New enhancements for MOCA

Windows Mobile Client Application (MOCA) is a native tablet client for CRM. Initially it was released for CRM 2013, but with the release of CRM 2015 there are some enhancements for the MOCA client. In the following sections we will discuss a few of these.

Offline drafts

One new feature in the MOCA client allows us to access and edit records in offline mode created while offline. We can create and update entity records in draft mode while offline; these will be synchronized to the server when we connect. All the records created or updated in draft mode are available in the Draft Records area.

Offline drafts

We can access all the draft records and can do further changes if required.


Please note that all draft records will be deleted when the user signs out of MOCA.

Multiple dashboards

Another enhancement in MOCA allows us to add any number of dashboards from the system or personal category. Previously, only the sales dashboard was exposed, but now we can add any type of dashboard whether personal or system. We can also pin dashboards to the home page.

Multiple dashboards

To make any dashboard available for mobile and tablet clients, we can edit its property and can set Availability options as in the following screen.

Multiple dashboards
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