Azure WebJobs versus Azure WorkerRoles

Azure WorkerRoles were introduced in the early stages of the Azure platform and it enables developers and architects to deploy background services on the cloud which run independently on a dedicated virtual machine. This is also a PaaS solution, but needs manual work to handle triggering, scaling, and other configuration. The following table gives a comparison of both WorkerRole and WebJob:

WebJob WorkerRole
Hosting Hosted inside WebApp Hosted independently on VM
Scalability Scalable with WebApps Scaled independently
Remote Access Remoting WebJob is not supported Can be remoted, as deployed on VM
Deployment Easy deployment Complicated deployment
Triggers Automatic Triggering support provided out of the box Manual coding work is required
Logging Supports logging out of the box Manual coding work is required
Debugging Can be easily debugged through Visual Studio Debugging is not easy
Pricing Cheap price Expensive as compared to WebJob
Tenancy Multi-tenant deployment supported Only single tenant supported
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