How to do it...

  1. Navigate to Services | Dynamic DNS.
  2. Click on the Dynamic DNS Clients tab, if it isn’t selected already.
  3. Click on the Add button to add a new record.
  4. Select a service type in the Service Type drop-down box (or choose Custom or Custom v6).

  1. Choose an interface in the Interface to Monitor drop-down box (or just leave it at the default value of WAN).
  2. Specify the fully qualified hostname in the Hostname edit box.
  1. Check the Enable Wildcard checkbox, if applicable. Enabling this option will allow the use of wildcards appended to your hostname; for example, if your hostname is, then will work as well. Disabling this option will force the user to specify the exact hostname specified in the Hostname field.
  2. Enter the username for your DDNS provider in the Username field.
  3. Enter the password for your DDNS provider in the Password field. Retype the password in the Confirm field.
  4. If you specified a custom entry, enter the update URL in the Update URL field.
  5. You may optionally enter a brief (nonparsed) description in the Description field.
  6. When you are done, click on the Save button.
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