
Spatially separated multiple users consume the distributed applications concurrently. In this condition, it is highly economical to build the sharing concept among the existing system resources for the concurrent execution of the user's request.

By design, one of the existing processes must influence the other concurrently executing process as they might compete for the shared resources. As a result, collision might occur by making concurrent updates in the system. It is highly recommended that you avoid system collision.

Concurrency transparency is a concept in which each user is intended to get a feeling of the sole usage of the resource in the system. To simulate the concept of concurrency transparency, the distributed system is recommended to get the following four properties during the resource sharing processes:

  • In terms of priority-based execution, it is proposed that you have an event-ordering property. This property ensures access requests to various system resources, which are properly ordered to provide a consistent view to all users of the enterprise applications.
  • To balance the deficiency against the need, no starvation property is established to ensure the granted resource by not using it simultaneously by multiple processes. As time progresses, the resource is eventually released to grant further access.
  • To avoid conflict execution in the system, a third property is established, namely mutual-exclusion. This property ensures shared resource accessibility to be leveraged by one process at any point of time.
  • To handle resource locking seamlessly, the final property is named no-deadlock property. The core purpose of this property is to prevent resource locking mutual progress while competing with each other in the system.

With the capability of transparency in the enterprise environment, the distributed system has the ability to deliver the following eight types of transparencies:

  • Access
  • Migration
  • Location
  • Replication
  • Relocation
  • Concurrency
  • Persistence
  • Failure

Predominantly, this categorization is driven by hiding the system resources of enterprise applications.

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