Platform Administration Team Context

This is the team that seems to have, by far, the most responsibilities as compared to other departments. Although it may not be occupied on a day-to-day basis like other teams, but in the beginning, it will be the most critical and busy team in the whole company.

Perhaps, the name given to this team is not so suitable, but anyway, we can list down the responsibilities performed by this team in our sample enterprise as follows:

  • Maintain the enterprise portal configuration
  • Keep the website healthy (administration tasks)
  • Link other teams and their interfaces to the main enterprise portal
  • Set up all the various artefacts from various teams within a well-defined theme of the portal
  • Fetch and display all the agreed upon and required data in a proper format by calling the respective microservices-based APIs exposed by the systems of other teams
  • Decide on the layout and agree on the variation on a timely basis so that the other service providers evolve their microservices-based interfaces accordingly.
  • Allow various departments to log in to the main portal, and provide them accessibility to their system as much as possible--it's not necessary that they achieve all of their respective tasks from within the main portal
  • The team should have the capability to browse through the DMS as it is a vital component of all the teams
  • This team basically has the visibility and responsibility of the whole portal as a platform
High level microservice design for simplified platform admin team's bounded context

The platform administration team has technical and business relationship and interfaces with the maximum number of systems that would be present in our sample enterprise. Note that it also links to all the external systems as well. Meaning, it has the maximum amount of communication going on, so network security, traffic, user experience, and optimization is of utmost importance for this platform and the team.

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