Sample database

The database chosen for our SOA services is SQLite, which is a very simplistic file-based relational and cross-platform database. SQLite is supported directly by .NET Core instead of using third- party providers. SQLite is not an enterprise-grade database, and it has a lot of limitations, but we have used it here for ease of use and simplicity.

While, realistically, every department of an enterprise may have their own separate databases (along with specific security) as well as shared storage, in this example, we have just used the same database with different tables. Also, note that it is quite possible that the IT teams, for their respective departments in the same company, might have implemented database accessing functionalities in different ways. For example, some departments may be able to use ADO.NET, while others may use Entity Framework Core or another ORM layer. .NET Core directly supports both ADO.NET and EF Core for SQLite databases, and in our sample code, we have used both for different departments.

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