If there's one thing you should take away from this chapter, it's the following walkthrough for finding a niche, compiling a feature list for your app, and getting ready for development. At the end of this walkthrough, you should be ready to start.

  1. Settle on a niche for your app, whether or not you have one already. If not, do the research.
  2. Download and play/try all competing apps in your niche to help compile a feature list.
  3. Analyze both successful and not-so-successful apps by data mining their reviews for missing features and other recommended apps.
  4. As you both try any apps and data mine the reviews, note any do's and don'ts on a separate list, based off complaints and your own evaluation.
  5. Compile a final feature list for your app so that your app stands out as unique.
  6. Pare your feature list down to its essential functionality by removing unnecessary features.
  7. Prepare to iterate on core features as other apps come out that you can evaluate for possible similarities/conflicts, and as you inevitably find new features that must be added based on the use of your own app.

In Chapter 4, you learn how to best prepare for developing the detailed functionality and iterating on your feature set by taking into account what customers expect. In other words, what you will have now is a great concept, and what you need when you start development is a good, fairly detailed design. After the next chapter, you'll be best prepared for starting your design document.

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