Multiple bitmap fonts

When using bitmap fonts, it is necessary to create fonts of different text sizes. Otherwise, we'll run into the following issue:

Multiple bitmap fonts

As you might notice from the preceding screenshot, the text is crisp for small text (1), but for a large title (3), it becomes aliased, blurry, and looks terrible. So, we need bigger fonts for larger text sizes. In this section, we'll create three different fonts of typical sizes.

The SmallLato font

Follow these steps to create the standard definition font used for small text. Open Font Maker by navigating to NGUI | Open | Font Maker.

Configure Font Maker as follows:

The SmallLato font

Perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure Type (1) is set to Generated Bitmap.
  2. Click on the Source button (2) of Font Maker:
    • If needed, click on the Show All button of the window to show all fonts
    • Select the Lato.ttf font


    After selecting the font, click anywhere in an empty area of the Font Maker window to refresh it and update the selection.

  3. Set Size (3) to 30.
  4. Set the Characters set to Latin to support special characters.
  5. Click on the Atlas button (4) of Font Maker:
    • If needed, click on the Show All button of the window to show all atlases
    • Select the Game atlas


    We select the Game atlas so that we have more fonts for the game. If you have a large number of fonts, it can be interesting to create a specific Fonts atlas to contain them.

  6. Click on the Create the Font button (6).
  7. Within the window that appears, go to Assets/Resources/Fonts.
  8. Enter SmallLato for the new font's name.
  9. Click on the window's Save button.

Okay. We now have a SmallLato font, which will be used for normal text. We can move on to creating an intermediate font, which will be called MediumLato.

The MediumLato font

Follow these steps to create the medium size font, which can be used for small titles. Open Font Maker by navigating to NGUI | Open | Font Maker. Then, perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that Type is set to Generated Bitmap.
  2. Click on the Source button of Font Maker:
    • If needed, click on the Show All button to show all fonts
    • Select the Lato.ttf font
  3. Set Size to 60.
  4. Click on the Atlas button of Font Maker:
    • If needed, click on the Show All button to show all atlases
    • Select the Game atlas
  5. Click on the Create the Font button.
  6. Within the window that appears, go to Assets/Resources/Fonts.
  7. Enter MediumLato for the new font's name.
  8. Click on the window's Save button.

Okay. We now have a MediumLato font, which will be used for small titles and notification texts for example. We can finally create a large font for big titles.

The LargeLato font

Finally, follow these steps to create the large size font, which can be used for large titles. Open Font Maker by navigating to NGUI | Open | Font Maker. Then, perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that Type is set to Generated Bitmap.
  2. Click on the Source button of Font Maker:
    • If needed, click on the Show All button to show all fonts
    • Select the Lato.ttf font
  3. Set Size to 100.
  4. Click on the Atlas button of Font Maker:
    • If needed, click on the Show All button to show all atlases
    • Select the Game atlas
  5. Click on the Create the Font button.
  6. Within the window that appears, go to Assets/Resources/Fonts.
  7. Enter LargeLato for the new font's name.
  8. Click on the window's Save button.

The LargeLato font is now ready to display large titles. Let's create labels and see how they look.

Displaying the fonts

We will now create three labels to try out our three different font sizes:

  1. Select our UI Root GameObject.
  2. Create a new label with Alt + Shift + L.
  3. Select our new Label GameObject, and then:
    • Rename it new to SmallText
    • Set its font type to NGUI with the SmallLato font
    • Set its Size value to 30
    • Set its Overflow parameter to ResizeFreely
    • Change its text to This is a small paragraph text
    • Change Alignment to Center
    • Set Pivot to center (middle bar + middle bar)
  4. Change its Transform position to {0, -315, 0}.
  5. Set Anchors Type to Unified.
  6. Drag our UI Root GameObject in its Target field.

Good. The small text displayed looks good and remains crisp on any kind of aspect ratio or resolution. Let's try out the intermediate size now:

  1. Select our UI Root | SmallText GameObject.
  2. Duplicate it with Ctrl + D.
  3. Rename this new duplicate to MediumText, and then:
    • Change Font to the MediumLato font
    • Set Size to 60
    • Set Anchors Type to None
    • Set its Overflow parameter to ResizeFreely
    • Change its text to Medium Title
  4. Change its Transform position to {0, 240, 0}.
  5. Set back Anchors Type to Unified.

Good. The medium title that we've added looks crisp too. Let's see for the large title now:

  1. Select our UI Root | SmallText GameObject.
  2. Duplicate it with Ctrl + D.
  3. Rename this new duplicate to LargeText, and then:
    • Set Size to 100
    • Set Anchors Type to None
    • Set its Overflow parameter to ResizeFreely
    • Change its text to Large Title
  4. Change its Transform position to {0, 335, 0}.
  5. Set back Anchors Type to Unified.

For now, we have left the SmallLato font, so it should look blurry and aliased like this:

Displaying the fonts

As you can see in the preceding screenshot, the font doesn't look good for now. Let's change it for the LargeLato font now:

  1. Select our UI Root | LargeText GameObject.
  2. Change Font to the LargeLato font.

And that's it! We now have a beautiful and crisp large title without aliasing:

Displaying the fonts

Great! Now that we have experimented multiple bitmap font sizes and know how to avoid pixelation, we can move on to learn about multiple atlases.

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