What is visible in this diagram?

In the preceding diagram, you can see that the nodes, master node(s), and agent node(s), are distinctly visible, and are present in separate VMs. The ACS arm has minimal VM configuration already defined for the master node, while for the agent node, you can select the VM plan to reduce its processing and memory capacity according to the desired or expected load, performance, and cost.

The master node(s) remain in the Azure VM availability set to ensure high availability and failover scenarios, and the agent node(s) remain in the Azure VM scale set to ensure load balancing and auto scaling (of identical VMs) depending on your performance demands.

Virtual network, Subnets--NAT IPs, Agent IPs, and SSH-Docker-HTTP ports--are all preconfigured by default and opened in firewall, but you will need to enable ports in the firewall to gain access from public IP. Load balancers for both the master set and agent set are also set up and are basically assigned to the public IP.

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