Azure Functions

Azure Functions are autonomous functions that run on the cloud. Compared to WebJobs, where you can define multiple functions in the Functions class and hook them up on any event, Azure Functions are quite easy to set up and represent the independent chunk of code that runs to achieve the desired functionality on the cloud. They are easy to set up, can be configured directly on the cloud, and even the code can be written through the editor on the Azure portal itself.

Azure Functions can be developed using C#, Node.js, F#, Python, and PHP languages.

The benefits of Azure Functions include the following:

  • Pay as per use model: You pay only for the time used to run your code
  • Triggering support: Like WebJobs, we can use triggers to handle events
  • Integrated security: You can protect functions using OAuth and other social accounts such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft Account, and Twitter
  • Integration support: It easily integrates with Azure App Services and SaaS (Software as a Service) offerings
  • Open source: The Azure Functions runtime is open source, and is available on GitHub
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