Scene initialization

Currently, our Options page is at 2000 in X position. This means that we can't see it in the Game view of the editor. Since we are going to work on the Options page again, it would be great to have a preview of what we're doing shown in the Game view.

Centering the options page

In order to see our Options page in the Game view again, we need to re-enable it and set it back to the center of the screen and then hide our main menu:

  1. Select our UIRoot | Options GameObject and enable it.
  2. Set its Transform position to {0, 0, 0}.
  3. Select our UIRoot | Main GameObject and disable it.

OK, we can now see our Options page in the Game view again. Sometimes, this kind of manipulation can be repetitive and annoying. Of course, you could simply move around your camera in the Scene view, but sometimes it's better to have a more accurate preview using the Game view.

In this case, we can have an Initialization.cs script attached to both windows that could enable/disable them and position them correctly at the start.

The initialization script

Let's create this script that will position our windows automatically at the start:

  1. Select both our UI Root | Main and Options GameObjects.
  2. Click the Add Component button in the Inspector view.
  3. Type Initialization and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
  4. Make sure CSharp is selected for Language, and hit the Enter key again.

Open Initialization.cs and declare this new global variable:

// Define GameObject's initial position within Inspector
public Vector3 position =;

Now, replace the existing Start() method with this one:

// Apply initial position at Start
private void Start () 
//Set the local position to requested value
  transform.localPosition = position;

Save the script and go back to Unity. Select our UI Root | Options GameObject, and set the Position parameter of Initialization to {2000, 0, 0}.

OK. The Options page will be automatically moved to the required position at the start. We still need to handle which page is enabled at the start (main menu) and which is not (options).

The MenuManager script

Now, let's open our MenuManager.cs script to make it simple to choose which GameObjects need to be enabled or disabled at the start.

Add these new global array variables to contain GameObjects to enable or disable:

// Assign in this array objects to enable
public GameObject[] enableAtAwake;
// And here ones to disable
public GameObject[] disableAtAwake;

Now, add this new Awake() method to the script:

// Before anything happens
private void Awake ()
  // Enable all objects in enableAtAwake array
  foreach(GameObject currentGO in enableAtAwake)
    if(currentGO != null)

  // Disable all objects in disableAtAwake array
  foreach(GameObject currentGO in disableAtAwake)
    if(currentGO != null)

Save the script and go back to Unity to configure this script correctly. Select our UI Root GameObject, and for its attached MenuManager component:

  1. Drag our Main GameObject inside the Enable At Awake array.
  2. Drag our Options GameObject inside the Disable At Awake array.

OK. Now, hit Unity's play button. Our main menu is enabled automatically at start, while the Options page is disabled and moved outside of the screen. We can now enable/disable any page or move them around in the editor; they will always be reinitialized correctly at the start!

Great. We can now move on to see how we can fade in or fade out UI elements.

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