Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 clients

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 application can be accessed using different types of clients with different versions. These clients provide a unique set of features with the common features available to all clients. We will now take look at the clients available for CRM 2015.

Web client

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 web client provides access to CRM applications through browsers. The following are the web clients that are supported by Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015:

  • Internet explorer 10 and 11
  • Mozilla Firefox (latest publicly released version)
  • Google Chrome (latest publicly released version)
  • Apple Safari (latest publicly released version)

Outlook client

One of the most important reasons for easy adaptability of Microsoft Dynamics CRM is the out-of-the-box integration with Microsoft Office outlook. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 provides flexibility to access CRM 2015 applications using the office outlook client. There are two types of clients available for outlook:

  • Online client
  • Offline client

For CRM 2015,the following outlook versions are supported:

  • Microsoft office 2010
  • Microsoft office 2013

Mobile client

We can also access Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 using mobile and tablet devices. There are different clients available for different mobile devices:

  • Windows mobile client (MOCA)
  • iPhone client
  • Android client
  • Tablet client

Some of the apps for mobile clients are provided by Microsoft and some of the apps are provided by other vendors. We will be discussing mobile client in the last chapter of this book.

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