Each time you update your app, users are notified on their home screen above the App Store icon. In this sense, it is almost as good as a push notification, because when users go to the update section, your app and its update description will show up and remain there until they tap it. Users may only see a few lines for each app, so be sure to optimize the first few lines of update descriptions to be your most important, as shown in Figure 11-3.

Frequent updates lend some credibility to you as a developer, especially when these updates are things users have asked for. And the best platform for them to communicate with you is directly, not through iTunes (as useful as reviews can be).

Customer Support Is Key

It is critical to establish a strong brand relationship with your customer. Support is one of the best ways to do this, because when all other things are equal, good support will undoubtedly push your app over the top via word of mouth.


FIGURE 11-3: Users see only a few lines for each update, so make them count

All you need to do is take a look at (the premier online retailer for computer hardware and electronics), and Nordstrom's department stores (whose customer service standards of being able to return anything, even without a receipt, are legendary). Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful, and your brand can certainly benefit from one of the best ways to come by this, which is support. Let's take a look at some of the online options you have for providing it.

App Support Options

The more apps you develop, the more important support for your brand is. Fortunately, you have several ways to effectively accomplish this with relatively minimal effort, apart from time and initial setup. One of the most popular ways is to build an easy-to-use support forum right into your website, or even Facebook Fan Page, as shown in Figure 11-4.

Supporting your website with a plug-in customer support solution is perhaps the most efficient way to bring full-feature support to your brand's web page. One very popular system that can be customized to your brand's identity is Zendesk ( It offers affordable pricing and various options, depending on your budget and needs. You can find other options in Appendix B.

Finally, you can choose to have direct e-mail support right within your app. If you do decide to go this route, be sure to follow up with your customer as soon as possible, regardless of the issue. Personal touches are great, and if you can build up a standard library of responses for certain known issues, it can speed up the process.


FIGURE 11-4: Nimblebit (makers of one of the top-grossing apps, “Tiny Tower”) has a branded Facebook Fan Page with support built in

Always Replying to Customer E-Mails was built on two things: fast, consistent delivery, and prompt, courteous replies to customer problems, showing a willingness to go the extra mile and eat some cost if necessary to please a customer. As someone who's used them since their early beginnings, the author has seen the countless posts and propagation of a spectacular support mythos that's propelled Newegg to be the recommended store for any purchase in the U.S. (and now in Canada), almost by default. Apple is about consistent quality; Newegg is about consistent support.

It may be wise to consider support as a marketing expense, in the same way that many companies offer rebates, or temporary price-reduction promotions on apps. Though it is true that you will lose some amount of money to those who, for rebates, actually take the time to fill out and send in a form — or with apps, those who download the reduced-price version — in the end, the promotion value for new customers typically offsets the cost. The difference, though, between good support and rebates or promotions is that your brand reputation continues to grow with good support. Never underestimate the value of customer loyalty to your brand. Because competition is fierce in the App Store, adding the personal touch of replying to all e-mails and support requests may be the thing that solidifies your company's edge.

An additional benefit with the support tie-in to the App Store is that when you offer excellent support, you can then ask your users to rate your app if they haven't already (providing brief directions on how within your app), and/or ask that they leave positive feedback, right from your brand's support site forum.

One example of this is Truethemes (, an excellent premium WordPress theme site that offers spectacular support and answers every question in a timely manner. After the inevitable “wow, fantastic support, thanks!” follow-up, Truethemes follows that up with a sincere thank you, and then a request that if the users found the support adequate, to please help get the word out by rating them on the associated download site and providing some feedback. Other users then see these posts when searching for answers of their own, and over time, your brand becomes recognized for it, and will be the first one recommended.

The other part of support is showing that you are willing to listen to feedback and make necessary changes to your app.

Timely Updates

Providing updates as a mechanism of promotion is important in the App Store, for a few reasons. One is that customers typically look at the “last updated” section of iTunes for your app prior to downloading to see whether they are potentially getting an older, forgotten app, or one for which they can expect some support. Another is that large feature/content updates can be further marketed via press release and app review websites. Finally, updates tie into your support presence (as discussed earlier in this chapter) and promote brand/app loyalty.

All updates should occur relatively frequently and consistently. Once every week to two weeks is a good timeline — more frequently at first, and then later, it is okay to increase the duration between them, as long as they are consistent. Timely updates with estimations on your brand's site, Facebook Fan Page, and Twitter feed provide customers with something to look forward to, and can be a means to increase sales — especially content updates.

With all updates, try to include a minor fix or tweak, even if it is only generically phrased, such as “improved stability” or “performance increase.” Even the most minor and consistent updates will keep your fans checking, engaged, and loyal.

Because updates involving new content are appreciated by fans, but take more time to implement, carefully consider how you plan to scale your app.

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