Safe storage

Before the release of .NET Core, developers used to store keys, connection strings, and other secrets in application configuration files. .NET Core provides a wide range of storage options to store this information and developers are only restricted to storing this information in web.config files, and now the information can be stored in JSON-based appsettings.json files, XML-based configuration files, or environment variables, and so on. Sometimes, when there is a big team and multiple developers are working on the same project, we don't want those keys to be shared among them. A good example is an e-mail gateway where developers use a third-party gateway such as Google, Hotmail, or Yahoo and use their login credentials to test it out.

.NET Core provides a Secret Manager Tool to store application secrets. It protects the values by storing them in a separate JSON file on the following path, which differs for each OS (operating system).

Windows: %APPDATA%microsoftUserSecrets<userSecretsId>secrets.json

Linux: ~/.microsoft/usersecrets/<userSecretsId>/secrets.json

Mac: ~/.microsoft/usersecrets/<userSecretsId>/secrets.json

Secret Manager Tool can be used by adding the following NuGet package:


It also requires the userSecretsId, which should be unique for each project running on that machine. The userSecretsId can be added as follows:

    "userSecretsId": "aspnet-UserSecretSample-c5c2838b-7727

Finally, we can set up a builder and add user secrets by calling the AddUserSecrets method as follows:

    public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env) 
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

if (env.IsDevelopment())
public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; }

This also requires the following package to be added to your project:

"Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets": "1.0.0"

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