Why do we need Enterprise Architecture?

As this book is focused on the enterprise level, it is expected to provide a few core points to understand enterprise architecture easily.

In my personal experience, it was confusing to understand the role of an enterprise architect because people used to refer to so many architectural roles and terms, such as architect, solution architect, enterprise architect, data architect, blueprint, system diagram, and so on. My work experience clarified the underlying concepts and motivated me to write this section.

In general, the industry perception is that an IT architect role is to draw a few boxes with a few suggestions; the rest is with the development community. They feel that the architect role is quite easy, just drawing a diagram and not doing anything else. As said earlier, it is completely a perception of a few associates in the industry. This perception leads me to a different view about the architecture role:

However, my enterprise architect job has cleared this perception and I understand the true value of an enterprise architect.

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