Localization system

NGUI has a built-in localization system that allows you to easily define strings for each label in different languages.

Localization file

The localization system works with a Localization.txt file with this structure:


For example, if we wanted to localize our main menu's title, we would add this line in the Localization.txt file:

MainMenu_Title, "Main Menu", "Menu Principal"

Let's create this localization file. Navigate to your project's Assets folder and create a new Resources folder. Inside this new folder, create a new Localization.txt file and open it. Add these lines in it:

Francais, "French", "Francais"
English, "English", "Anglais"
MainMenu, "Main Menu", "Menu Principal"

On the first highlighted line, we define our two languages. The next three lines define our localization keys and their two different values: one in English and the other in French.

OK, the localization file is ready. Now, let's see how to assign a key to a label.


In order to easily localize a label, we can simply add the UILocalize component to it. Let's see how this works:

  1. Select our UI Root | Main | Title | Label GameObject.
  2. In the Inspector view, click on the Add Component button.
  3. Type loc to search for components with that word.
  4. Select Localize and hit Enter or click on it with your mouse.

We have added the UILocalize component to our label. It has only one Key parameter. Start typing the first two letters of MainMenu in the Key field. This button will appear:


It's an auto-completion. Click on it. You now have this preview for each language:


We just assigned the MainMenu localization key to our label. The label's text value will be changed depending on the current language. Let's see how to define the language.


Sometimes auto-completion does not work the first time. You might have to enter and then exit play mode to update the localization keys.

Selecting the language

There is a simple way to select the current language for our UI: we just have to add the Language Selection component to our language pop-up list!

Let's do it now:

  1. In the Hierarchy view, select UI Root | Options | Language | List.
  2. In the Inspector view, click on the Add Component button.
  3. Type lang to search for components with that word.
  4. Select Language Selection and hit Enter or click on it with your mouse.

And that's it! Hit Unity's play button. You can see that if you change the game's language with the pop-up list, the main menu's title changes accordingly!

Remaining keys

Now, let's add all these remaining keys for our menu to our Localization.txt file:

Play, "Play", "Jouer"
Options, "Options", "Options"
Exit, "Exit", "Quitter"
Language, "Language", "Langue"
Subtitles, "Subtitles", "Sous-titrage"
Nickname, "Nickname", "Pseudo"
Confirm, "Confirm", "Confirmer"
Sound, "Sound", "Son"
Volume, "Volume", "Volume"
SFX, "SFX", "Effets"
Music, "Music", "Musique"
Enabled, "Enabled", "Activé"
None, "None", "Aucun"
Welcome, "Welcome! You can change language, subtitles, volume and enter your name on the Options page.", "Bienvenue ! Tu peux changer la langue, les sous-titres et entrer ton pseudo dans les Options."

Now that we've added all necessary keys, we need to add the UILocalize component to all labels in the scene. If you have named all GameObjects as recommended in previous chapters, all labels that require localization are named Label. Let's do a search for label, as follows:

Remaining keys

Now, only GameObjects with their name containing the word label are displayed. We must add the UILocalize component to all of them:

  1. Select one of the GameObjects in the Hierarchy view to have it focused.
  2. Select all displayed results with Ctrl + A.
  3. In the Inspector view, click on the Add Component button.
  4. Type loc to search for components with that word.
  5. Select Localize and hit Enter or click on it with your mouse.

So, we now have added the UILocalize component to all required labels. Normally, we should set a Key parameter for each of them to know which string to retrieve.

Fortunately for us, since we've entered text values in the Text parameters of UILabel, they will be automatically used by the UILocalize component to find the correct string.

In other words, you can simply hit Unity's play button, and you'll find that all our UI's labels are now localized! Great!

Final corrections

We still have three small tasks to finalize our UI's localization. First, since we have already localized the main menu's title, it now has two UILocalize components. Before we continue, select UI Root | Main | Title | Label and remove its second UILocalize.

The welcome text is not localized. That's because the Key parameter is automatically set to the actual welcome phrase we entered in UILabel. We must manually set it to Welcome:

  1. Select UI Root | Welcome | Text | Label.
  2. Set the Key parameter of UILocalize to Welcome.

Finally, our Subtitles pop-up list is not localized. We simply have to request that:

  1. Select UI Root | Options | Subtitles | List.
  2. Check the Localized option of UIPopup List.

That's it! Now that all our UI is localized, let's talk about anchors before we move on to the next chapter.

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