Setting Your Goals, Costs, and Expectations


  • Understanding how to overcome the desire to create versus complete
  • Discovering how to benefit by taking on tasks “in house”
  • Understanding the role of outsourcing
  • Understanding outsourcing deliverables
  • Figuring out how to hire the right talent
  • Discovering what it really costs to develop an app
  • Understanding both your fundamental and optional costs
  • Learning how to keep expectations in check

You should now have a good overview of what the App Store is all about, so it's time to start getting into the planning of your new app. You may well have a great idea already (or two, or a hundred…), but how much do you think it will cost to bring that idea to fruition? Is it a complex app relative to others in its niche? Does it utilize your programmer's art, or will you have to outsource? Questions such as this will be answered in this chapter, and provide the best launching point for taking action on your new ideas.

Speaking of ideas, before you begin, you should be aware of a common pitfall for individual or small team app development that's known as Hero Inventor Syndrome. You won't find it in the latest DSM (the manual for psychological disorders), but experience has shown that this prevalent pitfall can significantly increase the time it takes to bring an app to market.

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