Introducing dependency injection

Dependency Injection design pattern fulfills the dependency inversion principle of the SOLID design principles. There are three main forms of dependency injection:

  • Constructor injection: An example of this is shown in the DIP section
  • Setter injection: Let's look at an example code for setter injection:
    public class OrderProcessorWithSetter : IOrderProcessor 
private IOrderRepository _orderRepository;
private IOrderNotifier _orderNotifier;

public IOrderRepository Repository
get { return _orderRepository; }
set { _orderRepository = value; }

public IOrderNotifier Notifier
get { return _orderNotifier; }
set { _orderNotifier = value; }

public void Process(IOrder order)
//Perform validations..
if (_orderRepository.Save(order))

Now we look at an example client code using the setter injection:

public void Test_DI_With_Setter()
var someOrder = new DIP.Order();
var op = new DIP.Good.OrderProcessorWithSetter();
op.Repository = new DIP.OrderRepository();
op.Notifier = new DIP.OrderNotifier();

  • Interface injection: Let's take a look at an example code for interface injection. The following are the two interfaces that will be used for our sample injection:
    public interface InjectOrderRepository 
void SetRepository(IOrderRepository orderRepository);
public interface InjectOrderNotifier
void SetNotifier(IOrderNotifier orderNotifier);

And here is the OrderProcessorWithInterface class that implements the interfaces that are used for injection (usually via a DI framework):

    public class OrderProcessorWithInterface : InjectOrderRepository,
InjectOrderNotifier, IOrderProcessor
private IOrderRepository _orderRepository;
private IOrderNotifier _orderNotifier;

public void SetRepository(IOrderRepository orderRepository)
_orderRepository = orderRepository;

public void SetNotifier(IOrderNotifier orderNotifier)
_orderNotifier = orderNotifier;

public void Process(IOrder order)
//Perform validations..
if (_orderRepository.Save(order))

Let's have a look at the client code that uses the simple example of interface injection:

public void Test_DI_With_Interface()
var someOrder = new DIP.Order();

var op = new DIP.Good.OrderProcessorWithInterface();
//Creation of objects and their respective dependencies
(components/services inside) are usually done by the
DI Framework
op.SetRepository(new DIP.OrderRepository());
op.SetNotifier(new DIP.OrderNotifier());

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