This chapter took a look at some of the important terminology used in creating apps (mostly revenue related) and went in-depth into the reasons for and against choosing either a free or freemium business model. Most importantly, it went into how you can leverage in-app purchases to enhance and maintain longer-term revenue for either type of model, from DLC to microtransaction, and from subscriptions to virtual currency.

If there were one takeaway from this chapter, it would be to strongly consider finding ways to support your free apps with in-app purchases. In the end, if you choose to call this “free + paid content,” or “freemium,” that choice is yours. At least now, though, you know several methods to accomplish the task.

Chapter 8 launches into the differences between low- and higher-priced paid apps (called premium apps), and goes into a lot of the same considerations that were discussed in this chapter, but using paid models and examples.

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