Claims and scopes

Claims represent a single piece of user information, for example, given_name and family_name can be represented as user claims, whereas scopes are the collection of claims that represent a single piece of information.

There are two types of scopes, namely Identity scopes and Resource scopes.

  • Identity scopes: Identity scopes represent the claims related to identity.

For example, identity scopes can contain the set of claims that represents user basic information:

  • User scopes: It may contain claims such as: given_name, family_name, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birthdate, gender
  • Phone scopes: It may contain claims such as: phone_number, phone_number_verified
  • Resource scopes: Resource scopes are related to the Web APIs, for example, a scope named subscription can represent the Subscription API that may contain methods such as SubscribeUser, UnSubscribeUser, and so on.
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