


&& character
$ResourceGroups object
$servicePrincipalConnection object
200 error message
404 error message
500 error message


-A parameter

AAD (Azure Active Directory)
  controlling access to keys with
  controlling access to vaults with
  overview of2nd
Access Control (IAM) button
access_token variable

  in Azure Automation, creating
  in Cosmos DB
    adding global redundancy to
ACI (Azure Container Instance)2nd
ACR (Azure Container Registry)
AI (artificial intelligence)
  Azure Cognitive Services
  machine learning and2nd
  overview of
  Web App bots
    building with LUIS
    running with LUIS
AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)2nd
  creating clusters with
  running websites in Kubernetes
alias records
AllowAzureLoadBalancerInBound rule
AllowVnetInBound rule
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
anycast networking
APIs (application programming interfaces)
Application Gateway

  Function Apps
  lifecycles of
  Logic Apps
  service plans.
    See also load-balancing applications; ; scalable apps.
artificial intelligence.
    See AI.
assets, in Azure Automation
autoscale rules

Availability Sets
  distributing VMs across
  viewing distribution of VMs across
  VM redundancy with
    fault domains
    update domains

Availability Zones
  creating network resources across
  creating VMs in
  infrastructure redundancy with
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
az cosmosdb show command
az group create command
az keyvault create command
az keyvault secret show command
az storage account create command
az vm create command2nd3rd
az vm disk attach command
az vm list-sizes command
az vm resize command
az vm show command
Azure Active Directory.
    See AAD.
Azure Automation
  creating accounts in
  overview of2nd
  PowerShell DSC
    Azure Automation pull servers and
    sample of
    viewing output from
Azure Backup
  Backup schedules
  policies and retention
    RPO (recovery point objective)
    RTO (recovery time objective)
  restoring VMs
    complete VM restore
    file-level restore
Azure CLI2nd
Azure Cloud Shell
Azure Cognitive Services
Azure Container Instance.
    See ACI.
Azure Container Registry (ACR)
Azure DevOps utilities
Azure DNS (Domain Name Service)
Azure Event Grid
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Function Apps
Azure IoT (Internet of Things)
  creating function apps to analyze device data
  Hub, centrally managing devices with
  integrating with Service Bus
  overview of
  review of components
  streaming hub data into web apps
Azure Key Vault
  creating certificates
  injecting certificates
  MSIs (managed service identities)
  overview of
  securing information in clouds
    creating key vaults and secrets
    software vaults and HSMs
  storing encryption keys in
Azure Kubernetes Service.
    See AKS.
Azure Logic Apps
Azure Network Watcher
  capturing network packets
  verifying IP flows
  viewing effective NSG rules
Azure Networking
  building sample web applications with secure traffic
    creating remote access network connections
    creating VMs
    using SSH agents to connect to VMs
  securing and controlling traffic with NSGs
    associating NSGs with subnets
    creating NSG filtering rules
    creating NSGs
  virtual network components
    creating subnets, 2nd
    creating virtual networks
    DNS resolution, 2nd
    public IP addresses
    virtual network interface cards

Azure platform
  management tools
    Azure Cloud Shell
    Azure portal
    Azure PowerShell
    local Azure CLI
  overview of
  storage in
  virtualization in
Azure portal
Azure PowerShell
Azure Quickstart templates
Azure Resource Manager
  approach to
    designing around application lifecycle
    managing and grouping resources with tags
    protecting resources with locks
    securing and controlling resources
  templates for
    creating multiples of resource types
    tools to build
Azure Security Center
Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Fabric
Azure Site Recovery
Azure Storage
  adding disks to VMs
  benefits of
    queue storage
    storage availability
    table storage
  VM storage
    data disks
    disk-caching options
    standard vs. premium storage
    temporary disks
Azure Update Management
  OMS (Operations Management Suite)
  reviewing and applying updates
Azure Web Apps
  managing web apps
  overview of
    supported languages and environments
    viewing web servers in action
Azure-to-Azure replication


backend pools2nd
Backup schedules
  Azure Backup
    Backup schedules
    policies and retention
    restoring VMs
  Azure Site Recovery
basic public IP address
Blob storage

bots for web apps
  building with LUIS
  running with LUIS


capturing network packets
caret symbol
CD (continuous delivery)

CI (continuous integration)
CLI (command-line interface)
clouds, securing information in
  creating key vaults and secrets
  software vaults and HSMs
clusters with AKS
command-line interface (CLI)
concat function

  health probes
  VMs with load balancers
connectionString variable
container orchestrator
  ACI (Azure Container Instance)
  AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)
    creating clusters with
    running websites in Kubernetes
  overview of
continuous delivery (CD)
continuous integration (CI)

  traffic with NSGs
    associating NSGs with subnets
    creating NSG filtering rules
    creating NSGs
copyIndex( ) function2nd3rd4th
Cosmos DB
  accessing globally distributed data
  adding global redundancy to
  creating accounts and databases
  creating and populating databases
  overview of2nd
    scaling databases
    structured (SQL) databases
    unstructured (NoSQL) databases
crash dumps
Custom Script Extension
custom SSL certificates


data center operating system (DC/OS)
data disks
data rests
data science virtual machines (DSVMs)
data scientists, tools for
    See globally distributed data.
database_password variable
  in Cosmos DB
    adding global redundancy to
DC/OS (data center operating system)
DDoS (denial of service)
default quotas
default-allow-ssh rule
DefaultInboundDenyAll rule
delegating real domains
deleting protected VMs
denial of service (DDoS)
deny state
DenyAll rules
DenyAllInBound rule
Deploy to Azure button
deploying HTML sites
deployment slots
Desired State Configuration (DSC)2nd
diagnostic logs
direct traffic, routing
disaster recovery (DR)

  adding to VMs
  caching options
  data disks
DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)
DNS resolution2nd
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

  real, delegating to Azure DNS
DR (disaster recovery)
DSC (Desired State Configuration)2nd
DSVMs (data science virtual machines)
dynamic assignment


enableHttpsTrafficOnly parameter
  at rest
  of VMs
    controlling access to vaults and keys with AAD
    overview of
  overview of
  SSE (Storage Service Encryption)
  storing keys in Azure Key Vault
endpoint discovery
endpoint locations
endpoint monitor protocol
endpoint probing interval
ETW (Event Tracing for Windows)
ExpressRoute connection2nd


fault domains
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
File storage
file-level restore
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard)
FQDN (fully qualified domain name)
frontend IP pools
Function Apps


geographic routing
geo-redundant storage (GRS)
git push azure master command
git push dev master command
GitHub resources
global redundancy
global routing, with Traffic Manager
  creating Traffic Manager profiles
  globally distributing traffic to closest instance
globally distributed data
GPU (graphical processing unit)
grouping resources
GRS (geo-redundant storage)


hardware security modules.
    See HSMs.

health probes
  overview of
high-performance SSDs
HPC (high-performance computing)2nd
HSMs (hardware security modules)2nd
HTML sites, deploying
HTTP path-based mode


IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)2nd3rd
IaC (infrastructure as code)
IIS (Internet Information Services)2nd
IMDS (Instance Metadata Service)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)2nd3rd
infrastructure as code (IaC)
infrastructure redundancy, with Availability Zones
  creating network resources across availability zones
  creating VMs in availability zones
injecting certificates
install command
installing web servers
Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)
instances, creating
interface cards
internal load balancer
Internet Information Services (IIS)2nd
internet load balancer
IoT (Internet of Things).
    See Azure IoT.
iotconnectionstring variable
IP flows, verifying
IP pools
IPv4 host records
IPv6 host records


JIT (just-in-time) updates
JWT (JSON Web Token)


key pairs

  controlling access with AAD
  creating key vaults
  storing encryption keys in Azure Key Vault
Kubernetes platform


Language Understanding Intelligent Service.
    See LUIS.
languages supported
LCM (Local Configuration Manager)
lifecycles of apps

load balancers
  components of
    assigning groups of VMs to backend pools
    creating frontend IP pools
    defining traffic distribution with load-balancer rules
    health probes
    routing direct traffic with Network Address Translation rules
  creating and configuring VMs with
  defining traffic distribution with rules
  in action
load-balancing applications
Local Configuration Manager (LCM)
locally redundant storage (LRS)
log files, streaming
Logic Apps
Logic Apps Designer wizard
Long Term Support (LTS)
LRS (locally redundant storage)
LTS (Long Term Support)

LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service)
  building Web App bots with
  overview of2nd
  running Web App bots with


machine learning.
    See ML.
managed disks
Managed Object Format (MOF) file
managed service identities.
    See MSIs.
managed service identity (MSI)
Marketplace, Azure
MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert)
memory (vRAM)
Message Text property
messaging platforms
  Azure Event Grid
  Azure Event Hubs
  Azure Service Bus
  creating service bus
  integrating Service Bus with IoT hubs
metric alerts
    See performance metrics.
Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)
ML (machine learning)
  Azure Cognitive Services
  LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service)
  overview of
  relationship with artificial intelligence2nd
  tools for data scientists
  Web App bots
    building with LUIS
    running with LUIS
MOF (Managed Object Format) file
  Azure Network Watcher
    capturing network packets
    verifying IP flows
    viewing effective NSG rules
  performance metrics
  VM diagnostics
monolithic application
MSIs (managed service identities)


name server records
NAT (Network Address Translation)2nd
network connectivity (vNIC)
network interface cards (NICs)
network packets
network resources
network security groups.
    See NSGs.

network traffic
Network Watcher
NICs (network interface cards)
NoSQL (unstructured databases)
NSGs (network security groups)2nd3rd
  associating with subnets
  creating filtering rules
  in Azure Security Center
  overview of2nd3rd
  securing and controlling traffic with
  viewing effective rules
numbering systems, zero-based
nx module


OMS (Operations Management Suite)2nd


PaaS (Platform as a Service)2nd
parallel VMs
performance conditions, alerts for
performance metrics
performance routing
Platform as a Service (PaaS)2nd
pointer records
  RPO (recovery point objective)
  RTO (recovery time objective)

  frontend IP pools
populating databases
port-based mode
PowerShell DSC (Desired State Configuration)
  Azure Automation pull servers and
    See health probes.
production slot
profiles, in Traffic Manager
protected VMs, deleting
protecting resources
public IP addresses
Public Key box, SSH
pull servers


Queue storage2nd


RA-GRS (read-access geo-redundant storage)
Raspberry Pi
RBAC (role-based access control)2nd3rd
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) connection2nd
read/write caching
read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)
read-only cache policy
recovery point objective.
    See RPO.
recovery time objective (RTO)

  benefits of
  of VMs with Availability Sets
  overview of.
    See also global redundancy.
remote access network connections
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connection2nd
Representational State Transfer (REST)
resizing VMs
resolution, with Traffic Manager
  creating Traffic Manager profiles
  globally distributing traffic to closest instance
resource groups
resource types

  cleaning up
  protecting with locks
  scaling horizontally
  with tags
REST (Representational State Transfer)
restoring virtual machines
  complete VM restore
  file-level restore
  RPO (recovery point objective)
  RTO (recovery time objective)
reviewing updates
revolutions per minute (RPM)
role separation
role-based access control (RBAC)2nd3rd
routing direct traffic with Network Address Translation rules.
    See also global routing, with Traffic Manager.
RPM (revolutions per minute)
RPO (recovery point objective)
RTO (recovery time objective)2nd
runbooks, for Azure Automation
  overview of
  viewing output from


SaaS (Software as a Service)
SAS (shared access signature) token
scalable apps
  benefits of
    scaling resources horizontally
    scaling VMs vertically
    scaling web apps vertically
  scaling web apps
  VM scale sets
    creating autoscale rules
scale sets, for VMs
  creating autoscale rules

  down VMs
  resources horizontally
  VMs vertically
    resizing VMs
    scaling down
  Web Apps
    overview of

  obtaining from within VMs with MSIs
Secure Socket Shell.
    See SSH (Secure Socket Shell).
secure traffic, building web apps with
  creating remote access network connections
  creating VMs
  using SSH agents to connect to VMs

  traffic with NSGs2nd
    associating NSGs with subnets
    creating NSG filtering rules
    creating NSGs (network security groups)
Security Center Overview window
Sender Protection Framework (SPF)
serial VMs
Server Message Block (SMB)
serverless computing
  creating function apps to analyze IoT device data
  creating logic apps
  GitHub resources
  messaging platforms
    Azure Event Grid
    Azure Event Hubs
    Azure Service Bus
    creating service bus
    integrating Service Bus with IoT hubs
  overview of
    See web servers.

Service Bus
  integrating with IoT hubs
service plans for apps
service principal
service records
service-level agreements (SLAs)
shared access signature (SAS) token
single-VM scale set
SLAs (service-level agreements)
SMB (Server Message Block)
SOA (start-of-authority) records
Software as a Service (SaaS)
software vaults
SONiC (Software for Open Networking in the Cloud)
SPF (Sender Protection Framework)
SQL (Structured Query Language)2nd
SQL structured databases
SSE (Storage Service Encryption)

SSH (Secure Socket Shell)
  agents to connect to VMs
  connecting to VMs with
ssh-keygen command
SSL certificate
standard HDD disks
standard SSDs
start-of-authority (SOA) records
static assignment

  availability of
  in Azure
  in VMs
    data disks
    disk-caching options
    standard vs. premium storage
    temporary disks
  queue storage
storage (vDisk)
Storage Service Encryption.
    See SSE (Storage Service Encryption).
storing templates
streaming IoT hub data
streaming log files
structured data
structured databases.
    See SQL structured databases.
Structured Query Language (SQL)2nd

  associating NSGs with
swap with preview


Table storage

  grouping resources with
  managing resources with
templates, for Azure Resource Manager2nd
  creating multiples of resource types
  tools to build
temporary disks
Test in Web Chat option
third-party tools
Time to Live (TTL)

  defining distribution with load-balancer rules
  globally distributing to closest instances
  routing direct traffic with Network Address Translation rules2nd
  securing and controlling with NSGs2nd
    associating NSGs with subnets
    creating NSG filtering rules
    creating NSGs.
    See secure traffic, building web apps with.

Traffic Manager
  creating profiles in
  global routing and resolution with
  globally distributing traffic to closest instances
  Azure Network Watcher
    capturing network packets
    verifying IP flows
    viewing effective NSG rules
  Azure platform
  performance metrics
  VM diagnostics
TTL (Time to Live)


Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
unstructured data
unstructured databases.
    See NoSQL (unstructured databases).
update domains
Update Management Overview window
  Azure Security Center NSGs
  Azure Update Management
    OMS (Operations Management Suite)
    reviewing and applying updates
  JIT (just-in-time)
UTC (Universal Coordinated Time)



  controlling access with AAD
  creating key vaults.
    See also software vaults.
verifying IP flows
VHD (virtual hard disk)
virtual CPU (vCPU)
virtual hard disk (VHD)
virtual machines.
    See VMs.
virtual networks2nd
  creating subnets
  DNS resolution
  interface cards
  public IP addresses2nd
virtual private networks (VPNs)2nd3rd

VMs (virtual machines)
  adding disks to
  allowing web traffic to reach
    creating rules to allow web traffic
    viewing web server in action
  assigning groups of to backend pools
  configuring with load balancers
  connecting to
    with SSH
    with SSH agents
    cleaning up resources
    from web browsers
    in availability zones
    troubleshooting Azure
    with load balancers
  diagnostic extensions
  distributing across availability sets
  encryption of2nd
    controlling access to vaults and keys with AAD
    storing encryption keys in Azure Key Vault
  installing web servers2nd
  obtaining secrets from with MSIs
  redundancy with Availability Sets
    fault domains
    update domains
    complete VM restore
    file-level restore
  scale sets
    creating autoscale rules
  scaling down
  scaling vertically
  sizes of
    data disks
    disk-caching options
    standard vs. premium storage
    temporary disks
  viewing distribution across availability sets
VPNs (virtual private networks)2nd3rd


Web Apps
  building bots with LUIS
  building with secure traffic
    creating remote access network connections
    creating VMs
    using SSH agents to connect to VMs
    creating basic web apps
    deploying sample HTML sites
  creating bots
  running bots with LUIS
  streaming Azure IoT hub data into
web browsers, creating VMs from
  Azure storage
  basic settings
  VM sizes

web servers
  in action2nd

web traffic
  allowing to reach VMs
  creating rules to allow
websites, running in Kubernetes


zero-based numbering system
ZRS (zone-redundant storage)

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