Chapter 20

Additional References and Appendix for Unit Conversion

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”


Additional General References1

1. Websites

A great deal more information is available on the websites of the following sources:

Siemens Power Generation

Rolls Royce

Alstom Power

Mitsubishi Power Systems

The US Department of Energy (DOE)

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The European Turbine Network (ETN)

The IEA Clean Coal Center


Actual web addresses are not included in the location as these can change. The reader is advised to do a Google search as these organizations may have more than one website or subsite.

Also for additional (and in some cases, the same in different words) theory on gas turbines:

2. Emailed newsletters

Most major corporations and even smaller companies now direct their information flow with mass email. Getting on a distribution list is very easy, so one needs to pick the vital companies or industries with care. The selection of “those who’ve got the best information” may also vary, so I will not outline a specific list, but suggest that keywords in this subsection can point the way. At this point in the gas turbine’s and the power generation industry’s history, there may be no more important development than what is likely to evolve into a carbon economy in many countries and eventually a global carbon economy.

One of the key information sources for keeping up with coal and coal related projects, are the sites run by the IEA and the ETN. This agency has branches all over the world, including the USA and they all share information. Special attention needs to be paid to the change in the gas turbine fuels industry. In the first edition of this book, I did point out that the field was widening with gas turbines able to burn fuels like residual oil, biomass, paper liquor, flue gas from making steel and a host of other materials (with appropriate design modifications). Now, despite the fracking activity globally which has driven down the price of natural gas, the biggest player globally, especially in coal rich countries, may continue to be coal.

In the energy field, there has been considerably more research done on coal gasification since the first edition of this book was published in 2007. Different grades of coal will have different impurities that have to be “cleared for use” or removed before the coal gas can be used as gas turbine fuel. If the impurities are dealt with appropriately, then the gas burns cleanly, as methane would.

The other area that has received considerably more attention in the gas turbine field is that of carbon sequestration and storage (CSS). Formerly an item that was given attention by the Scandinavians (the Statoil projects have been left in this edition) because of their emissions taxes, it is now an item of interest globally. The USA is proceeding with the construction of FutureGen and this bodes well for the CSS industry in the USA. The Chinese are working with several partners, including the USA on CSS.

3. Other firms whose material is sourced or referenced can also be found using the Google search engine, for instance:

Liburdi Engineering, Canada

Westfalia Separators, Germany

Rotadata, United Kingdom

Statoil, Norway

This way the reader can get current information on new branches or country representatives.

4. CD Roms (Index for proceedings generally available on organiation websites)

All of the firms mentioned in 1 and 2 preceding publish their works in conference proceedings such as ASME’s (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) IGTI (International Gas Turbine Institute) and Pennwell PowerGen conferences. Conference proceedings can be purchased from the conference offices, in per-paper format or as a conference CD Rom.

5. Books (many available on CD Roms from publisher; check publishers websites)

Soares, C. Environmental Technology and Economics. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.

Soares, C. Process Engineers Equipment Handbook. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001.

Bloch, H., and C. Soares. Turbo Expanders. Houston: Gulf, 2000.

Bloch, H., and C. Soares. Process Plant Machinery, 2nd edn. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998.

6. Technical Journals (abstracts if not entire paper generally available on organization websites)

Throughout this book, I used relevant extracts of articles I have written for various technical journals, including but not limited to the following:

Asian Electricity2, 1997 through 1999.

Middle East Electricity2, 1997 through 1999.

The Petroleum Economist, 1998.

Modern Power Systems, 1998.

Pollution Engineering, 2001.

International Power Generation (IPG)2, 1997 through 2006.

European Power News2, 2006

Some Specific References

Chapter 5, Cooling and Load Bearing Systems

Lubrication engineers:

Oil analysis:

Turbine Oils

Association of Iron and Steel Engineers. The Lubrication Engineers Manual, 2nd edn. Pittsburgh: AISE, 1996.

Bloch, H. P. Practical Lubrication for Industrial Facilities. Lithburn, GA: Fairmont Press, 2000.

Exxon Mobil Corporation. Turbine Inspection Manual. Fairfax, VA: Exxon.

Swift, S. T., D. K. Butler, and W. Dewald. Turbine Oil Quality and Field Applications Requirements: Turbine Lubrication in the 21st Century. ASTM STP 1407. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM, 2001.

ASTM. Standard Practice for In-Service Monitoring of Mineral Turbine Oils for Steam and Gas Turbines. ASTM D4378-97, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, vol. 05.01. ASTM, 1997.

Chapter 9, Controls, Instrumentation, and Diagnostics

Control valves:

Electrostatic charge monitoring:

Failure prevention:


Temperature-sensitive paint:

Ultrasound diagnosis:

Chapter 19, Basic Design Theory

Walsh and Fletcher. Gas Turbine Performance. Blackwell Science, 1998.

Unit Conversions

This section presents, in alphabetical order, all unit conversions likely to be required for gas turbine performance calculations. For all tables, except that covering pressure or stress, a quantity in given units is multiplied by the value in the next column to the right to convert it to the units in the column to the right of the conversion factor. The conversions presented may be combined, for example for acceleration mile/hs may be converted to ft2/s by multiplying by 0.447 and then by 3.28084.

FromMultiply ByTo/From ThisMultiply ByTo
Btu778.169ft lbf0.28507–03Btu
Chu1400.7ft lbf7.1393–04Chu
hp h1.98+6ft lbf5.0505–05hp h
hp h2.68452MJ0.372506hp h
kWh2.65522+6ft lbf3.76617–05kWh
lhf3.2174lb/ft s2 p(11)0.031081lhf
tonf (Imperial)9964.02N1.00361–04tonf
Fuel consumption
nautical mile 1.852 km 0.539957 nautical mile
yard 0.9144 m 1.09361 yard
lb 0.45359237 kg 2.20462 lb
lb 0.031056 slug 32.2174 lb
ounce 28.3495 g 0.035274 ounce
tonne 1000 kg 0.001 tonne
UK ton 1016.05 kg 9.84207–04 UK ton
UK ton 1.01605 tonne 0.984207 UK ton
Moment of inertia
lb ft2 0.0421401 kg m2 23.7304 lb ft2
in ft2 2.9264–04 kg m2 3417.17 kg m2
lb ft2/s 0.0421401 kg m2/s 23.7304 lb ft2/s
lb ft/s 0.138255 kg m/s 7.23301 lb ft/s
Btu/s 0.555558 Chu/s 1.799992 Btu/s
Btu/s 778.169 ft lbf/s 1.28507–03 Btu/s
Btu/s 1.05506 kW 0.947817 Btu/s
Chu/s 2.54674 hp 0.39266 Chu/s
Chu/s 1.899105 kW 0.5265 Chu/s
ft lbf/s 1.35582 W 0.737562 ft lbf/s
hp 550 ft M/s 1.81818–03 hp
hp 0.7457 kW 1.34102 hp
PS∗∗ 0.98632 hp 1.01387 PS
PS 75 kgf m/s 0.0133333 PS
PS 735.499 W 1359.62–06 PS
Specific energy
Btu/lb 2.326 kJ/kg 0.429923 Btu/lb
Chu/lb 45066.1 ft2/s2 2.219–05 Chu/lb
Chu/lb 4.1868 kJ/kg 0.238846 Chu/lb
ft lbf/lb 2.98907 J/kg 0.334553 ft lbf/lb
Specific fuel consumption (SFC)
kg/kW h 0.735499 kg/PS h 1.35962 kg/kW h
lb/lbf h 0.10197 kg/N h 9.80665 lb/lbf h
lb/lbf h 1.0197 kg/daN h 0.980681 lb/lbf h
lb/hp h 0.60828 kg/kW h 1.64399 lb/hp h
lb/hp h 0.447387 kg/PS h 2.2352 lb/hp h
Specific heat
Chu/lb K 1 131u/lb R 1 Chu/lb K
Chu/lb K 4186.8 J/kg K 2.38846–04 Chu/lb K
ft lbf/lb R 5.38032 J/kg K 0.185863 ft lbf/lb R
HPs/lb K 1643.99 J/kg K 6.08277–04 HPs/lb K
Specific thrust
lbf s/lb 9.80665 N s/kg 0.1019716 lbf s/lb
114 ft 0.138255 kgfm 7.23301 lbf ft
Kit 1.35582 N m 0.737562 lb ft
lbf in 0.112985 N m 8.85075 lbf in
deg/s 0.0174533 rad/s 57.2958 deg/s
rev/min (rpm) 0.104720 rad/s 9.54930 rev/min (rpm)
rev/s 6.28319 rad/s 0.159155 rev/s
ft/s 0.59248 kt 1.68782 ft/s
kt 1.852 km/h 0.539957 kt
kt 0.514444 m/s 1.94384 kt
mile/h 1.46667 ft/s 0.681818 mile/h
mile/h 1.609344 km/h 0.621371 mile/h
mile/h 0.86896 kt 1.1508 mile/h
mile/h 0.44704 m/s 2.23694 mile/h
lb/ft s 1.48816 kg/m s 0.671969 lb/ft s
lb/in s 17.858 kg/m s 0.055997 lb/in s
lbfb/ft2 0.172369 MN s/m2 5.80151 lbf h/ft2
lbfs/ft2 47.8803 kg/ms 0.0208854 lbfs/ft2
Pa s (kg/m s) 1000 cP 0.001 kg/m s
Pa s 1.0 N OW 1.0 Pa s
cSt 106 m2/s 106 cSt
ft2/s 0.092903 m2/s 10,7639 ft2/s
in2/s 6.4516 cm2/s 0.155 in2/s
in3 16.3871 cm3 0.0610237 in3
ft3 28.3168 liter 0.0353147 ft3
UKgal 4.54609 liter 0.219969 UKgal
UKgal 1.20095 USgal 0.832674 UKgal
USgal 3.785 liter 0.2642 USgal
yard3 0.764555 m3 1.30795 yard3


This is the international nautical mile; the UK nautical mile is obsolete.

∗∗The PS is also called a metric.

This is for the international knot; the UK nautical mile is obsolete.

Pressure and Stress

See the following table for pressure and stress conversions.

Unit Conversions

 atmbarin Hgin H2Okgf:cm2mm Hgmm H2Olbf/in2 (psi)kPa
atm 1.0132529.9213406.7821.03323760.010,332.314.6959101.325
bar0.986923 29.53401.4631.01972750.06210,197.214.5038100
in Hg0.03342110.0338639 13.59510.034531625.4345.3160.4911543.38639
in H2O0.00245830.0024910.073556 0.002541.8683225.40.0361270.249089
kgf/cm20.96784/0.98066528.959393.701 735.55910,00014.223398.0665
mm Hg0.00131580.00133320.039370.535240.0013595 13.59510.01933680.133322
mm H2O0.00009780.00009810.0028960.03937010.00010.073556 0.00142230.009807
lbf/in2 (psi)0.0680460.06894762.0360227.680.07030751.7149703.07 6.89476


Notes: To convert a value in the units in the left-hand column to those in the top row multiply by the number at the junction of the row and column. The conversion factors for columns of H2O are for water at a uniform density of 1000 kg/m3 under the standard gravity of 9.80665 m/s2. The conversion factors for columns of Hg are for mercury at a uniform density of 13.590 kg/m3 under the standard gravity of 9.80665 m/s2. 1 kPa is equivalent to 1 kN/m2.


Unit Conversions

Conversion shown is to convert a quantity from units after the = sign to units before it.

























C Celsius

F Fahrenheit

K Kelvin

R Rankine

1Publishing is a communications mode for engineering technology, not the technology itself. Publishers are also subject to worsening financial conditions in their industry. Therefore, a great deal of still current and useful material has been removed from publishers’ stocking shelves. Several good technical journals are no longer in business. That said, I will acknowledge these books and technical journals where I quoted or referenced extracts of previous work. There sources are available from used book Internet-shop outlets and many engineers keep copies of their magazine subscriptions. The reader may be well advised to pursue secondary sources to obtain these and similar references if possible. This material may not always be available in publishers’ latest offerings or on web-published sites.

2These publications are not in print or circulation at this time, so individual article titles are not included here.

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