Chapter 8. Introduction to Mobile Client and Microsoft Dynamics Marketing

In this chapter, we are going to learn about the mobility options for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 and Microsoft Dynamics Marketing (MDM). We will be discussing the free mobile, tablet, and paid clients available on the market from other vendors. This chapter will also help you to understand the MDM tool used for additional marketing features not present in the out-of-the-box CRM marketing module. We will learn to set up a trial account for MDM.

The following topics will be discussed in this chapter:

  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM Mobility Introduction
  • Accessing CRM using mobiles
  • Access CRM using tablets
  • Entities available over mobiles
  • Customization for mobile clients
  • New enhancements for MOCA
  • Other mobile clients
  • Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics Marketing
  • Setting up Microsoft Dynamics Marketing trial
  • Integration with CRM

Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM mobility

We are living in an era where the number of mobile users is increasing rapidly. Now we are more interested in accessing every application from mobile devices instead of using desktops or laptops. In the following diagram we can see the number of mobile users increasing every year.

Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM mobility

So we can say that accessing business applications using mobile devices is becoming a key requirement nowadays for a wide category of business users, such as sales persons who want to quickly view sales-related information from CRM systems or maybe an executive who wants to see the sales performance for this month. Keeping these requirements in mind, Microsoft has provided support for mobile and tablet devices to access the CRM application. Just like Web clients and the Outlook client, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 can also be accessed using mobile and tablet devices.

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