Hiding and showing the volume box

When the sound is disabled, it is pointless to show the two volume sliders. Let's make sure they are only displayed if the sound parameter is checked. While we're at it, we'll make it look nice with a smooth fade in or fade out of the volume box!

Tween Alpha

The Tween Alpha component will help us modify the volume box's alpha smoothly. It works in a similar to other Tween components we've seen so far.

Follow these steps to add the Tween Alpha component to our volume box:

  1. In the Hierarchy view, select our Options | Volume GameObject.
  2. At the bottom of the Inspector view, click on the Add Component button.
  3. Type alpha to search for components with that word.
  4. Select the Tween Alpha and hit Enter or click on it with your mouse.

Ok, we've just added the Tween Alpha component to our main menu window. Let's configure it to fade our volume box.

Volume box fade

We need to configure this new Tween Alpha component to make it fade our volume box in by tweening its alpha from 0 to 1. Then, we'll use the UIPlay Tween component to play the tween in forward or reverse alternately at each click on the sound checkbox.

Configuring Tween Alpha

Select our Options | Volume GameObject and set its Tween Alpha to these values:

Configuring Tween Alpha

In this configuration, our volume box's alpha will tween from 0 to 1 with an ease in and out effect, making it appear smoothly in 0.2 seconds. Let's see how we'll play it.

Playing Tween Alpha

We need Tween Alpha to be played when the sound Checkbox is clicked:

  1. Select our Sound | Checkbox GameObject.
  2. Click on the Add Component button.
  3. Type play with your keyboard to search for components with that word.
  4. Select Play Tween and hit Enter or click on it with your mouse.

OK, now, configure the newly added UIPlay Tween component, as follows:

Playing Tween Alpha

Once configured, click Unity's play button. That's it! When you disable sound, the volume box fades out—when you enable it again, it fades back in.

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