

AB2 hydrides, 221
AB5 hydrides, 220
acid–base complexes, 290, 295
Aciplex, 291
activated carbon, 196–7
adsorbents, 196–9
thermodynamic properties for metal oxide and carbonate reactions, 198
air spraying, 347
alcohols, 250
alkaline anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AAEMFC), 306–7
performance of an alkaline membrane fuel cell, 308
alkaline anion exchange membranes, 297–8
operating principle of an anion exchange membrane fuel cell, 297
alkaline fuel cells (AFC), 250, 251
alumina, 198–9
aluminium–doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al), 30
aluminium hydride (AlH3), 221–3, 224
LiH doping effects on TPD scans of AlH3LiH mixtures, 222
physical constants, 224
amide–imide systems, 229–30
ammonia borane (NH3BH3), 232–3
ammonia (NH3), 232–3, 266
A2MO4 compounds, 417–22
oxygen intercalation, 419
properties, 419–22
dilatometry measurements, 422
thermal dependence, 421
thermal variations, 420
structure, 417–19
illustration, 418
amorphous silicon thin film photovoltaic, 27–8
enhancement of additional long- wavelength light using rough TCO, 29
anatase titania, 44
anisotropic materials, 495–7
normalised isotope fraction profile, 496
ordered double perovskites, 497
anode catalyst, 301–2
anode/electrolyte interface, 159
anode flooding, 285
anode materials, 486–8
cermets, 487–8
platinum, 486–7
solid oxide fuel cells, 445–69
cerment, 451–4
future trends, 468–9
non-oxide anode, 465–6
other oxide anode materials, 463–5
perovskite-structure, 454–63
poisoning, 466–8
requirements, 446–51
anodic polarisation, 436
anodic semiconductor/electrolyte interface, 96, 98
artificial photosynthesis, 42
atomic layer deposition (ALD), 35, 480, 487
atomic-scale computer simulation
functional materials, methodologies and applications, 643–58
future trends, 658
methodological approaches, 643–52
methodologies application, 652–7
methodological approaches, 643–52
classical techniques, 648–9
combined techniques, 651–2
energy minimisation and quasiharmonic approximation, 644–5
molecular dynamics, 645–7
Monte Carlo and statistical techniques, 647–8
quantum-mechanical techniques, 650–1
methodologies application, 652–7
cathode materials for solid oxide fuel cells, 652–5
random semiconductor alloys, 655–7
Auger recombination, 76
autothermal reforming (ATR), 259
auxiliary power units (APU), 448


ball milling, 223
band gap photoelectrodes, 98
band gap semiconductor, 98
barium cerate, 522–5
barium zirconate, 522–5
bcc hydrides, 221
Becke functional, 651
BIMEVOX compounds, 391
binary platinum-metal catalysts, 322–3
binary platinum-metal oxide catalysts, 323
biofuels, 274
biogas, 265–6
bioscrubbers, 272
bipolar plates, 280, 281
bismuth-based oxide ion conductors, 371–3
Arrhenius plot of Bi2 O3YSZ and BICUV0X.10 conductivity, 373
B3LYP, 651
Boltzman factor, 647
bottom-up technique, 130
Brillouin zone, 29
Brouwer diagram, 390
Brownmillerite-type perovskites, 416
brownmillerites, 377–80
Ba2In2-xO5+3x/2 structure collected at 700°C, 378
Ba2In2-xO5+3x/2 structure collected at 950°C, 380
Ba2In2O5 structure, 378
brushing, 347
buffer layer, 35
building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), 44


cadmium oxide (CdO), 30
cadmium sulphide (CdS), 30
cadmium telluride thin film photovoltaic, 28–33
CdTe solar cell superstrate configuration, 30
EQE of CdTe solar cell, 31
cadmium tin oxide (CTO), 31
caesium salts of heteropolyacid (CsHPA), 296–7
calcium-doped lanthanum chromite, 462
calcium oxide, 198
canonical ensemble, 646
carbon-based materials, 234–5
variation of H2 adsorption with different surface area, 235
carbon deposition, 268–9
carbon dioxide reforming, 258
carbon molecular sieve membranes, 191
carbon monoxide, 260–1
carbonate, 197–8
casting, 9–12
14 kg ingot fabricated by seeded growth, 11
catalyst layer
fabrication, 343–6
bonded with novel ionomers, 346
gas, water, proton and electron microstructure and transport, 344
fabrication methods, 347–50
conventional, 347
catalytic activity, 447–8
catalytic partial oxidation (CPOX), 259
cathode See hydrogen electrode
cathode flooding, 281, 285
cathode gas diffuser, 283
cathode materials, 488–97
anisotropic, 495–7
normalised isotope fraction profile, 496
ordered double perovskites, 497
effect of strain on epitaxial films, 493–4
heterostructured interfaces, 494–5
SIMS image, 494
lanthanum cobaltate, 490–1
impedance spectra and surface exchange rate, 491
lanthanum cobaltate nanoparticles, 492–3
bulk vs thin-film thermodynamics, 492
cross-sectional low magnitude and HRTEM image, 492
lanthanum strontium manganite, 488–9
solid oxide fuel cells, 652–5
impact of disorder in the Gd/Ba sublattice on the oxygen diffusion mechanism, Plate VII
2D non-stoichiometric oxides transport and electrochemical properties, 422–9
2D non-stoichiometric perovskite-related oxides structure, 412–22
Ln2NiO4+a oxides, 429–36
overview, 402–4
panorama of the various fuel cell technologies, 403
oxygen reduction reaction and materials implication, 404–9
materials requirements, 407–9
perovskite-type oxides, 409–12
solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), 402–37
cathodic semiconductor/electrolyte interface, 96, 97
cation segregation, 163–6
cell power, 81
cell temperature, 79–80, 353
power and efficiency of modelled cells, 80
ceramic glue, 52
ceria, 375
ceria electrolytes, 481–3
cermet SOFC anode materials, 451–4
fuel cell performance, 453
cermets, 487–8
cesium-doped Nafion, 333
chalcogenides, 330
chemical bath deposition (CBD), 35
chemical sintering, 51–2
chemical vapour deposition (CVD), 6, 480
Claus process, 272
close-spaced sublimation (CSS), 32
co-electrolysis, 151, 158
CO2 selective membranes, 191–6
co-sensitisation, 47–8
cocktail dyeing, 47
coercivity, 605
mechanisms in permanent magnets, 609–13
coercivity mechanisms in different materials, 610
hexagonal CaZn5-type intermetallic SmCo5, 611
nucleation behaviour and domain pinning, 612
temperature coefficients, 606–7
representative second-quadrant demagnetisation, 606
combined heat and power generation (CHP) system, 68, 83–4
complex aluminium hydrides, 237–8
complex borohydrides, 228–9
physical constants, 228
composite anodes, 455
composite electrodes, 410–11
constant phase element (CPE), 389
contact potential, 95
conventional electrode
structure, 350–1
illustration, 351
cooling system, 67
copper indium diselenide thin film photovoltaic, 33–5
CIGS solar cells substrate configuration, 34
copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS), 34, 36
corona discharge, 554
counter electrode, 45, 58
Cr poisoning, 162–3
cross-linked polymer membranes, 337–43
acidic and basic blend membranes, 339
polarisation curves with Nafion- 115, SPEEK, and SPEEK/PSf-NBIm, 343
polysulfone-bearing 4-nitro-benzimidazole synthesis, 340
polysulfone-bearing 5-nitro-benzimidazole synthesis, 341
proton transfer mechanism involving acid–base interactions, 342
SPEEK membranes structure, 338
crystalline silicon, 5, 22–3, 35
crystallisation, 8–14
Curie temperature, 613–14
current–voltage (I-V), 26
CYTOP, 554
Czochralski process
single-crystal growth, 8–9
temperature and velocity distribution, 10


2D non-stoichiometric perovskite-related oxides
structure, 412–22
transport and electrochemical properties, 422–9
performance, 427–9
degradation, 157–66
degree of sulfonation (DS), 336
dehydrogenation, 223, 225
delamination, 285
oxygen electrode, 159–60
SOEC performance degradation, 160
density functional theory (DFT), 644
deprotonation catalyst, 323–4
dielectric stacks, 70
direct bandgap semiconductor, 29
direct methanol fuel cell membranes, 298–9
direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC), 262–4, 307–9
cell voltage behaviour, 308
future trends, 353, 358
historical development, 316–17
number of 'direct methanol fuel cell' phrases appearing in journals, 317
membrane electrode assembly fabrication and structure, 343–53
membranes, catalysts and membrane electrode assemblies, 312–58
methanol oxidation reaction
catalysts, 319–24
overview, 312–16
operating principles, 313–16
oxygen reduction reaction catalysts, 324–31
proton exchange membranes, 331–43
technical challenges, 317–19
cathodic oxygen reduction and undesired methanol oxidation, 319
CO2 bubble formation and coalescence in the anode feed channel, 320
methanol crossover phenomenon, 318
direct sulfonation, 336
doctor blade technique, 349–50
dopant, 227–8
doping, 12–13
double interface boundary (DIB), 406
double perovskites, 412–15
mixed ionic and electronic properties, 414–15
oxygen content variation, 414
structure, 413–14
illustration, 414
dry production technique, 348–9
dry reforming See carbon dioxide reforming
dual photoelectrode tandem photoelectrolysis cell, 112
dual photosystem, 100
enhancement, 328–9
stability evaluation of Pd70 Co20
Mo10 catalyst, 330
steady-state polarisation curves, 330
dye sensitisation, 48–9
dye-sensitised solar cell used for ultrafast sensitisation, 49
dye-sensitised solar cells (DSC), 57–9, 59, 60
electrodes, 50–3
electrolyte, 53–6
future trends, 59–60
manufacturing, 44–6
key energy levels, 45
processing steps for laboratory scale devices, 46
reverse and normal illumination, 44
overview, 42–4
advantages, 43–4
quality control/lifetime testing, 56–9
device stability and testing, 57–9
rapid and low temperature processing, 42–60
sensitisation, 46–9
AM1.5 solar spectrum, 47
dye uptake
in situ monitoring, 56–7
time lapse apparatus and plot, 56


electrets, 553
electrical conductivity, 390–1, 422–3
Brouwer diagram, 390
dopant–vacancy interaction at low temperatures, 391
thermal dependence, 422
two types of oxide motions, 392
electro-osmotic drag, 284–5, 292–3
electrocatalysis, 408–9
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), 408–9
electrode catalyst layer, 299–302
structure with electrocatalyst bound ionomer, 300
electrode reaction, 314–16
electrode substrates, 50
electrodeposition, 32, 35
electrolysis, 255
electrolyte viscosity, 54
electrolytes, 480–6
doped ceria, 481–3
interface effects, 484–6
multilayer systems classification, 485
lanthanum strontium magnesium gallate, 483–4
materials for SOFC, 374–85
overview, 370–1
requirements, 371
SOFC principle, 370–1, 371
preparation and characterisation materials for SOFC, 385–93
solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), 370–94
yttria-stabilised zirconia, 480–1
electromagnetic harvesting
motion, 560–3
comparison of harvesters, 562
resonant, non-resonant and hybrid electromagnetic energy harvesting device, 561
electromagnetic motion energy-harvesting devices, 560
electron beam evaporation, 480
electron–hole pairs, 94, 96
electronic conductivity, 407–8, 446–7
electrostatic force, 551
electrostatic generators, 553
electrostatic harvesting, 551–5
common electret materials examples, 554
electret harvesting device operation principle, 553
electrostatic transduction with two charged parallel plates, 552
emitter wrap-through (EWT) cell, 17–18
empirical model, 74
vs. thermodynamic model, 75–6
power output under a 1800 K blackbody source, 75
energy density, 314–16, 352
energy efficiency, 314–16
energy harvesting
categories, 542
materials and techniques, 541–66
electromagnetic energy harvesting from motion, 560–3
electrostatic harvesting, 551–5
piezoelectric harvesting, 546–51
suspension materials, 563–6
theory, 542–6
thermoelectric harvesting, 555–60
energy minimisation and Monte Carlo (EMMC), 652
energy storage
reversible solid oxide electrolytic cells (SOEC), 149–73
degradation mechanisms, 157–66
operating principles and
functional materials, 152–7
overview, 149–52
research studies, 166–71
enthalpy, 250
entropy, 250
epitaxial films, 493–4
epitaxy, 547
ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), 299
Ewald summation, 649
external gas humidification, 286–7


facilitated transport membranes (FTM), 193–4, 201
CO2 transport mechanism, 193
Faradays law, 560
Fermi level, 94
ferromagnetics, 602–4
schematic representation of magnetic domains, 602
uniaxial magneto-crystalline anisotropy, 603
finite resistance, 80–1
Fisher–Tropsch liquid, 180
Fisher–Tropsch reactions, 150
flat-band potential, 106
Flemion, 291, 293
flexible photovoltaic, 37
flow field design, 287
fluidised-bed process, 7–8
fluidised-bed reactor (FBR), 6, 8
fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO), 29, 53
Foturan, 499–500
SEM cross section view, 500
four-electron mechanism, 325
free energy, 253
deleterious effects on fuel cell performance, 267–74
hydrocarbon and processing, 256–62
methanol, 262–5
operation performance and degradation of fuel cells, 249–74
overview, 249–52
generic operation and major components of a fuel cell, 250
processing for fuel cell systems, 252
tolerance for fuel cell types, 251
thermodynamics, 252–6
fuel cell car, 237
fuel-cell-driven submarines, 238–9
solid-state hydrogen stage system using metal hydrides and liquid oxygen storage, 238
fuel cell performance, 303–9
fuel cell test, 427–9, 455
fuel cells
fuel role in operation performance of fuel cells, 249–74
deleterious effects, 267–74
hydrocarbon fuels and fuel processing, 256–62
methanol, 262–5
overview, 249–52
thermodynamics, 252–6
fuel reforming, 256, 258
functional materials
atomic-scale computer simulation, methodologies and applications, 643–58
future trends, 658
methodological approaches, 643–52
methodologies application, 652–7


gadolinium-doped ceria, 385
gadolinium titanate, 463
gas diffusion layer (GDL), 273, 282, 284, 286–7
gas-phase pyrolysis, 447
gasification, 261
gel electrolyte, 54–5
generalised gradient approximation (GGA), 651
gold nanoparticles, 324
grid resistance, 81


H2 selective membranes, 181–91
Hamiltonian function, 646
hand painting, 347
harmonic approximation, 645
Hartree-Fock theory, 651
heteropolyacids (HPA), 296
heterostructured interfaces, 494–5
SIMS image, 494
high-temperature metal hydrides, 219
heat storage, 239–40
construction of MgH2/Mg heat stores, 240
high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane (HT-PEM) fuel cells, 237–8
high-temperature proton conductor (HTPC), 522–6
barium cerate- and barium zirconate- based materials, 522–5
y-doped barium zirconate (BZY), 523–5
electrodes, 526–30
anode materials, 528–30
cathode materials, 527–8
cathode possible reactions, 521
elementary cathode reaction steps, 521
reaction processes, 520–2
other novel proton conducting compounds, 526
proton conduction mechanism, 515–20
oxygen vacancies, 515–17
proton migration, 517–20
solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), 530–1
barium cerate electrolytes, 530–1
barium zirconate electrolytes, 530–1
fuel cell performance comparison, 532
hole transport mediums (HTM), 55–6
hydrocarbon fuels, 256–62
hydrocarbon polymers, 346
hydrocarbons, 250
hydrogen, 255–6
storage technology based on volumetric and gravimetric consideration, 257
hydrogen economy, 255
hydrogen electrode
advanced materials, 170–1
presence or absence effect of hydrogen in the cathode inlet of electrolysis cell, 172
reduction and oxidation (red-ox) YSZ-Ni/YSZ interface structure changes mechanism, 167
reduction and oxidation (red-ox) stability, 166
SiO2 poisoning, 161–2
hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), 93–4, 100–2, 111–13
catalysts, 127–8
hydrogen generation
photoelectrochemical cells, 91–132
configurations and efficiency, 99–102
future trends, 127–32
interfacial reaction kinetics, 118–27
materials and design, 113–18
principles and energetics, 92–9
semiconductor photoanodes, 103–11
semiconductor photocathodes, 111–13
hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR), 446–7
hydrogen separation, 179–202
adsorbent materials, 196–9
future trends, 200–2
H2 selective membrane materials, 181–91
solvent-based materials, 199–200
hydrogen storage
applications, 237–40
chemical systems, 229–33
complex metal hydrides, 224–9
functional materials, 217–41
interstitial hydrides, AlH3 and MgH2, 220–3
metal hydrides, 218–20
porous and nanoconfined materials, 233–6
hydrogen sulphide, 266–7
hydrolysis reactions, 230–1
hydrophilic zeolites, 272
hydrotalcite, 198–9
characteristics, 604–7
coercivity, 605
loop squareness, 606
maximum energy product, 605–6
recoil permeability, 605
remanence, 605
remanence and coercivity
coefficients temperature, 606–7
typical intrinsic and normal hysteresis loop characteristics, 604


immobilised amine sorbent, 197
immobilised liquid membrane (ILM) See facilitated transport membranes (FTM)
impedance spectroscopy, 386–90
impedance diagrams, 389
RC parallel circuit and different contribution in ceramic, 387
impurities, 13
indium tin oxide (ITO), 30, 53
inkjet printing (IJP), 347–8
printed catalyst layers, 348
time involved compared to hand painting, 347
inorganic membranes, 194–5
CO2 transport in dual phase membrane, 195
insulator-metal transition, 415
interdigitated back contact (IBC) cell, 17
interfacial energetics, 105–11
α–Fe2 O3 crystal structure, 108
α–Fe2 O3 steady-state current voltage characteristics comparison, Plate III
α–Fe2 O3 XRD patterns, 108
relative intensity ratio of normalised XRD patterns, 109
VFB change of a-Fe2 O3 by altering deposition temperature, 109
water splitting in a a-Fe2 O3 PEC cell, 107
interfacial reaction kinetics, 118–27
complication arising from oxidation of water, 119
kt and kr and jh analysis, 124
kt and kr dependence for three light intensities, 125
kt and kr intensity dependence double logarithmic plots, 125
kt/(kt + kr) ratio, 126
normalised photocurrent (IPCE) voltage curves, 123
phenomenological kinetic scheme for PEIS analysis, 120
predicted PEIS response, 122
typical Nyquist plots of the PEIS response, 123
intermediate-temperature SOFC (IT-SOFC), 517
intermetallic diffusion, 184
internal diffusion electrode (IDE), 406
internal fuel processing, 261–2
interstitial hydrides, 220–3
interstitial ion migration, 374
ion conductors
overview, 370–1
SOFC principle, 370–1, 371
oxide ion conduction, 371–4
solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), 370–94
ionic conductivity, 407–8, 446–7
ionic liquids, 200, 582
isothermal-isobaric ensemble, 646
isotopic exchange depth profiling (IEDP), 407–8


K2NiF4 oxides, 432–6
electrode overpotential and oxygen pressure, 433
Ln2NiO4 + σ structure, 435
oxygen stoichiometry Ln2NiO4 + σ, 434
thermogravimetry analysis Nd2NiO4+ σ, 434
Kohn-Sham orbitals, 650
Kröger-Vink notation, 374, 404, 515–6, 516


LAMOX compounds, 382
lanthanide, 220
lanthanum cobaltate, 490–1
lanthanum manganite (LaMnO3), 409–10
perovskite family of compounds formulated as AMO3, 410
lanthanum silicates, 380–1, 384
La10-x (SiO4)6 O2 +σ of apatite type structure, 381
lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite (LSCF), 462
lanthanum strontium manganite, 488–9
laser-grooved buried contact (LGBC) cell, 16
laves phase hydrides, 221
layered double hydroxide (LDH), 198
lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT), 547–8
lead zirconate titanate (PZT), 546–7
Leapfrog algorithm, 647
LiAlH4, 224–5
LiBH4, 228–9
ligand effect, 326–7
liquid electrolyte, 53–4
lithiation-sulfonation-oxidation, 336
lithium-air superbatteries, 589–95
lithium amidoborane, 233
lithium batteries
current technologies and future trends, 573–96
energy densities, 583–9
future trends, 589–96
gravimetric vs volumetric energy density, 578
intercalation process mechanism, titanium disulphide, 575
lithium-ion batteries, 579–81
safety, 581–3
scheme and image of lithium dendrite across lithium cell, 577
future trends, 589–96
lithium-air battery versions differing by electrolyte type, 594
lithium availability, 595–6
lithium-sulphur and lithium-air superbatteries, 589–95
scheme of the Sn-C/Li2S polymer battery, Plate VI Sn-C/Li2S polymer battery and energy density vs conventional lithium-ion, 592
lithium-ion batteries, 579–81
energy density, 583–9
Li FePO4 electrode morphology modification, 588
SEM and TEM spherical images of Si-C composite, 587
TEM images of Sn-C composite, 585
tin and silicon volume change, 586
lithium metal oxide cathode scheme, 579
operational principle of SEI formation and initial loss capacity, 580
safety, 581–3
ionic liquids, 582
lithium-conducting IL-based membrane, 583
lithium rocking chair battery, 577
lithium sink, 577
lithium source, 577
lithium-sulphur superbatteries, 589–95
Ln2NiO4+σ oxides, 429–36
loop squareness, 606
low-temperature fuel cells, 260–1
low-temperature metal hydrides, 219


macro-fibre composites (MFCs), 549
structure, 550
magnesium hydride (MgH2), 223
magnetic triangle, 608–9
illustration, 609
magneto-crystalline anisotropy (MCA), 603
manganites, 410–11
Markov chain, 647
mathematical model, 643–4
maximum energy product, 605–6
MCM-41, 197
MCM-48, 197
membrane electrode assembly (MEA), 343–53
catalyst layer fabrication, 343–6
catalyst layer fabrication methods, 347–50
electrode catalyst layer, 299–302
membrane materials, 290–9
conductivity variation of PBI with temperature, 296
perfluorosulphonic acid copolymer (Nafion) structure, 291
structure, physical properties and performance as membranes in fuel cells, 294
performance, 303–9, 352–3
DMFC at high temperature, 354–5
DMFC at low temperature and ambient pressure, 356–7
polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), 279–310
porous backing layer materials, 282–90
cell and structure, 280–2
flow field designs, 282
PEMFC stack, 281
structure, 350–2
conventional, 350–1
ideal, 350
metal carbides, 330
metal-free carbon nitride nanotubes, 324
metal hydrides, 218–20
pressure-concentration isotherm, 218
Van't Hoff diagram, 220
metal-impregnated Nafion, 333
metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD), 31, 33
metal oxide anodic semiconductors, 104
metal oxides, 197–8, 330
metal porphyrins, 330
metal-to-semiconductor contact resistance, 80–1
metal wrap-through (MWT) cell, 17–18
metallic membranes, 183–5
atomic hydrogen transport, 183
metallurgical grade silicon, 5–6
metal–organic frameworks (MOF), 199, 201, 235
adsorption isotherms of MOF 5, 236
structure of MOF 5, Plate V
methanol, 262–5
processing and direct use in SOFC, 264–5
methanol electro-oxidation, 318
methanol oxidation, 318
methanol oxidation reaction catalysts, 24
ideal Pt-CeO2/C with contact between Pt and CeO2, 324
methanol oxidation reaction (MOR), 320-1, 358
reaction network for methanol oxidation, 321
methanol tolerance
enhancement, 327–8
potential loss due to methanol poisoning, 329
oxygen reduction reaction, 324–5
reaction network for oxygen reduction., 325
Metropolis Monte Carlo technique, 647
Mg(BH4)2, 229
micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), 547
microporous layer (MPL), 283–4, 288–9
mixed ionic and electronic conducting oxide, 406
mixed ionic-electronic conductor (MIEC), 446
mixed ionic-electronic membranes, 187–9
mixed proton/electron conducting membrane, 188
multiphase ceramic/metal membrane, 189
mixed-matrix membranes (MMM), 195–6, 201
high CO2/H2 selectivity, 196
modified Siemens process, 7
MOF-5, 235
molecular dynamics, 645–7
Monte Carlo, 647–8
morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), 546–7
Morphysorb, 200
motion energy-harvesting
suspension materials, 563–6
beam resonance vs beam length calculations, 565
beam resonance vs beam thickness calculations, 564
elasticity properties, 565
theory, 542–6
direct and indirect energy transduction, 544
maximum power, motion harvester vs size for excitation frequencies, 545
model of direct and inertial force harvester, 543
motion energy-harvesting device, 542
multi-catalyst layered MEA, 351
illustration, 352
multi-membrane layered MEA, 351–2
multicrystalline silicon, 5
multiple dyeing, 47
multiwall carbon nanotube matrix, 324


NaAlH4, 225–8
dopant state, 227–8
doping agents and methods, 226–7
hydrogen pressure and temperature evolution during ball milling, 226
NaBH4, 229, 231
Nafion, 291–3, 295, 299, 309, 317, 318, 331, 332
membrane modification, 333–4
surface modification, 334
Nafion bonded catalyst layer, 344–6
catalyst ink preparation process, 345
catalytic layer microstructures according to catalyst ink preparation, 346
nanoconfined LiBH4, 236
nanoconfined materials, 235–6
nanoconfined NH3BH3, 236
nanoconfinement, 235–6
nanocrystalline films, 482–3
nanostructuring, 104
nanotechnology, 557–8
NdFeB magnets, 619–27
average particle size versus powder feed rate to jet-mill, 621
basic HD manufacturing process modification, 623
bonded type, 624
crystal structure, 619
HD powder degassing behaviour, 621
improvement using strip casting, 622
magnets based on HDDR process, 625–6
description using DTA measurements, 625
sintered grain sizes comparison, 626
magnets based on melt-spun material, 624–5
variety based on melt-spun ribbon, 625
single grain produced by HD process, 620
sintered recycling, 626–7
recycling options, 627
nearest neighbour (NN), 655–6
Newton–Raphson calculation, 645
Nexelion, 587
nickel, 220, 500–1
high-temperature steam electrolyser anodes, 431–2
I-V curves, 432
protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFC) cathodes, 429–31
oxygen reduction mechanism and water production, 430
non-fluorinated hydrocarbons, 290
non-fluorinated membranes, 290, 293, 295
non-regenerative sulphur scavenging, 271–3
Nosé-Hoover thermostat, 646
Nyquist diagram, 388–9
18O/16O isotope exchange depth profile (IEDP), 391–3, 394
bulk oxygen tracer diffusion
coefficient and surface exchange
coefficient, 393


open-circuit potential (OCP), 315
open circuit voltage (OCV), 455
oxidation catalyst, 468
oxide diffusion, 374
oxide ion conductivity, 371–4, 381–2
oxide ion conductors
scientific strategies, 382–4
La3TaO7 of weberite structure type cavities, 384
least and most reductive elements, 383
oxygen-deficient perovskites, 411–12
oxygen diffusion coefficient, 415
oxygen diffusivity, 423–7
thermal dependence of the diffusion coefficient for a crystal and thin film, 426
thermal dependence of the diffusion coefficient for MIEC oxides, 424
thermal dependence of the ionic conductivity of 8YSZ and MIEC oxides, 425
thermal dependence of the surface exchange coefficient, 424
oxygen electrode, 153, 158, 159
advanced materials, 168–70
atomic structure along the interstitialcy migration path, 170
SOFC and SOEC mode and Nyquist plot, 169
Cr poisoning, 162–3
cations transport, 164
delamination, 159–60
SOEC performance degradation, 160
oxygen evolution reaction (OER), 93–4, 100–2
catalysts, 127–8
oxygen intercalation, 419
oxygen oxidation reaction (OOR), 446–7
oxygen partial pressure, 390–1
Brouwer diagram, 390
dopant–vacancy interaction at low temperatures, 391
two types of oxide motions, 392
oxygen reduction reaction, 285, 316, 358, 404–9
catalysts, 324–31
enhancement, 326–7
mechanism, 404–7
double interface boundary for MIEC oxide, 406
reaction electrochemical reduction of oxygen at cathode/electrolyte interface, 405
methanol tolerance, 324–5
reaction network for oxygen reduction., 325
oxygen vacancy concentration, 491


pair-wise potential, 648
palladium-based catalysts, 327–9
linear polarisation data, 328
partial oxidation (POX), 258–9
partially fluorinated polymers, 290
particulates, 273–4
Parylene, 554
PEMFC stacks, 281
perfluorinated ionomers, 290
perfluorosulphonic acid membranes, 331–3
chemical structures, 331
hydrated Nafion morphology, 332
perfluorosulphonic acid polymer, 290–2
permanent magnet
coercivity, 609–13
coercivity mechanisms in different materials, 610
hexagonal CaZn5-type intermetallic SmCo5, 611
nucleation behaviour and domain pinning, 612
demagnetising fields influence, 608
flux producing capability, 607–8
historical development, 613–14
(BH)max evolution, 614
coercivity improvement advent of REPMs, 614
qualitative summary of properties, 615
processing, 615–27
NdFeB, 619–27
SmCo5, 615–17
Sm2(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)17, 617–19
typical processing routes, 616
typical second-quadrant curves, 616
properties, commercially manufactured magnet, 627–33
airgap flux density and magnet length, 632
influence on device performance, 630–3
key properties of different classes of magnet materials, 628
simplified magnetic circuit, 631
permanent magnetic materials
applications, 633–8
electric and hybrid electric vehicles, 636–8
electrical machines, 633–4
permanent magnet brushless machines, 637
renewable energy, 634–6
properties, 602–8
ferromagnetic, 602–4
hysteresis characteristics, 604–7
properties improvement, 608–15
coercivity mechanisms, 609–13
historical development, 613–14
magnetic triangle, 608–9
perovskite-structured SOFC anode materials, 454–63
double anode materials, 460–2
power density and cell voltage, 461
LSCM based anode materials, 454–7
voltage–current density and performance curves, 456
other materials, 462–3
fuel cell performance, 464
strontium titanium oxide-based anode materials, 457–60
voltage and power density of cell at different temperatures, 460
perovskite-type oxides, 409–12
perovskites, 155, 165, 376–7
LaGaO3 structure, 377
phase separation, 163–6
phosphoric acid-doped polybenzimidazole (PBI), 296
photo-electrode, 45, 50–1
photo-induced metal reduction, 92–3
photocatalysis cell, 98, 103, 104
photocathode/electrolyte interface, 111, 115
photocathodic decomposition, 112
photochemical energy conversion systems, 99–100
photocurrent, 97
photoelectrochemical cells
configurations and efficiency, 99–102
solar to hydrogen conversion efficiency, 100–2
theoretical considerations, 99–100
future trends, 127–32
hydrogen and oxygen evolution reaction catalysts, 127–8
photoelectrodes stability, 128
photoelectrolysis cells, 128–32
hydrogen generation, 91–132
interfacial reaction kinetics, 118–27
materials and design, 113–18
principles and energetics, 92–9
anodic photoelectrolysis cell, 98
band energetics at anodic semiconductor/electrolyte interface, 95
band energetics at cathodic semiconductor/electrolyte interface, 97
cathodic photoelectrolysis cell, 99
HER and OER reactions at semiconductor/electrolyte interface, 93
semiconductor photoanodes, 103–11
semiconductor photocathodes, 111–13
photoelectrodes, 113–14
stability, 128
photoelectrolysis, 92–3, 94, 98, 113, 129, 131
photoelectrolysis cells, 100, 103, 104–5, 113–14, 117–18, 128–32
prototype photoelectrolysis devices based on tandem concept, 132
photon recycling, 76
photonic crystals, 70
photosynthetic cell, 92
photovoltaics (PV), 3–5, 18–19
piezoelectric energy-harvesting devices, 546
piezoelectric harvesting, 546–51
backpack mounted motion harvesting device using PVDF, 550
lead zirconate-lead titanate compounds phase diagram, 546
macro-fibre composites (MFCs) typical structure, 550
phase diagram of lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate compounds, 548
polymer chain polarisation, 549
piezoelectric sensors, 548
pinholes, 285
plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD), 27–8
plasma filter, 70
platinum, 45–6, 486–7
platinum-based catalysts, 321–3, 326–7
platinum catalysts, 302
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), 564–5
polyethylene, 299
polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 566
polyethylenimie (PEI), 197
polymer-composite Nafion, 334
polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFC), 250, 251
polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), 303–6, 317
intermediate-temperature, 305–6
performance data using reformate gas and air, 307
performance of a PBI-based PEMFC loaded with H3 PO4, 306
membrane electrode assembly (MEA), 279–310
electrode catalyst layer, 299–302
membrane materials, 290–9
performance, 303–9
porous backing layer materials, 282–90
requirements, 280–2
performance, 304–5
polymeric membranes, 185–7, 192–3
kinetic diameters and critical temperatures of gas molecules, 187
permeabilities comparison for various gas pairs, 186
Robeson upper bound for H2/CO2 separation, 186
polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), 197, 501
polysilicon, 5–8
annual production growth, 6
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), 283, 288, 554
polytetrafluoroethylene-reinforced composite membranes, 334
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), 299, 548–9
porous backing layer, 282–90
porous ceramic membranes, 189–90
mesoporous silica membrane, 190
post-sintering, 51
power conversion system, 68
pre-sintering, 51
preferential oxidation (PROX), 260–1
pressure-composition isotherms, 218
pressure sintering, 52
pressure swing adsorption (PSA), 181, 202
primary amines, 199
proton ceramic fuel cell (PCFC), 379
proton conductors
solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), 515–32
electrode/electrolyte reaction processes using HTPC electrolytes, 520–2
HTPC: challenges, 522–6
HTPC electrolytes, proton conduction mechanism, 515–20
HTPC electrolytes: status and future perspectives, 530–1
HTPC electrolytes electrodes: challenges, 526–30
proton exchange membrane electrolyser, 255
proton exchange membranes, 331–43
proton migration, 517–20
dopant concentration impact, 518–19
dopant element choice impact, 518
energy requirements activation, 518
grain boundary impact, 519–20
solid oxide fuel cell operation based on proton-conducting electrolyte, 520
proton transfer mechanism sketch, 517
protonic-electronic conductivity, 188
pseudo-potential, 379
PTFE-bonded catalyst layer, 343–4
pulsed layer deposition (PLD), 480, 483, 531
pyrochlores, 376


quantum-well thermoelectric technology, 557–8
Quick Pack, 551


radiation-grafting, 336
radiative heat source, 67
random semiconductor alloys, 655–7 32-atom SQSs, 656
rare-earth magnets
properties, processing and applications, 600–38
commercially manufactured permanent magnets properties, 627–33
permanent magnet component flux producing capability, 607–8
permanent magnet materials applications, 633–8
permanent magnet materials properties improvement, 608–15
permanent magnet processing, 615–27
permanent magnetic materials properties, 602–8
rear contact resistance, 81
recoil permeability, 605
Rectisol, 200
redox-active transition metal oxides, 105
redox instability, 451
redox reversible oxide, 467–8
redox stable oxide, 466–7
reduction and oxidation (red-ox)
hydrogen electrode, 166
YSZ–Ni/YSZ interface structure changes mechanism, 167
regenerative sulphur scrubbing, 270–1
rehydrogenation, 223
remanence, 605
temperature coefficients, 606–7
representative second-quadrant demagnetisation, 606
renewable energy, 634–6
2.3 MW wind turbine with direct- drive permanent magnet generator, 635
finite element predicted magnetic field distribution, 635
resonant antenna arrays, 70
reverse microemulsion (RME), 323
reversible materials, 219
Ru-bipy complex (N3), 43
Ruddlesden-Popper (RP), 652
ruthenium-based chalcogenides, 330, 331


samarium-doped ceria, 385
scandia stabilised zirconia (ScSZ), 155
scheme of squares, 263
screen printing, 347
secondary amines, 199
secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), 392
seed crystals, 12
Selexol, 200
semiconductor/electrolyte interface, 93, 94, 95, 105, 130
semiconductor photoanodes, 103–11
interfacial energetics, 105–11
light-harvesting properties, 103–5
conduction and valence band edge positions, 103
semiconductor photocathodes, 111–13
series-connected two-junction tandem cell, 82
Shockley–Queisser limit, 23–7, 38
I–V characteristic of a PV cell, 26
optical and electrical characteristics to make a thin-film solar cell, 25
photon absorption in a semiconductor, 24
single-junction cell over optimum range of bandgap, 24
Siemens process, 6–7
silane, 8
silica-modified Nafion, 333
silica xerogel, 197
silicon, 498–9
processing scheme for SOFC and YSZ optical micrograph, 498
silicon-based photovoltaic solar cells, 3–19
crystallisation and wafering, 8–14
overview, 3–5
silicon solar cells and modules supply chain, 5
solar and wind energy installations growth per year, 4
polysilicon production, 5–8
solar cells, 14–18
single-cell component, 313–14
DMFC, 313
single-crystal growth
Czochralski process, 8–9
temperature and velocity distribution, 10
single photosystem, 100
sintering, 385–6
shrinkage curve of a green sample of BICOVOX.10, 386
SiO2 poisoning, 161–2
EDS mapping, Plate IV
Slater-Kirkwood formula, 649
Sm2(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)17 magnets, 617–19
2/17 magnet microstructure, TEM micrograph, 618
2/17 magnet typical processing route, 618
2:17 matrix phase crystal structure, 619
crystal structure, 617
sodium borohydride, 231
sodium carbonate, 198
sol–gel spin coating, 547
solar cells, 14–18
advanced cell architectures, 17–18
device simulation of an emitter wrap-through solar cells, Plate II
interdigitated back cross-section, 17
thin film photovoltaic, 22–38
amorphous silicon, 27–8
cadmium telluride, 28–33
copper indium diselenide, 33–5
future trends, 37–8
materials sustainability, 35–7
overview, 22–7
solar thermophotovoltaics (STPV), 73
solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency, 100–2
solgel techniques, 480
solid carbon, 267
solid electrolyte interface (SEI), 576
solid oxide electrocatalytic system, 152
solid oxide electrolytic cells (SOEC), 255
degradation mechanisms, 157–66
area-specific resistance (ASR), 158
functional materials, 155–7
electrochemical impedance measurements, 157
fluorite crystal structure and oxygen migration path, 156
large-scale energy storage, 149–73
operating principles, 152–5
electrolysis and fuel cell mode, 153
tubular, planar solid oxide cell, 154
overview, 149–52
coupling of energy and CO2 sources, 150
scale of impact, 151–2
research studies, 166–71
solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), 149, 151, 152–4, 155–7, 159, 161, 162–3, 165, 166–70, 250, 251
anode materials, 445–69
cerment, 451–4
future trends, 468–9
non-oxide anode, 465–6
other oxide anode materials, 463–5
perovskite-structure, 454–63
poisoning, 466–8
requirements, 446–51
cathode, 402–37, 652–5
2D non-stoichiometric oxides transport and electrochemical properties, 422–9
2D non-stoichiometric perovskite- related oxides structure, 412–22
Ln2NiO4+σ oxides, 429–36
overview, 402–4
oxygen interstitialcy diffusion mechanism characteristics, 653
oxygen reduction reaction and materials implication, 404–9
perovskite-type oxides, 409–12
electrolytes and ion conductors, 370–94
electrolyte materials, 374–85
electrolyte preparation and characterisation, 385–93
overview, 370–1
oxide ion conduction, 371–4
methanol processing and direct use, 264–5
proton conductors, 515–32
electrode/electrolyte reaction processes using HTPC electrolytes, 520–2
HTPC: challenges, 522–6
HTPC electrolytes, proton conduction mechanism, 515–20
HTPC electrolytes: status and future perspectives, 530–1
HTPC electrolytes electrodes: challenges, 526–30
requirements of anode materials, 446–51
catalytic activity, 447–8
electronic/ionic conductivity, 446–7
microstructure, 448–51
microstructure SEM images, 449–50
stability and compatibility, 448
three-phase boundary regions of SOFC anode materials, 447
solid polymer electrolyte (SDPE), 299
solid-polymer hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell, 317
solid-state dielectrics, 553
solid-state electrolyte, 55–6
solid-state hydrogen storage, 241
solvents, 199–200
special quasirandom structures (SQS), 656
spectral control, 69–71
long-wavelength tail lattice-matched InGaAs cell, 70
spin-orbit coupling, 603
spray pyrolysis, 480
stabilised zirconia, 384
standard solar cell, 14–15
improvements, 15–17
device simulation with local back contacts, Plate I
laser-grooved buried contact (LGBC) cell, 16
structure of a single contact finger, 15
state space, 647
steam methane reforming (SMR), 255
steam reforming, 256, 258
Stillinger-Weber, 649
strontium lanthanum manganite perovskite-type oxide, 405
strontium titanium oxide, 457
styrene, 566
Sulfinol, 200
sulfonated aromatic polymer membranes, 335–7
chemical structures of sulfonated polymers, 335
IEC, DS and water uptake of SPEEK, 336
Nafion and SPEEL microstructures, 337
sulfonated poly(aryl ether) (SPAE), 336
sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK), 335, 346
sulfonated poly(ether ketone) (SPEK), 336
sulfonated polyetherketone (SPEEKK), 337
sulfonated poly(ethersulfone) (SPES), 335
sulfonated polyimide (SPI), 335, 336
sulfonated polyphenylene (SPPO), 335,
sulfonated polysulfone (SPSf), 335
poisoning and removal, 269–73
sulphur-containing compounds found in, 269
supported liquid membrane (SLM) See facilitated transport membranes (FTM)
surface derivatisation, 105–6
surface exchange coefficient, 415
syngas separation, 179–202
adsorbent materials, 196–9
CO2 selective membrane materials, 191–6
future trends, 200–2
solvent-based materials, 199–200


tandem photoelectrolysis cell, 114–18
dual photoelectrode tandem photoelectrolysis cell, 115
energetics of a tandem photoelectrolysis cell, 116
illumination profile, 116, 117
tandem thermophotovoltaic cell, 82–3
selection performance, 82
Teflon, 554
telluride devices, 559
Tersoff, 649
tertiary amines, 199
thermal efficiency, 254
thermal expansion coefficient, 416, 428
thermal expansion coefficient (TEC), 448
thermal inertia parameter, 646
thermal partial oxidation (TPOX), 258
thermodynamics, 74
empirical model vs., 75–6
power output under a 1800 K blackbody source, 75
fuel cell operation and fuel performance, 252–6
data for various overall fuel cell reactions, 254
efficiency variation of carbon and hydrogen reaction with oxygen, 254
thermoelectric generators (TEGs), 557–8
thermoelectric harvesting, 555–60
superlattice materials comparison with conventional semi- conductor alloy, 557
TEGs maximum efficiency, 559
thermoelectric generator working principle, 555
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), 516
thermophotovoltaic cell
modelling, 73–81
different sources, 77–9
efficiency and dissipated thermal power, 78
empirical vs. thermodynamic models, 75–6
experimental results comparison, 76–7
power output for modelled cells, 77
resistance effects, 80–1
temperature effects, 79–80
performance, 71–3
comparison for material band gap in InGaAsP system, 72
thermophotovoltaic systems, 67–84
overview, 67–71
components, input, output and internal radiative transfers, 68
energy source, 68–9
spectral control, 69–71
tandem TPV cell, 82–3
TPV cell modelling, 73–81
TPV cell performance, 71–3
thin film photovoltaic
amorphous silicon, 27–8
cadmium telluride, 28–33
copper indium diselenide, 33–5
future trends, 37–8
materials sustainability, 35–7
overview, 22–7
material systems, 22–3
Shockley-Queisser limit, 23–7
solar cells, 22–38
thin-film solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), 478–503
device structures, 497–501
Foturan, 499–500
nickel, 500–1
silicon, 498–9
materials, 479–80
anode, 486–8
cathode, 488–97
device structures, 497–501
electrolytes, 480–6
three-terminal double-junction cell, 83
through-plane resistance, 289
titania sintering, 50–3
titanium sulphide, 574–5
titanium trichloride (TiCl3), 226
titanium trifluoride, 227
transparent conducting oxide (TCO), 26, 28
trapped holes, 121
trichlorosilane (TCS), 6, 7
triple phase boundary (TPB), 404, 405–6, 446–7, 447
tungsten lattices, 70
two-electron mechanism, 325


vacancy oxide ion migration, 374
vapour transport deposition (VTD), 32
Verlet algorithm, 647
voltage reversal effect (VRE), 285


wafering, 14
water back-diffusion, 284–5, 287
water management, 284–5
strategies, 286–90
carbon cloth and paper length, 288
vapour condensation and liquid water breakthrough, 286
water splitting systems, 101, 102
water transport, 284
water–gas shift (WGS), 150, 180, 259–60
wet-proofing, 283–4
working electrode, 50–3


x-ray diffraction, 495–6


y-doped barium zirconate (BZY), 523–5
bulk and total conductivity literature data comparison, 525
Young's modulus, 563–4
yttria-stabilised zirconia, 155–7, 374–5, 480–1


zeolite, 196–7
zeolite-like metal-organic frameworks, 199
zeolite membranes, 190–1
zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIF), 199
zinc, 231
zinc tin oxide (ZTO), 31
zirconia-based oxide ion conductors, 371–3
Arrhenius plot of Bi2 O3, YSZ and BICUVOX.10 conductivity, 373
oxygen diffusion in YSZ, 372
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