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Note: Page numbers followed by f or t indicate materials in figures, or tables, respectively


ABAC. See attribute based access control

acceptable use policies (AUPs), 46, 81, 122, 244, 364365, 387

acceptance of security policies, 25, 360

access control, 69, 83f, 147, 150t

access control list (ACL), 267

access management, 209

access rights, 234, 393, 394

access to data, 298

accountability, 118, 129131, 133134, 150t, 358, 369, 396

accountability principle, 172173

accounts, 408

accreditation, 58

achievers, 110

ACL. See access control list

Acme Security, 426

acquisition guidelines, 260

active content, 260

Active Directory (AD), 407

administrative controls, 34, 175

administrative safeguards, 59

administrator training, 417

adversary principle, 174

agentless central management tool, 352

agent software, 352

AIM. See American Imaging Management

Align, Plan, and Organize domain, 78

American Imaging Management (AIM), 194

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 6970

American Society for Quality (ASQ), 309

analyticals, 110

anomaly-based intrusion detection systems, 408

apathy, 119120

applicability, statement of, 153

application code errors, 230

application software, 91

approvals of documents, 184185

architecture operating model, 171172, 171f

architecture review committee, 382383

articles, security, 189190

Asia-Pacific Economic Framework (APEC), 72

asset management, 147

attachments, 246

attackers (employee type), 109

attack vector, 307

attestation, 393, 394

attribute based access control (ABAC), 83

audit committee, 207

auditors, 130, 242, 246

audits, 910, 150t, 262, 414, 427

audit storage and records standard, 265

audit trails, 418419

AUPs. See acceptable use policies

authenticated configuration scanner, 413

authenticated vulnerability and patch scanner, 413

authentication, 1113, 150t, 159, 270, 286, 425

authentication of a workstation, 84

authorization, 82, 286

automated controls, 35, 227, 391393, 399

automated policy distribution, 416419

automated security controls, 391393

automated systems verifying compliance, 411413

automated testing tools, 214215, 306

automatic declassification, 290

automating, 214

availability, 11, 1314, 159, 160

avoiders, 109

awareness, 119, 150t, 173, 187191, 359364, 362t

awareness security policies, 62, 63, 92


background checks, 393

back-out plan, 308

backup tapes, 297

bandwidth, 95

baseline OS configuration(s) standard, 264

baselines, 407411, 427

baseline standards, 154, 254, 257, 263, 267

baseline standards and procedures, 178, 179f

BAU. See business as usual

best fit access privileges, 247

best fit privilege principle, 246

best practices, 68, 162163, 193, 203, 216217, 246247, 275276, 297, 306, 337, 372373, 398399, 427

bolt-on, 371

botnet, 94

BPR. See business process reengineering

breach, 30

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), 20, 97, 260

brown bag lunches, 368

budget for security, 357

Build, Acquire, and Implement domain, 89

building consensus on intent, 184

business, 30, 92100, 157158

business associates, 59

business as usual (BAU), 17, 139

business continuity plan (BCP) policy, 335336

business continuity representative, 322

business, defending, 22

business drivers, 3031, 191192

business impact analysis (BIA) policies, 325326

business liability, 44, 45

business liability insurance policies, 47

business operating models, 171f

business process reengineering (BPR), 24, 24f

business requirements, 66

business risks, 29, 215216, 299302, 350

business unit (BU), 212

business values, 110

BYOD. See Bring Your Own Device


CA. See confidentiality agreement

California IT infrastructure, 194

candor, 121

cardholder data, 69

carelessness, 228

Center for Internet Security (CIS), 257

centers of excellence, 118

centralized administration tools, 352

CEO. See chief executive officer

certificate authorities (CAs), 426

certificates, 235

certification, 58

chain of custody, 233, 332

change control work order database, 420

change management, 8, 269, 272, 419421, 427, 428

change model, 125126

charters, 319321, 382

chief executive officer (CEO), 143

chief finance officer (CFO), 113

chief information officer (CIO), 60, 207, 246

chief information security officer (CISO), 60, 113, 143, 158t, 207209, 297, 351, 372, 379, 397, 398

chief privacy officer (CPO), 42

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 63

Choose your own device (CYOD), 260

C-I-A triad, 159

CIM Query Language (CQL), 425

CIO. See chief information officer

CIO Magazine, 373, 374f

CISO. See chief information security officer

classification schemes, 287

classroom training, 363

clean desk policy, 81

clean-up phase, 331

client-to-site VPN connection, 90

cloud computing, 89

cloud security policies, 276278

coalition, 126129

COBIT. See Control Objectives for Information and related Technology

collaboration across business areas, 421

command and control culture, 170

commanders, 109

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), 61, 66, 67, 201, 202t

Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE), 423

Common Information Model (CIM) over XML, 425

Common Platform Enumeration (CPE), 423

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), 423

Common Vulnerability Score Systems (CVSS), 424

communications plan, 366, 366t

communications protection, system and, 151t

communications security, 147

communications tools, 185

company-owned and personally enabled (COPE), 260

compensating control, 4849

compliance, 29, 3136, 144145, 148, 154, 159, 185, 204206, 216217, 300, 350

compliance laws, 5557, 6364, 389390

compliance officer, 130

compliance risks, 215

compliance technologies and solutions, 422427

component priority, 326

component reliance, 326

comprehensive policy framework, 157

computer-based training (CBT), 362

computer use by employees, 389

confidential data, 289

confidential information, 289

confidentiality, 11, 12f, 159160, 425

confidentiality agreement (CA), 46

configuration management (CM), 150t, 339, 419420

configuration management database (CMDB), 420

consequence model, 145

consumer rights, 56

content filtering standard, 267

content management tool, 186

contingency planning, 150t

contingent accounts, 243

contingent IDs, 232

continual service improvement, ITIL volume, 71

continuity principle, 174

continuous improvement, 2425, 124, 301, 302f, 327, 328f

continuous monitoring, 58

contractors, 231, 238239, 361

control environment, 349

controlling change to IT infrastructure, 22

Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT), 5, 61, 66, 145, 176, 201, 202t, 370

control partners (CPs), 212, 232, 242243

control policy branch of policy, 155f

control standards, 153, 178f, 254, 256257, 266267, 270274, 273t, 274

controls types for policies and standards, 175176

coordinated operating model, 172

core values, 371, 372

corporate mobility policy, 8182

corrective controls, 35f, 36, 176

COSO. See Committee of Sponsoring Organizations

cost, 29, 31

CPO. See chief privacy officer

CPs. See control partners

creation of data, 297298

credentials, 89, 235

critical infrastructure, 55, 163, 218, 222, 280281, 341

criticality, data classification, 289

cryptography, 147

culture, 38

culture change, 356

customer dissatisfaction, 22

customer satisfaction, 29

customized classification scheme, 291293

cyberattack, 325, 341

cyberterrorism, 53

cyberwarfare, 53


damage containment and minimization, 330331

data administrators, 207

data at rest, 21, 294297

database encryption attack scenarios, 295, 296f

data classification, 39, 284294, 299, 300f, 309311

data custodians, 130, 207

data encryption, 4243

data handling policies, 294298

data in transit, 21, 294297

data labeling and classification, 39

data leakage protection (DLP), 98, 379, 388

data life cycle, 297298

data loss protection (DLP), 98

data managers, 130

data minimization, 175

data owners, 130, 293, 322

data privacy, 4143, 55

data quality roles, 207

data retention policies, 286287, 286t, 395

data security administrators, 207

data stewards, 207

data users, 130

declassification, 290

defending the business, 22

defense data stolen, 248249

defense-in-depth principle, 173

Deliver, Service, and Support domain, 9

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 87, 240, 241f, 266

denial of service (DoS) attack, 13, 261, 318

departmental compliance, 414

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), 279

destruction of data, 298

destruction of information resources, 162

detective controls, 3536, 35f, 176

developer-related standards, 273t

development environment, 273t

device management, DLP, 99100

DHMH. See Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

digital assets, 4041, 40f

digital signature, 425427

directive and enforcement, 369, 370

directory information, 62

disaster recovery plan (DRP) policies, 337340

disciplinary action, 107

discipline, 107

discovery management, 85

disposal of data, 298

disruption of system or services, 162

distributed environment, 356

distributed infrastructure, 351352

Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), 425

diversified operating model, 171

division of labor, 114

DLP. See data leakage protection

DLP inventory, 99

DLP perimeter, 99

DMZ. See demilitarized zone

DNS. See Domain Name System

documentation for IT security controls, 214

document organization, 176183

Domain Name System (DNS), 268

domain of responsibility and accountability, 211213

domains, 79

domains of IT infrastructure, 21f, 77100, 80f, 207, 253254

dormant account, 155

DoS attack. See denial of service attack

doubt, 120

drifters, 109

due care, 319


early adopter, 369

e-commerce, 221

ECs. See executive committees

education, 63

eEye Digital Security Retina, 412

electronic PHI (EPHI), 59

e-mail, 81, 286, 287, 368, 388389

emergency services, 322

employees, 25, 31, 3738, 45, 108110, 227, 231, 234235, 359365, 385387

Encrypting File System (EFS), 358

encryption, 43, 69, 84, 246, 248, 256257, 294297

end users, 79

enforcement, 25, 92

Enron, 61

enterprise data management (EDM), 268

enterprise risk management (ERM), 217

entitlement, 12

entrepreneurial business, 133

entrepreneurship, 131132

environmental hazard, 299

Equifax, 400

ERM. See enterprise risk management

ethics, 110111

ethics principle, 173

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), 72

evangelists, 189

evidence, 66

exceptions, 192

exceptions to standards, 156

exclusions, security policies, 62

executive, 130

executive committees (ECs), 208, 398

executive governance, 208f

executive management, 120122, 355, 379380, 396398

executive management sponsorship, 355

exit interview, 124

expectations, 119

eXtensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF), 423

external audit, 10

external auditors, 130

external connection committee, 382, 383

external information system services connect standard, 266


false negatives, 418

false positives, 408, 418

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 6263

Family Policy Compliance Office, 62

FCC. See Federal Communications Commission

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 63

Federal ESIGN Act, The, 14

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), 60

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), 18, 203t

Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 5758, 203t, 406, 423

financial auditors, 242

financial risks, 215, 299

FIPS. See Federal Information Processing Standards

firecall-ID process, 237, 237f

firewall, 86

firewall baseline security standard, 265

first line of defense, in layered security approach, 212

FISMA. See Federal Information Security Management Act

five pillars of IA model, 11

flat network, 86

flat organizational structure, 115, 116

forensic evidence, 332

format of a standard, 255256

“For official use only” (FOUO), 289

FOUO. See “For official use only”

framework document, 140

framework domain model, 201, 201f

front-line managers, 385, 397, 398

full disclosure, 4243


gateway committees, 381

general counsel, 397398

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 7172

globalization, 53

gold master, 409, 410

governance, 1517, 60, 206, 216, 370372

governance and compliance framework, 213216

governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC), 186, 216217

governance vs. management organizational structure, 380381, 381f

government laptop compromised, 248

grace period for compliance, 184

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), 5960, 310

granularity, 160

grass-roots employees, 385386

GRC. See governance, risk management, and compliance

Group Policy, 411, 416f, 417, 421

guests and general public, 232, 239241

guidelines, 17, 19, 156, 178, 179f, 255, 259260, 267, 269, 275

guidelines on active content and mobile code, 260

guideline template, 183


hard copy dissemination of policies, 367

harden, 240

hash value, 332333, 425

head of information management role, 207

health care, 95

healthcare clearinghouses, 59

healthcare providers, 59

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 5859, 280, 301, 429430

health plans, 59

heartbeat routine, 229

“Heartbleed” (security bug), 229

help desk, 325

help desk management, 85

hierarchical organizations, 117119, 381385

higher costs, 22

high-impact risk, 292

highly sensitive classification, 290291

HIPAA. See Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

holding individuals accountable, 26

honeypot, 396

hop, 96

HR. See human resources

hubs, 86

human mistakes, 228229

human nature, 104111

human resources (HR), 38, 122125, 145, 185, 364, 397, 398

human resources (HR) representative, 321


IA. See information assurance

identification, 150t

IDSs. See intrusion detection systems

IEC. See International Electrotechnical Commission

imaging techniques, 409, 409f

impact report, 326327

implementation, 103, 105, 372373

inappropriate usage, 318

inbound traffic, 261

incident response, 150t, 317, 324

incident response team (IRT), 210, 316317, 319

incidents, 22, 316319, 321, 322, 323f, 333334

independent auditor, 213

individual participation, 175

individuals, 64

industry-standard policy frameworks, 145146

industry standards, 6869

information assurance (IA), 1015, 159160

information classification standard, 272

information dissemination, 365368

information protection, 285286

information recovery, 287, 288t

information resources, 162

information retention, 286287, 286t

information security, 57, 61, 145, 148, 324

information security aspects of business continuity management, 148

information security business challenges, 92100

information security chain, weakest link in, 226231

information security gap, 410

information security incident management, 148

information security officer (ISO), 127

information security organizational structure, 208f

Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), 290

information security policies, 3336, 56, 57t, 69, 145, 146

information security program charter, 143

information security representatives, 321

information security risk assessment, 60

Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), 5, 61, 202t, 276

information systems security (ISS), 310, 7f, 161162, 397, 398, 407411

information systems security life cycle, 5

information systems security policies, 326

Information Technology and Infrastructure Library (ITIL), 67, 7071, 202t, 419, 419f

information technology security policy enforcement, 394396

information technology subject matter experts (SMEs), 321

Information Technology Support Division (ITSD), 279

infrastructure security policies, 251

insiders, 229231

insider threat, 21

insufficient support from leadership, 120

integrated audit, 242

integration principle, 173

integrity, 1112, 160, 425

intellectual property (IP), 3839

Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), 352

interactive, 243

internal audit, 10

internal auditors, 130

internal classification, 291

Internal Control-Integrated Framework, 422423

internal control principle, 173174

internal documents versus external documents, 18, 18f

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 146

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 67, 146, 202t

Internet backbone, 96

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICM), 261262

Internet filters, 63

Internet Protocol (IP), 262

Internet proxy, 266

Internet use, 387388

intranet, 367

intrusion detection systems (IDSs), 264, 408

intrusion prevention system (IPS), 264, 408

inventory, 40, 41, 58, 66, 99, 352

inventory management system, 85

IP. See intellectual property

IRT. See incident response team

IRT coordinator, 325

IRT manager, 325

ISACA. See Information Systems Audit and Control Association

ISO. See information security officer; International Organization for Standardization

ISO/IEC 38500, 10

ISO/IEC 27002 standard, 146148, 164, 178

ISOO. See Information Security Oversight Office

ISS. See information systems security

issue-specific standards, 153

IT auditors, 242

IT function management and operations personnel, 246

ITIL. See Information Technology and Infrastructure Library

IT infrastructure, 22

IT infrastructure domains, 21f, 77100, 80f, 253254, 254f

IT infrastructure security policies, 251256, 275281

IT infrastructure standardization, 354

IT policy framework, 140142

IT responsibility approach, physical domains of, 206

ITSD. See Information Technology Support Division

IT security controls, 214215

IT security policies, 162163, 169195, 200206, 215222, 349f, 372374

IT security program managers, 246

IT service management (ITSM), 71


job descriptions, 131


KLOC (1,000 lines of code), 230

Kotter, John, 125126


label, 39

lack of regulatory compliance, 23

LAN domain, 79, 8687, 9495

LAN domain policies, 261265, 263t

LAN-to-WAN Domain, 80, 8788, 88f, 9596, 266267

law, 390391

layered defense, 246

layered security approach, 211, 253

layers of security, 253

leaders, 128

leadership, 110111

leading practice, 68

learning sessions, 368

least access privileges, 247

least privilege principle, 174, 246

legal classification schemes, 288

legal costs, 47

legal department, 185

legal obligation, 44, 45

legal representative, 321322

lessons learned process, 191, 334

liability of organization, minimizing, 4447

life cycle, 5, 125

limited adverse effect, 292

line management, 385

line of business (LOB), 209

LOB. See line of business

logical control, 34

log management, 85

log mode, 41

log reviews, 393, 394

log server, 236

low risks, 292


maintenance, 150t

malicious code, 318

Malicious Code Protection standard, 257

management, 120122, 206, 322, 324325

mandatory declassification, 290

manual controls, 36, 393

manufacturing, wireless technology, 95

maximum tolerable downtime (MTD), 326, 336

MBTI. See Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

mean time to recovery (MTTR), 326

mean time to repair, 326

measurement, 29

media protection, 150t

Metcalfe’s law, 225

metrics, 37

metrics team, 209

military classification schemes, 289290

misconfiguration remediation, 413

mission-critical data, 291

mistakes, human, 228229

mitigating control, 36, 4849

mitigating risk exposure, 3644

mitigation strategies, 304305

MITRE Corporation, 423

mobile device domain policies, 260261

mobile devices, 97

modification of information, 162

Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess domain, 910

monitoring, 93, 218219, 265, 370372

motivation, 105108, 360

multidisciplinary principle, 173

multifactor authentication, 90

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 110


NASA Raspberry Pi, 248

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 20, 58, 146, 149, 150t151t, 203t, 220221, 261, 401, 406, 413

national security, 64

nation-states, 53

NDA. See nondisclosure agreement

need to know, 11

Nessus, 412

network infrastructure, 157, 158

network monitoring, 221

network segmentation, 69, 87, 264

network traffic monitoring, 264

new employee orientation, 364

newsletters, 365

NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology

Nmap network scanner, 412

nondisclosure agreement (NDA), 46

nonprofit sector, 429430

nonpublic personal information (NPI), 174

nonrepudiation, 11, 1415, 159, 426

nontechnical hindrances, 356

NPI. See nonpublic personal information


obstacles, 126, 129

OCC. See Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 57

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), 215

OMB. See Office of Management and Budget

onboarding, 37, 81

Open SSL, 229

OpenVAS, 412

Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL), 423

operational consistency, 4749

operational control, 208f

operational deviation, 49

operational risk committee, 209, 382, 384385

operational risks, 215, 299300

operations security, 147

opinion letters, 70

opt-in process, 43, 58

opt-out process, 43, 58

organizational acceptance, 417418

organizational baggage, 121

organizational challenges, 356358

organizational culture, 170, 210211

organizational incentives, 121

organizational roles, 206

organizational structure, 112119, 207210, 208f

organizational support at all levels, 25

organization’s position, statement of, 153

outdated technology, 352354, 353f

ownership, 126


PAA. See privileged-level access agreement

passwords, 364, 365

password security, 189

patch compliance, 414

patch management, 85, 247, 307309, 411

patch remediation, 413

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), 43, 6869, 87, 203t, 218219, 381, 400, 416

PCI DSS. See Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

PC Magazine, 40

peer pressure, 385, 386

penetration test, 418

penetration testing, 220

people as weakest link in security, 226231

performance, 133134, 408

performers, 109

perimeter, DLP, 99

permission, security policies, 62

personal accountability, 369

personal data, 391

personality types, 108110

personally identifiable information (PII), 42, 174

personal privacy, 56, 64

personnel security, 151t

pervasive control, 384, 390

phishing, 227228

physical and environmental protection, 151t

physical and environmental security, 147

physical control, 34

physical domains of IT responsibility approach, 206

physical hazard, 299

physical safeguards, 59

physical security, 272, 273t

physical security controls, 175

physical security policy, 81

physical transport of data, 298

PII. See personally identifiable information

PKI. See public key infrastructure

Plan-Do-Act-Check cycle, 194

planning, 151t

platform, 157, 158

pleasers, 109

PMLC. See project management life cycle

point-of-sale (POS) system, 165, 218

points of contact, 154

policies, 3, 1719, 2223, 3031, 122125, 141f, 153, 158t, 170176, 177f, 184195, 407

policies and standards design considerations, 170176

policies and standards implementation, 184192

policies and standards maintenance, 193

policy acceptance and enforcement, 2526

policy and compliance team, 209

policy and standards library, 173, 177f, 186187, 192193

policy awareness and understanding, 25

policy-centered security principle, 174

policy change control board, 190191

policy compliance, 393, 411415, 421

policy definitions document, 19

policy frameworks, 17, 139, 142, 145146, 158, 159

policy implementation issues, 368370

policy language, 358359

policy library framework, 141f

policy management software, 393

policy principles document, 18

policy template, 179180

poor decisions, 360

post-implementation assessment, 309

posting organizational security policies on the Intranet, 367368

press inquires, 334

pretexting, 227

preventive control, 35, 35f

preventive security controls, 176

pride, 106

principles for policy and standards development, 172174

privacy data, 6566

privacy of data, 4143

privacy policy, 81

private key, 426

private sector incident response policies, 340341

private sector IT security policy framework, 218219

private sector policy framework development, 163164

private sector security policies, 194, 400, 427429, 428f

private sector user domain policies, 247249

private WANs, 97

privilege creep, 234

privileged-level access agreement (PAA), 244245

procedure document, 254, 259260

procedures, 3, 1719, 154155, 259, 267, 269, 272, 275

procedure template, 182183

production data for testing control standard, 272

production environment, 273t

productivity, 386

program and functional managers, 246

program framework policy, 143156

program-level policy, 145

program management, 151t

programmers, 229

prohibited information, 289

project committee, 382

project life cycle (PLC), 382

project management life cycle (PMLC), 272

promiscuous mode, 264

proportionality principle, 173

protocols, 407

publication of documents, 185187

public classification, 291

public interest, 64

public key infrastructure (PKI), 272, 426

public record, 42

public relations (PR) representative, 322

public sector incident response policies, 341

public sector IT infrastructure security policies, 279280

public sector IT security policy framework, 218221

public sector policy framework development, 164

public sector security policies, 194195, 373374, 400401

publishing policy and standards library, 185187

purpose specification, 175


QA. See quality assurance

QC. See quality control

Qualified Security Assessor (QSA), 69

qualitative analysis, 303

quality assurance (QA), 1516, 309

quality control (QC), 1516, 309

quantitative methods, 303


RADIUS. See Remote Authentication Dial In User Service

Raspberry Pi attack, 248

RBAC. See role based access control

RCSA. See risk and control self-assessment

reassessment principle, 173

recovery classification scheme, 287, 288t

recovery controls, 176

recovery of operations, 331

recovery point objectives (RPOs), 337

recovery time objective (RTO), 336

redundancy, 119

regulations, 31, 53, 54, 390, 391

regulator audit, 10

regulatory compliance, lack of, 23

relevance, 37

remote access domain, 80, 8991, 9798, 270271

remote authentication, 89

Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS), 270

remote maintenance standard, 264

remote network connectivity, 90

repeatable behavior, 48

repetition, security awareness program, 37

replicated operating model, 172

reporting incidents, 329330

reputational risks, 216

residual risk, 49

resiliency, 38

response controls, 176

responsibilities, 126129, 144, 153154

retail, wireless technology, 95

retention classification scheme, 286, 286t

retention policy, 287

reviews for documents, 184185

reward, 93, 120

rewarding and recognizing behavior, 26

Riptech consulting firm, 340341

risk acceptance, 304

risk and control self-assessment (RCSA), 302303, 350

risk appetite, 44, 141, 204

risk assessments, 58, 59, 151t, 303

risk avoidance, 304

risk committee, 209

risk culture, 38

risk evaluation domain, 205f, 206

risk exposure, 3644, 303304

risk governance domain, 205, 205f

risk IT framework, 204205

risk management, 161, 204206, 209, 216, 300302, 302f, 304305, 389390

risk management policies, 310311

risk mitigation, 304305

risk response domain, 205f, 206

risks, 8, 299301

risk tolerance, 142, 384

risk transference, 304

roadshow, 186

role based access control (RBAC), 82

roles, 129131, 153154, 158t

router, 86

router baseline security standard, 265

routine user-related transactions, 263


safe zone, 110

sampling guidelines, 214

SANS Institute, 373, 374f

SAP. See security awareness policy

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, 6162, 157, 310

SCCM. See System Center Configuration Manager

scope, 144

SDLC. See Systems Development Life Cycle

SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission

second line of defense, in layered security approach, 212213

Secret data, 289

secure network, 69

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 61, 157

security administration, 209

Security Administrators Integrated Network Tool (SAINT), 412

security articles, 189190

security assessment and authorization, 150t

security awareness policy (SAP), 134, 245246, 360362, 362t

security awareness program, 37, 124, 187, 372, 374

security awareness training, 245246, 362364

security baseline, 407409, 411415

security classification, 285286

security committee, 208, 209

security compliance committee, 382, 384

Security Configuration Benchmark, 257

Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), 413, 423424

security control mapping, 66

security controls, 3236, 35f, 58, 6566, 175176, 214215, 293, 294t, 391394

security event, 200

security frameworks, 66, 210

security gap, 410

security management system, 85

security monitoring, 60

security newsletter, 188

security operations team, 210

security personnel, 231, 238

security policies, 29, 30, 33t, 6668, 92100, 103, 105, 114, 122123, 133134, 143, 148, 229, 231, 234, 295, 301, 305, 308, 372374, 394396, 395f, 405, 406, 408, 410, 427

security policy compliance, 31, 415422, 427

security policy enforcement, 377401

security policy framework documents, 139

security policy frameworks, 199206, 216217

security policy implementation, 104105, 372374

security settings baseline, 414

security standards, 153

security token, 306

security violations, 134

segmentation, 218219

segmented network, 87

self-assessment, 10

Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), 69

self-interest, 106107

self-regulation, 53

senior management commitment, 37

sensitive business transactions, 263

sensitive but unclassified (SBU) data, 289

sensitive classification, 290, 291

separation of duties (SOD), 93, 211213, 235, 298

separation of duty principle, 174

serious adverse effect, 292

server baseline configuration(s), 265

server performance, 408

service accounts, 243

service auditor, 70

service design, ITIL volume, 71

service integration, 172

service level agreements (SLAs), 7, 383

service operation, ITIL volume, 71

services, 408

service standardization, 172

service strategy, ITIL volume, 71

service transition, ITIL volume, 71

severe/catastrophic adverse effect, 292

severity classification, 329

shared services, 113

shareholders, 64

short-term wins, 126, 129

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 424425

simplicity principle, 174

single sign-on, 253

site-to-site VPN connection, 90

SLAs. See service level agreements

smartphones, 387, 392, 396

SMEs. See subject matter experts

sniffer, 87

social engineering, 220, 227, 360

social networking policy, 82

social networking sites, 388

SOD. See separation of duties

soft skills, 108

SOX, 382

SOX 404, 61

SOX Act. See Sarbanes-Oxley Act

span of control, 115

spear phishing, 228

SQL. See Structured Query Language

stakeholders, 128, 308

standardization, 354

standards, 1719, 153154, 170176, 177f, 184195

standards development, 158

“standards in waiting,” 156

standards library framework, 141f

standard template, 180181

stateful firewall, 262

state government service, 279

stateless firewall, 262

Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16 (SSAE16), 6970

state privacy laws, 295

statistical sample, 214

status reports, 332

storage of data, 298

storyboard, 333334

strategic risks, 215, 300

Structured Query Language (SQL), 240, 425

subject matter expert (SME), 154, 321, 397

success, 107108

supervisors, 385, 397, 398

supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, 292

support, 37, 114

support services, 325

switch, 86

Symantec Altiris, 412

Symantec Ghost, 409

system access policy, 81

system accounts, 243

system administrators, 323

system and communications protection, 151t

system and information integrity, 151t

system and services acquisition, 151t

system/application domain, 80, 9192, 98100, 271274, 273t

systematic declassification, 290

System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), 412

systems administrators, 231, 235237

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), 147

system security plan, 58

Systems Management Server (SMS), 412

system software, 91

system-specific standard, 154


Target Corporation and Trustwave Holdings Inc., 165

target state, 350

taxonomy, 176, 177f

teamwork, 111

technical control, 34

technical hazard, 299

technical personnel, 185

technical safeguards, 59

technical security controls, 175

technology auditors, 242

telecommunication policies, 274275

templates for policies and standards, 179183

testing for compliance, 215

testing, monitoring and, 66

third line of defense, in layered security approach, 213

threat, 8

threat vector, 350

three-class scheme, 288

three-lines-of-defense model, 212f

timeliness principle, 173

tone at the top, 37

Top Secret data, 289

town hall meeting, 357

traffic control, 261, 262

training, 187191, 245246, 360364, 417

transmission of data, 298

transparency, 174175

triage, 329

trouble ticket, 237

two-factor authentication, 89

Type II SSAE16 audit, 70

Type I SSAE16 audit, 70


unauthenticated vulnerability scanner, 413

unauthorized access, 161, 247, 317, 318

unauthorized changes, 414415

unauthorized disclosure, 161162

unblocking, 63

unclassified data, 289

unclear purpose, 120

unified operating model, 172

unique identity, 247

unmanageable complexity, 121

unrestricted information, 289

updates for security documents, 192193

urgency, 126, 127

U.S. compliance laws, 5564

U.S. Department of Education, 62

U.S. Department of Energy system, 400

use limitation, 175

use of data, 298

user actions and traffic, 386389

user apathy, 119120

user domain, 8184, 9293, 231243, 246249

user proxy, 267

users, 231, 232f, 233t, 243

user training, 417

user types, 356

U.S. military classification scheme, 289


value delivery, 217

values, 38, 111

vendor governance committee, 382, 383

vendors, 210, 231, 239, 361

vetting, patch management, 308

video feeds, 95

virtual private network (VPN), 88, 253

virus protection, 219, 247

vision for change, 126, 128

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 95, 274

VoIP. See Voice over Internet Protocol

VPN. See virtual private network

VPN concentrators, 89

VPN connectivity, types of, 91f

vulnerabilities, 8, 230, 304, 305

vulnerability assessments, 305306

vulnerability management program, 69

vulnerability windows, 307, 410


waivers, 49, 192, 353

WAN. See wide area network

WAN domain, 7980, 8889, 9697, 268269

WAN router security standard, 268

weakest link in security chain, 226231

Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM), 425

Web crawler, 221

Web graffiti, 96

Web services, 269

Web Services for Management (WS-Management) protocol, 425

Web services standard, 269

Website defacement, 96

whaling, 228

wide area network (WAN), 266

Wi-Fi access point (AP) security standard, 264

Wi-Fi hotspot, 219

wireless connectivity, 94, 261

workplace, 104111

workstation, 257

Workstation Domain, 79, 8486, 9394

Workstation Domain policies, 256260, 258t

WorldCom, 61


zero day, 307

zero-day vulnerability, 410

Zip code lookup application, 240

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