Publishing Team Context

In our sample enterprise, we have a publishing team who needs to publish the contents about the company's products, their features, benefits, and the related information on the web. Basically, it's a content publishing team, and therefore, they need a capability for something like a content management system. There is an option to use either a full-fledged content management system and then integrate its contents to our main enterprise portal, or we use our existing capabilities of DMS and build a cut-down version of a CMS with features that just fit our needs. For the purpose of this high-level microservice architecture, we abstract out this specific technical implementation point:

High level microservice design for simplified publishing team's bounded context

From the preceding design diagram, you can see that the essential attributes of the content include URL, images, text, and videos. Now some of these could be saved in our DMS and linked to the main content, and some of the new media can be directly uploaded as part of the content being posted. In either case, it can be uploaded to our DMS or to CMS if we are using a dedicated one. Here, if we simplify the business process, it does not look too big to implement our own core-focused CMS along with the combination of DMS.

The contents or the media of the contents could be stored in the Azure cloud as well as the selected DMS alongside the selected CMS if any. Wherever the data is stored, the important thing is its accessibility, and when we are dealing with microservices, the accessibility should be consistent in terms of the desired interface exposed, no matter which underlying content storage technology is used.

The sample microservice design diagram shows three of the required services, which would be ultimately utilized by the enterprise's portal in its front page or otherwise.

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