Using cookie middleware without ASP.NET Core Identity

If you want to use your own data store and login controls to authenticate a user, Cookie middleware is the best choice. Cookie middleware serializes the user principal into an encrypted cookie and it uses that cookie to validate users on every request. The user principal can be retrieved by calling the HttpContext.User property.

Cookie middleware can be used by adding a NuGet package named Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies and the following code snippet in the Configure method in the Startup class:

    CookieAuthenticationOptions options = new   
options.AuthenticationScheme = "CookiesMiddlewareAuth";
options.LoginPath = "/Account/Login";
options.AccessDeniedPath = "/Account/AccessDenied";
options.AutomaticAuthenticate = true;
options.AutomaticChallenge = true;

The following table shows a description of few properties that CookieAuthenticationOptions provides:

Property Description
AuthenticationScheme Name of the middleware or by which the middleware is known.
LoginPath Relative path to the login page, to which the request will be redirected when an unauthenticated user accesses it.
AccessDeniedPath Relative path to the page that shows that the user does not have access rights to a particular resource or page.
AutomaticAuthenticate This flag indicates that on every request middleware should run and validate the request. It also reconstructs the principal it created earlier.
AutomaticChallenge This flag indicates that the application should redirect the user to the login page or access denied page if the user is not authenticated.
CookieDomain Determines the domain used to create the cookie.
CookieHttpOnly Determines if the browser should allow the cookie to be accessed by JavaScript.
CookiePath Determines the path used to create the cookie. Default value is '/' for the highest browser compatibility.
CookieSecure Determines if the cookie is only allowed to be transmitted on HTTPS requests. The default setting is that, if the page using the calling sign in process is using HTTPS, it will default to HTTPS and this bit can be used in the scenario if a sign-in page, or the portions of a page, is using HTTP.
ExpireTimeSpan Expiry time to which the cookie will remain valid.
SlidingExpiration This can be set to True to instruct the middleware to issue the new cookie with a new expiry time when it reaches half way through the expiration window.

Cookies can be created by calling the SignInAsync method of AuthenticationManager. The following is the Login (HTTP POST) method that can be called when the user logs in through the Web application:

public IActionResult Login(LoginViewModel model,
string returnUrl = null)
var claim = new Claim[]
new Claim("sub","123456789"),
new Claim("name","ovaismehboob"),
new Claim("email","[email protected]"),
new Claim("twitter","ovaismehboob"),
new Claim("role", "Admin"),
new Claim("role", "User")
ClaimsIdentity claimIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(
claim, "CookiesAuth");
new System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal(claimIdentity));
return Redirect(returnUrl);

"CookiesMiddlewareAuth", new

The first parameter takes the authentication scheme that uses the cookie middleware setup on the Configure method and it uses that for authentication. Claims can be defined by initializing a new Claim instance and specifying the key values pair, which can be added to the claim array as shown previously.

SignInAsync uses the claims passed through the claims identity and sets the cookie. Claims can be retrieved by calling User.Claims, as follows:

@foreach (var claim in User.Claims)

A sign-out operation, on the other hand, can remove the cookie from the browser and sign out the user. A signing-out operation can be done by writing the following code:


This method also takes the authentication scheme. So, if multiple middleware are set up, you can sign out the user for a specific authentication scheme, which clears up the cookie from the browser.

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