Business Architecture

Business Architecture is nothing but a blueprint of the enterprise. It helps you understand the organization and supports you to align the long-term strategic objectives and short-term tactical demands. Basically, it is the bridge between enterprise strategy and business functionality, as depicted in the following image:

As shown in the preceding image, Business Architecture has three dimensions at its core--Strategy, Operation, and Technology. The success factors of a Business Architecture are directly proportional to the business transformation, using strategy, a stable platform via technology, and exhibited excellence in the business operation.

In essence, the key aspect of the represented business by Business Architecture is tabulated as follows:

S.No. Query raised Target delivery Sample
1 Who?
  • Stakeholders
End customers, senior managers.
2 Why?
  • Strategy
  • Tactics
Vision, mission, objectives of the business.
3 How?
  • Initiatives
  • Projects
Innovative development, operational excellence.
4 When?
  • Events
Business critical moments.
5 What?
  • Products
  • Services
Manufacturing output, customer facing service.
6 Where?
  • Policies
  • Regulations
Governing body, corporate policy, company process.
7 How well?
  • Metric
  • Measurement
Financial report, revenue trend, profit sharing.

Business Architecture is directly based on business strategy. By design, it is the foundation for subsequent architectures, where it is detailed into various aspects and disciplines of the business.

One of the relevant Business Architecture case studies by Oracle is available at

In my view, an ideal business architect delivers the framework of services and artifacts, which enables customers to rapidly deliver quantifiable business value with realistic, technology enabled, business solutions.

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