Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


1/3-octave equalizer, 385

1 Gigabit Ethernet. See Gigabit Ethernet

1 Mbps (Classic) Ethernet, 419

10 Gigabit Ethernet, 419, 422–423

10-log decibel calculation, 134–137

100 Mbps (Fast) Ethernet, 417, 419–420

1080i video standard, HDTV, 341

1080p (or Full HD) video, HDTV, 341

150 rule, text size, 94–95

20-log decibel calculation, 134–135

2.4 GHz frequency, 411

3:1 rule, microphone placement, 168–169

3D (or solid) modeling, 53–54

4 rule, 96, 99–100

40/100 Gbps Ethernet, 417–418, 423

4:1:1 sampling, 330

4:2:0 sampling, 342, 348

4:2:2 sampling, 330

4:4:4 sampling, 330, 348

4:4:4:4 sampling, 330

4K video, 341–342, 344, 348–350

6 rule, 96, 99–100

6G-SDI (4K/30 fps), 343

720p video standard, HDTV, 341

8 rule, 96, 99–100

8K UHDTV format, 341–342


A weighted sound pressure levels, 139, 141, 320

A weighting, SPL meter, 139–143, 238, 509–510

AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), 332

AACS (Advanced Access Content System) license, 326


architectural drawing, 50–51

decibel, 135–136


diffusers, and sound, 303

porous absorbers, 309–310

resonant absorbers, 310

sound interaction via, 300–301, 308–309

absorption coefficients, 309

AC (alternating current)

coils, capacitors and resistors in series circuit, 253–255

defined, 249

impedance in, 148–149, 249–250

in magnetic-field coupling, 279

in power distribution systems, 257–259

reactance in, 250

voltmeter, 510

acceptable viewing area, AV design, 99–100

access control, network AV, 492–493

accounting, network AV security, 493

acoustic mass law, 310–311

acoustic S/N ratio, 172


overview of, 295, 296

review Q & A, 320–321

sound interaction, 300–314

sound production, 296–297

sound propagation, 297–300

sound reception, 314–320

active extenders, 512

ad hoc addresses, multicast addressing, 482

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), 25, 221–222, 231

administration, and multicast reflecting, 483

administratively scoped block, multicast, 482–483

Advanced Access Content System (AACS) license, 326

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), 332

affordance, in human-centered interface design, 393

AGC (automatic gain control), DSP, 376

AHJ (authority having jurisdiction)

electrical codes, 256

installation of differing voltage levels, 249

local building codes, 223

regional regulations, 503–504

aisle clearance, for equal access, 221

alien crosstalk (AXT), 408

aligned seating layout, and sightline, 82–83

allied trades, communicating with

areas of collaboration, 186

hierarchy of design consultation, 190–191

industry standards as common language, 190

overview of, 185

review Q & A, 192–193

showing workmanship, 191–192

stakeholders, 186

tracking project, 187–189

alternating current. See AC (alternating current)

aluminum foil shielding, 281–282

ambient light

controlling, 201–202

digital signal processors controlling, 376

predicting projector brightness, 122–123

rear-projection system tolerance for, 106

ambient noise, 319

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 207

American Society of Testing Materials International (ASTM International) standards, 309–310

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 25, 221–222, 231

amplifiers, 149, 231–233

amplitude, digital signal, 327

analog, 326, 366–368

analog voltage (voltage ramp generator), 393

analytical decision making, contrast ratio, 117, 520

ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

audio system verification, 510

AV and IT industries, 190

InfoComm certifications and, 4–5

NSSN resources for regional codes, 504

retired lumens standards, 113

SPL meter performance, 140

ANSI/ASA S12.60-2010, background noise, 319–320


10:2013, Audiovisual Systems Performance Verification, 34, 397, 500–503, 523

2M-2010, Standard Guide for Audiovisual Systems Design and Coordination Processes, 34, 500–501

3M-2011, Projected Image System Contrast Ratio, 116–118, 201, 519–521

4, Audiovisual Systems Energy Management Standard, 242–243

AV industry performance standards, 190

AoE (audio over Ethernet), VoIP vs., 368

APIPA (Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing), 443–444

app-enhanced mobile devices, as control panels, 392

Apple Lossless, 332

Application layer (Layer 7), OSI model, 413

applications, CTS-D exam process, 23

approval, program report, 70

architectural and infrastructure drawings

drawing symbols, 48–50

overview of, 53–57

ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers), 207

aspect ratio

adjusting display setup, 516–518

calculating, 102–103

EDID strategy for, 355, 358

HDTV video, 341

selecting display device, 101–102

Ultra HD video, 341–342

ASTM International (American Society of Testing Materials International) standards, 309–310

attack time, audio DSP, 376, 377–379

attentuation, equalization filter classifications, 380

audience area

in AV-enabled rooms, 58–59

side of rear-projection screen facing, 108

visual principles of. See visual principles of design

audience, streaming needs analysis of, 463, 466


acceptable latency for high-fidelity, 472

coverage in audience/presenter areas, 58

determining total program size, 331

digital bandwidth for, 328

sampling rates, 328

streaming, 449, 461, 463–464

audio design

analog vs. digital audio, 366–368

audio transport methods, 368

compressor settings, 376–378

DSP architectures, 369–371

DSP settings, 376

equalization, 380–385

expanders, 379–380

gain settings, 373–374

gate settings, 378–379

limiter settings, 378

overview of, 365–366

setting up system, 372–373

signal monitoring, 371–372

signal-to-noise ratio, 374–375

audio design principles

decibels and, 132–135

distributed layout, 146–148

loudspeaker coverage, 144–146

loudspeaker directivity, 143–144

loudspeaker impedance, 148–149

loudspeaker wiring, 149–151

measuring impedance, 152

microphones. See microphones

Ohm’s law and power equation, 148

overview of, 131

power amplifiers, 154–157

quality. See audio system quality

reference level, 135–137

review Q & A, 179–182

sound pressure level, 137–138

SPL meters, 139–143

transformers, 152–154

audio over Ethernet (AoE), VoIP vs., 368

audio signal generators, 506

audio signals

as AC waveform, 250

handling delay, 383–384

monitoring, 372

audio system quality

intelligibility, 173

loudness, 172

NOM and FSM variables, 177

overview of, 171–172

PAG/NAG calculations, 177–178

PAG/NAG ratio, 174–177

stability, 174

audio system verification tools, 505–511

audio transport methods, 368

audio/video sync, 521–523

Audiovisual Systems Energy Management Standard, ANSI/INFOCOMM, 242–243

Audiovisual Systems Performance Verification, ANSI/INFOCOMM, 34, 397, 500–503, 523

auditing, for networked AV, 497

Australian Building Codes Board, 222–223

authentication, 359–360, 492, 496

authority having jurisdiction. See AHJ (authority having jurisdiction)

authorization, network AV, 493

automatic gain control, 376, 515

automatic microphone mixer, 166

Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing (APIPA), 443–444

automation, energy management, 241

AV department manager, 63

AV design, CTS-D certification for, 3–7

AV Design Levels 13 Online course, InfoComm, 11

AV design package, 51–57

AV Math for Design Online course, InfoComm, 11

AV system drawings, design package, 56–57

availability, 469, 488–489

AVB/TSN (Audio Video Bridging/Time-Sensitive Networking) standard, 451–453

AVC (H.264 Advanced Video Coding), as MPEG-4 Part 10, 475–476

AXT (alien crosstalk), 408


B-frames (bidirectional frames), GOPs, 335

back-focus, adjusting camera, 514

background noise, 317–320, 379

backlight, 213, 515

backward compatibility, 359, 419, 421

balanced circuits, 282–285

balanced noise-criterion (NCB), background noise, 317–318

balloon plots, loudspeakers, 143–144

baluns, video system verification, 511–512

band-pass filters, 254, 381


analog vs. digital audio, 366

determining total program size, 331

digital audio, 328

digital video, 329–331

HDMI 2.0 increasing, 348

implementing multicast, 478

implementing streaming reflectors and, 483

as key factor in AV design, 326

optical fiber cabling for high, 408

streaming design and network, 463, 468–470, 473

VPNs increasing, 427

basic decision making, contrast ratio for, 117, 519–520

bass traps, diffusers vs., 303

benchmarking, in needs analysis, 65–66

bends, conduit, 292

BER (bit error rate), signal stability, 343

bezels, videowall design, 111

bid response form, front-end documentation, 52

bidirectional pickup pattern, 161

BIM (building information modeling), 54

binocular vision, 76

bit depth, 328–331, 333

bit error rate (BER), signal stability, 343

blackout drapes, 201–202

blended devices, network components, 407

blending, videowall design, 112

blip-and-flash test, audio/video sync, 522

block diagrams, 233–234

blocking, in wall mounting, 224

bolts, 226–229

bonding, 274, 278

boundary microphones, 158–159

branch circuits, 262–264

branches, 151

bridges, AVB/TSN, 452

briefing phase, AV design, 36


adjusting contrast and, 518–519

calculating required projector, 123–124

human eye perception of, 196

predicting projector, 120–123

broadcast IP addresses, 435–436

broadcast messages, 424

broadcast TV, 330

BTU (British thermal units), heat load, 234–235

budget, 69–70

building information modeling, 54

building information modeling (BIM), 54

buzz. See also interference prevention/noise defense, 278–279

bytes, 430, 432–433


C-weighting, SPL meter, 139, 141

C weighting, SPL meter, 509


analog vs. digital audio, 366–368

AV conduit for, 287–292

as capacitor, 252

digital video cliff effect and, 342–343

noise and, 282–283, 285

troubleshooting EDID, 357

verifying video signal path, 511

for video signal types. See video signal types

caching server, unicast streams, 476

CAD (computer-aided design) drawings, 54–55

calculator, exam, 13–14

cameras, 114, 513–516

candelas, 114, 196, 205

candlepower, 112, 203–205

capacitance value (farads), 251

capacitive reactance property, 251

capacitors, 251–252, 280

cardioid (unidirectional) pickup pattern, 161, 170–171

casework, detail drawings for, 54–55

Cat cabling, 407–408, 419, 421–422

CBR (constant bit rate), MP3 encoding, 333

CCT (correlated color temperature), 197–199, 204, 214

cd/m or nit (candelas per square meter), luminance, 196

CEC (Consumer Electronics Control), HDMI, 346, 347

ceiling plans, 44–45, 316–317

centralized configuration, CPUs, 395

certifications, CTS-D, 4–5

Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) certification, 4–5, 7

Certified Technology Specialist-Design (CTS-D). See CTS-D (Certified Technology Specialist-Design)

Certified Technology Specialist-Installation (CTS-I), 4–5

chairs, AV design, 84–86

character height, text size, 94–95

checkerboard pattern, measuring contrast ratio, 115

chroma settings, 341–342, 518

CIA triad, security, 488–489

CIDR notation, IPv6 masks, 433

circuit breakers, 270, 273–274

circuit-switched networks, 402–403


balanced, 282–283

calculating number of, 264–266

circuit theory, 248–253

Ohm’s law and electrical circuits, 249–250

specifying AV, 262–263

specifying branch circuit loads, 263–264

system grounding, 269–271

circulation space, 86

Class D IP addressing, multicast, 477, 481–483


DiffServ, 471

local IP address, 434–435

SPL meter, 140–141, 507–508

client-server configuration, CPUs, 395–396


determining security posture from, 490

enabling APIPA on, 443–444

examples of network, 403

needs analysis of, 62–63

as network component, 404–405

cliff effect, digital video, 342–343

clipping, light balance and, 213–214

clock channels, HDMI utilizing TMDS, 345

closed-ended questions, in needs analysis, 64–65

closeout verification, 503

clothing, presenter, 157–158, 170

cloud-based control system, 390

CMR (common-mode rejection), 283–284

CMRR (common-mode rejection ratio), 283–284

CobraNet, 454–455

codecs, content compression, 332–333

codes and regulations

electrical power, 256

overview of, 220–223

regional, 503–504


interior design coordination, 55

recognizing in visual fields, 77–78

sampling formula for video, 330

in videowall design, 110

color rendering index (CRI), 199, 202, 204

color temperature, 197–199, 214, 513

column lines (grid system), drawing symbols for, 48–49

combination shields, 281

comfort, audience/presenter areas, 58–59

committee, building by, 64

common carrier WAN topology, 427

common mode noise, 283–285

common-mode rejection (CMR), 283–284

common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR), 283–284

common-mode signals, 283

communicating design intent

AV design package, 51–57

basics of AV-enabled rooms, 57–60

building blocks of AV design, 35

conducting needs analysis, 64–68

exam domains/tasks, 34

needs analysis, 60–64

overview of, 33–34

phases of AV design project, 34–38

program report, 68–70

programming, 60

reading construction drawings. See construction drawings

review Q & A, 71–73

companders (downward expanders), 379

compression, content, 328, 332–334, 475

compressor settings, DSP, 376–378

computer-aided design (CAD) drawings, 54–55

computer-driven control system, 390

computers, sampling formula for, 330

concept of operations, and security, 490

conceptual design phase, 36, 37

condenser microphones, 160

conductive material, as circuit component, 248


creating magnetic fields, 253–255

in electric-field coupling, 280

equipment-grounding, 272–273

isolated-ground, 275–276

in magnetic-field coupling, 279

system-grounding, 271

unbalanced circuitry, 285

conduit, 287–292, 366

confidentiality, security objective, 488–489

Conformité Européenne, 267

connection-oriented transport protocol, 446–448

connection points, AV-enabled rooms, 58, 59

connectionless-oriented transport protocol, 446–447

connections, network, 402–403


optical fiber cables, 409

pin 1 problem, 286

troubleshooting EDID, 357

verifying video signal path, 511

constant bit rate (CBR), MP3 encoding, 333

constant voltage, power amplifiers, 156

constraints, in human-centered interface design, 393


materials. See materials

meetings, 35

phase in AV design project, 37–38

for sound reception, 316–317

for speech privacy, 312–313

construction drawings

architectural abbreviations for, 50–51

architectural symbols for, 48–51

in construction phase, 37–38

converting dimensions on scaled drawings, 40–42

detail drawings, 44, 48

elevation drawings, 44, 46

overview of, 39

plan view drawings, 42–44

reflected ceiling plans, 44–45

scaled drawings, 39–40

section drawings, 44, 47

consumer audio, transport methods, 368

Consumer Electronics Control (CEC), HDMI, 346, 347

contact closure, as control point, 393

content compression, 328, 332–334

content outline, exam, 9–11

Content Scrambling System (CSS), DVD players, 465

content sources, streaming needs analysis, 464–465

content, streaming needs analysis questions, 466–467

continuous power measurement, 241

contract representative, needs analysis, 63

contrast ratio

adjusting display setup, 518–519

full-motion video, 520–521

overview of, 115–118

projected images, 519–520

rear-projection systems and, 106

control and projection areas, 59–60

control functions script, 397

control panels, 392

control points, 393–394, 397

control processing units (CPUs), 390–391, 395–396

control system processor, 390

control systems

central processing units in, 390–391

control interfaces in, 391–392

control points connecting to, 393–394

design process, 395–397

designing for equal access, 221

human-centered interface design in, 392–393

overriding with lighting presets, 212

overview of, 389

review Q & A, 397–399

types of, 390

cooling, in control and projection areas, 60

cooling racks, 236–237

coolness of light. See color temperature

coordination, in construction phase, 38

copper-braided shielding, 281–282

copyrighted content, streaming needs analysis, 464–465

cords, managing power, 268–269

correlated color temperature (CCT), 197–199, 204, 214

countermeasures, risk, 494

coverage patterns, loudspeakers, 143–144, 146–148

coverage patterns, microphones, 167–169

coverage, specifying shield, 281

CPU-to-CPU control systems, 391

CPUs (control processing units), 390–391, 395–396

CRI (color rendering index), 199, 202, 204

crosshatch pattern, adjusting display setup, 516–517

crossover filters, 254–255, 381

crosstalk, 233

CSS (Content Scrambling System), DVD players, 465

CTS (Certified Technology Specialist) certification, 4–5, 7

CTS-D Candidate Handbook, 6–7, 11–12

CTS-D (Certified Technology Specialist-Design)

benefits of, 4–5

eligibility criteria for exam, 7

InfoComm certifications/standards, 3–4

overview of, 3

work done by AV designer, 5–6

CTS-D exam

about, 25

content outline, 6

dismissal or removal from, 26

domains and tasks in, 10

during, 25–26

eligibility criteria, 7

getting to testing center, 23–24

hazardous weather/local emergencies and, 27

identification requirements, 24

items restricted from exam room, 24–25

math strategies, 13–23

preparation strategies, 11–13

retesting, 27–28

review Q & A, 28–30

scope of, 9–10

scoring, 27

special accommodations, 27

taking, 23

CTS-I (Certified Technology Specialist-Installation), 4–5

current, 17–19, 21–23, 249–250, 279–280


needs analysis of, 63

sign-off of, 528–529

training, 527–528


daisy-chains, avoiding power strip, 267

Dante, 455–456

data collection, energy management, 241–242

data-grade cables, digital video cliff effect, 343

data importance, security posture, 490

Data Link layer (Layer 2) OSI model, 412–413

Data Link layer protocols

AVB/TSN, 451–453

Cobranet, 454–455

Dante, 455–456

EtherSound, 453–454

HDBaseT, 456–457

overview of, 450

for professional AV, 450–451

Q-Sys, 456

dBs (decibels)

overview of, 132–135

power amplifiers, 154–157

reasons to use, 133

reference level and, 135–137

reverberation time, 307–308

signal-to-noise ratio, 374–375

sound intensity, 299–300

sound pressure, 299–301

sound pressure level, 507–510

dBs per octave, equalization filters, 380–381

DC (direct current) circuit, 148, 249–250

DCI 4K (Digital Cinema Initiatives 4K), 341

DDC (Display Data Channel), HDMI, 345–347

DDNS (dynamic DNS), 445–446

DDWG (Digital Display Working Group), 345

decision making, contrast ratio for, 519–520

decryption, 413

default gateway, 438–440

default passwords, changing, 495–496

delay, 383–384, 522–523

deliverables, and work breakdown structure, 187–188

dense mode, PIM, 480–481

dependencies, Gantt charts identifying, 189


coordination and review meetings, 35

hierarchy of consultation in, 190–191

package. See AV design package

phase in AV design project, 36–37

detail drawings, 48, 54–55

detail flags, architectural symbols for, 50

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 440–445

dialogue, fostering in needs analysis, 64

dielectric, capacitor, 251

dielectric strength, 280

differential amplifier, balanced circuits, 283

differential mode noise, 273

DiffServ, 468, 471

diffusers, 237, 303

digital audio, 366–368

Digital Cinema Initiatives 4K (DCI 4K), 341

Digital Display Working Group (DDWG), 345

digital microphones, 366–367

digital-only token (DOT), troubleshooting HDCP, 361

digital rights management. See DRM (digital rights management)

digital signage, using VLANs, 425

digital signal processors. See DSPs (digital signal processors)

digital signals

analog/digital bandwidth formulas, 326

analog giving way to, 326

content compression and encoding, 332–335

digital audio bandwidth, 328

digital video bandwidth, 329–331

monitoring, 372

overview of, 325

review Q & A, 335–337

total required bandwidth, 331

understanding, 326–327

digital video design

cliff effect, 342–343

digital rights management, 358–361

digital video basics, 340–343

EDID. See EDID (Extended Display Identification Data)

HDTV, 341

overview of, 339–340

review Q & A, 362–364

Ultra HD or UHD, 341–342

digital video design, signal types

DisplayPort, 348

DVI and HDMI, 345–348

MHL, 350–351

overview of, 343

SDI, 344

Thunderbolt, 349–350

TMDS, 344–345

USB 3.1 and USB Type-C, 348–349

Digital Visual Interface (DVI), 343, 345–348, 466

dimensions, converting scaled drawing, 40–42

dimmers, lighting, 210, 212, 214

direct connection audio, power amplifier for, 156

direct-display systems, 103

direct glare, 212, 213

direct (or specular) reflections, 301–302

direct sound, 314

direct-to-reflected sound ratio, audio intelligibility, 173

directional loudspeaker, 177

directional microphones. See also lavalier (lapel) microphones, 163, 170–171

directionality, microphone polar response, 161–162

directive questions, needs analysis, 65

directivity, loudspeaker, 143–144

directory servers, password security, 496

disabilities. See ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)

Disabilities Act, Australia, 221

Disabilities Discrimination Act, UK, 221

disability glare, task-light levels, 125–126

dismissal, from CTS-D exam, 26

Display Data Channel (DDC), HDMI, 345–347

display devices

adjusting project setup, 516–518

EDID and, 358

HDMI connection for, 344

display devices, selecting

aspect ratio, 101–102

display types, 103

front projection, 103–106

overview of, 100–101

rear projection, 106–109

screen diagonal calculation, 102–103

video resolution, 101

videowalls, 109–112

display environment, 112–115

display setup, 516–518

Display Stream Compression (DSC), superMHL, 350–351

DisplayID, 354

DisplayPort, 326, 343, 348–349

distributed audio, 156–157

distributed databases, DNS, 444

distributed layout, loudspeakers, 146–148

distributed processing configuration, CPUs, 396

distribution panel board, power onsite, 262

distribution systems, 257–260

DNS (Domain Name System), 444–446


at closeout, 524–526

of customer’s sound pressure needs, 138

of luminaires, 205–206

needs analysis reviewing existing, 65

performance verification standard, 500–501

in phases of AV design project, 35–38

showing workmanship, 191–192

specifying AV circuits, 263

static IP address assignments, 440

tracking project, 187–189

Dolby TrueHD, lossless compression, 332

Domain Name System (DNS), 444–446

domain names, DNS, 445

dot-decimal notation, IPv4, 430

DOT (digital-only token), troubleshooting HDCP, 361

downward expanders (companders), 379

drag-and-drop GUI, flexible-architecture DSP, 369


architectural abbreviations in, 50–51

in construction phase, 37–38

in design phase, 36–37

detail, 44, 48

elevation, 44, 46

overview of, 42

plan view, 42–44

reading construction. See construction drawings

of record, at closeout, 524

reflected ceiling plans, 44–45

section, 44, 47

DRM (digital rights management)

HDCP and, 358–361

overview of, 358

SDI lacking support for, 343

streaming copyrighted content, 465

streaming needs analysis, 464

drop, front-projection screens with extra, 105

DSC (Display Stream Compression), superMHL, 350–351

DSPs (digital signal processors)

architectures, 369–371

audio/video sync and, 523

compressor settings, 376–378

equalization function of, 380–385

expanders, 379–380

gain settings, 373–374

gate settings, 378–379

limiters settings, 378

setting up system, 372–373

signal-to-noise ratio, 374–375

terms, 376

dual-bus architecture, USB 3.1, 349

Dual Link HD-SDI (1080p), 343

dual-mode design, DisplayPort, 348

ducts, noise from, 238

duty cycle, 235

DVI (Digital Visual Interface), 343, 345–348, 466

dynamic addresses, 438–439

dynamic DNS (DDNS), 445–446

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 440–445

dynamic microphones, 160–161

dynamic ports, 450

dynamic range, and companders, 379


ear-worn microphones, 170

earthing. See grounding (earthing)

ease of movement, 59

edge-to-center coverage, loudspeakers, 147–148

edge-to-edge coverage, loudspeakers, 147

EDID (Extended Display Identification Data)

correcting audio/video sync, 523

creating strategy for, 354–355

DisplayID as next generation of, 354

and displays, 358

HDMI interface pin for, 347

overview of, 351–354

resolving issues with, 357

truth tables, 355–356

education, in energy management, 243

efficacy, measuring lamp, 200, 202–203

efficiency, calculating, 203, 235

EGCs (equipment grounding conductors)

in circuits for AV system, 266

electric-field shielding and, 281–282

ground faults and, 273–274

ground loops and, 282

grounding equipment racks and, 278

isolated-ground receptacles as, 277

egress, shielding preventing, 280

EIA/CEA-861-B standards, HDMI meeting, 346

electret microphones, 158, 161

electric-field coupling, in interference, 279–280

electric-field shielding, 281–282

electrical distribution systems, 257–260

electrical infrastructure, specifying

AV circuits, 262–266

AV conduit, 287–292

balanced circuits, 282–283

circuit theory, 248–253

coils and magnetic induction, 253–255

differential/common-mode signals, 283–284

electrical distribution systems, 257–260

electrical power, 255–256

ground loops, 282

grounding (earthing), 269–275

interference prevention/noise defense, 278–282

isolated ground, 275–278

overview of, 247

Pin 1 problem, 286–287

power onsite, 261–262

power strips and cords, 267–269

review Q & A, 293–294

transformers, 284–285

unbalanced interface, 285

electrical metallic tubing (EMT), 266, 288

electrical nonmetallic tubing (ENT), 288

electrical power required (EPR), 155

electrical service onsite, 261–262

electrical signal level, microphone sensitivity, 164

electromagnetic interference. See EMI (electromagnetic interference)

electronic S/N ratio, audio systems, 172

electronic whiteboards, 87

elevation drawings, reading, 44, 46

elevation flags, drawing symbols for, 49–50

eligibility criteria, CTS-D exam process, 23

emergency lighting, in AV spaces, 215–216

EMI (electromagnetic interference)

optical fiber cabling immune to, 408

plastic conduit not protecting from, 288

shielding not protecting from all sources of, 281

signal separation in rack design and, 233

STP Cat 6a cable for, 408

troubleshooting EDID, 357

EMM (energy management manager), 241

EMP (energy management plan), 241

EMT (electrical metallic tubing), 266, 288

emulator, EDID, 355

encapsulation, 446

encoding, in content compression, 332–335


digital audio and video. See HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)

at Layer 6 of OSI model, 413

for networked AV, 497

end users, 61–63, 241

endpoints, streaming needs analysis, 463

energy codes, luminaires, 207

energy management, 241–243

energy management manager (EMM), 241

energy management plan (EMP), 241

Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings 90.1, ASHRAE, 207

ENT (electrical nonmetallic tubing), 288

EPR (electrical power required), 155

EQs (equalizers), 380

equal access, designing for, 221–222

equal loudness contours, sound pressure level, 137–138

equalization, audio design, 380–385

equalizers (EQs), 380


in audience/presenter areas, 58–59

branch circuits running to wired, 262

in control/projection areas, 59

grounding, 271–272

grounding conductors. See EGCs (equipment grounding conductors)

lectern design, 87

manuals, best practices, 526

mounting, 223–228

rear-projection, 106

equipment racks

block diagrams, 233–234

cooling, 236–237

ergonomics, 231

grounding, 278

heat load, 234–235

heat load from power amplifiers, 235–236

signal separation, 233

sizes of, 229–230

styles of, 229

ergonomics in AV design

eye height of viewers, 81–82

floor layouts, 83–84

furniture, 84–87

human dimensions and visual field, 76–79

human sightlines, 80–81

overview of, 75–76

rack design, 231

review Q & A, 88–89

seating layouts, 82–83

sightlines, 79–80

ES-100 (EtherSound), 453–454

ES-Giga (EtherSound), 453–454

estimates, AV budget, 69


10 Gigabit, 422–423

10 Mbps, 419

40/100 Gbps, 423

CobraNet requirements, 454

as control point, 394

Dante requirements, 455

Fast, 419–420

Gigabit, 421–422

isolating LAN devices, 424

overview of, 417–419

Q-Sys, 456

EtherSound, 453–454

executive summary, in program reports, 68

expanders, DSP, 379–380

experience, CTS-D exam and, 7, 11

Extended Display Identification Data. See EDID (Extended Display Identification Data)

extended star topology, LANs, 417

eye height of viewers, sightlines, 81–82

eye patterns, viewing digital signals, 327

eye rotation, in vertical visual field, 78


f-stop (focal ratio), 122, 515

facility drawings, AV design package, 56

facility managers, 63

fans, noise from, 237

farads (capacitance value), 251

farthest viewing distance, 95–97

Fast (100 Mbps) Ethernet, 417, 419–420

fasteners (or mounting hardware), 227–229

fc (footcandles), 113–115

feedback, 382, 393

feedback stability margin (FSM), audio, 177

feeders, power onsite, 262

field theory, and interference, 279

fill, conduit, 289–292

fill light, 213


equalization, 380–385

in SPL readings, 143

final acceptance verification, 503

fire safety, 220–221, 238, 240

firestop, 240

firewalls, VPNs often built into, 427

fish pole, shotgun microphones, 160

fixed-architecture DSP, 370

fixed architecture processors, 370

fixed, multifunction (hybrid) processors, 370–371

fixed racks, 229

fL (footlamberts), luminance, 196

flat floors, sightlines and, 83–84

Fletcher-Munson equal loudness contour, 137

flex (flexible metal conduit), 288

flexibility, shield, 281

flexible-architecture DSP, 369–370

flip charts, 87

floor-mounted equipment, 223–224

floor plans, 43–44, 83–84

floor space, rear-projection screens, 107, 109

fluorescent lights, 202, 210

flutter echoes, sound reflection from, 303

focus, adjusting camera, 514

folding power cords, 268–269

fonts, text size, 95

footcandles (fc), 113–115

footlamberts (fL), luminance, 196

foreground lighting, iris settings on camera, 514


digital signal, 327

digital video, 100–101, 329

HDTV video, 341

MPEG streaming video, 475

streaming needs analysis of, 464

TMDS, 345

Ultra HD (UHD) video, 341–342

frame rate, 340, 464

frame size, VPN overhead and, 427


rear-projection screen, 109

videowall design and bezels, 111

framing image, adjusting camera, 516


acoustic mass law and, 311

capacitors and, 252

equalization and, 380–385

impedance dependency on, 250

loudspeaker coverage patterns and, 143

loudspeaker impedance and, 148–149

microphone frequency response, 163

shielding limited to certain range of, 281

sound absorber effectiveness dependent on, 309–310

sound pressure level and sound, 137–138

sound transmission class rates and, 312

in SPL weighting, 140–141

wavelength value formula, 297–298

Fresnel lens, 107

front-end documentation, construction contract, 52–53

front projection, 103–106

front-projection screens, 119

FSM (feedback stability margin), audio, 177

full-duplex mode, Gigabit Ethernet in, 421, 422

Full HD (1080p) video, HDTV, 341

full-motion video, contrast ratio for, 117, 520–521

Fundamentals of Lighting for Videoconferencing, IES, 201–202, 210, 214



adjusting camera for automatic, 515

audio design settings, 373–374

audio signal generators testing, 511

automatic DSP control of, 376

calculating decibel change, 134–135

before feedback, 174

microphone pre-amp, 165–166

sharing, 167

Gantt chart, 188–189

gate settings, DSPs, 378–379

gated sharing, 167

gateways, 406–407

geometry pattern, adjusting display setup, 516–518

Gigabit Ethernet, 421–423, 453

glare, lighting videoconferences, 212–213

global IP addresses, 434

GLOP block, multicast addressing, 482–483

glossary, for exam preparation, 11

golden room ratios, 306–307

good viewing areas, 99–100

gooseneck microphones, 158–159

GoP (groups of pictures), 334

governance structure, in security posture, 491

grades, bolt, 228

graphic equalizers, 380, 384–385

grid system (column lines), drawing symbols, 48–49

ground faults, 273–275

ground loops, 282

grounding (earthing)

dangers of three-to-two prong adapters, 275

equipment grounding, 271–273

equipment racks, 278

established terms for working with, 255–256

ground faults, 273–274

isolated ground, 275–277

overview of, 269

system grounding, 269–271

groups of pictures (GoP), 334


H.264, lossless compression, 332

H.265, MPEG-H, 476

Haas effect, 383–384

habitual-learning control system, 390

handheld microphones, 157, 170

handheld remotes, as control panels, 392


EDID, 352–354

HDCP, 359–360

TCP, 447

hardware, mounting, 227–229

harmonic distortion, 173

hazardous weather, and CTS-D exam, 27

HD (high-definition) video, 101–102, 466

HD-SDI (720p, 1080i), 343

HDBaseT, 456–457

HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)

DDC channel transmitting data for DRM, 346, 347

digital rights management and, 339, 358–359

DisplayPort copy protection, 348

MHL 3 and superMHL supporting, 350

streaming copyrighted content, 465–466

HDMI Ethernet Audio Control (HEAC), 348

HDMI Ethernet channel (HEC), 347–348

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)

AACS license agreement and, 326

DisplayPort and, 348

DVI and, 345–346

extenders, 512

higher-quality cables for, 343

in home entertainment equipment, 343

issues when including, 512

lip-sync feature, 523

overview of, 346–348

streaming copyrighted content, 466

Thunderbolt compatibility with, 350

TMDS utilized by, 345

transmitting 4K video, 342

USB-C connector supporting, 349

video signal, 345–348

HDTV (High Definition TV) video standards, 341

HEAC (HDMI Ethernet Audio Control), 348

head microphones (headmics), 157–158

headroom requirements, 155, 222

Health and Safety Executive in the United Kingdom, 220

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act compliance, 488

heat, 60, 202

heat load, 234–237

HEC (HDMI Ethernet channel), 347–348

hertz (HZ), current frequency in, 249

HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding), and MPEG-H, 476

hexadecimal words, IPv6, 432–433

hierarchy of design consultation, 190–191

High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection. See HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)

high-definition (HD) video, 101–102, 466

High-Definition Multimedia Interface. See HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)

High Definition TV (HDTV) video standards, 341

High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), and MPEG-H, 476

high-pass filter, 381

high Q filter, 380

hiss, eliminating, 381

hole spacing, rack-mounts, 230–231

horizontal offset, projector positioning, 118

horizontal visual field, in ergonomics, 77–79

host address, multicast streaming, 477

host identifier bits, IP addresses, 430

host layers, OSI model, 412

hot-plug detect, HDMI, 347

hot spotting, projector brightness, 121

hub and spoke WAN topology, 426

hum. See also interference prevention/noise defense, 278–279

human-centered interface design, 392–393

human dimensions, and visual field, 76–79

human eye, 196

human-factors engineering, 75

HVAC systems, 207, 235–240

hypercardioid pickup pattern, 161

HZ (hertz), current frequency in, 249


I = current (amps), calculations, 17–19, 21–23

I-frames (interframes), GOPs, 334

IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority), 433–436, 450, 481–483

IBC (International Building Code), ICC, 222–223

ICC (International Code Council), 222, 256

ICT (image constraint token), 361

identification requirements, CTS-D exam, 24

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), 4, 140, 190, 510

IECC (International Energy Conservation Code), 207

IEEE standards

1100-2005, powering/grounding terms, 255–256

802.11 (wireless connections), 409–411

802.3 (Ethernet), 419

802.3ae (10 Gigabit Ethernet), 422–423

802.3ba (40/100 Gbps Ethernet), 423

802.3z (Gigabit Ethernet), 421–422

AVB/TSN, 451–452

IES (Illuminating Engineering Society), 201–202, 210, 214

IETF standard, RFC 3297, APIPA, 443–444

IgCC (International Green Construction Code), 256

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), 477, 479

IIC (impact insulation class), 313–314

illuminance, 115, 197

illuminance (incident) meter, 112–114, 197

Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), 201–202, 210, 214

image constraint token (ICT), 361

image height formula, 96–97

image specifications, 92–100

image width, 98–100

IMC (intermediate metal conduit), 288

impact insulation class (IIC), 313–314


in AC circuits, 148

in audio circuits, 250

equipment-grounding conductors and low, 273

loudspeaker, 148–149

measuring in loudspeaker circuit, 152

Ohm’s law and power formulas approximating, 249–250

specifying power amplifiers, 156

understanding, 250

wiring loudspeakers, 149–151

incandescent lights, 199, 202, 210

incident (or illuminance) meter, 112–114, 197

indirect glare, 212, 213

inductors (coils), 252–255

InfoComm International, CTS-D certifications/standards, 3–4

InfoComm, online exam preparation, 11

InfoFrames, HDMI sinks, 346

infrastructure, program reports, 68

ingestion points, streaming needs analysis, 464

ingress, shielding preventing, 280

inner duct, plastic conduit, 288

input equalization, 380

insertion loss, isolation transformers, 153

installation needs, 38, 44, 47

instrument microphones, 157–158

integration process, sound reception, 314–316

integrity, security objective, 488–489

intelligibility, audio system quality, 173

intensity, sound, 298–299

interfaces, control panel, 391–393

interference prevention/noise defense

balanced circuits and, 282–283

differential and common-mode signals, 283–284

electric-field coupling, 279–280

ground loops, 282

magnetic-field coupling, 279

overview of, 278–279

pin 1 problem and, 286

shielding, 280–282

specifying AV conduit, 287–292

specifying transformers, 284–285

unbalanced interfaces and, 285

using isolated-ground system, 275–277

interframe compression, 334

interframes (I-frames), GOPs, 334

interior design coordination, with architectural/infrastructure drawings, 55

interlaced scanning, HDTV, 341

intermediate metal conduit (IMC), 288

internal speed-test server, network latency, 472

International Building Code (IBC), ICC, 222–223

International Code Council (ICC), 222, 256

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 4, 140, 190, 510

International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), 207

International Green Construction Code (IgCC), 256

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 4, 190, 228, 504

international power distribution systems, 259–260

Internet, 426, 434–435

Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA), 433–436, 450, 481–483

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), 477, 479

Internet Protocol (IP). See IP (Internet Protocol)

Internet Protocol television (IPTV), 461, 466, 480

Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4), 430–436

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), 432–436

internetwork control block, multicast, 482

interoperability, Ethernet technologies, 419

intraframe compression, digital AV, 333–334

IP address assignment

APIPA, 443–444

DHCP and, 440–442

DNS, 444–446

dynamic addresses, 439

overview of, 438–439

Reserve DHCP, 442–443

static addresses, 439–440

IP addresses

assigning IP address with, 438

assigning static addresses, 439–440

defined, 429

DNS mapping names to, 444–446

IPv4, 430–431

IPv6, 432–433

overview of, 430

types of, 433–436

using Reserve DHCP, 442–443

WANs using, 425

IP (Internet Protocol), 394, 429–430

IPSec (Internet Protocol Security), 428

IPTV (Internet Protocol television), 461, 466, 480

iris settings, camera, 514, 515

irregular material, reflectance value of, 215

ISO-27000 compliance, 488

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 4, 190, 228, 504

isolation transformers, 153

items restricted from exam room, 24–25


JPEG 2000, lossless compression, 332

JTA (job task analysis), 6, 9–12

junction box, for conduit bends, 292


K (kelvin), color temperature, 197–198

key light, videoconferences, 213


lamp and ballast data, 204

lamps, 121–122, 200–202

LANs (local area networks)

CPUs communicating with, 390

creating WANs from, 425

isolating devices, 424

multicast streams sent over, 477

overview of, 416

protocol-independent multicast over, 480

routers marking border between WANs and, 406

sending data with Ethernet, 417–423

streaming design and network topology, 467–468

topologies, 417

VLANs, 424–425

VPNs and, 427


CobraNet, 454–455

Dante, 455

delay vs., 383

EtherSound, 454

Q-Sys, 456

streaming and, 463–464, 473

lavalier (lapel) microphones, 157–158, 169–171

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, 427–428

LC (Lucent) connector, optical fiber cables, 409

lecterns, furniture ergonomics, 86–87

LEDs, 199, 202

lenses, projector, 107, 109, 122

levels, MPEG-4, 475–476

licensing issues, streaming copyrighted content, 465

life safety protection, 240


balance, 213–214

contrast ratio, 115–118

measuring, 112–115

occupancy sensors, 242

system black, 115

task lighting. See task lighting

light sources

camera adjustments for, 513–516

grouping luminaires based on, 203

verifying video, 513

lighting specifications

basics, 196–200

creating zoning plan, 207–210

documenting luminaires, 205–207

emergency, 215–216

energy consumption, 200

lighting control, 210–212

lighting the space, 200–207

overview of, 195–196

review Q & A, 216–217

for videoconference, 212–215

limiters settings, DSP, 378

line conductors, 263

line of sight, AV ergonomics, 77–79

linear scales, 132–133

link-local addressing, APIPA, 443

link-local block, 482

links, 7, 407–411

lip sync, 343, 522, 523

Listed flexible metal conduit, 272

listening ear level, loudspeakers, 144–146

load balancing, DNS, 445–446

load limits, 225–226, 259

loads, 248, 263–264

local area networks. See LANs (local area networks)

local emergencies, CTS-D exam, 27

local IP addresses, 434–435

local network control block, 482

localhost, 436

logarithmic scales, 132–133

logic network diagram, 189

logical addresses, WANs, 425

logical topology, 414–415

loopback address, 436

loss, calculating decibel change, 134–135

lossless compression, 332–333

lossy compression, 332–333

loudness curve, 141–142

loudness, system quality and, 172


as analog devices, 366

audio design for. See audio design

coverage, 144–146

directivity, 143–144

distributed layout options, 146–148

documenting luminaires and, 207

impedance, 148–149

manipulating voltage with transformers, 152–154

measuring impedance, 152

specifying power amplifier, 154–157

treating impedance as resistance when calculating, 250

wiring, 149–151

low latency, SDI video, 343

low-pass filter, 381

low Q filter, bandpass filter as, 381

low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS), DisplayPort, 348

Lucent (LC) connector, optical fiber cables, 409

lumens, 113, 124–125, 200


choosing, 202–203

designing for coverage, 203–205

documenting, 205–206

lamps vs., 201

zoning plan for, 207–210

luminance, 114–115, 125–126, 196

luminance (spot) meters, 112, 197

lux (lx), 114, 115

LVDS (low-voltage differential signaling), DisplayPort, 348


MAC addresses

in IP address assignment, 438–440

at Layer 2 of OSI model, 412

NICs associated with, 405

as physical address of LANs, 416

using Reserve DHCP, 442–443

magnetic-field coupling, interference, 279

magnetic induction, 253–255

magnetic lines of flux, 279

magnetic shielding, 280

maintenance logs, fixed AV systems, 527

managed switches, 405–406, 424, 477

mapping, human-centered interface design, 393

masking system, front projection, 105

master technical power panel, 262

master-to-master control systems, 391

match lines, drawing symbols for, 48–49

matching levels, microphone sensitivity, 165


audience/presenter areas, 58

mounting hardware, 227–229

rear-projection screen, 107, 109

reflectance values of various surfaces, 214–215

for return air plenum, 238

sound privacy, 312–313

sound reception, 316–317

Wi-Fi disadvantages, 411

math strategies, CTS-D exam

Ohm’s law, 15–23, 249–250

overview of, 11–15

matte white projection screen, 104

maximum transmission unit (MTU), transport protocols, 446

measurement microphones, 510

mechanical considerations. See structural and mechanical considerations

media layers, OSI model, 412

mesh topology, LANs, 417

mesh WAN topology, 427

metal conduit, 272, 288

metric scale system, 40–42

MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link), video signal, 350–351


as analog devices, 366

audio design for. See audio design

construction, 160–161

frequency response, 163

lectern design specifications, 87

measurement, 510

mixing and routing, 166–167

placement of, 167–169

polar plot, 161–162

polar response, 161

pre-amp gain, 165–166

reinforcing presenter, 169–171

sensitivity, 164–165

signal levels, 163–164

types of, 157–160

milestones, 188–189

millwork, detail drawings for custom, 54–55

Mini DisplayPort, 350

mirror systems, rear-projection screen, 109

mitigation planning, 494–497

mixing, microphone, 166–167

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery), 479

Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL), video signal, 350–351

mobility issues, lectern design, 87

monitoring, control and projection areas, 60

monocular vision, 76

Motion JPEG, intraframe compression in, 333–334


considerations for, 223–229

front-projection screens, 105

gooseneck and boundary microphones, 158–159

grouping luminaires based on style of, 203

MP3 (digital audio compression), 332, 333

MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), 334, 475–476

MPLS (Multi-protocol Label Switching), 428

MTU (maximum transmission unit), transport protocols, 446

Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD), 479

multicast streaming, 477–483

multimeters, 510

multimode optical fiber cabling, 409


NAG (needed acoustic gain), 174–178

name-to-address resolution, DNS, 444–446

NAT (network address translation), 435

National Electric Code (NEC), 222–223, 256, 274, 504

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 220, 222, 256

native resolution, 101, 340

NC (noise criteria), background noise, 317–318

NCB (balanced noise-criterion), background noise, 317–318

nearest viewing distance, 98

NEC (National Electric Code), 222–223, 256, 274, 504

needs analysis

conducting, 64–68

control system design, 395

identifying security requirements in, 489

overview of, 60–64

in program phase, 36

in streaming design, 462–467

network backbone, Gigabit Ethernet as, 421–422

network-based QoS (NQoS), 470

network identifier bits, IP addresses, 430

network interface cards (NICs), 405, 418, 421

Network layer (Layer 3) OSI mode, 413

Network layer protocols

Internet Protocol, 429–433

IP address assignment, 438–446

subnetting, 436–438

types of IP addresses, 433–436

network policies, 492

networked AV application security

identifying requirements, 489–493

mitigation planning, 494–497

overview of, 487

review Q & A, 497–498

risk assessment, 493–494

security objectives, 488–489

networking for AV

blended devices, 407

components, 403–411

Data Link layer protocols, 450–457

Network layer protocols. See Network layer protocols

OSI model, 411–414

overview of, 401–402

review Q & A, 458–460

Transport layer protocols, 446–450

understanding networks, 402–403

networking for AV, network types/topologies

Ethernet, 417–424

isolating local area network devices, 424

local area networks, 416–417

overview of, 414–416

virtual local area networks, 424–425

virtual private networks, 427–429

wide area networks, 425–427


as control points, 394

multicast-enabled, 477

streaming, 467–469, 472–473

neutral bus, 270, 271

neutral conductors, 263

NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), 220, 222, 256

NICs (network interface cards), 405, 418, 421

nodes, network, 402, 426


background, 314, 318–320

classes, 317–318

defense against. See interference prevention/noise defense

high-pass filters and, 381

HVAC, 237–238

light balance in videoconferences and, 214

measuring, 140

rear-projection system advantages, 106

shielding CAT 6 cables, 408

signal separation in rack designs defense against, 233

noise criteria (NC), background noise, 317–318

noise reduction coefficient (NRC) values, sound absorbers, 309

noise reduction filters, equalization, 382–383

NOM (number of open microphones), 166–167, 177

nonrepudiation, network security, 493

nontechnical end users, 63


occupancy sensors, rooms, 242

OFE (owner-furnished equipment), and projector brightness, 124–125

off thinking, energy management, 242–243

ohms. See resistance (ohms)

Ohm’s law, 15–23, 249–250

omnidirectional pickup pattern, 161, 170–171

on/off switches, 210, 211

one-to-many transmission model, multicast streaming, 477

onsite electrical service, flow of, 261–262

operational documentation, at closeout, 524–526

operational security, networks, 492

opinion of probable cost, AV budgets, 69

optical fiber cabling, networks, 408–409

optical screen material, rear-projection screens, 107

optotypes, Snellen eye chart, 93–94

order of operations, AV math formulas, 14–15

oscilloscope, audio system verification, 511

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, 411–414

output equalization, 380

overhead-mounted equipment, 224–225

owner-furnished equipment (OFE), and projector brightness, 124–125

owner team, needs analysis of, 62


P-frames (predictive frames), GOPs, 335

P = power (watts) calculations, 19–22, 134–135, 155, 235

package, AV design, 51–57

packaging, IP, 429

packet-switched networks, 403

packets, 413

PAG (potential acoustic gain), 174–178

panelboards, system grounding, 269–271

parallel circuits, 251, 254–255

parallel loudspeaker circuits, wiring, 150–151

parametric equalizers, 380

partial mesh topology, LANs, 417

partial overlap coverage, loudspeakers, 147

particle displacement, sound, 297, 300

pass filters, equalization, 381

passive extenders, 512

passive viewing, contrast ratio for, 117, 519

passwords, secure, 495–496

patterns, distributed loudspeaker, 146–148

PDUs (power distribution units), 267, 278

peak program meter (PPM), 371–372

PEMDAS acronym, 14

performance verification, 397, 500–502

permeability, 281

phantom power, microphones, 160–161

phases, AV design project, 34–38, 48–49

Physical layer (Layer 1) OSI model, 412–413

physical security, 492

physical topology, 414

pickup patterns (polar response), microphone, 161

piezo tweeter, audio system verification, 505–506

PIM (protocol-independent multicast), 477, 480–481, 483

pin 1 problem, 286

pins, HDMI interface, 346–347


controlling HVAC noise, 238

mounting equipment, 228–229

PISCR (Projected Image System Contrast Ratio), 115–118

pixel resolutions, digital video bandwidth, 329

placement, microphone, 167–169

plan view drawings, reading, 42–44

Planckian locus, 197–198

plastic conduit, 288

point-to-point streaming, unicast for, 476

points of failure, networks, 416

polar-pattern information, loudspeakers, 143–146

polar plots, microphone, 161–162, 170–171

polar response (pickup patterns), microphone, 161

policies, streaming network, 472–473

polished material, reflectance values of, 215

pool, DHCP address, 441–442

porous absorbers, acoustics, 309–310

portable racks, 229

ports, 413, 450

positioning, projectors, 118–120

post-construction meetings, 35

post-integration verification, 502

potential acoustic gain (PAG), 174–178

power. See also electrical infrastructure, specifying; P = power (watts) calculations

cords, 268–269

distribution systems, 257–260

flow of onsite, 261–262

measuring sound intensity, 298

Ohm’s law and, 249–250

requirements, 60

power amplifiers, 154–157, 233, 235–236

power distribution units (PDUs), 267, 278

power factor, devices, 241–242

power strips (relocatable power taps), 267–269, 278, 282

PPM (peak program meter), 371–372

pre-amp gain, microphones, 165–166

pre-bid meetings, 35

pre-construction meetings, 35

pre-integration verification, 502

precedence, 314, 469

predictive frames (P-frames), GOPs, 335

preparation strategies, CTS-D exam, 11–13, 26

presentation area, 58–59, 238

Presentation layer (Layer 6), OSI model, 413

presenters, designing for, 158, 169–171, 221–222

pressure, sound, 297, 299–300

pressure-zone microphones (PZMs), 158

pressurization cooling method, equipment racks, 236

primary winding, transformers, 152


AVB/TSN topologies, 452–453

in streaming tasks, 463

privacy of speech, 312

private IP addresses, 434–435

private networks, multicast streams over, 477

processors, 110, 111, 340

procurement, construction phase, 38

products, work breakdown structure tracking, 187–188

professional audio, transport methods for, 368


AVC, 476

MPEG-4, 475–476

program meetings, needs analysis, 66–67

program phase, AV design project, 36

program reports, 36, 67–70

programming, architectural, 60–70

programming, control system, 397

progressive scanning, HDTV 720p video, 341

project constraints, and security posture, 491

project implementation activities

audio system verification, 505–511

audio/video sync, 521–523

conducting system closeout, 523–526

customer sign-off, 528–529

customer training, 527–528

overview of, 499–500

performance verification standard, 500–502

projector verification, 519–521

regional regulations, 503–504

review Q & A, 529–531

system verification process, 502–503

troubleshooting, 527

verification tools, 504–505

verifying video sources, 513–519

video system verification, 511–513

Projected Image System Contrast Ratio, ANSI/INFOCOMM, 116–118, 201, 519–521

Projected Image System Contrast Ratio (PISCR), 115–118

projection areas, in AV-enabled rooms, 59–60

projection systems

display environment, 109–112

front projection, 103–106

measuring OFE brightness, 124–125

positioning, 118–120

predicting brightness, 120–124

Projected Image System Contrast Ratio, 116–118

projector positioning, 118–120

rear projection, 106–109

verification of, 519–521

projects, tracking, 187–189

property class numbers, bolts, 228

protocol-independent multicast (PIM), 477, 480–481, 483

protocols, streaming, 474–475

PSTN (public switched telephone network), 402

pullout, load limits and, 226–227

punch list, closeout, 526

purchasing agents, needs analysis of, 63

Pythagorean theorem, for screen diagonal, 102–103

PZMs (pressure-zone microphones), 158


Q-Sys, 456

QoS (quality of service), streaming design, 468–469, 470–473

quality. See audio system quality

quotes, AV budget, 69


R values, color rendering index, 199

rack units (RUs), 229–230, 233

racks. See equipment racks

radio frequency interference (RFI), 281, 357, 408, 410

radio frequency (RF), as control point, 394

ratio settings, audio design, 377–378

RC (room criteria), background noise, 317–318

reactance, in AC circuits, 250

reading with clues, farthest viewing distance, 96

Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP), 474

Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), 474

rear-mount rails, in racks, 233

rear projection screens, 106–109, 223–224

receiver (victim or receptor) of interference, 279

receptacles, isolated-ground, 276–277

reception, sound, 314–320

recognition acuity, 92–93

recording devices, 344, 379

reference levels (zero references), decibels, 135–137, 164

reflectance values, of various surfaces, 215

reflected ceiling plans, 44–45, 206–207, 238–240

reflected light measurements, 114

reflection, light, 214–215

reflection, sound, 300–303, 314–317

refresh rate, digital video, 340


as first reference in design consultation, 190–191

regional, 503–504

release time settings, audio design, 376–379

reliability, managing in UDP, 447–448

relocatable power taps (power strips), 267–269, 278, 282

relocatable power taps (RPTs), 267

removal, from CTS-D exam, 26

rendezvous point (RP), PIM sparse mode, 480

repeaters, 327, 360–361

reports, writing program, 67–68

request for qualifications (RFQ), front-end documentation, 52

requirements, security, 489–493

Reserve DHCP, 442–443

resistance (ohms)

circuit theory and, 248–250

in DC circuits, 148

formulas for calculating, 17, 18, 21–23

resistors, 249, 253–255


digital video, 329–331, 340

display device video, 101

DisplayPort, 348

EDID and, 355, 357–358

streaming needs for content sources, 464

Ultra HD (or UHD), 341–342

visual acuity vs., 92–93

resolving IP addresses, DNS, 444

resonant absorbers, acoustics, 310

resource records (RRs), DNS, 445

Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), 468–470

response, SPL meters, 139

response time, SPL meters, 510

retesting, CTS-D exam, 27–28

return air plenum, for breathable air, 238

reverberation, in larger rooms, 307–308

reverberation time (RT), acoustics, 307–308

reverse wrap, front-projection screens, 105

RF (radio frequency), as control point, 394

RFI (radio frequency interference), 281, 357, 408, 410

RFQ (request for qualifications), front-end documentation, 52

rigid metal conduit (RMC), 288

rigid nonmetallic tubing, plastic conduit, 288

risk profile, 491

risk registers, 494

RMC (rigid metal conduit), 288

RMS (root mean square) value, multimeters, 510

roles, creating multiple user, 496

room criteria (RC), background noise, 317–318

room modes, 303–307

rooms, basics of AV-enabled, 57–60

root mean square (RMS) value, multimeters, 510


implementing multicast, 477, 479–481

as network component, 406

nodes on WANs as, 426

routing, 166–167, 430

RP (rendezvous point), PIM sparse mode, 480

RPTs (relocatable power taps), 267

RRs (resource records), DNS, 445

RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol), 468–470

RT (reverberation time), acoustics, 307–308

RTCP (Real-time Transport Control Protocol), 474

RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), 474

RUs (rack units), 229–230, 233


S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio, 172

SAA (sound absorption average) values, 309

SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), 228

safe working load (SWL), AV equipment, 225–226


emergency lighting, 215–216

fire, 220–221, 238, 240

grounding and. See grounding (earthing)

power strip standards for, 267

three-to-two prong adapters and, 275

sampling rates, 328, 330–331, 333

Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance, 488

SC (subscriber) connector, optical fiber cables, 409

scalability, and multicast reflecting, 483

scale rulers, 40

scaled drawings, 39–42

scattered (or diffused) reflections, sound, 301–302

scenes, lighting, 211–212

schematic design phase, 37

Schroeder frequency, room modes, 304

scientific calculator, in CTS-D exam, 13–14

scope, CTS-D exam, 9–10

scope of work, 68

scoring, CTS-D exam, 27

screen diagonal, calculating, 102–103

screens, 103–107, 121

SD-SDI (480i, 576i), 343

SD (standard-definition) video, aspect ratio, 101–102

SDI (Serial Digital Interface), video standards, 344

SDP/SAP block, multicast addressing, 482

SDP (Session Description Protocol), streaming systems, 474

seating layouts, AV ergonomics, 82–83

secondary winding, transformers, 152

section cut flags, drawing symbols for, 50

section drawings, reading, 44, 47

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 428

security. See also networked AV application security

NAT enhancing, 435

optical fiber cabling and, 408

subnetting to improve, 437

VPNs and, 427

Wi-Fi disadvantages, 411

security posture, network AV, 490–492

segmentation, 446


loudspeaker, 155–156

microphone, 160, 164–165

serial communication, as control point, 394

Serial Digital Interface (SDI), 344

series circuit, 251–254

series loudspeaker circuit, 149–150

series/parallel loudspeaker circuit, 151

servers, 404–405, 444–446

service drop, power onsite, 261

service entrance, power onsite, 261

service-level agreement (SLA), 462, 469, 472

service panel (switchboard), power onsite, 262

service providers, OSI model, 412

service (SRV) records, DNS, 445

services, 187–188, 496

Session Description Protocol (SDP), 474

Session layer (Layer 5), OSI model, 413

shades, 201–202, 212

shared AV resources, WANs, 427

shared secret, HDCP authentication, 359

shear, load limits and, 225–226

shelving filter, 381

shielding, 280–282

shop drawings, construction phase, 37–38

shotgun microphones, 159–160

shutter, adjusting camera, 515


audience/presenter areas, 58–59

ergonomics in AV design, 79–80

floor layout, 83–84

front-projection systems, 119

rear-projection systems, 106

signal EQ with drivers, 513

signal extenders, 343, 511–513

signal generators, 516–518

signal levels, microphones, 163–164

signal loss over distance, cables, 252

signal monitoring, 371–372

signal path, rack installation, 233–234

signal separation, rack design, 233

signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, 371, 374–375

signifiers, human-centered interface design, 393

simple Ohm’s law formula wheel, 17, 20–21

simple power formula wheel, 19–21

sine waves, audio signal generators, 511

single-mode optical fiber cabling, 408

single-phase systems, 257–260

site environment, in needs analysis, 65

SLA (service-level agreement), 462, 469, 472

slide-out (built-in) racks, 229

sliding window, TCP, 447

sloped floors, sightlines and, 83–84

SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers), 518

Snellen eye chart, 93–94

software documentation, best practices, 526


absorption, 308–310

audience area, 59

control and projection areas, 60

interaction, overview, 300–301

precedence, 383–384

production, 296–297

propagation, 297–300

reception, 314–320

reflections, 301–303

reverberation, 307–308

room modes, 303–307

transmission, 310–314

sound pressure level. See SPL (sound pressure level)

Sound System Engineering, Third Edition, 319–320

sound transmission class (STC) rates, speech frequencies, 312–313

sound waves, sound propagation and, 297

source inputs, videowall design, 111

source of interference, 279

source-specific multicast block, 482

source-specific multicast (SSM), 479

space planning, in program reports, 68

spacing criterion data, lighting coverage, 203–205

sparse mode, PIM, 480–481

special accommodations, CTS-D exam, 27

speech, 173, 313

speech-only audio systems, 382

SPL meters, 139–143, 507–510

SPL (sound pressure level)

of background noise, 140

of HVAC system, 238

loud enough in audio system, 172

of microphone pre-amp, 165–166

of microphone sensitivity, 164

overview of, 137–138

of power amplifiers, 154–155

of signal-to-noise ratio, 375

spot (or luminance) meters, 112, 197

SRV (service) records, DNS, 445

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 428

SSM (source-specific multicast), 479

ST (straight-tip) connector, optical fiber cables, 409

staggered seating arrangement, AV ergonomics, 83

stakeholders, 64–65, 186, 491–493

standard-definition (SD) video, aspect ratio, 101–102

Standard Guide for Audiovisual Systems Design and Coordination Processes, ANSI/INFOCOMM, 34, 500–501

standing waves, and room modes, 303–304

star topology, LANs, 417

states, digital signal, 326

static addresses, 438, 439–440, 442

STC (sound transmission class) rates, speech frequencies, 312–313

step-down transformers, 153–154

step-up transformers, 153

steradian, 114

STP Cat 6a cable, 408

straight-tip (ST) connector, optical fiber cables, 409

streaming design

designing system, 474–476

lossy compression for media, 332

multicast, 477–483

needs analysis for, 462–466

needs analysis questions, 466–467

network environment and, 467–469

overview of, 461–462

quality of service and, 470–473

review Q & A, 484–485

UDP for audio/video, 449

unicast, 476–479

streaming video reflectors (relays), multicast, 483

structural and mechanical considerations

codes and regulations, 220–223

energy management, 241–243

fire and life safety, 240

HVAC, 237–240

mounting, 223–229

overview of, 219

racks, 229–237

review Q & A, 243–245

stubs, conduit, 288–289

subjective tests, audio/video sync, 522

submittal drawings, construction phase, 37–38

subnet masks

defined, 430–433

subnetting and, 436–440

subpanels, power onsite, 262

suffixes, decibel, 136

supercardioid pickup pattern, 161

superMHL standard, 350

surface-mount microphones, 158

survey, exam, 25

switchboard (service panel), power onsite, 262

switchers, 357, 360–361

switches, 210, 405–407, 452

SWL (safe working load), AV equipment, 225–226

symbols, architectural drawing, 48–50, 77, 252

synchronization, audio/video, 521–523

system black, 115, 123

system closeout, 523–526

system descriptions, program reports, 68

system diagrams, AV design, 56–57

system grounding, 269–271

system ports, 450

systems integration verification, 502

systems verification process, 502–503


tables, 84–86, 214–215

taps, loudspeaker, 154

task lighting, 60, 125–126, 201


labeling lighting scenes by, 211

lighting zones based on, 208–209

streaming needs analysis of, 462–463, 466

tracking project, 187–189

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 447–450, 476

technical end users, 63

technology programming meetings, 35

temperature, and speed of sound, 297

tensile strength, load limit, 226

termination points, analog and, 366

test patterns, 516–519


appointment for CTS-D exam, 23

AV systems regularly, 527

center for CTS-D exam, 23–24

devices, with loopback address, 436

exam practice, 11

text size, 92–95

THD (total harmonic distortion), 173

The Law of Conservation of Energy, and sound interaction, 300

The TI-30XS MultiView calculator, in exam, 13–14

thin servers, 404–405

threats, assessing risk of, 493–494

three-phase systems, 257–260

three-to-two prong adapters, dangers of, 275

threshold settings, audio design, 376–379

throw distance, 118–120

Thunderbolt, 349–350

TIA/EIA-568 standard, 407–408

tiered floors, sightlines and, 83–84

tight-notch filters, 382

TMDS (transition-minimized differential signaling), 344–345

tone control, bandpass filter for, 381

topologies, network

AVB/TSN, 452–453

CobraNet, 454–455

Dante, 454–455

defined, 414

LANs, 417

learning from, 415–416

physical vs. logical, 414–415

Q-Sys, 456

streaming, 467–468, 473

WANs, 426–427

total harmonic distortion (THD), 173

touch-screen control panels, 391–392

tracking projects, 187–189

traffic shaping, 470

training, in energy management, 243


analog, for split signals, 366

coils and magnetic induction in, 253

as defense against noise, 284–285

loudspeakers and, 152–154

transient adaptation, task-light levels, 125–126

transition-minimized differential signaling (TMDS), 344–345

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 447–450, 476

transmission, sound, 300–301, 310–314, 380

Transport layer (Layer 4), OSI model, 413

Transport layer protocols, 446–450

tri-amplified systems, crossover filters for, 381–382


best practices, 527

data transfer with OSI model, 412

EDID, 357

HDCP, 361

project implementation, 527

truth tables, EDID, 355–356

tutorial, exam, 25

twisted-pair cabling, 284, 407–408


UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 447–450, 474–477

UHD/UltraHD (ultra high-definition video), 341–342, 344

UHDTV format, 4K, 341–342

unassigned address ranges, multicast, 482

unbalanced interfaces, 285

Underwriter Laboratories, 267–269

unicast streaming, 476–479

unidirectional (cardioid) pickup pattern, 161, 170–171

unmanaged switches, 405

U.S. customary scale system, 40–42

USB, versions of, 348–350

user ports, 450


accounts/multiple roles for, 496

mobility in rear-projection system, 106

UTP Cat 6a cable, 408


V. See voltage (volts)

valid IDs, CTS-D exam requirements, 24

variable bit rate (VBR), MP3 encoding, 333

veiling reflections, 213

velocity, 297, 308–310


audio system, 505–511

performance standard, 500–502

projector, 519–521

system, 502–503

tools for, 504–505

video sources, 513–519

video system, 511–513

verification phase, 38, 397

versatility, of presentation area, 59

vertical lenticular lens, rear-projection screens, 107

vertical offset, projector positioning, 118

vertical visual field, 78–79

VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association), 348, 352, 354

VGA (Video Graphics Array), 326, 348–350

vibration, controlling HVAC, 238


acceptable latency for streaming desktop, 472

audio/video sync, 521–523

determining total program size, 331

digital video bandwidth, 329–331

high-quality streaming, 475–476

links for all references in this book, 7

lossless compression in security, 332

resolution, 101–102

streaming, 449, 461, 463–464

system verification, 511–513

Video Graphics Array (VGA), 326, 348–350

video on demand, streaming media, 461

video signal types

DisplayPort, 348

DVI and HDMI, 345–348

Mobile High-Definition Link, 350–351

overview of, 343

Serial Digital Interface, 344

Thunderbolt, 349–350

transition-minimized differential signaling, 344–345

USB 3.1/USB Type-C, 348–349

video signals, 342–343, 511, 516–518

video, sources verification

camera adjustments, 513–516

chroma level settings, 518

contrast settings, 518–521

display setup, 516–518

overview of, 513


acceptable latency for, 472

camera adjustments, 513–516

codecs using interframe compression, 334

lighting, 201–202, 210–215

videowalls, 94–95, 109–112

viewing angles, 98–100, 102, 104, 107

viewing distance, 92–100

viewing range, 99–100

virtual private networks (VPNs), 427–428

visual acuity, 92–95

visual display, energy management, 241

visual field, 76–79

visual perception, humans, 196

visual principles of design

ANSI/INFOCOMM 3M-2011 standard, 116–118

display device selection, 100–103

display environment, 112–116

display types, 103

farthest viewing distance, 95–97

front projection, 103–106

image specifications, 92

nearest viewing distance, 98

overview of, 91–92

projector brightness, 120–125

projector positioning, 118–120

rear projection, 106–109

review Q & A, 127–129

task-light levels, 125–126

text size, 92–95

videowalls, 109–112

viewing range, 99–100

visuals, audience area, 59

VLANs (virtual local area networks), 424–425, 495

VoIP (voice over IP), 368

voltage ramp generator, 393

voltage (volts)

calculating decibel change, 134–135

calculating with simple Ohm’s wheel, 17

current and, 17–18

loudspeaker taps and, 154

in magnetic-field coupling, 279

manipulating with transformers, 152–154

Ohm’s law calculation, 21–23, 249–250

source, as circuit component, 248

VPNs (virtual private networks), 427–428

VU (volume unit) meter, signal monitoring, 371–372

vulnerabilities, assessing risk, 493–494


wall finish, videoconferencing space, 214–215

wall-mounted equipment, 224, 229

wall outlets, power onsite, 262

wall wash, light balance, 213

WANs (wide area networks)

determining latency, 472

IP functions for, 429–430

overview of, 425–427

protocol-independent multicast over, 480

streaming design and, 467–468

VPNs creating virtual, 427

warmth of light. See color temperature

watts. See also P = power (watts) calculations, 155, 235, 298

wavelength, 297–298, 309–310

WBS (work breakdown structure), 187–188

weight. See also mounting, 231–233

weighting, SPL meter, 139, 141–142, 508–510

white balance, adjusting camera for, 515–516

white light, ratings for, 197

whiteboards, 87

Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11), 409–411

wide Q filter, 380

winding, transformers, 152

wired control panels, 392

wireless connections, 409–411

wiring, 149–154, 233, 241

WLL (working load limit), AV equipment, 225–226

word recognition, in horizontal visual field, 77

work breakdown structure (WBS), 187–188

workmanship, 191–192

workshop drawings, construction phase, 37–38

workstation, in presentation area, 58


Z weighting, SPL meter, 139, 141, 509

ZigBee, as control point, 394

zoning plan, for luminaires, 207–210

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