The 3D environment text

We can also add 3D widgets directly within the environment, as shown:

The 3D environment text

In order achieve this, we must create an empty GameObject as a child of the Ground GameObject, which has the UIPanel component attached to it for widget rendering.

After this, we can create our widget, place it at the desired location, and make sure it lies in the default environment camera layer instead of the usual UI layer.

Let's try it now:

  1. Select our Ground GameObject.
  2. Create a new empty child GameObject pressing Alt + Shift + N and select it:
    • Rename this new child to LevelName.
    • Set its Transform position to {0, 0, -3.8}.
  3. Click on the Add Component button in the inspector.
  4. Type in panel to search for components with this name.
  5. Select NGUI Panel and hit Enter.
  6. Create a new child sprite by pressing Alt + Shift + S.
    • Rename this new sprite to Background.
    • Set Atlas to Wooden Atlas.
    • Change Sprite to the Flat sprite.
    • Make sure Type is set to Sliced.
    • Set Size to 360 x 100.

As you can see in the following screenshot of the Scene view, our 360 x 100 sprite is gigantic!

The 3D environment text

The large size of our sprite is simply due to the fact that the widget's scaling is handled by the UI Root component and our Ground does not have UI Root.

Instead of increasing the number of UI roots in our scene, we can simply set the LevelName container's scale to a very small value; our widgets will then be displayed at a manageable size. Their Size values won't be pixel perfect, but that's not a problem here since we are simply displaying widgets in the 3D environment:

  1. Select our Ground | LevelName GameObject.
  2. Set the Transform scale to {0.005, 0.005, 1}.
  3. Change the Transform rotation to {90, 0, 0}.


The Z scale can be ignored and left to 1 because it doesn't have any effect on NGUI widgets.

Ok, you should now have a reasonably-sized Background sprite in the Game view, with a rotation, as if it were painted on the ground:

The 3D environment text

Good! We can now add a border sprite and a label to display the level's name:

  1. Select our Ground | LevelName GameObject.
  2. Create a new label by pressing Alt + Shift + L. For this new label:
    • Set the font type to Unity, with the Arial font to size 50.
    • Change the Text value to Carhel Castle.
    • Change its Overflow to ResizeFreely.
    • Set a black Outline effect with the values of X and Y as 1.
    • Change Color Tint to {R: 255, G: 220, B: 170, A: 255}.
  3. Select our Ground | LevelName | Background GameObject:
    • Change Color Tint to {R: 40, G: 20, B: 0, A: 200}.
    • Change Anchor Type to Unified.
    • Drag our Ground | LevelName | Label in the Target field.
  4. Duplicate our Background sprite pressing Ctrl + D.
    • Rename this new duplicate to Border.
    • Change Depth to 1.
    • Uncheck the Fill Center option.
    • Change Color Tint to {R: 255, G: 200, B: 40, A: 255}.

Ok, great! We now have the level's name displayed in the 3D world, and the background and borders will adjust to always wrap the label. We can now move on to the lighting effects!

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