Docker Engine

Docker Engine is the core application that is deployed on the operating system, which becomes a host for the Docker containers. It is a client-server application which has a server (which is a background-running process called as a daemon process); a REST API exposing the interface (which programs can use to talk to the daemon); and a Command Line Interface (CLI) client. Most of the things that you would need to do with installing, configuring, and using containers on a container host are achieved via the Docker Eengine:

Docker Engine (courtesy of

Docker Engine has two editions, which are available for desktops, servers, or cloud providers:

  • The Docker Community edition (Docker CE): Designed for enterprise teams who build, ship, and run business critical applications in production at scale
  • The Docker Enterprise edition (Docker EE): It is ideal for developers and small teams, and is available on many platforms, from desktop to cloud

Cloud supported Docker EE includes--AWS, MS Azure, IBM SoftLayer, DigitalOcean, and more.

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