Hands-on prerequisites

If you are doing the hands-on yourself, and want to repeat the steps, you will need the following:

  • Active Microsoft Azure subscription
  • Windows Users--PuTTY (basically putty.exe and puttygen.exe) and WinSCP (for file transfer)
  • Visual Studio with Docker tools (works for both VS 2015 CE and VS2017 CE)
  • Docker Client or Docker Engine CLI - Docker Toolbox if you do not have Hyper-V / VirtualBox
For step-by-step screenshots and directions for each activity to be performed, please follow the follow this tutorial: Getting Started with Docker and Azure Container Services: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/uk_faculty_connection/2016/09/23/getting-started-with-docker-and-container-services/

The tutorial will guide you through each step in a way similar to when we need to interact with the Azure portal and SSH console login to our respective VM. In this way, we can avoid one screenshot per page of the book, save time and resources, and focus on the important points.

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