Comparing scale up with scale out

In this section, I'm going to address a comparative study between vertical scaling design, that is, scale up and horizontal scaling design, and, scale out technologies used in the industry. Pros and cons to both approaches will help you to decide the suitable design for your need.

Sr.No. Design factor Scale up Scale out
1 Server node Single server with high power. Clustered set of server nodes with less power.2
Computing Concurrent computing. Distributed computing.
3 Memory High powered memory in a single computer. Less powered memory but collectively simulate high power memory.
4 Processor Large count of processors in a single computer. Less processors in a single computer but a cluster of computers is used.
5 Implement challenges Generally less challenging to implement. High degree of complexity to implement.
6 Fault tolerance High possibility of failure. Easier to run fault tolerance.
7 Utility costs (electricity, cooling) Low. High.
8 Network bandwidth Relatively less due of the single system design. High degree of network bandwidth for distribution.
9 Vendor lock Generally severe vendor lock-in due to proprietary Open source leads to getting away from vendor lock.
10 Total Cost High. Relatively low.
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