Problem statement

Our problem is that we need a web application which can perform, let's say, an addition operation. The user will interact with the frontend of our application by providing the required inputs, and the application will render the answer as a result of the operation.

High-level architecture

Assuming that we are now happy and mature solution architects, based on our experience, we decide to take the service-oriented architecture approach, thereby exposing our addition operation as a service. This will easily allows us in future to have multiple types of front-end clients, and we can expose the service to the world as we desire. It will also allow us to have our front end(s) and our backend, that is, the service, to change independently.

So, we decide that we will have one service which will expose our addition operation capabilities, and another application package which will expose our frontend. For now, we will have only one simple web-based frontend application.

Let's call our software, Math Application or MathApp in short:

High level architecture of MathApp
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