WIIFM (what’s in it for me), 278, 458459
  20. WIP (waiting period), processes, 130, 139
  21. wisdom of crowds concept, 186
  22. The Wisdom of Crowds (Surowiecki), 186
  23. Wood, Mark, 225
  24. Woods, Geraldine, 521
  25. work breakdown structure. See WBS
  26. Work option (LinkedIn top navigation bar), 375
  27. work order, defined, 285
  28. work packages, 318
  29. workplace environment
    1. decision-making and, 180188, 238242
    2. emotional safety, 240
    3. high-quality interactions, 241
    4. physical safety, 240241
  30. Write for Us page (MarketingProfs), 628
  31. writers (blogs), 626630
  32. writing down (writing off) assets, 52
  33. writing recommendations (LinkedIn)
    1. choosing who to recommend, 418419
    2. conciseness, 420
    3. creating recommendation, 420422
    4. details, 419
    5. specificity, 419
  34. writing style
    1. clarity and simplicity, 470471
    2. conversational tone, 476478
    3. overview, 469470
    4. readability of, 471474
    5. rhythm, 474476
    6. texting and instant messaging, 503
  35. written approvals (projects), 277
  36. written voice. See tone


  1. yellow belts (Six Sigma), 161
  2. “you-not-I” concept (business writing), 466468


  1. Zarrella, Dan, 542
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