
Acrobat layers, 294

Add Anchor Point tool, 14, 184, 190

Add Bullets dialog box, 353

Adobe Bridge Center, 417

Adobe InDesign Tags Import Options dialog box, 359

Adobe Paragraph Composer, 397

Adobe PDF Presets dialog box, 498–499

Advanced Type preferences, 519


cells, 312

cell text, 328

object, 103

optical margin, 396

paragraph, 65

stroke, 152

tab, 305

text on a path, 238

text to baseline grid, 405

alignment character, 307

Align panel, 103–105

alignment icons, 103

Alignment menu, 103

defined, 2

distribute icons, 104

distribute space icons, 104

illustrated, 2

opening, 103

Use Spacing option, 105

alpha channels

applying to images, 224

as clipping paths, 221

Anchored Object Options dialog box, 248

anchored objects, 243–248

above the line options, 246

creating, 244

custom, options, 247

options, 244

position setting, 245

as rectangles, 244

releasing, 248

settings, editing, 248

use tips, 248

anchor points

adding, 184

defined, 178

deleting, 184, 189

modifying, 185

moving, 182

selecting, 182

angle measurements, 111

ANPA Color, 131

anti-aliasing, 532

Apply Master dialog box, 269

arrange commands, 102

arrowheads, 160

artwork. See graphics

ASCII text, 258

defined, 258

options, setting, 261

Assignments panel, 2

Attributes panel

defined, 2

illustrated, 2, 142

Nonprinting option, 456

opening, 142

Autocorrect preferences, 529

autoflow cursors, 265

automation, 339–364

bullets and numbering, 352–354

Find/Change, 344–350

Find Font, 360

footnotes, 355–357

lines together, 361

scripts, 364

spell checking, 340–343

Story Editor, 351

tagged text, 358–359

baseline grid, 404–406

aligning first line to, 405

aligning text to, 405

custom, for text frame, 406

defined, 404

preferences, 523

setting, 404

baseline shift, 61

Basic Feather effect, 169

Basic Paragraph style, 366

behaviors, 449–453

applying, 449

deactivating, 453

deleting, 453

dragging, 452

editing, 452

event, changing, 452

list, 450–451

modifying, 452–453

multiple, applying, 452

positioning, 452

See also buttons

Bevel effect, 168

Bezier curves, 178

black appearance preferences, 534

black eyedropper, 174

bleed, 21, 25

area, 462

guides, 30

size, EPS files, 502

Bleed mode, 37


area, 166

isolating, 164

blend modes

adding, 162

illustrated, 162

types of, 162

See also specific blend modes


child, 433

creating, 431

defined, 420, 431

deleting, 432

moving, 433

nesting, 433

parent, 433

in PDF export, 489

renaming, 432

unnesting, 433

Bookmarks panel, 431–433

defined, 2

Delete Bookmark command, 432

illustrated, 2, 431

New Bookmark command, 431

opening, 431

Rename Bookmark command, 432

Sort Bookmark command, 433

Book Page Numbering Options dialog box, 280

Book panel, 277–281

Add Document button, 277

Alert icon, 279

Book Page Numbering Options command, 280

defined, 2

Document Numbering Options command, 280, 281

illustrated, 2, 277

Missing icon, 279

opening, 277

output commands, 281

Remove Document button, 277

Replace Document command, 279

Style Source box, 278

Synchronize button, 278

Synchronize Options command, 279

Update Numbering command, 281


adding documents to, 277

electronic file, 277

files, updating, 279

making, 277–281

output options, 281

removing documents from, 277

style source, 278

synchronization options, 279

table of contents, 282–286


stacking order, 332

table, 330

bounding box handles, 90

break characters, 266


Compact Mode, 195

libraries in, 298

placing artwork from, 195

placing multiple PDF pages from, 202

synchronizing color settings with, 417


applying, 352

converting to text, 354

custom characters, 353

formatting, 352

hanging, 66

positioning, 354

this book, 354

Bullets and Numbering dialog box

Bullets options, 352–353

illustrated, 352, 353

Numbers options, 353–354

opening, 352, 353

Position controls, 354

Button dialog box, 441

Button Options dialog box, 443

Behavior menu, 449

Behaviors section, 449, 452

Delete button, 453

Events menu, 449

General control, 443

Update button, 452

buttons, 441–453

adding images to, 442

behaviors, 450–451

behaviors, applying, 449

behaviors, modifying, 452–453

converting objects to, 441

creating manually, 441

creating numerically, 441

defined, 420

descriptions, 443

importing text into, 442

naming, 443

properties, 443

text in, 442

visibility, 443

button states

adding, 444

appearance, customizing, 448

appearance themes, 448

changing by selecting object, 447

converting, 445

creating with imported artwork, 446

defined, 444

deleting, 444

deleting content from, 447

disabling, 445

Down, 445, 446

editing, 447

enabling, 445

Rollover, 445, 446

understanding, 444

Up, 446

Button tool, 14, 441

caps, 151

case, changing, 340

Cell Options dialog box, 321, 322, 326

Cell Fill controls, 332

Cell Insets controls, 328

cell preview area, 331

Diagonal Lines controls, 336

Draw menu, 336

First Baseline area, 329

proxy lines, 331

Text area, 328

Vertical Justification list, 329


alignment, 312

baseline control, 329

content, deleting, 319

copying/pasting content into, 320

customizing, 327–329

diagonal lines in, 336

Excel, formatting, 312

fill, customizing, 332

formatting, 330

inline graphics in, 326

inserting graphics into, 326

inserting text into, 314

merging, 327

moving between, 314

multiple, text selection, 315

options for text, 328

placing tables in, 313

red dot inside, 320

selection for importing, 312

splitting, 327

strokes, customizing, 331

styles, 390

text, selecting, 315

text, vertical alignment, 328

unmerging, 327

vertical justification spacing, 329

See also tables

Cell Styles panel

defined, 3

illustrated, 3

New Cell Style command, 390

chapter numbers, 275, 281

Character panel

baseline shift controls, 61

defined, 3

electronic style options, 58

font menu, 57

horizontal scale controls, 62

illustrated, 3, 56

kerning controls, 60

Language menu, 63

leading controls, 60

menu, 56

No Break command, 403

opening, 56

OpenType command, 407

point size field, 57

skew controls, 62

style menu, 57

tracking controls, 61

vertical scale controls, 62

working with, 56


adding to glyph set, 72

alternative, accessing, 71

attributes, 79

attributes, sampling, 363

editing in glyph set, 73

hidden, 70

inserting, 71

inserting in glyph set, 73

local formatting, 379

setting, Control panel for, 79

special, 80

white space, 80

See also paragraphs

character styles

applying, 378

converting to local formatting, 382

defining, 370

defining by example, 370

drop cap, 383

overriding, 380

strategies, 378

transferring, 374

unused, deleting, 382

See also paragraph styles

Character Styles panel

Break Link to Style command, 380

defined, 3

illustrated, 3, 370

New Character Style command, 370

using, 370

Check Spelling dialog box, 340–341

clipboard, 54

defined, 54

preferences, 537

Clipping Path dialog box, 220–222

Alpha menu, 221

illustrated, 220, 221

Include Image Edges option, 222

Path menu, 220

Restrict to Frame option, 222

Threshold slider, 221

Tolerance slider, 221

Type menu, 220, 221, 222

Use High Resolution Image option, 222

clipping paths, 219–222

alpha channel as, 221

choosing paths as, 220

converting to frames, 220

creating from images, 221

defined, 219

deleting, 222

effects, modifying, 222

end of, 222

illustrated, 219

importing, 219

shape, modifying, 220

CMYK colors

color management policies, 414

Color Picker, 137

defined, 116

defining, 118

output settings, 413

understanding, 119

See also colors

color bars, 461

Color blend mode, 162

Color Burn blend mode, 162

Color Doge blend mode, 162

color management, 411–418

CMYK working space, 413

conversion options, 415

opening settings, 416

options, 469

placed images, 418

policies, 414

RGB working space, 413

saving settings, 416

synchronizing settings, 417

turning on, 412

Color panel

CMYK color controls, 118

defined, 3

Fill icon, 212

illustrated, 3

LAB color controls, 120

menu, 118

options, 118

RGB color controls, 119

Stroke icon, 212

tint creation with, 135

tint ramp, 135

transferring colors from, 121

using, 118–121

Color Picker, 137


adding to Swatches panel, 123

applying to fills/strokes, 121

base, 135, 136

basics, 116–117

CMYK, 116, 118–119

default, creating, 129

defining with Color Picker, 137

dragging from Color panel, 121

dragging to Swatches panel, 123

EPS, 501

frame fill, 212

grid, 34

information, 483

ink, 467–468

LAB, 117, 120

layer highlight, 290

mixed inks, 117, 132–134

note background, 530

out-of-gamut, 120

overprinting, 142

Preview Background, 38

printing, 463

Registration, 123

RGB, 116, 119

sampling with Eyedropper tool, 141

spot, 117, 125

stroke gap, 153

table border, 330

tints, 117, 135–136

transferring from Color panel, 121

unnamed, 122, 129

unused, cost, 128

working with, 115–142

Color Settings dialog box

CMYK Color Management Policy menu, 414

Conversion Options, 415

Engine menu, 415

illustrated, 412

Intent menu, 415

Load button, 416

opening, 412

Profile Mismatches and Missing Profiles option, 414

RGB Color Management Policy menu, 414

Save button, 416

Settings menu, 412

Working Space CMYK menu, 413

Working Space RGB menu, 413

color settings files (.csf), 416

color swatches, 122–129

applying, 126

defining, 124

defining with Color Picker, 137

deleting, 126

dragging, 128

duplicating, 128

gradient, 138–140

importing, 129

libraries, 130–131

merging, 127

mixed ink, 132

modifying, 125

moving, 128

naming, 124

saving, 128

Swatches panel display, 122

tint, 135–136

unused, deleting, 127

columns, 20

creating with guides, 32

guides, 30

number, changing, 25

setting, 24

text frame, 75, 76

columns (table), 309

adding, 319

alternating repeating strokes for, 334

changing numerically, 321

changing visually, 321

deleting, 319

distributing, 322

inserting, 318

number, changing, 317

selecting, 315

Command Bar panel, 3

Composition preferences, 520–521

compound paths, 147

compound shapes, 196


color, 491

grayscale, 491

PDF, 490–492


defined, 107

dragging, 108

moving, 108

selecting, 108

content offset, 209

contextual menus, 16

control handles

defined, 178

moving, 182

Control panel

Bullets icon, 352

Character icon, 79

for character settings, 79

controls, 337

defined, 4

illustrated, 4, 109, 337

menu, 338

Numbers icon, 353

for objects, 109

Opacity slider, 161

opening, 337

Paragraph icon, 79

for paragraph settings, 79

Quick Apply icon, 392

for text, 79

working with, 337–338

Convert Direction Point tool, 14, 185

Convert Shape icons (Pathfinder panel), 172

Convert Table to Text dialog box, 313

Convert Text to Table dialog box, 310


artwork between frames, 193

documents, 45

objects, 87

text, 54

Corner Options dialog box, 160


options, 160

points, 181

Create Guides dialog box, 32

Create Package Folder dialog box, 484

crop marks, 461

cross-media files, exporting as, 508

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 506


angle, 111

autoflow, 265

curved double-headed arrow, 95

curved loaded image, 192

curved text, 442

double-headed arrow, 87, 95, 148

Drag-and-Drop Text, 55

fixed-page autoflow, 265

link text, 74

loaded, 194, 258, 264

loaded text, 74, 262

Movie Clip, 436

numbered loaded, 194

overflow, 323

Padlock, 113

PDF, 202

Pencil tool, 186

Pen tool, 181

Sound Clip, 434

text, 258

Text tool, 316


changing, 181

corner, 180

drawing, 180

handles, retracting, 181

smooth, 180

Custom Anchored Objects dialog box, 247

Custom Spread Flattener Settings dialog box, 473

custom text wrap, 234

Darken blend mode, 162

dash stroke style, 154

creating, 157

defined, 155

See also stroke styles

Data Merge panel, 4


current document, 176

fill and stroke, 176

global, 176

object, 176

text, 56

Delete Anchor Point tool, 14, 184, 190

Delete Swatch dialog box, 127

Delete Workspace dialog box, 13

device-independent PostScript files, 480

diagonal lines, 336

DIC Color Guide, 131


adding, 526

creating, 526

deleting, 526

editing, 342

exporting entries, 343

hyphenation, 527

importing entries, 343

language, 525

relinking, 526

sharing, 525

user, preferences, 527

Dictionary dialog box, 342–343

Dictionary preferences, 525–527

Compose Using menu, 527

Dictionary buttons, 526

Dictionary list, 526

illustrated, 525

Quote menus, 525

User Dictionary options, 527

Difference blend mode, 162

Directional Feather effect, 169

Direct Selection tool, 14, 203, 204

dragging with, 108

group selection, 106

in moving control handles, 182

in moving points, 182

Opt/Alt key, 91, 203

discretionary hyphens, 403

Display Performance preferences, 225–228, 532–533

Adjust View Settings menu, 227, 532

Default View Settings menu, 225, 532

Enable Anti-Aliasing option, 532

Greek Type Below option, 533

Hand Tool slider, 533

illustrated, 225

opening, 225, 227

Raster Images slider, 227

Transparency slider, 228

Vector Graphics slider, 227


object, 104

object, spacing for, 105

space between objects, 104

document grids

appearance, changing, 34

displaying, 34

hiding, 34

preferences, 523

snapping to, 34

working with, 34

Document Numbering Options dialog box, 280

document presets, 24

applying, 26

creating, 27

defined, 26–27

deleting, 27

editing, 26

exporting, 27

importing, 27

saving settings as, 26

using, 26–27

Document Presets dialog box, 26–27

document rulers

contextual menu, 28

horizontal/vertical, 28

origin, setting, 29

showing/hiding, 28

unit of measurement, changing, 28

zero point, repositioning, 29


adding movies to, 436

adding sounds to, 434

adding to books, 277

advanced options, 21

basic options, 20

bleed, 21, 25

book, style source, 278

closing, 45

columns, 20, 24, 25

copying, 45

defaults, 24

document, 176

as electronic layouts, 17

gutter, 24

imposing into printer’s spreads, 477

Info panel information, 112

layout options, 22–24

magnification, 35–36

margins, 20, 23, 25

opening in books, 278

order, controlling, 43

order, in books, 278

orientation, 20, 23

packaging, 484

pages, 251

printing, 456

recently saved, 46

removing from books, 277

settings, changing, 25

setting up, 20–21

slug, 21, 25

transferring styles into, 374

in two windows, 43

See also pages

Document Setup dialog box, 24, 25

dotted stroke style

creating, 158

defined, 155

See also stroke styles

drop caps, 68, 69

automatic styling, 383

scaling/adjusting, 383

Drop Caps and Nested Styles dialog box, 69

Character Style menu, 383, 385

Duration menu, 385

End Nested Style Here character, 386

Lines and Characters fields, 383

Nested Styles area, 385

Repeating Element menu, 385

Drop Shadow effect, 166


layers, 288

multiple objects, 89

objects, 88

styles, 372

swatches, 128

text, 55

dynamic spelling, 343, 528

Edit Document Presets dialog box, 27

Edit Glyph Set dialog box, 73

Edit menu

Clear command, 185, 319

Color Settings command, 412

Copy command, 88, 193, 320

Cut command, 88, 107, 193, 320

Duplicate command, 55, 88

Edit in Story Editor command, 351

Find/Change command, 344

Keyboard Shortcuts command, 510, 511

Menus command, 513

Paste command, 54, 88, 107, 243, 320

Paste in Place command, 88

Paste Into command, 107, 193, 210

Paste Without Formatting command, 54

Preferences submenu

Display Performance command, 225

Grids command, 34, 404

Guides & Pasteboard command, 30, 38

Story Editor Display command, 531

Units & Increments command, 28, 29

Redo command, 45

Select All command, 85, 315

Spelling submenu

Autocorrect command, 343

Check Spelling command, 340

Dictionary command, 342, 404

Dynamic Spelling command, 343

Step and Repeat command, 89

Transparency Flatttener Presets command, 471

Undo command, 45

editorial workflow, 518

Edit Stroke Style dialog box, 158


attributes, 164

Bevel, 168

blend mode, 162

Directional Feather, 169

Drop Shadow, 166

Emboss, 168

Feather, 169

glow, 167

Inner Glow, 167

Inner Shadow, 166

Outer Glow, 167

removing, 165

Satin, 168

shadow, 166

text, 229–248

working with, 165

Effects dialog box, 165–170

Basic Feather controls, 169

Bevel and Emboss controls, 168

Clear Transparency icon, 165

Delete Effect icon, 165

Directional Feather controls, 169

Drop Shadow controls, 166

fx icon, 165

Gradient Feather controls, 170

illustrated, 165

Inner Glow controls, 167

Inner Shadow controls, 166

opening, 165

Outer Glow controls, 167

Satin controls, 168

Effects panel, 161–164

defined, 4

Global Light command, 170

illustrated, 4

Isolate Blending option, 164

Knockout Group option, 163

object attributes, 164

Opacity slider, 161

opening, 161

Settings for list, 164

Transparency command, 161

electronic styling, 58, 63

Ellipse dialog box, 50, 83

Ellipse Frame tool, 14

Opt/Alt, 50, 83

in setting frame size, 50

Shift key with, 83

using, 83

Ellipse tool, 14, 48

elliptical frames, 48, 83


fonts, 495

graphics, 217

movie clips, 436

multimedia elements, 489

Emboss effect, 168

em space, 80

end shapes, 160

en space, 80

EPS files, 500–502

bleed size, 502

colors, 501

creating, 500

data format, 502

embedding fonts, 501

import options, 199

options, setting, 200

pages options, 500

PostScript level, 500

preview, 501

using, 501

Erase tool, 14, 190

deleting paths with, 189

deleting points with, 189

illustrated, 189


cell formatting, 312

spreadsheets, importing, 312

table, importing, 311

Exclusion blend mode, 162

Export dialog box, 302

Format menu, 486

Save as File Type menu, 486

Export EPS dialog box, 500–502

Advanced tab, 500

Bleed fields, 502

Color menu, 501

Data Format menu, 502

Embed Fonts menu, 501

General tab, 500

Pages area, 500

PostScript menu, 500, 501

Preview menu, 501

exporting, 485–508

cross-media files, 508

dictionary entries, 343

document presets, 27

EPS files, 500–502

hyperlinks, 430

interactive PDFs, 454

INX files, 502

JPEGs, 503

PDF files, 487–499

PDF presets, 499

printer presets, 476

SVG files, 504–506

tags, 358

text, 507

as XML, 508

Export JPEG dialog box, 503

Export Options dialog box, 358

Export PDF dialog box, 454

Advanced category, 495

categories list, 487

Changes Allowed menu, 497

Color Conversion menu, 493

Compatibility menu, 487

Compression controls, 490

Compression menu, 491, 492

Document Open Password area, 496

Export Layers list, 488

General category, 487

Image Quality menu, 491

Include settings, 489

Job Definition Format (JDF) option, 495

Multimedia menu, 489

Options controls, 488

Output category, 493–494

Pages area, 488

PDF/X area controls, 494

Permissions area, 496

Preset menu, 498

Printing Allowed menu, 496

Profile Inclusion Policy menu, 493

resolution fields, 490, 492

Sampling menu, 490, 491

Save Preset button, 498

Security category, 496–497

Standard menu, 487

Export XML dialog box, 508

Eyedropper Options dialog box, 174, 362

Eyedropper tool, 14

black, 174

Opt/Alt key, 175, 363

options, 174

plus sign, 175

precision, 175

samples, 141

on text, 362–363

using, 141, 174–175

facing pages, 22

figure space, 80

file formats, 193

File Handling preferences, 535–536

illustrated, 535

Preview Size menu, 535

Saving InDesign Files area, 535

Snippet Import setting, 302, 536

Version Cue area, 535

File menu

Close command, 45

Cross-media Export command, 508

Document Presets command, 26, 27

Document Setup command, 24, 25

Export command, 302, 358, 454, 486, 507

New submenu

Book command, 277

Document command, 20, 26

Library command, 296

Open command, 279

Place command, 1, 192, 193, 194, 219, 258

Print command, 456, 480

Print Presets command, 475

Revert command, 45

Save a Copy command, 45

Save As command, 44

Save command, 44


book, 277

cross-media, 508

export types, 486

INX, 502

JDF, 495

naming, 44

opening, 46

PageMaker, 46

placing, 194

PostScript, 480

QuarkXPress, 46

recovering, 46

saving, 44

text, 518


alternating repeating, 335

applying, 144–147

applying to objects, 144

applying to text, 145

cell, customizing, 332

colors, applying, 121

defaults, 176

dragging onto objects, 144

gradient, adjusting, 146

gradient, applying, 145

None, 147

swapping stroke settings with, 148

Find/Change, 344–350

buttons, 345

Delete icon, 347

Delete Query icon, 350

dialog box illustration, 344

Find Format Settings area, 347

Find What list, 347

formatting options, 347

Glyph, 349

GREP, 348

metacharacters, 347

mode selection, 344

Object, 350

previous search strings, 347

Save Query icon, 350

search areas, 344

Search list, 346

Text, 346–347

text strings, setting, 346

Undo command after, 345

using, 344–345

Find Font dialog box, 360

Find Format Settings dialog box, 347

fixed-page autoflow cursor, 265

flattener presets, 470, 471–474

applying to spreads, 473

settings, previewing, 474

transparency, 471–472

Flattener Preview panel

defined, 4

Highlight menu, 474

illustrated, 4, 474

opening, 474

flipping objects, 100

flowing text, 262–266

autoflow pages, 265

creating master text frames, 262

importing text into master frame, 262

importing text within margins, 262

import text into new frame, 262

manual, 263

onto fixed number of pages, 265

semi-autoflow, 264

flush space, 80

Focoltone swatch library, 131


choosing, 57

embedding control, 495

finding, 360

information, 482

missing, replacing, 360

OpenType, 407–410

preview sizes, 517

subsetting, 494, 515

SVG file, 505


cells, converting into body cells, 325

table, 324

table, converting cells into, 325

Footnote Options dialog box

Formatting controls, 356

Layout controls, 356, 357

Numbering options, 355

Offset list, 357

Paragraph Style list, 356

Placement options, 357

Position list, 356

Rule options, 357

Style options, 355

footnotes, 355–357

baseline, 357

defined, 355

formatting, 356

illustrated, 355

importing from Word, 357

inserting, 355

placement, 357

reference format, 356

rule, 357

spacing, 356

style, formatting, 355


bullets, 352

cells, 330

footnotes, 356

footnote style, 355

local, 378, 379–380

numbers, 353

paragraphs, 64

Frame Fitting Options dialog box, 208


defined, 82

illustrated, 82

master, 262

selecting, 114

types, 82

See also graphic frames; text frames; unassigned frames

Free Transform tool, 14

Cmd/Ctrl key, 95

using, 95

General preferences, 514–515

Enable Attached Scripts option, 515

Font Downloading and Embedding area, 515

illustrated, 514

Page Numbering View menu, 514

Rest All Warnings Dialogs button, 515

Scaling area, 515

Global Light dialog box, 170

glow effects, 167

glyphs, 56

alternate, 408

defined, 73

Find/Change, 349

OpenType, 407–410

recently used, 72

scaling, 400

searches, 349

set, adding characters to, 72

set, creating, 72

set, editing, 73

set, inserting characters in, 73

Glyphs panel, 71–73, 349

categories, viewing, 408

defined, 4

illustrated, 4, 71, 349

Grabber tool. See Hand tool

Gradient Feather effect, 170

Gradient Feather tool, 14

gradient fills

adjusting, 146

applying, 145

Gradient panel

creating gradients with, 140

defined, 5

illustrated, 5

Type pop-up list, 140

working with, 140

gradient strokes, 149

gradient swatches

color stops, 138

color stops, adding, 139

color stops, deleting, 139

creating, 138–140

creating with Gradient panel, 140

defining, 138

modifying, 139

on-the-fly, 140

previewing, 140

process colors, 140

selecting, 139

spot colors, 140

unnamed, storing, 140

Gradient Swatch tool, 14

Gradient tool, 14, 146

graphic frames

applying fitting commands to, 208

converting clipping paths to, 220

converting text to, 197

creating, 83–84

defined, 82

diagonal lines in, 82

elliptical, 83

fitting images in, 206–209

illustrated, 82

images inside, working with, 203–204

importing paths as, 198

moving/copying artwork between, 193

nested, 210

with placed objects, selecting, 114

placing artwork in, 193

polygon, 84

rectangular, 83

selecting, 114

specialty, 196–198

graphics, 191–228

adding to buttons, 442

adding to tables, 326

applying alpha channels to, 224

Bridge, placing, 195

centering within frame, 207

clipping paths from, 221

dragging from vector programs, 198

embedding, 217

fitting in frames, 206–209

import options, 199–202

inserting into table cells, 326

linking, 213–216

moving/copying between frames, 193

nesting, 210–211

numerically positioning in, 209

numerically positioning on pages, 209

placing, 192–194

placing into existing frame, 193

relinking, 214

replacing in existing frame, 193

resizing, 205

resizing frame to fit, 207

resizing to fill frame, 206

resizing to fit in frame, 206

sorting, 213

SVG file, 505

transforming within frame, 209

working with, 203–204

grayscale images, 212

greeking, 533

GREP, 348

Grids dialog box, 404

Grids preferences, 523


nesting, 106

object, 106

selecting objects within, 106–107


bleed, 30

column, 30, 31

column/row creation with, 32

hiding/showing, 30

locking, 33

margin, 30

moving, 31

preferences, 30, 524

ruler, 30, 31, 32, 33

slug, 30

snapping to, 31

types of, 30

unlocking, 31

visibility on layer, 292

working with, 30

Guides & Pasteboard Preferences, 30, 524

Guides in Back option, 30

Minimum Vertical Offset field, 38

Preview Background list, 38

Snap to Zone field, 30

gutter, 24

hair space, 80

Hand tool, 14

double-clicking, 40

illustrated, 14, 40

temporary access, 40

using, 40

when to use, 42

Hard Light blend mode, 162


cells, converting into body cells, 325

table, 324

table, converting cells into, 325

Help menu

Configure Plug-ins command, 538

Welcome Screen command, 19

hidden characters, 70

highlight preferences, 520

HKS swatch library, 131

Hue blend mode, 162

Hyperlink Destination Options dialog box, 424

Hyperlink Options dialog box, 429


appearance, choosing, 428

automatic, 430

creating from existing destination, 425

defined, 420

defining, 421–429

destinations, deleting, 424, 430

destinations, editing, 424

destinations, moving, 430

editing, 429

exporting, 430

moving, 430

naming, 425

page destination, 422, 426

in PDF export, 489

source, resetting, 429

testing, 430

text anchor destination, 423, 426

tips, 429

types, choosing, 421

update to external document, 429

URL destination, 423, 427

working with, 430

Hyperlinks panel

defined, 5

illustrated, 5, 421

New Hyperlink button, 425

New Hyperlink Destination command, 421

opening, 421

Reset Hyperlink command, 429

Update Hyperlink command, 429

hyphenation, 69

capital words and, 403

controlling, 402

discretionary hyphens, 403

editing in dictionary, 404

turning on, 69, 402

units, 402

Hyphenation Settings dialog box, 402


best file format, 199

dragging from, 198

layers, 294

transparency, 223

Image Color Settings dialog box, 418

Image Import Options dialog box, 192, 199–202

Alpha Channel Import option, 223

Alpha Channel menu, 224

clipping paths, 219

Color tab, 418

EPS images, 200

illustrated, 199

JPEG images, 199

Layer Comp list, 218

Photoshop files, 200

pixel image options, 199

TIFF images, 199

images. See graphics

images in frames

centering within frame, 207

fitting, 206–209

modify image only, 204

modifying frame only, 204

numerically positioning, 209

with Position tool, 205

proportionally resizing to frame size, 206

resizing frame by clicking frame handles, 207

resizing frame to, 207

resizing to fill frame, 206

resizing to frame size, 206

selecting, 203

selecting/moving, 203

selecting/moving just frame, 203

transforming, 204, 209

working with, 203–204

See also graphics


clipping paths, 219

color swatches, 129

dictionary entries, 343

document presets, 27

Excel options, 260–261

Excel tables, 311

as inline object, 243

layer options and, 218

master pages, 267

paths as frames, 198

PDF presets, 499

printer presets, 476

from spreadsheets, 312

styles, 374–375

tagged text, 359

text, 258–261

text into buttons, 442

text into master frame, 262

text into new frame, 262

text within margins, 262

transparent images, 223–224

Word options, 259–260

Word tables, 311

InCopy, 507

Indent to Here character, 67

InDesign Interchange Format (INX), 502

InDesign menu

Configure Plug-ins command, 538

Preferences submenu

Display Performance command, 225

Grids command, 34, 404

Guides & Pasteboard command, 30, 38

Story Editor Display command, 531

Units & Increments command, 28, 29

Index panel, 5

Info panel

defined, 5

document information, 112

illustrated, 5

measuring lines, 110, 111

with objects, 112

placed object information, 112

text information, 112

Ink Manager dialog box, 467–468

All Spots to Process option, 467

color icons, 467

illustrated, 467

Ink Alias menu, 468

opening, 467

inline objects, 243–248

creating, 243

defined, 243

importing images as, 243

options, setting, 245

uses, 243

See also objects

Inner Glow effect, 167

Inner Shadow effect, 166

Insert Anchored Object dialog box, 244–247

Alignment list, 246

Content list, 244

Position list, 245

Insert Column(s) dialog box, 318

insertion points

blinking, 51

creating, 79

destination, 55

moving, 51

table cell, 316

Insert Pages dialog box, 252

Insert Table dialog box, 309

interactive elements

bookmarks, 420, 431–433

buttons, 420, 441–453

hyperlinks, 420, 421–430

movies, 436–440

in PDF export, 489

sounds, 434–435

types of, 420

interactive PDF, 419–454

Interface preferences, 516

International Color Consortium, 493

INX files, 502

island spreads, 257

ISO standards, 488

Item Information dialog box, 299

Job Definition Format (JDF) files, 495

joins, 151

JPEG images

display, 503

exporting, 503

import options, 199

options, setting, 199

quality, 503

justification, 398–401

auto leading, 401

best settings, 399

controls, applying, 398–401

defined, 398

glyph scaling, 400

letter spacing, 399

single word, 401

text frame, 77

understanding, 398

word spacing, 398

Justification dialog box

Auto Leading field, 401

Glyph Scaling options, 400

illustrated, 398

Letter Spacing options, 399

Single Word Justification menu, 401

Word Spacing options, 398

Keep Options dialog box, 361


amounts, applying, 60

optical, 60

setting, 60

keyboard increments, 522

keyboard shortcuts

assigning, 512

changing, 512

Context menu, 512

deleting, 512

insert break characters, 266

list, creating, 511

magnification, 36

modifying, 510–512

sets, changing, 510

sets, creating, 511

styles, 372

text selection, 53

tools, 15

Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box

Commands field, 511

Currently Assigned to area, 512

illustrated, 510

opening, 510, 511

Product Area menu, 511

Set menu, 510

Show Set button, 511

knockout groups, 163

LAB colors

Color Picker, 137

defined, 117

mixing, 120

out-of-gamut symbol, 120

See also colors


dictionary, 525

setting, 63

Layer Options dialog box, 290–292

Color list, 290

illustrated, 290

Lock Guides option, 292

Print Layer option, 291

Show Guides option, 292

Show Layer option, 291

Suppress Text Wrap When Layer is Hidden option, 292

Toggle Lock space, 290

layers, 287–294

applying objects to, 293

creating, 288

creating while pasting, 289

deleting, 289

duplicating, 288

guides visibility, 292

hiding, 291

highlight color, 290

locking, 290

merging, 293

moving objects between, 293

naming, 290

options, 290–292

options, import files and, 218

options of placed files, 218

preventing from printing, 291

reordering, 293

showing, 291

text wrap, 292

unused, deleting, 289

working with, 293

Layers panel, 288–293

defined, 5

Delete Layer icon, 289

Delete Unused Layers command, 289

Hide Others command, 291

illustrated, 5

Lock Others command, 290

Merge Layers command, 293

New Layer command, 288

opening, 288

Paste Remembers Layers command, 289

Toggle Visibility space, 291

Layout Adjustment dialog box, 272

Layout menu

Create Guides command, 32

Layout Adjustment command, 272

Margins and Columns command, 25

Numbering & Section Options command, 273, 274

Ruler Guides command, 33

Table of Contents command, 282

layouts, adjusting, 272

leading, 60

auto, 401

defined, 60

letter spacing, 399


adding pages to, 297

in Bridge, 298

creating, 296

display, setting, 299

searching, 300

snippets versus, 301

use strategies, 297

library items

adding, 296

adding to documents, 298

applying to pages, 298

deleting, 297

displaying, 301

information, modifying, 299

sorting, 301

storing, 296

updating, 298

Library panel, 296–301

Add Item button, 296

Add Items on Page [number] as Separate Objects command, 297

Add Items on Page [number] command, 297

Delete Item(s) command, 297

menu, 296

Place Item(s) command, 298

Show Subset command, 300

Update Library Item command, 298

Lighten blend mode, 162

line breaks, balancing, 407


closing paths with, 179

creating, 84

diagonal, in cells, 336

drawing, 179

Line tool, 14, 84

Link Information dialog box, 216

links, graphic, 213–216

editing, 215

examining, 213

files, finding, 216

information, viewing, 216, 482

jumping to, 215

relinking, 214

updating, 215

links, text files, 215

Links panel, 213–216

defined, 6

Edit Original command, 215

Embed File command, 217

Embed icon, 217

Eyeball icon, 218

Go to Link command, 215

icon commands, 215

icons, 213

illustrated, 6, 213

Link Information command, 216

opening, 213

Relink command, 214

reveal commands, 216

sort commands, 213

Unembed File command, 217

Update Link command, 215

loaded cursors, 194, 258, 264

text, 74, 262

uses, 264

See also cursors

Load Styles dialog box, 375

local formatting, 378, 379–380

applying, 378

character, 379

clearing in text selection, 379

overriding, 380

paragraph, 380

local overrides, 251


layers, 290

objects, 105, 113

Luminosity blend mode, 162


changing, 35–36

list, 36

Navigator panel, 41

shortcuts, 36

specific amount, 36

zooming, 35

margin guides, 30

margin indents

fields, 66

inserting, 67

removing, 67

setting, 66


changing, 25

facing pages, 22, 23

nonfacing pages, 23

printer’s spreads, 478

setting, 20, 23

sizing, 23

Margins and Columns dialog box, 25

marquee zoom, 39

master frames, 262

master pages, 267–271

adding objects to, 267

applying, 269

basing on existing masters, 269

basing strategies, 268

converting document pages to, 268

creating, 268

defined, 235, 251

dragging, 251, 269

elements, overriding, 270

importing, 267

items, 251

items, display, 271

items, separating, 271

items, stacking order, 271

items not to be overridden, 270

number of, 271

in Pages panel, 267

releasing, 270

text wraps, 235, 270

uses, 267

working with, 267–271

See also pages

master text frames, 262


angle, 111

distance, 110

Measure tool, 14

angle measurement, 111

distance measurement, 110

illustrated, 110

measuring lines, 111

Opt/Alt key, 111

using, 110–111

mechanicals, 17

menu commands, 513

Menu Customization dialog box, 513


cells, 327

layers, 293

swatches, 127

metacharacters, 347

Microsoft Excel Import Options dialog box, 260–261, 311

Cell Alignment list, 261, 312

Cell Range list, 260

Formatting Table list, 261

Formatting Table Style list, 261

illustrated, 260

Import Hidden Cells not Saved in View option, 260

Include Inline Graphics option, 261

Sheet list, 260

Table menu, 312

View list, 260

Microsoft Word Import Options dialog box, 259–260, 311

Character Style Conflicts menu, 376

Convert Bullets & Numbers to Text option, 259

Convert Table To list, 260

Customize Style Import option, 377

illustrated, 259

Import Inline Graphics option, 259

Import Unused Styles option, 259

Include area, 259

Manual Page Breaks list, 259

Paragraph Style Conflicts menu, 376

Preserve Local Overrides option, 259

Preserve Styles and Formatting from Text and Tables option, 376

Remove Styles and Formatting from Text and Tables option, 259

Remove Text and Table Formatting option, 313

Style Mapping button, 377

Track Changes option, 259

miter limit, 151

Mixed Ink Group Options dialog box, 134

mixed inks, 132–134

defined, 117, 132

groups, creating, 133

options, 134

swatches, creating, 132

swatches, modifying, 134

Swatches panel controls, 132

See also colors

mouse, in text selection, 52, 53

Move dialog box, 87

Move Pages dialog box, 256

Movie Clip object, 436

Movie Options dialog box, 437–440

Controller, 440

Description field, 437

Floating Window option, 440

illustrated, 437

Mode menu, 439

Name field, 437

opening, 437

Play on Page Turn option, 440

Position menu, 440

Poster menu, 439

Size menu, 440

Source controls, 438

Specify a URL option, 438

Verify URL option, 438


adding to document movie clip, 438

adding to documents, 436

automatic page turn, 440

description, 437

display options, 440

empty, adding, 437

floating window, 440

linking versus embedding, 436

naming, 437

play options, 439

poster options, 439

requirements, 434

URL connection, 438


artwork between frames, 193

bookmarks, 433

control handles, 182

guides, 31

hyperlink destinations, 430

hyperlinks, 430

insertion point, 51

objects, 86–88

pages, 253, 256

points, 182

ruler guides, 33

styles into style groups, 373

swatches, 128

tab stops, 306

text, 55

Multiply blend mode, 162

Navigator panel

buttons, 41

defined, 6

illustrated, 6, 41

magnification setting, 41

Panel Options, 42

Preview area, 42

using, 41–42

view spread options, 41

Zoom slider, 41

nested frames, 210

nested styles, 384–386

applying to text, 385

defined, 384

End Nested Style Here character, 386

looping, 386

multiple, order, 386

preparing to use, 384

repeating elements, 384, 385


bookmarks, 433

defined, 106

graphic elements, 210–211

object groups, 106

panels, 12

nesting elements

defined, 210

frames, 210

Select commands for, 211

New Cell Style dialog box, 390

New Character Style dialog box, 370

New Color Swatch dialog box, 124

New Document dialog box, 20–21

New Document Presets dialog box, 27

New Glyph Set dialog box, 72

New Gradient Swatch dialog box, 138

New Hyperlink Destination dialog box, 421–423

illustrated, 421

opening, 421

Page destination, 422

Text Anchor destination, 423

Type menu, 421

URL destination, 423

Zoom Settings menu, 422

New Hyperlink dialog box

Appearance area, 428

Document menu, 426, 427

Highlight menu, 428

Name menu, 426, 427

Page Destination area, 426

Style menu, 428

Type menu, 426

URL Destination area, 426

Width menu, 428

New Layer dialog box, 288

New Library dialog box, 296

New Master dialog box, 268

New Mixed Ink Group dialog box, 133

New Mixed Ink Swatch dialog box, 132

New Object Styles dialog box, 388

New Paragraph Style dialog box

Apply Style to Selection option, 368

categories list, 367

Next Style list, 368

opening, 367, 368

Style Name field, 367

New Section dialog box, 273–275

Document Chapter Numbering option, 275

Document Style list, 275

illustrated, 273

Page Numbering options, 273

Section Marker field, 274

Style menu, 273

New Set dialog box, 511

New Stroke Style dialog box, 155

Dash controls, 157

Dotted controls, 158

Stripe controls, 156

New Style dialog box, 371

New Swatch dialog box, 130

New Table Style dialog box, 391

New Tint Swatch dialog box, 136

Next Page Number character, 276

Nigels, 402

The Non-Designer’s Scan and Print Book, 455

Normal blend mode, 162

Normal View Mode, 37

Notes panel, 6

Notes preferences, 530

Notes tool, 14

numbered lists, 66


applying, 353

converting to text, 354

formatting, 353

positioning, 354

this book, 354

Object Find/Change, 350

object grids, creating, 89

Object menu

Anchored Object submenu

Insert command, 244

Options command, 244

Release command, 244

Arrange submenu

Bring Forward command, 102

Bring to Front command, 102

Send Backward command, 102

Send to Back command, 102

Clipping Path submenu

Convert Clipping Path to Frame command, 220

Options command, 220, 222

Content submenu, 50, 244

Convert Shape submenu, 172

Corner Options command, 160

Display Performance command, 226

Effects submenu, 165

Global Light command, 170

Transparency command, 161

Fitting submenu

Center Content command, 206

Fill Frame Proportionally command, 206

Fit Content Proportionally command, 206

Fit Content to Frame command, 206

Fit Frame to Content command, 206

Frame Fitting Options command, 206

Group command, 106, 163, 164

Image Color Settings command, 418

Interactive submenu

Button Options command, 443

Convert to Button command, 441

Movie Options command, 437

Sound Options command, 434, 435

Lock Position command, 113

Object Layer Options command, 218

Pathfinder command, 171

Paths submenu

Close Path command, 173, 183, 190

Make Compound Path command, 147, 196

Open Path command, 173, 183, 190

Release Compound Path command, 147, 171, 196

Reverse Path command, 173, 183

Select submenu

Container command, 107, 108, 211

Content command, 107, 108, 211

Next Object command, 107

Previous Object command, 107

Text Frame Options command, 75, 235, 406

Transform Again submenu, 100, 101

Transform submenu

Flip Horizontal command, 100

Flip Vertical command, 100

Move command, 87

Rotate command, 93, 100

Scale command, 92

Shear command, 94

Ungroup command, 107

Unlock Position command, 113


adding to master pages, 267

aligning, 103

anchored, 243–248

applying fills to, 144

applying strokes to, 148

applying to layers, 293

blending, isolating, 164

container, moving, 108

container, selecting, 108

content, moving, 108

content, selecting, 108

Control panel for, 109

converting into buttons, 441

copying, 88

copying while dragging, 87

cutting, 88

defaults, 176

distributing, 104

dragging, 86

dragging fill effects onto, 144

dragging strokes onto, 148

duplicating, 88

flipping, 100

grouping, 106

Info panel with, 112

inline, 243–248

locking, 105, 113

marquees, dragging, 85

moving, 86–88

moving between layers, 293

moving with Transform panel, 97

multiple, duplicating, 89

pasted-in content, removing, 107

pasting, 88

pasting, into another, 107

replicating, 88–89

resizing, 90

resizing with Transform panel, 97

rotating, 93–94

rotating with Transform commands, 100

rotating with Transform panel, 99

scaling, 92

scaling numerically, 93

scaling with Scale command, 92

scaling with Transform panel, 98

selecting, 85

selecting, within groups, 106–107

shearing, 94–95

shearing with Transform panel, 99

spacing between, 105

stacking order, 102

transformations, repeating, 101

ungrouping, 107

unlocking, 113

working with, 81–114

Object Style Options dialog box, 387

object styles, 387–389

built-in, applying, 387

creating, 388

default, changing, 389

defining, 387–388

defining by example, 388

local formatting, clearing, 389

modifying, 387

working with, 389

Object Styles panel, 387–389

built-in object style settings, 387

default icons, 389

defined, 6

illustrated, 6

New Object Style command, 388

New Style icon, 388

OpenType fonts, 407–410

automatic alternate characters, 407

categories, 409–410

defined, 407

OPI controls, 470

optical margin alignment, 396

options, 142

orientation, document, 20, 23, 25

Outer Glow effect, 167

out-of-gamut symbol, 120

output, 455–484

bleed area, 462

color separations, 467–468

controls, setting, 463–464

defined, 455

document packaging, 484

flattener presets, 471–474

graphics options, 469

page marks, 461

page tiling, 459–460

PostScript files, 480

Preflight reports, 481–483

printer’s spreads, 477–479

printing, 456

print presets, 475–476

print summary, 476

separations preview, 465–466

slug area, 462

overflow cursor, 323

Overlay blend mode, 162

overprinting colors, 142

overset symbol, 51

packages, document, 484

page destination

choosing, 426

creating, 422

defined, 421

unnamed, 426

See also hyperlinks

page information, 461

PageMaker files, opening, 46

page marks, 461

page numbers

absolute, 274

automatic, 273

book, 280

book, updating, 281

chapter, 275

continued to/from, 276

document, in book, 280

preferences, 514

section, 274

pages, 20

adding, manually, 251

adding, with Insert command, 252

blank, adding, 251–252

custom labels, 274

deleting, 255

document, 251

dragging snippets onto, 302

duplicating, 255

facing, 22

maximum number of, 255

moving, 256

moving to Pages panel, 253

number, changing, 25

options, 22

rearranging, 256

size, changing, 25

size, setting, 22

in spread, keeping together, 257

targeting, 253

term glossary, 251

tiling, 459–460

working on, 253

See also master pages

Pages panel

Allow Document Pages to Shuffle command, 256, 257

Allow Master Item Overrides on Selection command, 270

checkerboard grid, 251

Detach Selection From Master command, 271

display control, 250

Duplicate Spread command, 255

Hide Master Items command, 271

horizontal arrangement, 250

illustrated, 250

Insert Pages command, 252

Layout menu, 254

Load Master Pages command, 267

master pages in, 267

Move Pages command, 256

navigation controls, 254

New Master command, 268

New Page icon, 251

opening, 250

Override All Master Page Items command, 270, 271

Remove All Local Overrides command, 271

Save As Master command, 268

Spread Flattening menu, 473

vertical arrangement, 250

window page menu, 254

Panel Options dialog box, 42, 250

panels, 2–12

Align, 2, 103–105

Assignment, 2

Attributes, 2, 142, 456

Book, 2, 277–281

Bookmarks, 2, 431–433

Cell Styles, 3, 390

Character, 3, 56

Character Styles, 3, 370

choosing, 2–10

closing, 11

Color, 3, 118–121

Command Bar, 3

Control, 4, 69, 79, 109

Data Merge, 4

docking, 12

Effects, 4, 161–164

expanding, 11

Flattener Preview, 4, 474

Glyphs, 4, 71–73, 349

Gradient, 5, 140

hiding, 11

Hyperlinks, 5, 421

Index, 5

Info, 5, 110–112

Layers, 5, 288–293

Library, 296–301

Links, 6, 213–216

menus, displaying, 11

minimized, 11

Navigator, 6, 41–42

nesting, 12

Notes, 6

Object Styles, 6, 387–389

opening, 11

Pages panel, 250

Paragraph, 7, 64

Paragraph Styles, 7, 366–369

Pathfinder, 171–173

Quick Apply, 392–394

Script Label, 7

Scripts, 7, 364

Separations Preview, 8, 465–466

shrinking, 11

States, 444–447

Story, 8, 396

Stroke, 8, 150–154

Swatches, 8, 122

Table, 9, 318–322

Table Styles, 9, 391

Tabs, 9, 305–309

Tags, 9

Text Wrap, 10, 230–235

Tools, 14–15

Transform, 10, 96–99

Trap Presets, 10

undocking, 12

unnesting, 12

working with, 11–12

Pantone swatch library, 131

paragraph composition, 397

Paragraph panel

Adobe Paragraph Composer command, 397

Alignment buttons, 65

Align to Baseline Grid icon, 405

Balance Ragged Lines command, 407

defined, 7

Drop Cap controls, 68

Drop Caps and Nested Styles command, 383

Hyphenate checkbox, 69, 402

illustrated, 7, 64

Justification command, 398, 399

Keep Options command, 361

margin indent fields, 66

menu, 64

Only Align First Line to Grid command, 405

Paragraph Rules command, 239

Paragraph Space controls, 68

Show Options option, 68

working with, 64

paragraph rules

appearance, restyling, 240

applying, 239

offset, 241

position within frame, 240

reasons for using, 239

reverse text with, 242

special effects, 242

width, 241

working with, 239–242

Paragraph Rules dialog box, 239–242

Color list, 240

Gap Color list, 240

Gap Tint control, 240

illustrated, 239

Keep in Frame option, 240

Offset field, 241

Rule Above/Rule Below option, 239, 242

Tint control, 240

Type list, 240

Weight control, 240

Width list, 241


alignment, 65

attributes, 64, 79

attributes, sampling, 362

bullets, 352–353

drop caps, 68, 69

effects, 68–69

formatting, 64

hanging bullets, 66

hyphenation, 69

local formatting, 380

margin indents, 66

numbering, 283

numbers, 353–354

selecting, 52

settings, Control panel for, 79

space between, 68

spacing limit, 78

style sheet, 284

See also characters

paragraph styles

applying, 378

attributes, setting, 366

Basic Paragraph, 366

defining by example, 368

defining manually, 367

next, setting, 368

redefining, 366

transferring, 374

unused, deleting, 382

working with, 366–369

See also character styles

Paragraph Styles panel

Basic Paragraph listing, 366

Break Link to Style command, 380

Clear Overrides button, 379

defined, 7

illustrated, 7

New Paragraph Style command, 367, 368

plus sign (+), 366

Redefine Style command, 366

passwords, PDF, 496

Pathfinder panel, 171–173

commands, results, 171

commands, using, 171

Convert Shape icons, 172

illustrated, 171

opening, 171


anchor points, 178, 182, 184–185

arrowhead styles, 160

clipping, 219–222

closing, 179, 183

closing with straight line, 179

compound, 147

control handles, 178, 182

curves, 180–181

direction, changing, 183

editing, with Pencil tool, 186

elements, 178

importing as frames, 198

modifying, 173

opening, 183

segments, 178, 185

smoothing, 188

splitting, 183

Path Type Options dialog box, 237–238

Align menu, 238

Effect menu, 237

To Path menu, 238

Path Type tool, 14, 236

PDF files

advanced options, 495

change security, 497

color compression, 491

color controls, 493

compression for monochrome images, 491, 492

compression options, 490–492

creating, 487

cropping, 201

document password, 496

export options, 487

export pages specification, 488

font embedding, 495

general options, 488

grayscale compression, 491

import options, 199

inclusions, 489

JDF files, 495

monochrome bitmap downsampling, 491

monochrome bitmap resolution, 492

multimedia embedding options, 489

options, setting, 201

output options, 493–494

permissions password, 496

placing multiple pages from, 202

placing multiple pages from Bridge, 202

printing permission, 496

security options, 496–497

version and standard, 487

See also Export PDF dialog box

PDF presets

applying, 498

creating, 498

deleting, 499

editing, 499

exporting, 499

importing, 499

saving settings as, 498

Pencil tool, 14

cursor, 186

double-clicking, 187

drawing with, 186

editing paths with, 186

Fidelity and Smoothness settings, 187

illustrated, 186

preferences, 187

using, 186–187

Pen tool, 14, 178–181

clicking, 179

cursor, 181

general rules, 181

illustrated, 179

Opt/Alt key, 180

plus sign, 234

Shift key with, 179

start icon, 179


file import options, 200

layer comps, 200

layers, 294

Paths panel, 219

transparency, 223

placed cursor preview, 516

Place dialog box

Import options, 258

item selection, 194

Open option, 193, 194

Replace Selected Item option, 193

Show Import Options option, 192

placed images

color management, 418

layer options, 218

styling, 212

placeholder text, 266

Place PDF dialog box, 201–202

Crop To menu, 201

Layer controls, 218

page selectors, 201

placing artwork

from Bridge, 195

in existing frame, 193

ID files to another ID file, 194

multiple items, 194

without drawing frames, 192


configuring, 538

information, 483, 538

polygon frames, 49

Polygon Frame tool, 14, 84

Opt/Alt, 84

Shift key with, 84

polygon graphic frames, 84

Polygon Settings dialog box, 49, 84

Polygon tool, 14

Position tool, 14

illustrated, 205

using, 205

PostScript files, 480

precision eyedropper, 175


anti-aliasing, 532

Autocorrect, 529

baseline grid, 523

black appearance, 534

character settings, 519

clipboard, 537

composition, 520–521

default settings, restoring, 537

dictionary, 525–527

display performance, 225–228, 532–533

document grids, 523

dynamic spelling, 528

file handling, 535–536

font subsetting, 515

grids, 523

guides, 30, 524

highlight, 520

interface, 516

notes, 30

page numbers, 514

pasteboard, 524

scaling, 515

scripts, 515

scrolling, 533

snippet location, 536

spelling, 528

Story Editor, 531

text, 517–519

text wrap, 521

Tools panel, 516

tool tip, 516

trashing, 537

Preferences dialog box

Appearance of Black category, 534

Autocorrect category, 529

categories, 514

Clipboard Handling category, 537

Composition category, 520–521

Display Performance category, 532

File Handling category, 535

General category, 514–515

Grids category, 523

Guides & Pasteboard category, 524

Interface category, 516

Notes category, 530

opening, 514

Spelling category, 528

Story Editor Display category, 531

Type category, 517–518

Units and Increments category, 522

Preflight dialog box, 481–483

categories, 481

Colors and Inks area, 483

External Plug-ins area, 483

Fonts area, 482

Links and Images area, 482

opening, 481

Package button, 481

Print Settings area, 483

Report button, 481

Summary area, 481

Preview mode, 37

Previous Page Number character, 276

Options area, 457

Print Layers menu, 457

Print Booklet dialog box

Automatically Adjust to Fit Marks and Bleeds option, 478

Booklet Type menu, 478

Message area, 479

opening, 477

page controls, 479

Preview window, 479

Print Preset menu, 477

Setup controls, 477

Warning area, 479

Print dialog box

Advanced category, 470

Bleed category, 461

Bleed controls, 462

Color menu, 463

Copies and Pages area, 457

Download menu, 469

Flip menu, 463

General category, 457

Graphics category, 469

illustrated, 456

Image Send Data menu, 469

Include Slug Area setting, 462

Ink Manager button, 467

Marks settings, 461

opening, 456

OPI Image Replacement options, 470

Options controls, 458

Orientation options, 458

Output category, 464, 467

Page Position menu, 458

Paper Size menu, 458

PPD menu, 480

Preset menu, 470

Preview area, 459, 460

Printer list, 457

Printer menu, 480

Save Preset button, 475

Screening menu, 464

Setup category, 458, 460

Summary area, 476

Thumbnails menu, 458

Tile category, 459–460

Tile menu, 459

Trapping menu, 464

Use Document Bleed Settings option, 462

zero-point crosshairs, 460

printer’s spreads, 477–479

blank spreads, 478

booklet type, 478

defined, 477

imposed pages, previewing, 479

imposed settings summary, 479

imposing documents into, 477

margins, 478


blank spreads, 478

colors, 463

documents, 456

elements, setting not to print, 456

font information, 469

layers, preventing, 291

options, 457

packaging files for, 484

paper size, 458

settings information, 483

setup options, 458

Printing Instruction dialog box, 484

print presets

applying, 475

defining, 475

deleting, 475

exporting, 476

importing, 476

saving, 475

Print Presets dialog box, 475, 476

process color. See CMYK color

PSD images

import options, 199

options, setting, 200

punctuation space, 80

QuarkXPress files, opening, 46

quarter space, 80

Quick Apply feature, 392–394

in applying styles, 392

defined, 392

in editing styles, 393

icon, 392

letter commands with, 394

menu control, 393

results, customizing, 393

raster image processing (RIP), 463

Real World Color Management, 411

Rectangle dialog box, 50, 83

Rectangle Frame tool, 14, 83


anchored objects as, 244

with rounded corners, 173

Rectangle tool, 14

in drawing frames, 50

Opt/Alt, 50

in setting frame size, 50

rectangular graphic frames, 83

reference points

controlling, 91

rotating around, 93

shearing around, 94

Transform panel controls, 96

Registration color, 123

registration marks, 461

relinking graphics, 214

Rename Bookmark dialog box, 432


elements, 384, 385

fills, 335

strokes, 333

tabs, 306

transformations, 101


with bounding box handles, 90

defined, 90

graphics, 205

objects, 90

objects, with Transform panel, 97

proportionally, 97

scaling versus, 90

RGB colors

color management policies, 414

Color Picker, 137

defined, 116

display settings, 413

mixing, 119

out-of-gamut symbol, 120

See also colors

right tab character, 304

Rotate dialog box, 93

Rotate tool, 14

illustrated, 93

Opt/Alt key, 94

Shift key with, 93


copying while, 92

numerically, 94

objects, 93–94

with Rotate command, 93

with Transform commands, 100

with Transform panel, 99

visually, 93


adding, 319

alternating repeating strokes for, 333

changing numerically, 321

changing visually, 320

creating with guides, 32

deleting, 319

distributing, 322

footer, 309

header, 309

inserting, 318

jumping to, 314

keep options, 322

number, changing, 317

selecting, 316

working with, 317–322

ruler guides

alignments, ignoring, 272

appearance, changing, 33

creating, 31

defined, 30

deleting, 33

dragging, 31

locking, 33

moving, 33

moving in layout adjustment, 272

repositioning, 32

See also guides

ruler units, 522

Satin effect, 168

Saturation blend mode, 162

Save As dialog box, 44

Save Color Settings dialog box, 416

Save Preset dialog box, 498

Save Style dialog box, 282

Save Workspace dialog box, 13

Scale dialog box, 92

Scale tool, 14

numerical scaling with, 93

Opt/Alt key, 92, 93

Shift key with, 92


copying while, 92

defined, 90

drop caps, 383

glyph, 400

objects, 92–93

preferences, 515

proportionally, 98

resizing versus, 90

with Transform panel, 98

Scissors tool, 14, 183

Screen blend mode, 162

Script Label panel, 7


favorite, 364

preferences, 515

running, 364

Scripts panel

defined, 7

illustrated, 7, 364

using, 364

scrolling preferences, 533


glyph, 349

GREP, 348

metacharacter, 347

naming, 350

object attribute, 350

saved, applying/deleting, 350

saving, 350

text, 346–347

section marker character, 274

section markers, 274

security, PDF, 496–497


defined, 178

deleting, 185

See also paths


compound shapes, 196

container objects, 108

content objects, 108

frames, 114

gradient swatches, 139

objects, 85

paragraphs, 52

tables, 315–316

text, 52–53

tools, 14

Selection tool, 14, 203, 204

Cmd/Ctrl key, 90

dragging with, 108

illustrated, 14, 85

Shift key, 85, 90

semi-autoflow text, 264

Separations Preview panel, 465–466

defined, 8

illustrated, 8

Ink Limit controls, 466

ink percentages, 466

opening, 465

Show/Hide icons, 465

View menu, 465

shadow effects, 166


compound, 196

converting, 84, 172

creating, 83–84

special, creating, 173

See also specific shapes

Shear dialog box, 94


axis, 94

copying while, 92

numerically, 94–95

objects, 94–95

visually, 94

shear tool, 94–95

illustrated, 94

Opt/Alt key, 95

visual use, 94

Show Import Options dialog box, 218

skewing, text, 62

slug, 21, 25

area, 462

guides, 30

Slug mode, 37

smooth curve points, 180

smooth curves, 180

Smooth tool, 14

illustrated, 188

preferences, 188

smoothing paths with, 188


creating, 302

defined, 301

dragging onto pages, 302

file sizes, 301

Soft Light blend mode, 162


bookmarks, 433

graphics, 213

library entries, 301

styles, 372

Sound Options dialog box, 434–435

sounds, 434–435

adding to documents, 434

automatically playing, 435

empty, adding, 434

options, setting, 435

requirements, 434

sound clips, 434

spaces, 80

special characters, 80

spell checking, 340–343

automatic error correction, 343

with Check Spelling command, 340

dictionary, adding to, 342

dictionary, editing, 342

dictionary, exporting entries, 343

dictionary, importing entries, 343

dynamic, 343

error correction, 341

limitations, 341

search criteria, 341

Spelling preferences, 528

spot colors

converting to process colors, 467

defined, 117

in gradients, 140

process colors versus, 125

See also colors


blank, printing, 478

island, 257

printer’s, 477–479

stacking order, 102

star frames, 49

State Options dialog box, 445

states. See button states

States panel, 444–447

Appearance menu, 448

Delete Content from State command, 447

Delete State icon, 444

illustrated, 444

New State icon, 444, 446

opening, 444

Place Content into Selected State icon, 446, 447

State Options command, 445

Step and Repeat dialog box, 89

Story Editor, 351

display preferences, 531

notes, 530

Story panel

defined, 8

illustrated, 8

opening, 396

Optical Margin Alignment option, 396

Strikethrough Options dialog box, 59

stripe stroke style

creating, 156

defined, 155

See also stroke styles

strippers, 191

Stroke panel, 150–154

Align Stroke controls, 152

Cap icons, 151

Corners list, 154

Dashed settings, 154

defined, 8

End menu, 160

Gap Color menu, 153

Gap Tint controls, 153

illustrated, 8

Join buttons, 151

Miter Limit field, 151

opening, 150

Start menu, 160

Stroke Type menu, 153

Weight field, 150

working with, 150


alignment, 152

alternating for columns, 334

alternating for rows, 333

applying, 148–154

applying to objects, 148

applying to text, 149

arrowheads, 160

caps, 151

cell, customizing, 331

cell, stacking order, 332

colors, applying, 121

corner options, 160

dashed, creating, 154

defaults, 176

defined, 148

dragging onto objects, 148

end shapes, 160

gap color, 153

gradient, applying, 149

joins, 151

miter limit, 151

stroke style application, 153

swapping fill settings, 148

weights, 150

stroke styles

applying to strokes, 153

creating, 155

dashed, creating, 157

deleting, 159

dotted, creating, 158

editing, 158

previewing, 156, 159

saving, 159

stripe, creating, 156

transferring, 159

types, 155

Stroke Styles dialog box, 155, 158–159

Delete option, 159

Edit option, 159

Load option, 159

Save option, 159

style-driven workflow, 381

Style Group Options dialog box, 373

Style Mapping dialog box, 377

Style Options dialog box, 372

styles, 365–394

applying with Quick Apply, 392

basing, 371

cell, 390

character, 370, 378

conflict resolution, 375

duplicating, 372

editing with Quick Apply, 393

groups, 373

guidelines, 372

importing, 374–375

keyboard shortcuts, 372

links, breaking, 371

loading, 374–375

moving into style groups, 373

names, 374

nested, 384–386

number to use, 374

object, 387–389

overrides, clearing, 379–380

paragraph, 366–369, 378

redefining, 381

resetting, 371

sorting, 372

source, 278

table, 391

text, 374, 376–377

transferring, 374

unused, deleting, 381

use of, 381

working with, 371–372

Styles panel

Break Link to Style command, 371

Delete Style command, 381

Duplicate Style command, 372

Load Styles command, 374

New Style Group icon, 373

New Style icon, 372

Quick Apply icon, 392

Redefine Style command, 381

Sort by Name command, 372

See also Character Styles panel; Paragraph Styles panel

Subset dialog box, 300

Suite Color Settings dialog box, 417

SVG files

CSS properties, 506

decimal precision, 506

encoding, 506

exporting, 504–506

fonts, 505

images, 505

options, 504

page conversion, 504

SVG Options dialog box

CSS Properties menu, 506

Encoding menu, 506

Fonts Subsetting menu, 505

illustrated, 504

Images Location controls, 505

More Options, 504

Pages options, 504

Transparency Flattener section, 506

swatches. See color swatches

Swatches panel

adding colors to, 123

Add Unnamed Colors command, 129

controls, 122

defined, 8

Delete Swatch icon, 126

dragging colors to, 123

gradients, 138

icons, 125

illustrated, 8

Load Swatches command, 129

menu, 124, 127

Merge Swatches command, 127

New Color Swatch command, 124

New Gradient Swatch command, 138

New Mixed Ink Group command, 133

New Mixed Ink Swatch command, 132

New Swatch icon, 128, 140

New Tint Swatch command, 136

Save Swatches For Exchange command, 128

Select All Unused command, 127

swatches display, 122

Swatch Options command, 134

working with, 122

Swatches panel Tint field, 135

swatch libraries

adding colors from, 130

defined, 131

to import swatches from documents, 131

types, 131

See also color swatches

Swatch Options dialog box, 125, 130

Synchronize Options dialog box, 279

System swatch libraries, 131

tab characters

inserting, 304

inserting into tables, 314

Tab key, 314

tab leaders, 308

Table menu

Cell Options submenu

Diagonal Lines command, 336

Rows and Columns command, 321, 322

Strokes and Fills command, 331, 332

Text command, 326, 328, 329

Convert Rows submenu

To Body command, 325

To Footer command, 325

To Header command, 325

Convert Table to Text command, 313

Convert Text to Table command, 310

Delete submenu, 319

Distribute Columns Evenly command, 322

Distribute Rows Evenly command, 322

Go to Row command, 314

Insert Table command, 309

Merge Cells command, 327

Select submenu, 316

Split Cell Horizontally command, 327

Split Cell Vertically command, 327

Table Options submenu

Alternating Column Strokes command, 333

Alternating Fills command, 335

Alternating Row Strokes command, 333

Headers and Footers command, 324

Table Setup command, 317, 323, 330, 332

Unmerge Cells command, 327

table of contents, 282–286

alphabetizing, 286

automatic, benefits, 283

controls, opening, 284

creating, 282–286

entries, formatting, 284

entries, indenting, 286

entry style definition, 282

generating, 282

listings, choosing, 283

of nonexisting items, 286

numbered paragraphs, 283

options, setting, 286

preparing documents for, 282

separator character, 285

style options, 285

title, 283

uses, 285

See also books

Table of Contents dialog box, 282–286

Between Entry and Number menu, 285

Entry Style menu, 284

illustrated, 282

Include Paragraph Styles list, 283, 286

Level controls, 286

More Options button, 284

Numbered Paragraphs list, 283

Options area, 286

Other Styles area, 283

Page Number menu, 285

Sort Entries in Alphabetical Order option, 286

Style Options area, 285

Title field, 283

Table Options dialog box, 323

Alternating controls, 333, 334, 335

Alternating Pattern menu, 333, 334, 335

Column Strokes tab, 334

Fills controls, 335

Headers and Footers area, 324

Preserve Local Formatting option, 330

Row Strokes tab, 331

Table panel

Column command, 318

controls, 337

defined, 9

illustrated, 9, 337

Insert command, 318

menu, 338

opening, 337

Row command, 318

working with, 337–338


adding images to, 326

adjusting within text frame, 323

borders, 330

columns, 309, 317–322

columns, selecting, 315

converting text into, 310

converting to text, 313

creating, 309

deleting, 319

dimensions, 317

flowing between frames, 323

footer, adding, 324

header, adding, 324

importing from Word or Excel, 311

inserting tab characters into, 314

navigating through, 314

pasting text into, 311

placing in cells, 313

rows, 309, 314, 317–322

rows, selecting, 316

selection commands, 316

styles, 391

tabs versus, 308

Word, formatting, 313

See also cells

Table Setup dialog box, 317

Draw menu, 332

Table Border area, 330

Table Styles panel

defined, 9

illustrated, 9

New Table Style command, 391


alignment, 305

clearing, 307

defined, 303

inserting in text, 304

repeating, 306

settings, changing, 306

tables versus, 308

uses, 303

Tabs panel, 305–309

Align On field, 307

Clear All command, 307

Decimal Tab icon, 307

defined, 9

Delete Tab command, 307

illustrated, 9

Magnet icon, 305

opening, 305

Repeat Tab command, 306

tab stops

default, 305

defined, 305

moving, 306

removing, 307

setting, 305

tagged text, 358–359

exporting, 358

importing, 359

import options, 359

Tags panel, 9

temporary folder, 535

text, 47–80

applying fill to, 145

applying strokes to, 149

ASCII, 258

attributes, sampling, 363

baseline shift, 61

in buttons, 442

converting bullets/numbers to, 354

converting into tables, 311

converting tables to, 313

converting text into, 311

converting to frames, 197

copying/pasting, 54

cursor, 258

defaults, 56

distortions, 62

drag-and-drop, 55

dragging, 55

duplicating, 55

effects, 229–248

exporting, 507

Eyedropper tool for, 362–363

file links, 215

flow, working with, 74

flowing, 262–266

fonts, 57

greeking, 533

horizontal scaling, 62

importing, 258–261

Info panel information, 112

inserting tabs in, 304

insertion point, moving, 51

kerning, 60

leading, 60

linking between frames, 74

moving, 55

placeholder, 266

point size, 57

preferences, 517–519

scaling, 62

selecting, 52–53

skewing, 62

strikethrough, 59

styling, 58–59

tagged, 358–359

threads, 74

tracking, 61

typing, 51

underline, 59

variables, 275

vertical scaling, 62

text anchor destination

choosing, 426

creating, 423

defined, 421

See also hyperlinks

text breaks, 266

Text Frame Options dialog box, 75, 235

Baseline Options tab, 406

Columns area, 75

General tab, 75

Inset Spacing fields, 76

Paragraph Spacing Limit option, 78

Vertical Justification Align list, 77

text frames

adjusting tables within, 323

columns, 75

controls, setting, 75–78

creating, 48–50

creating, with Type tool, 48

custom grid creation for, 406

defined, 82

drawing tips, 50

elliptical, 48

fixed column width, 76

flowing tables between, 323

illustrated, 82

inset spacing, 76

links, changing, 74

links, creating, 74

links, showing, 74

numerically sizing, 50

options, changing, 75

polygon, 49

rectangular, 50

selecting, 114

star, 49

unassigned, 49

unassigned, converting, 50

vertical justification, 77

Text Import Options dialog box, 261

text on a path, 236–238

effects, 237

flipping, 237

outside, 236

positioning, 236

vertical alignment, 238

text styles

conflict resolution, 376

importing from Word, 376–377

mapping, 377

transferring into documents, 374

text wrap, 230–235

applying, 230–231

around invisible object, 234

contour options, 232

custom, 234

defined, 230

hidden layer objects and, 235

for hidden layers, 292

ignoring, 235

inverting, 230

master pages, 270

for object on master page, 235

offset, 230

preferences, 521

wrap to options, 233

Text Wrap panel, 230–235

Apply to Master Page Only command, 235, 270

buttons, 230

Contour Options Type menu, 232

defined, 10

illustrated, 10, 230

Include Inside Edges option, 232

Invert option, 230

Offset controls, 230

opening, 230

options, 230, 231

Wrap To menu, 233

Wrap To options, 233

thin space, 80

third space, 80

TIFF images, 199

tilde character, 404

tiling, 459–460

auto justified, 459

automatic, 459

defined, 459

manual, 460


base color, 135, 136

with Color panel, 135

creating, 135

defined, 117

modifying, 136

percentage, 135

storing, 136

Tools panel

Add Anchor Point tool, 14, 184, 190

Button tool, 14, 441–442

controls, 14

Convert Direction Point tool, 14, 185

Default Fill and Stroke icon, 176

defined, 14

Delete Anchor Point tool, 14, 184, 190

Direct Selection tool, 14, 106, 108, 182, 203–204

display preferences, 516

Ellipse Frame tool, 14, 83

Ellipse tool, 14, 48

Erase tool, 14, 189, 190

Eyedropper tool, 14, 141, 174–175

Fill icon, 144, 145, 212

Fill icon, T inside, 145

fly-out displays, 14, 15

Free Transform tool, 14, 95

Gradient Feather tool, 14

Gradient icon, 145

Gradient Swatch tool, 14

Gradient tool, 14, 146

Hand tool, 14, 40

illustrated, 14

keyboard shortcuts, 15

Line tool, 14, 84

Measure tool, 14, 110–111

None icon, 147

Notes tool, 14

Path Type, 14, 236–238

Pencil tool, 14, 186–187

Pen tool, 14, 178–181

Polygon Frame tool, 14, 84

Polygon tool, 14, 49

Position tool, 14, 205

Rectangle Frame tool, 14, 83

Rectangle tool, 14, 50

Rotate tool, 14, 93–94

Scale tool, 14, 92–93

Scissors tool, 14, 183

Selection tool, 14, 85, 86, 90

Shear tool, 94–95

Smooth tool, 14, 188

Stroke icon, 148, 149, 212

Stroke icon, T inside, 149

Text button, 149

Text icon, 145

tool, opening, 15

tool, selecting, 14

Type tool, 14, 48

view modes, 37

Zoom tool, 14, 39

tool tips, 516

Toyo swatch library, 131

tracking, 61

Transform panel

defined, 10

illustrated, 10

Link icon, 98

moving objects with, 97

opening, 96

reference point controls, 96

resizing with, 97

Rotate field, 99

rotating with, 99

Scale width and height fields, 98

scaling with, 99

Shear field, 99

shearing with, 99

Show Content Offset command, 209

using, 96–99

W and H fields, 97

X and Y fields, 97

transform tools

effect, controlling, 91

reference point, 91

using, 91–95

See also specific transform tools


effects display, 228

resources, 474

Transparency Flattener Preset Options dialog box, 471

transparency flattener presets

creating, 471

deleting, 472

editing, 472

loading, 472

saving, 472

Transparency Flattener Presets dialog box

illustrated, 471

opening, 471

Presets area, 472

Preset Settings area, 472

trapping, 464

Trap Presets panel, 10

Trumatch swatch library, 131

typefaces. See fonts

Type menu

Bulleted & Numbered Lists submenu

Apply Bullets command, 352

Apply Numbers command, 353

Convert [Bullets or Numbering] To Text, 354

Chance Case command, 340

Character command, 403

Character Styles command, 370

Create Outlines command, 197

Document Footnote Options command, 355

Fill with Placeholder Text command, 266

Find Font command, 360

Font command, 57

Glyphs command, 71, 408

Hide Hidden Characters command, 70

Insert Break Character command, 266

Insert Footnote command, 355

Insert Special Character command, 80, 273, 274, 276, 314

Insert White Space command, 80

Paragraph Styles command, 267, 268

Show Hidden Characters command, 70, 304, 368

Size command, 57

Story command, 396

Tabs command, 305

Text Variables submenu, 275

Type on a Path submenu, 237

Type preferences

advanced, 519

drag-and-drop text, 518

linked/embedded files, 518

options, 517

Type tool, 14, 48

typography, 395–410

unassigned frames, 49, 50

defined, 82

illustrated, 82

selecting, 114

Underline Options dialog box, 59

underlines, 59

Units & Increments preferences, 28, 29, 522

unnamed colors, 122

avoiding, 129

naming, 129

URL destination

choosing, 427

creating, 423

defined, 421

unnamed, creating, 427

See also hyperlinks

variables, text, 275

Version Cue, 536

View menu

Fit Page In Windows command, 35

Grids & Guides submenu

Hide Baseline Grid command, 34

Hide Guides command, 30

Lock Column Guides command, 31

Lock Guides command, 33

Show Baseline Grid command, 34

Show Guides command, 30

Snap to Document Grid command, 34

Snap to Guides command, 31

Overprint Preview command, 142

Show Rulers command, 28

Show Text Threads command, 74

Zoom In command, 35

Zoom Out command, 35

view modes, 37

warning dialog boxes, 515

Web swatch library, 131

Welcome Screen

command selection, 19

Community area, 19

defined, 18

Help area, 19

illustrated, 18

reopening, 19

using, 18–19

white space characters, 80

Window menu

Arrange submenu

Bring All To Front command, 43

New Window command, 43

Assignments command, 2

Attributes command, 2, 142

Automation submenu

Data Merge command, 4

Script Label command, 7

Scripts command, 7, 364

Color command, 3, 118

Control command, 4, 337

Effects command, 4, 161

Gradient command, 5, 140

Info command, 5, 110

Interactive submenu

Bookmarks command, 2, 431

Hyperlinks command, 5, 421

States command, 444

Layers command, 5, 288

Links command, 6, 213

Notes command, 6

Object & Layout submenu

Align command, 2, 103

Command Bar command, 3

Navigator command, 6, 41

Pathfinder command, 7, 171

Transform command, 2, 96

Object Styles command, 6, 387

Output submenu

Flattener Preview command, 4, 474

Separations Preview command, 8, 465

Trap Presets command, 10

Pages command, 6, 250

Stroke command, 8, 150

Swatches command, 8, 122

Tabs command, 9, 305

Tags command, 9

Text Wrap command, 10, 230

Type & Tables submenu

Cell Styles command, 3

Character & Type command, 3

Glyphs or Type command, 4

Index command, 5

Paragraph command, 7, 64

Paragraph Styles command, 7

Story command, 8

Table command, 9, 337

Table Styles command, 9

Workspace submenu, 13

windows, controlling, 43


footnotes, importing, 357

importing text styles from, 376–377

table, formatting, 313

table, importing, 311

word spacing, 398

workspaces, 13

XHTML/Digital Editions Export Options dialog box, 508

XHTML Export Options dialog box, 508


exporting as, 508

workflows, 374

zero point, 29


marquee, 39

Navigator panel, 41

Zoom tool, 14, 39

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