Marketing Team Context

Our sample marketing team has two top-level functions. One is social media marketing and the other involves advertising, which could be both digital as well as in the form of physical banners.

The social media wing uses some software like hootsuite for their social media campaigns, publishes the contents, and extracts the stats out of it to expose to other channels of the enterprise, while the other advertisement wing can perform their duty in various ways. Let's assume that their documentation is maintained in the particular location and structure inside the DMS. The DMS is capable of exposing the information and the data stored inside it based on the API-level interfaces.

Since the social media wing publishes contents on say Facebook or YouTube, those contents are to be exposed on the main enterprise's portal based on the most liked or most viewed category. We will see the main portal / site further in the platform administration context:

High level microservice design for simplified marketing team's bounded context
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