Source Code Control System

The Source Code Control System (SCCS) is an early version control system. It was developed with the archiving and versioning of program source code and other text files in mind. The original development was in SNOBOL at Bell Labs in 1972 by Marc Rochkind for an IBM System/370 computer running OS/360 MVT.

SCCS is primarily used to promote the collaborative development process with seamless effort. It is a software program that supports developers working together while maintaining complete history.

The main purposes of SCCS are listed as follows:

  • To allow the development community to work simultaneously
  • To avoid the overwriting of each other's work in a collaborative team
  • To maintain the complete history of multiple versions

There are a few SCCS available on the market. In this chapter, we are going to deal with two major products, namely, Git and TFS.

As TFS is the leading SCCS product from Microsoft, Git is a free GNU software distributed under General Public License version 2.

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