Tracking, logging, and error handling in SOA

Tracking mechanism enables tracking of input message and message processing at various stages, which often span across multiple services.

Logging mechanism is a general logging feature of any SOA service implementation, which is unified so that all services log in a given SOA standard.

Error handling mechanism deals with error logging, related severity, priority, and handling of error in terms of reporting or retrying/correction. Error reporting may include monitoring and alerting services.

Some of the attributes that help facilitate these mechanisms may include the following:

  • Log Levels (uniform log levels for all implementations)
  • Timestamp (includes time zones for global enterprise)
  • RequestID (GUID generated by the Sender/Client application to track the transactional flow)
  • TrackingID (GUID generated to keep track of message flow)
  • BusinessUnits (inserted by the Application)
  • DomainID, ApplicationID, ModuleName (these are pre-defined values, perhaps in SOA services library)
  • ServiceStep (used by Mediation / Orchestration)
  • BusinessKey (context sensitive info for a message or a set of related messages)
  • RetryCount (retries indicator if error retry/correction is activated)
  • MessageType (Pre-defined values to identify the type of a business message)
  • Message (could be short message and a full message)
  • Description (useful for logging)
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