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Learn pfSense 2.4
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  • Install pfSense
  • Configure additional interfaces, and enable and configure DHCP
  • Understand Captive portal
  • Understand firewalls and NAT, and traffic shaping
  • Learn in detail about VPNs
  • Understand Multi-WAN
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  • Understand the basics of diagnostics and troubleshooting networks

Mastering pfSense - Second Edition
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  • Configure pfSense services such as DHCP, Dynamic DNS, captive portal, DNS, NTP and SNMP
  • Set up a managed switch to work with VLANs
  • Use pfSense to allow, block and deny traffic, and to implement Network Address Translation (NAT)
  • Make use of the traffic shaper to lower and raise the priority of certain types of traffic
  • Set up and connect to a VPN tunnel with pfSense
  • Incorporate redundancy and high availability by utilizing load balancing and the Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP)
  • Explore diagnostic tools in pfSense to solve network problems
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