Creating an identity data store in SQL server

Now we can run migration through the Entity Framework command-line tooling support.

Go to the Command Prompt and navigate to the application's folder where your project file resides.

First, execute this command which creates the migration:

dotnet ef migrations add Initital 

Initial is the name of the migration and once you run this command, it will create a Migrations folders and a file whose name will be ended with Initial.

The naming of migration files is date and time followed by _ and the name of the migration.

Here is a screenshot of the Migrations folder created:

If you open the *_Initial.cs file, you will notice that it contains the Up and Down methods used to create or remove changes to and from a database.

To update the database, we will execute the following command shown in the following snippet that creates the ASP.NET Core Identity tables:

dotnet ef database update

This is an out-of-the-box model provided with ASP.NET Core Identity. With this configuration, we can register users and perform login and logout operations. In a later section, we will see how to restrict access to website resources based on roles, claims, and policies.

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