Overall microservices architecture

All of our step-by-step design exercises given previously, and the building and merging of individual microservices architecture have finally led us to arrive at the point where we have one big and summarized picture of the overall microservices-based architecture for our sample enterprise, which is depicted as follows:

Microservices based architecture for sample enterprise

The core microservices application is what as shown in this preceding picture inside the inner architecture, and this is what we have architected as individual contexts. All the access points to the microservices are maintained and accessed via the API gateway.

All the services feature logging, tracking, and monitoring mechanisms on each service call level. It can be implemented as a cross-cutting concern of aspect-oriented programming, and by calling a dedicated logger service just the way we talked about in the SOA chapter. The only difference would be that the logger service itself will be packaged as a unique microservice. It is possible that logger service might either listen on HTTP or be message-oriented or both; it can avoid being listed on the API gateway, and could possibly be invoked directly to avoid an extra network hop.

We have not talked about the communication methods for our microservices architecture yet, but we will briefly see what is available.

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