Power BI layers

As you know, Power BI supports the end user to create personalized dashboards to monitor their most important data on-premise and from cloud-born enterprise critical data points.

In terms of system layers, Power BI Desktop and Power BI are two sides of the same coin. Power BI Desktop is a Windows application running on your PC, whereas, Power BI is a cloud service that you use through the web browser:

Power BI is a cloud service, which provides tools to perform analysis of data, and gain insights from your numbers. It is quite easy to create visualizations by using natural-language queries, Quick Insights, or full reports.

In terms of the reporting process, the end user can access the enterprise dashboards and reports on mobile devices by using native apps. Most importantly, the end user experience is the same across multiple platforms.

Visualization plays a key role in promoting the success score for the end user. Additionally, it adds business value for all stakeholders. In the modern world, the end user expects intuitive, informative, and interactive reports.

Let us illustrate with a perfect example. Our use case is corporate travel analysis and its consequences. As every firm marches towards cost-reduction initiatives, travel is a hanging fruit for the senior management.

To make a decision on this strategic cost initiative, the system is expected to share the data points in different dimensions. In our use case, travel data is analyzed with a region-wise split, quarterly sales, trips segregation based on purpose, types of booking like rush, normal, seasonal, and so on. On plotting the various business analysis using Power BI, the user community can easily proceed to make business decisions with multiple dimensions of the source data:

Few highlights of the Power BI products are as follows:

  • Real-time support: It has the facility to update data not only scheduled refresh, but also live-stream data
  • Office Integration: Power BI has a seamless easy integration with Microsoft Office product suite
  • Data Security: Power BI has a data access mechanism for specific users with row-level security
  • Next Gen Service Availability: Coordinated with the industry evolution, Power BI exposes the business functionality using the REST API mode
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